HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-10-09, Page 1• . , i'144.14i4L'a) Forty Second Yent 1.9.0,41, • TH URSDAY MOHNI N 0: ITR 9 al4tf,;,r:r Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advanaiS $1.50 ilth 5:42,dnc CH} 1 r L, smrrH, rablieuv wise alul thrifty Are You Suffering From Headaches? '''ff so; Have your Eyes Examined with 'the Latest Methods and, Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. a OPTOMETRIST Cc OPTECIA.N1 GO DERICH - ONT. Good Glasses at Re.asenable Prices /51,1113.111410.1001911.elparma. -THIEL'S HAIRERESSING NOTECE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now Will be closed during the Summer Months Wednesday Afternoon and Evenings. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Prop. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONAB,F.F, PiVICES C. E. Zurhrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Fhe Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE letter than ever. Be sure and give us a cal/. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress Let us tell ye Dodge abaft the New nd De Soto 1.942 MODELS Finer and etier Than Ever er„ s.e.e .;: • ses.6.1) see.. t .'1:1". ;'`ersireseieeeessetereeKies sseiittsto.'''kZestre, •se-ziOls'y eke, 1 k 11.942 DODGE DZ LUXE ,i_vv0-DOPA SEDAN1 • . • • FRITZ WA D arrearsomnsam.........../.110111, .....asimimensaarreer immenuenosamemo.smonommoulemageomormag. • ..„.., WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday :Libby's Pork. and beans, .70,oz :fin ,..............., .. ,, ...... ,.8c Niblets CeOltil.,, 14 -oz En . ilc 'Mince meat 2 lbs, tin • . ..... . ... .. OS .1 ...1a . 27c Aylmer Iats,up, Large bottle ........ .. 14c 'Van Canip7s Tomato .1jUice 2 -20 -oz tins ., .... i 9c Fry's breakfast cocoa, ha1f-Ib. tin .. 1;9c Catellis cook. ed spaghettiel54oz. Er' 1 --.....-10c Quick Quaker oats-, large pkg, . - ... ..,...... .... 2924c Sweet meaty prunes .2 lbs........... ---------_c. Blue Bo yc.offee, 1413, bag. - 39c 'Sani white 'toilet tissue, 3 rolls ... . . ... 19c Handy artunonia per pkg. .,...-.. .. ..... .....---........6c Cheese, hall lb. pkg. .... . . ..... .........................„... 18c • '41, 'Iae • :V. Men's Felt Hats. newest shapes and Men's ena proof evralls at ....... .... ....2.25 Men' work yonits et 35 Men's, reversible ra.!n ecols..kit ........ e s v cesfif O's edi lie es. •^,;11,01,11,V.I.,..0,,,:744,14.f,1,43101.7,0" Oi1.1.t'% 4 uyer pati IN MEMORIAM Willert-In loving memory of a Dear Wife, Mrs. Elmore N. Willert. who passed away three years ago; October 15th, 1938. Her charming ways and smiling face. Are a pleasure to recall, She had a kindly Word for each, And died beloved to all. Ever remembered by her husband. 101:101111•1•=1111020; St. Joseph and Beaver Town The Messrs Avilla and teyril Du- eller -me of Windsor spent Sunday last with their •parents of Blue Water, ,,,NTihiluvieerdtaeny. Milast visitors with friends at • solthr.. and Mrs. Wm. Brinker ,of St. ood rains have visited these parts Clair, Mieht, and VIr. and Mrs. Zep- the past week and farmers are busy pie Charrette of Detroit spent tWith their plowing. week -end with Mr. and Mrs. John 1117 ..%.1°Allan Swartzentruber of Blake Charrette. --.,haspurchased the Dietrich hame in The Misses Doris and Cherries .Monday .and has taken possession. n s Geoffrey of Beavertowleft on un, -f•i'Monday next will be *observed as D day last to spend some time in e, fr'puliiii,Aroliday, Thanksgiving Day troit . 45a&d iii -411 have many things to be Mr. Frank Geoffrey of Windatir[thankt Spent Sunday at his home in t.10 burg. Don t the big Fowl Supper Messrs. Mack Jeffrey and '.sponsxed by St. Peter's Lutheran Pierre Ducharme paid a flyingViSck chich, „J..reci,. Zurich on Thursday eve., s' to Windsor where Mack purchased a /Ye6313:1" 23rd. car., and returning on Monday, • Apple butter making is the 'order of the day. Apples that were bloWn down by the high winds of late have been crushed and the juice to that delicious jam, apple:elAtter. We believe a little of the juice has been stored up for winter beverage? Of course, we see no ha.rin re it! Mx. and Mrs. Lawrence' Marentte of Detroit were ,Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hector Laporte. home IN , Me ( V I 211 - ^).N-11,7-eS. 4.101MIo.if oar Mrs. P. Ravene and daughters of GandeBend were Tuesday visitors in town. ' , • Mr. and Mrs. Gid Koehler and Mrs. H. Bender motored to Bayfield on Sunday. Mr." and Mrs. C. L. Smith were HAY COUNCTI, Rev. •and Mrs. E. Burn, Mrs. Carl B*T1'.:of Milveetsn; Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Burn from Nek York City were callers in town Monday. Mr. and Mrs. 1.1rnie }lender of De- troit and: ..his mother, Mrs. ellm. H. Bender of Grancl Bend, were Sunday -visitors at the homes of Mr. and Mrs W. iso: Wagner and Louis Weber's. and Mrs. Ervin Schilbe attend- ed ethe Strange -Swan wedding at BriR,Tefield on ' Saturday, wfren Mrz sister was the happy bride. The regular monthly meeting. of The bridell: couple also paid kr 'flying the Council of the Township. of Hay yisfto::rich that day. was held in the Town Hall, Siurich. • on Monday, October 6th, with all IvFsealld Mrs. Wm. Facey his moth- er FeeeY.,. Sr. and sister, Mrs. the members present. The neelintee of the September meeting wee ad • optd as read. After disposing of the commtini. cation,, the following resolutions Ed. 'Sip] and Mrs. Sippel, Sr., all '..6,1reAsTI'Sleek were Sunday visitors tithArginbers of the George Clausins were passed. • ...!:Tip...Gordan Block has purchased That engineer's report, plans, dee, from the executor of the John Nn - ie proposed improvement of the •schVcrger e,tate the dwelling on Ed - North Branch of the Black Creek les werd,Street occupied by -Mr. Melvin accepted by the Council and that:Brown; .and will get possession next .,. by-law providing for doing the ,work .spring and borrowing the money for cost of same be provisionally passed and that the Court of Revision to consider aP7 rf• tie fattees mother, Mrs. EiniTy peals be held at the 'Town Hall, Zure ., u, :4. r's 17 S'',; accompanied them ich, on Monday. Novesnber 3rd, 1941' to Detroit where she will be for a at the hour of two o'clock, p.m. • ..e. ,_ e _ That by-law No. 15-19411 provid- ing for application to the Mininer, ef last week moved' theik. • Mrs e E. M. Dagg and family on Department of Highways, for addit st:i7ilt:l-lpfr.',0 tonal sum of $500.00 on estimated' ;i1T4kts/Seido, in the west part of town the home ownea- by. Mr: 1941 Toad expenditures to provibdee Take house vacated by Mr. and Mrs. for cost of proposed culvert to onstructed be rad three times and.17rAggYeil1 be occupied by it owners finally passed. s el Kr.. and!. Mrs. Whitney Brokenehiree who se.frilinove in from the, ram. That the petition of W. F. Alex- ander and others for improvementuf' a drain be laid over for further con- sideration. That in accordance with notiee.te- ed persons, Mr. T. R. Patterson, en- gineer, be instructed to make a sure Tey, report, etc., on needed reperre and improvements to the Zurich sa led to . , , Drain, South. That accounts day,. and when hi S daughter Mips be in usual; bealth during covering payments I the I Muriel returned freed work at FAX o'clock in the evenineg. she found her father lying in bedt with life exteliet, he having passesil out about two, hours previous with heart falittre. The finieral with tee held in the, Lin- gelbaeh cemetery- near Shakespeare on Thursday akernoon. More, par- ticulars next weedt. Mr. and Mrs, J. 3. Swartz of De- tre'esveTe recent visitors at the home • OBITUARY J�hn Preeter pas.srs teived signed iby numerous interest:- •• Word.svas received here on Mons deer evening of the sudden passingsat 'hie, latitne'in Kitchener if Mr, John: Preeter,.e former peomisient business wan of Zurich. Mr.; Sereeter had r'n Township Roads, Hay leleptione Relief, and general accounts. be pas- sed as per vouchers: . • Township Roads - Tveas. Stanley issessets roads Stan" Big Drain $45; Pay list No. 9 21.21/1„ 'Ray Telenhone System - Bell Tel, Co. tolls July to Aug, '493.94; Bell Telo. Co. labor etc. Dashwood Cen- t:011 r;5.7S • A. P. Hem clerk-treas.. 87.50; C. F. Wile, blinds, Dashwood 40.60: 1.I. G. 11 ss, Ware 17'; 00: T. There re...ise d away at tins • home. the 1 P. n,o,P. W. H. Haugh 183.33; Nor. El - Zurich en Friday, October 3rd, Rob - H. Hoffman, salary Mr. and Mrs; Thomas giesers se oc. Co. rnator;a1 re Dashwoed central 13.00. ert A, Elliotte a lifelong. residsus of GnnPrai Accounts sT---rett,,,M,Inztipleatl, mer nionths deceaeed had vossie to. 13tanItsf Township. Ducting the sum- 31°1‘1;1(igl'18'11:Ple95 :8;r9rirn'l '''' ri""t" Vklir "eveich to •reeire from farming and on 1 ": '''''' s?' l'Ins4. eTh.'k-treas F.''9n; Monday last took a *'oke sn tee wag- Watellno rir,‘ fp,,, Co. ins. hall 89.01 en shop of. George,Hess, removed to the Meyers home where n n f fl prom'urn colevtor bond 815 : he passed on Friday in his 77th yr, and we. " /1(1':'111 "t" S 17.°11"11 4R": Deceased was unmarried and leaves P' -..re Treas. a nephew in ,Stanley. The funeral wee Treas. Tuck ersinit h 18.1.0 ; loessli s..heol fnly. 85; Trews. Grand bold from St. John's Aeglican else Bend school fair 85: J. MeRride, weed inepeetor 147.70, following in Bay6eld cemetc•ex's Ali 'arch, Verna on SI -relay, into, neent The Vermeil adjwmed to meat a- dillled wee e -Member ter 9•;or V.) 1 Overige fr novel was held of eele.ell tee. DO YOU NEED GL sses HAVE A SPECIALIST Examine Your Eyes ...et Hess fill your prescription. Ful Vue, the very newest in Spectacles, and at a price worth investigating. Broken Lenses Duplicated 48 Hour Service. Any shape, any colour. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHON YOUR JR1Eil FOR For positive identification o the World's Finest Anthracite ask for BLUE COAL ALSO: Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke, Miller Creek, Etc. The Roe Farms Milling Co, Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for Eggs according to Grade .Pone 10 - Henson • ••••••••.4.4 •••••44)4 e•+4 0 Q... 4P • •40 4,4t *4 0 A . 4 4 c,4:r..04. 4). • • • • • . SUITS- • • • • • • • • -NEW • SAMPLES ••• • • • Ge • • • • * • • • 41E. WI H. HOFFMA1- eT SON Funeral Directors and Ambulance Service , • • • te,11.••••••10.4,40.401,41,4,0,00.00+42'0041404'44440.42/•04,100•41-irel,0041-* .0 ANY STYLE OLD PRICE FANCY PATTERNS MADE -TO -MEASURE GUARANTEED TO FIT NO ADVANCE IN PRICE AS LOW AS $24.95 Late, toteet A. Ellie,t Phones 86 and 93. 481111110112111211 1.n ,..Tsp A. I.', Grocery Specials Emblem Salmon, 1-1b. tin Spread cheese, half -lb. box Showboat coffee, 1 ib. Shillala floor wax 11.b. tin 1 box Supersuds with relish dish Gillette Blue Blades and one Tube Gillette .Shaving Cream, reg. 90c for 18c 17c 45c 25c 25c, We also have a wide range of C1 of Merchandise,.... Hardware Dry Coods,.. ard ...Footwear Give Us a Czil.. 1'; 141 rrmE - • ± n Edmund Swartzentra, ttAil e s