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Zurich Herald, 1941-10-02, Page 7
SUNDAY SCHOOL LESSON ,LESSON 1,--- October 6 4O.0 OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. —Gen. 1:2628; Ex. 34:4-7; Ps. 103:1-13; iso.. 40:27.31.; Matt. 6:24-34; 22:35.38; John 4:24; 14:20-23; Acts 17:24-30; 1 John 1:1-4. •PRINTED TEXT Gen. 1:26-28; Matt. 6:24.33. ,GOLDEN TEXT— Our Father who art In ,Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name.—Matt. 6: 9. THE LESSON IN ITS SETTING Time—The first chapter of Gen- esis, of course, refers to the time of man's creation, which, we do not :attempt to date. The book of Ex- odus was written some time be- tween 14:00 and 1500 B.C. Inas- much as the 103rd Psalm Is a Psalm of David it was probably 'written between 1020 and 1040 B.C. The prophecy taken from Isaiah was written about 712 B.C. The Sermon on the Mount was de- livered in the summer of A.D. 28, whereas the conversation of our Lord with the lawyer took place on Tuesday April 4th, A.D. 30. The passage from the 14th of John was uttered on Thursday evening, the same week, April 6th, Man has never been able, by Ms own wisdom, to come to a true knowledge of the living God. God has three ways of revealing HHim- self—through His Word, through Hlis Works and through His Son. Our lesson considers the revelation of God in IIis Word. Man, in God's Image 26. "And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our own likeness; and let them have do- minion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth. 27. And God created man in His own image, in the image o God created He them; male and female created he them. 28. And God blessed them; and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and sub- due it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the heavens, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth." It was specifi- cally the mind of man that was created in the divine image. It was created with "original right- eousness." As God is holy, so man was created holy. This great at- tribute of man, as he came origin- ally from the creative Land of God, might be called the moral and spiritual image. God as a Father 24. "No man can serve two mas- ters; for either he will hate the one and love the other; or else he will hold to one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon. 25_ Therefore I say unto you, Be not anxious for your life, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink; nor yet for your body, what ye shall put on. Is not the life more than the food, and the body than tlae raiment? 26, Behold the birds of the heaven, that they sow not neither do they reap, nor gather into barns, and your heavenly father feedeth them. Are not ye of much more value • than they? 27. And which of you by being anxious can add one cubit unto the measure of his life? 28. And why are ye anxious concerning raiment? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow; they toil not, neither do they spin: 29. Yet I say unto you, that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. 30. But if God doth so clothe the grass of the field, which today is,' and tomorrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, 0 ye of little faith? 31. Be not therefore anx- ious, saying, What shall we eat, or what shall we drink? or, where- withal shall we be clothed? 82. For after all these things do the Gentiles seek; for your heav- enly Father knoweth that ye have need of all these things." What is meant by God being our Father? There is a definite relationship im- plied here a relationship of love, The heathen thought of God is that he le far removed from our per- piexties, either ignorant of our struggles, or unsyrapathizing with them. The Christian has the double armour against anxiety—the name of the Father, and the conviction that the Father's knowledge is as great as the Father's love. He who calls us hs children thoroughly understands what his children want. Practice Righteousness 83. 'But seek ye first His King• dom, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto You. The Kingdom of God includes all that part of the universe in which God has sovereign sway. We are already in the Kingdom of God, it God rules over lives. In the Lord's Prayer we are told to praY, "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done." The Kingdom of 'God conies to each man when that man yield& his life to God, through Jesus Christ. Some day the whole uni- verse will be under this rule Iff died, hent today, *he world Melt W - :OBJ FOR PLASTER CAST De. Fred Waknitz and assistant demonstrate in New York the use of new "window," a transparent plastic device enabling doctors to observe wounds through a plaster cast. Idea was developed in Britain to aid in treatment of complicated bomb wounds. apart from God, is narked by law- lessness. Of course the Kingdom of God is righteous, and God is righteous, and to seek God's King- dom is to live righteously It is to desire His rigbteous way in as. To seek the Kingdom of God is not to dream about it, or to wish that we were participating in His Kingdom, or even to approve the rule of God, but it is to yield our lives to God; not to talk about righteousness, but to practice righteousness. Cure For Worry Just Go Fishing Mrs. Anna Choyce, aged 92, is a candidate for the title of oldest woman fisherman. Mrs. Choyce, with her sunbon- net and high -necked dresses, is a familiar sight along the banks of the Perkiomen River, fishing for "cat" and bass. She keeps a photograph album of her prize catches, which include a 23 -inch pickerel and a three - pound ' catfish. Occasionally she goes deep sea fishing with a son. "Don't worry—go fishing," is her recipe for longevity. British Officials Cross Germany British diplomatic personnel left Helsinki by train recently, en route to Turku, to board the Finnish ship Oihonna for Lue- beck, Germany, on the way to Lisbon and hone. Finland''" Britain have broken diplomatic relations. (The transit through Germany will be by sealed train and it is. unlikely the Britons will be per- mitted to raise the shades for a glimpse of enemy territory:) Invasion Tactics Tried At Quebec A. Canadian Army motorized unit seized the Quebec Provincial Legislature recently in a mock attack designed to acquaint the public with invasion tactics. The attack almost failed when thousands of spectators blocked the roads to see the demonstra- tion unit dash through the streets. The crowd thinned, however, after a "gas" bombardment bathed the area with clouds of thick, vapor. it b I THIS CURIOUS WORLD Fye gulson tr 8, taw • JAPAN IS 8S PER. CEM' MOUNTAINOUS, WITH 54 ACTIVE 'VOL -- CANOES AND 1000 HOT SPRINGS, AND IS SUBJECT TO ABOUT FOUR EARTHQUAKES f:AiLY/ TIDAL WAVES FOLLOW SEVERE SHOCKS, AND TYPHOONS ARE COMMON, WITH DISASTROUS FIRES ACCOM PANYING THEM. Przet4rs-roguez. tut eN WERE AFFLICTED WITH DMV AL. 77e04/4 THE SAME AS WE ARE TODAY! ©HE IDEA THAT THE) HAD PERFECT. TEETH AROSE FROM THE FrrACT TN AT EAR—UV ARCH EOLOGISTS PICKED OUT THE MOST PERFECT sP.Ec/MONS. 3-1* mitemoreawomersavis JAPAN, situated as it is, with the ocean bed dropping sharply away, is a veritable earthquake center. The people live in con• stant dread of quakes, and never become accustomed to them, in spite of their frequency. There is always the chance that the next one may mean death. NEXT: How pure is snow? kir Battleship's Successful Test New United States Flying Battleship Passes Initial Severe Tests A new experimental "air battle- ship," constructed for the United States Navy and described as the largest flyiug boat ever built, was given its find static test last week at the Glenn L. Martin Company factory at Middle River. While navy inspectors, company officials, newsmen and photograph- ers looked on, hydraulic jacks pull- ed upward on the plane's wings to give it overload tests. A special steel frame rig, about as high as a two-storoy building, enveloped the plane. The flying boat, the XY1.12M-1, has not yet been taken out of the factory. The stationary tests will continue for several days. In about ten days or two weeks, officials said, it will be rolled out for the first tune and in a month or six weeks it will be ready for its test flight. The all -metal flying boat has a 200 -foot wingspread, a two -leak 'hull 117 feet long, is powered by four 2,000 -horsepower Wright du- piex cyclone engines, and has a normal. gross weight of 140,000 pounds. Its armaments are a secret, but it has six turrets. The giant boat dwarfs the Mar- tin -built Russian Clipper of 63,000 pounds, the largest flying boat previously constructed, and the trail blazing China Clipper of 52,- 000 pounds normal gross weight. It is eeitighly comparable in size to the United States Army's new o - , s,,,43-19 bomber the world's 'largest laud plane. NEW SHAH Mohammed Riza Pahleyi, above, has succeeded his father as shah of Iran after the latter report- edly abdicated: because of the crisis resulting from the invasion by Britain and Russia of ancient Persia. • - LADIES' ACTIVITIES Many ladies' societies are rais- ing worthwhile money by selling Christmas' Cards. It is a pleasant way to renew old friendships and up to 100% profit can be made under the excellent merchandising plan. Master Kraft Cards, 342 Doherty Bldg., Toronto, have one of the :largest and finest lines of Boxed Assortments, all selling for . ie -,}"'letter to the above firm will readily obtain particulars. Up to 100% profit can be ex- pected under their well -thought- out merchandising plan. Won't Collaborate With Communists The Trades Union Congress, Britain's labor parliament, has unanimously indorsed a proposal of its General Council for estab- lishment of an Anglo -Russian trade union council. Sir Walter Citrine, Secretary of the Congress, in support of the proposal asserted firmly, however, that "we are not pre- pared to collaborate with the British Conununist Party." "We have found them totally unreliable for carrying out any poliey," he said. • Eighty percent of Russia's ell comes from the Caucasus area. RADIO dEPO TE By DAVE Bert Pearl doesn't have to take a back seat to anyone, anywhere. Bert's friendly Happy Gang per- sonality will be much in evidence when he becomes Master of Cere- rnonies on Saturday night of the great new 1941-42 SHARE THE WEALTH series of programs. Fill- ed with all the entertainment in- gredients that made last year's show such a standout, Share The Wealth brings it all back to the air -lanes every Saturday night at 8.30 through the fall and winter from the C.B.C. network, includ- ing CKSO, CKLW, CBO, CBL and CKOC in Hamilton. * * * Iu Aiusicalf3eauty Box," new national network program, will get it's firstairing from CKOC and the C. B. C. National Network on Thursday evening, October 2nd. One of Canada's most prominent young musicians will have a lot to do with the show, but at present his name is a secret. Tune in for one of the radio season's big sur- prises: Thursday evening, 9 p.m. FI.D.S.T., on the national network of the C. B. C. * * * Toast and Marmalade Time is good -morning fun -time for all who listen to the 1150 morning pro- gram schedule. You'll hear "The ROBBINS Comic Strip of the Air," daily, at ten minutes past eight. Featuring comedy stars from everywhere, and getting Toast and Marmalade off to a happy start, The Comic Strip has laughs a -plenty in store, * * * The music that the rural com- munity often enjoys at it's favor- ite dances — the songs that are on top of the popular hit parade, and the heart songs of the years all neatly combine in a twice-. weekly feature program from CKOC, Named "Hoedown with Og- den" and featuring Fiddlin' Ed and his violin — Dorothy Whyte song stylist, and a harmony quar- tet, the program is heard Tuesday and Thursday at seven o'clock. Arrange a home party and enjoy the show! * * * Tipe From Here and•. There: Babbling, bubbling Bob Hope has returned to the air. Tuesdays, 10 p.m. NBC. Canada's Percy Faith is conductor for another season of the Contented Hour, NBC, Mondays at 10 p.m. Alexander Wooicott, "T o w n Crier" of radio fame, is en route to London to make a series of broadcasts for CBS. There are persistent rumors that the "March of Time" may soon return to the air! Record for the week — Lanny Ross singing 'Til Reveille! * * * Due to the United States revert. ing to standard time, the major portion of network shows originat- ing over there and in Canada, will be heard by listeners in Ontario one hour later than they have been accustomed to hearing them. In other words, the Happy Gang will be heard daily at 2.00 o'clock, Char- lie McCarthy. at 9.00 on Sundays, and Guy Lombardo at 9.00 on Sat- urdays. Grasshoppers like other insects, breathe through openings in the sides of their abdomens and can- not be drowned bp holding theca heads under water. 1 CONCERT VIOLINIST HORIZONTAL 1 Pictured violinist. 12 Decorative mesh. 13 Electrified particle. 14 Officer's assistant. 15 To prevent. 16 To spread. 17 To moisten with dew. 10 Fish. 20 Billiard rod. 22 Epoch. 40 Musical note. 23 Stir, 41 Ever (contr.). 24 Guarded. 42 Beverage. Answer to Previous. Puzzle 11 Long grass. 15 He has mastered a ---- or hard instrument. 18 This artist has; — fame. 21 To deprive of a seat. 24 Dyewood tree 25 Goddess of discord. 27 Fold of string. 28 Indian. 29 Pillar. 32 Genus of or magnificent sables. performer. 83 Card combination. 6 Jeers. 44 Tea, VERTICAL 36 Nominal value 29 Plural (abbr.) 47 Gull. 1 Ran away. 39 Civet type 30 Jot. 49 Widow's right. 2 To appraise. beast. 31 To eject. 51 Otherwise. 3 Frozen 41 God of love. 34 Natural 53 Mine shaft dessert. 43 Ireland. power. hut. 4 Triplet. 45 Assistance. 85 Dove's call. 54 Stranger. 5 Soared. 46 On the lee. 36 Cessation. 55 Rumanian 6 Fish eggs. 48 Small shield. 37 Southwest coins. 7 Completed. 49 Japanese fish. (abbr.). 56 He is an ----* 8 Hemp textile. 50 Being. 38 Above. by birth. 9 Falsehood. 52 Courtesy 39 Pistols. 57 He is a 10 Norse myths. title. POP—Worn Down WNAT SORT OF A DOG 1s TNAT FOLLOWING' You ? By JA MILLAR. WATT 1 -EE 14AD, SIR ! t3EFORG WE STARTED TFIIS ROUTE MARCH. tnittr.,