HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-10-02, Page 4WOW r01.11% • ..ees• , • 4 ZURIPH HERAW 04 Trmanz ARE SE Flri 4014 -6.1% a V6 t When re become a customer of the Bank, a private relationship is a once established and you cin be perfectly sure that your business with the Bank wiU!se held in strictest confidence. 'Vora iaatece may 1 small er large, but no one will know what It is--te7re.:: Y:. r. at the Benk are1 i ona will be the wiser—unless you rascal lc. You may place securities with the Bank for safekeeping and no one else will know—unless you tell them. No one is privileged to intrude upon this confidential relationship of the Bank and its customers—a relationship wltich compass with that between doctor and patient. E:Ufo ro E,-; Tils ESTAI3LISHED 1817 "A BANK WHERE SMALL ACCOUNTS aer. WELCOME" .ASSETS IN EXCESS OF ONE BILLION DOLLARS Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager Bayfield Fall Fair (Continue(1 from. Page One) Can. Packers, Jersey cof, L. Scotch- inueren, per';unig,..alut Special, May and T Eaton especial W. Mu- tton; Ziteleh Hera special, W. Sparks. Simpeon special W. Oestrci- eher; feat beef cow R. Peck, IL Snell, Judge. PIGS :Berkshire -- Aged boar, H. Pen - hale, 1».00d sow T. Snowden; young boar T. I)oraee T. :Snowden; young sow T. Smnowden, G. Dormice. Yorkshire ---- Agen boar A. H. Warner; 'erood sow do and 2nd, yo. tufa sow P Lamont, A, H. Witmer. Tamworth Agen boar, T. Snow- den, R. elaneon; young brood sow, T. .Snowden, R. Manson; young sow ee,m,eeateeni; beet, pr. bacon hoast H. A. Warner; Eaton special, R. La- ililt .ILSEEP Leleester — Ram, It. Pepper, D. A Graham; ehearling ram I). A. •(raham G. 1)Oronce, ram lamib 1). A. Graham and .2nd; ewe D. .Grlitim, IL Pepper, shealaing ewe R. SP'epper, I). Graham .owe lamb J). 'Graham, R. Pepper. Linriln -- A. D. Steeper took all in this elass. .Pam O. •McGowan, W. Henry; 7 14hearling ram, ram lamb. and; we W. Henry, 0: 'McGowan shearling. ewe 0. McGowan, W. Hen- icato,weawne:. lamb W. Dearing, 0. Me- Shropehires — 0. McGowan took .11 prizes in this class. Dorseta — P. Dearing and A. Ale - Gowan took oil hi this class. FINE ARTS Lendscapp, oripinal oil Mrs. Met- calf, Mrs. Howrie; still life M. Liv- ingstone Mr. Howrie; landevapts or- iigiaal Mrs. Howrie, M. Livingeton; fruit, eoriginal, Mrs. Metcalf, Mies t Livingston; flowers, water col. Miss t, Livingston, Mrs. iHowrie; pen and lataealaaatain-g iMss- Livingston, H. A 'Fuss; drawing crayon or lead pt. Mrs Howrie, iMss Livingston; water col. painting on silk iMss Livingston, Mrs Howrie; hand Painted china, Mrs. Howrie, Miss Livingston; stenciling; an fabrics ..Miss Livingston, H. Fuss: fruit in, oil Mee. Howrie, Mss Lily- ingston; elowers. in oil Mise Living- ston, Mrs. klowrie; Pencil sketch from nature iMes Livingston. LADIES' WORK • Living room acCessories: table cen- trepiece, Battler, Miss, Liv- ingston; table, --runner, M. Livingston R. Lamont; ...cushion ,complete emb. M. Livingeton; 0: Battler; cushion A. Melick, H. Fusa; table cloth and serviettes M. Livingston, H. Fuss; tea cloth, cut work M. Livingston,R. Lamont; tea cloth, emb. M. Living- ston, Mrs. Melick; tea cloth, croch- eted ,corners M. Livingston, Mrs. Melick; tray cloth, emb. Mrs. A. Melick, MTS.- Howrie; centrepiece wht !7,emb. Miss Livingston, Mrs. ,Melick; Luncheon set fiaLiyingsto.n, H. Fins; buffet scarf, lace trixanied: R. Lamont IVI:tivingstoii; tea caSer Mrs. Melia; bridge setaereb. M. Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; creaaa! stitch ibridge' set 'Mies Livingstok.-Mas, Howrie; bridge set ap.pique HeeFuse; buffet set O. B'att- eer IH. FeiSSa- hemstitched sheets, in- itialed Mita Liaixigeteon, H. Fuss; pil- low cases,....heinstitched intId. M. Liv- inigston, H. Fuss; pillow cases emb., R. Lamont, -iMss Livingston; pillow cases laceatremed iMss Livingston, ',H. Fuss; 'et atains lace trimmed Miss 'Livingston, l'I-.Puss; 3 towels emb. M. Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; towels •-eraehet nefesaLivingston, Mrs. Howrie dressing :table erochet Miss. Living - ton, aka. Melick; en*, tea towels T (Snowdenia.111..leaaeMelick; child's dress made -fie:pine:Old. garnet. M. Livingston H..Fueraralieild's play dress M. Liv- ingston„all.e.Fuss; baby jacket, Mrs. Howrie,. Fuss; baby jacket and bonnet, knitMrs. Melick, and 2nd; behyelbseatces, keit Pairs. 'Melick, Mis Live9istritte itaby's bootees, crochet, Mao: iMelatle; handmade Gertrude, Mrs. FlArs:!.; baby rompers, G. Datars, . • . �L Fuss; work . -apron G. Datars, H.A • se,e. Fasealanateelatesse G. Datars, H. Fuss adi urillgrwear silk M. Livingston; nteek, M. Livingston; collar and cuff et, Mrs. lqierick,. H. Fuss; pullover, • !wool,.:H. Fuss; apron fancy, M. Liv- ingston, Mrs. Melick; ladies, fancy • hand bag M. Livingston, O. Battler; • ladies' dress from old garnet, M. Livingston, A. Melick; home dying, • M. Livingsten, Mrs, Howrie; . Sport shirt for man H. Fuss, G. Datars; pr. pyjamas H. Fuss, M. Livingston; pullover sweater Mrs. Howrie; mitts heavy 0. Battier, M. Livingston; socks, pr. heavy M. Livingston, Mrs. Howrie; sodas, fine M. Livingston,. Mrs. Howrie; Allowing patch hemmed A. Meliek, TH. Pass; filet erochet, R. Lomont, H. Puss; tatting, H. Fuss,M Livingston; fancy knitting on cotton H. Feet, Mrs. Howrie; specimen dan. thread work M. Livingstot, Mrs. Mel- •.• ick; hemstitching A. Melick, Mrs. Livingston; tut work O. Battler, R. t • Lamont; tapeetry M. Livingston, H. • Puss; tross stitch M. Livingston, H. • 'Fltitscia, sampler of straight bias, H. A. • Fuss, A. Melick; card table cover Mrs Howie, M. Livingston; sampler in • cross stitch, franted M. Livingston, • H. rtiSt; darning .worn sock H. Fuss. • Bedspread tufted Mrs. Howrie; quilt applique M. Livingeton, R. Johnston: quilt, -cotton 0, Battler, H. Fuss; quilt, cotton plain, 0. ,Battler, H.Fuss eomforter, homemade fancy O. Bat- tier, A. Melick; 001 nforter, goose down, E. Johnston; cro'c'het Afghan, Livingstoa, Mrs. Holerie; hearth rug, yarns Mrs. Melick, 111se Living - ton ; hearth rug. wool l'aget M'rs. nowrie; rag mat braided, .111re.- wro- IA; braided mat, ;silk Mrs, Melick. hand soap Mrs. Snyder, ,M.r.e, ,Melielt • J • \ 4. 4. 4. '..i... Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made 4. at reasonable distance ...i. .. .1, + „:. Phone, Zurich 91r20 ELAM W. SHANTZ - 4..--+ eae-alee+e-e-e-taae.++++++4.e..eeeeeleee-e+e-eaeeeeeee...e-e-e-eae-e-e-laeataaeses 2nd, 1941 "We Recornend FEED -. And SELL the Bea" CII S We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as Lay Chows, Concentrates and .Dairy Feeds, Hog Chows, Etc., Etc. 4. .34 b;111! ite Att ate J=. • Ru. Ltiting Water is an Every a 4 ecessity in Kitchen, Laundry, Bathroom and Barns ADURO Pressure Water System will furnish an ample supply of water under pressure to all parts of your home and farm. Without running water, sanitary conveniences and modern facilities, so essential to health and happi- ness, are not available to your family. The cosi of EMCO Bathroom, Kitchen and Laundry fixtures and fittings is Tory reasonable and can be spread over a period of time under our Easy Payment Plan. EMCO products are modernly finished, of high quality, and will give years of satisfactory service. A THREE-PIECE EMCO BATHROOM—Tub on Legs, Toilet and Wall Lavatory with Trimmings can be purchased for as little as $ 93.40 Mail and Iron pine and fillings extra) THE DURO SP4CIAL PUMP, shown above, has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour. WIth 25 gal. Galvanized Tank and 25 or 60 cycle 'Motor, it posts only $ 90.50 STADE and WEIDO - Zurich r.MPIRE BUSS mrd4o., L*ITED, LONDON, ONT. 140 Isminton TORONTO SUN:RIM!' WINNIPEG VANCOUVER elletaseameseeteereenamosseateateaansaaneseatemotasetoeressonetesealagoaCtoorMP Imagin* it takin fiv war to set us right" Husband: "There's one thing we can thank Hitler for. Ile's got us saving at last." Wife: "Yes! Imagine! Until it became a positive - duty we certainly never managed to put any- thing by each week." Husband: "I think it's partly because these War Savings Certificates are ao simple to buy." Wfes "You mean the idea of getting the office to deduct a regular amount each week from your salary?" Husband: "Yes t And how they're mounting up! Qiiite a nest -egg when you count the interest ' they're earning." Wife: "Well the more the merrier, 1 say! There are' lots of thing:, we'll need the money for, as the: years roll by!" The imip of everreaseadiess is needed for Victory. In these days el war the thoughtless selfish spender is a traitor to our war effort. A reduction in personal speeding is now a vita/ necessity to re - the pressure, for goods, to enable more and more labour and materials so be &jousted so winning the war. The all-out effbrt, *filial Canada must maim, clanstmds this self-denial of each of us. 7 , 1 SPEND LESS —70,30, MORE • R. Leach, Geo. Bell, maple cream, • M.. Reid„ R. Clark, W. 13,eatty, D. ,Reid; peanut butter cookies, M. Reid H. E-rratt, M. Reid, .M Graham; 'fluffy one -egg cake M. Talbot, M. 1Peck, M. Reid, E. Martin, best draw ing, .prospective B. Castle, D. Me- • Ewen, R. Ma'kiins, 'W. Castle; drawing 'pen and ink D. McEwen, M. Castle, M. Talbot, J. Keys; drawing -flowers, water Icol. C. Martin, G. Westlake, •D. Herd, T. Penhale; drawing fruits De Merawen, B. Castle, A 'Walker, Leach; pringiab alphabet, T. Perthale V. Leitela A. Leitch, M. Wansley; Royal air Force in Action essay B. Castle, D. Castle. M. Castle, M. Mc- Ewen; essay, My ways of aiding Red Cross L Castie, B. Lawson, G. West- lake, B. Heard. Wood collection, D. Penhale, 1). Reid, W. Castle, C. Law son; weed seeds, Ner. Stanley, No. 1 and 2 Baygelds any project bv. school 2and 3 Bayaeld; small table bou- quet Ilene Castle, M. Peck, .13. Cas- tle, IVIcEvven; daawing fruits and water color Mildred Steckle, L Cas- tle, M. Lachlan, Ev. Bell; Lawn orn- aments, Retineth Gingerich, Doris Reid, W. Caatle, Keith Oingerich. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Aare. Paul Duchanno ,of CI-IILDRENS' DEPT. \ „ • Blake were Sunday visitors with Mr. beets, E. Peas', 1), Penhale,` " I end Mrs. Fred Pachatinie of ttie Blue .iC- Water south. '1i:ar:11,:ariprol:n1T11:0,n1Rg':aellic,:*Vn;h1.:111Cir.PIti:uriteetaie:1,7,17°Dt.g..c,,v. I Miss Licille leffrey of town who t--.., D. IleEwee; patatoe,s, L.....nutt'l has been employed in Grand Bead erne, I, MeClymont, M. Reidy Tr):1:01, the „mt ; toleem, tas rearmed to Pae We Gaatlae 1.3,.:Coktio, swninvoli 8eM; tobe table - corn IIA Rags •Iget Igo; mew •"'` 0 14 Mr. and Mrs. John Denomme ef Blake were visitors to Mr. and Mrs. Filbert Denomme of St. Joseph. Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte cif Drysdale spent Sunday at the home of Mr. H. Laporte. Mee Philip Bedard of Tilbury and Mr. Simon Bedard of 'Windsor, and Mrs. Frank Denomme of Chatham spent a 'few days with their parents, of iSt. Joseph north. Mr. and! Wires Joseph Bedard. Me. and Mrs. Len Sararas and' daughter Marjorie left on Sunday: last for Windsor where they attend- ed the wedding of the latter's broths: er. Miss Veronique Dueharme, has ees - tallied to her home on tae Blue - Water south after working a lease weeks in Grand Bend. The wind storm ,of hist week caus- consederable damage, and the ap- ple crop 'has- been shaken off the bretls. On !Monday evening a large num- ber of young people motored. to Mr. Kuno ,Hartman of the Goshen line„, south, attending an apple peeling. bee. Many of the farmers around thin district have threshed the beans. the sample is all that could be wish- ed for, but the yield is from six te twelve bushels to the acre. There is absolutely no excuse this year fot• low prates and farmers who have a few husbels of that prociors food on hand would do wolf to girl, themsel- Yea ueerdallat..