HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-09-25, Page 807' • • r PAGE EIGHT • e • •t) 0 0 0 0 0 a 0 „g J3 aro •••.• • •-•.• • ,• • a (lir 11131 'rr ,t,'",” I • i.Te readily 1,t -r;10 t;Ca? ;1011C;1`,.."•$,, c th:„ /..."Press rslaterias 'ter iFt:11; Nov,- So..;ts en2. Dies - it "nave eeee'le teee 2:1.43:7.1 our k/(At,- 017.A.JklY AAri,S for SKIRTS ../A.C2FCETS Are very new. V'e have severni naried patterns ;well 11,3 \b' .rt t43et:-.0., :3,51a and naris other, evi,-7.e, in price, Innele $1.93 to 2.49 a yard. C07.1DIT-20)1714,TELVETS in wb.e ch:TA Hue yd. 98c AI L V..700L SI-IEPHERD CHECKS wizle at 9er yard .. 2.45 11A7C-N3 inple':33, s..r*eter eee•ol plain co;ors • ceritalYe foe r:all DIrer3Se. at 75e to 98c yd. WOVE. FAILLE'S, Herringbone tweeds also in p.-ice,.s 1.79 to 1,98. N7/ LOT of Ledies and Girls' Cardigans and Sweaters to wear with plaid Sir ts at 1.98 to 2.75 each 4 4 4 0 a a 0 a 0' gi3O 4;1 Ave NEW COTNILLE BED SPREADS very popular. We have them in. shades of Mauve, Rose, Dusty Rose, Maroon. Prices from 4.50 to 9.95 each. MEN'S WEAR A complete line of Men's Suits, fine Shirts, Ties, Sox, Cops, Sweaters, Etc.. 0 PRODUCE WANTED ZURICH HERALD Naziontsmeassanamomi. mom Ti:r:•,,,„ 0 0 0 0 0 v'i; 00 0 a AV :RTO n 7)17 .e91„ perlb. ............. . .....,—...,— ..... .30e, ground„ per lb. ...... 37c cooki,:r1S ly,;20 7' with pitts, 2 lbs. L Red Rose Tea, (black) ...... . . ... 33c Soap Flakes, 5-1b. box 39c. Woodbury's Faeiel Soap, 4 Le e _ .. 25c ,Aerowax, no • rubbing piint can .............. alleITEIA) Oesell Lurid: PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 4,"-.'ali.11,P,t'',440'. 60. r FP ''' 0,.- 1. .5 l'r141' in:4%1:i i OCAL IV ARKETS ._,..,....... Yrs. E. Church ;mit family mot -1, i'fi'.ed every Wedre,,,lavl Eggs, thr.ria ..... ... 21, 27, 22, 17 Muffin-. creamery 31 Butter, dairy ............ ,....... 33 Dres.ied chickens ............ 20, 25 °red to Lund. n on SnturNiay 0 Mr. and Mrs. Earl Weida recently 0,r motored to Kitchener.. :v•;-•' I. Boyce of Gaierieh is at pros- nt re-a:ling some time at the home Chickens. live ••o' "j'ane Lamont. Wheat, 1111 Mr. W. H. Golding, P:, of Oats, ;bushel -4,hol• forth was vtor in town, on , . o I Tuegclay, Pair Day. Buckwheat, bush 0 I Mr:, OSC1.1T Koehl,)r i spending Flouri. cwt.' 0 1 . 2.75, 3.00 0 ; sevei al weeks at tithe home of her Pasatry flour, at. mill,. 25-1b.. ....75e .r nnear *.oKeeth at. Yly, Illuskoka 0 Shorts and bran, ton 28.9.0 0 Piitrict. 'Middlings, ton 30.00 15-20- 1.03 40 :o 45 Marion Dmigan' 10 I training at Victoria Iloupital, Lon- ; don enjoyed a few days at the home majority will be sowing fall wheat. 'o her aunt and uncle., Mr. and Mrs Fs T. L. Williams. Mi N Ruth Brown who is at pres- G f4 t attendin;.;: -Westervvit school at London, spent the wirt•k,-end at the a home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0 0 . John nrnwn. 0 Mr. Joseph Ducharme, who..rocent- ly purchased the fine farm of Mr. a Milne Rader, 15th ConceAsion, Hay. a o lors leased th,• some to Mr. Harvey 0 (•1•11ras for a term 0,r three -Years. 0 'h fie tine ;,,erarrn like weather con- stinw, to remain wit'.'. US during these a days. We are creeping- near Octob.- : ,.. aud have most wmderful warm '')`' "rrivat UL a cm' . 3. RE S fine fall will be our fortune. Fall *zit a, tow days at their home nere ! ti G it iltriil pre Tool:inn nice and far- last Week. dser spent Sunday with Mr. and Aiir.s. 0,!,:ditz'am'''''',"1„,''''''',,,,,'''''''':' • F riate, 59 a ri7.1t with friends at Credion, Inger-1D. Tiernan. • ' Late Mrs. Jane Guenther 0 Mrs. J. Flf,T ht returned from a . . . %Arwood died on Strffirtlay.1 aughter (Gladys) : rill, ''' rvi ni 11,?,,,:!, N.,. datrte,01. - ar the home of her d Margaret ,I. 0 .,;) :-.1. o; ; and j rose); . i fo. 3104.i.itg,, ,I 1,,,,,,tthy innes,, .ira hey; D A HAV 0 0 Mrs. R. Baker is visiting in Detroit 1,11airaday-, 1041 - $14/044060e,i.04.otoi-o*.rt;,iitr0.1.004,,u,4•1..d..00.71.40+++044+4014.4400.0 41, At, et/ 15. .1N a VO R 1F ••••4,=', • .1.-.T.,,,.! oil.r.,.. irtyrsrk;,•;1 ; ctir •• t,:::‘ .t. .;•,:l 1,11,„4,311 7/1-)1 Al mr,...-?..4,...dopl,S,,,r0 YOUR. SH:ATS REQUIREMENTS ITee Alue'ye 0,-eel.y Fula Liioe of the ;7:est of both '31.e.if, and Heavv Stazlz Hardware: Stoves. Furzxaces, and all releating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heatera at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and D:nnette Suitet A Full Line of the Home 'Re ra emits Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress. DininF, Room Suites. Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save <1: you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of t Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you. big value for ,0 your Money. Drop in and look these over. and get our Remarkable Low Prices. 4 Mr. Sam WitZel ofo Toronto spent 1 3 the •week -end with his mother, Mrs.j vvitzo. 7 , 47.11 4..P ..—L it•,r,(1.,, VI 1 iltirolveare 1.zirrisuttre. Phone ea; .1. 0.000000+440000.0.00i2.1.04.00i$6.04;404..+00040.C....ai4,00GG44.44.40 Rally Day and Harvest Home sea-- IS THE TIME TO ORDER vices will be held in the Elnangelical Your Stove Woo& Good 4-1;1 " Bod WW1 chnurch on Sunday October 12th. Pi• -7 CPZ y 04 Mir. and Mr 1-1119,ri Rt.nneyer and Miss. Onieda Itestcmoyer, R.N. of London spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs, Otto Restemeyer. Libya Rader is all smiles on :11 Very Reasonably Priced. Let klave your OrAerl We also carry a Stock of New Brick and: Tile Supply Your Wants in these Lines! Let Us G 'or the time ;A' -ear, and we trust a M.-. and 24r4. Sam Elsie of Detroit! If ,nr„rs eop.;.03„ ,,, Mr: and Mrs. Harry Cook or Win -1' , w them in with wheat. 11111 .,o • ,on and' Lon -ton She was nn SIM j'arle Guenther, a former r•-esi- • :••• 4r!..! 7." 4•1 V.42 /1 glt REIVIOVED PROMPTLY none: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD, 10.4,..)voaa4aonnok.A.,.4.-304e.0,4,2P., •lit4t-47.,,, T.) (51 TO 55? 6,4 5 1 HARDWARE - SEEDS and Flin.:ITURE Coal YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder -Days will a on be here which will demand most suitable FUEL for Your Ileatim: us fill your bin while prices are lowest, 0 0 0 3 0 the ; Let0 z. E 01 YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Nave You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand, Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. T DE WELi ZURICH — ONT., QUAUTY— PRICE - "71:NICE 0 0 ,Cr a •',4 (l'orgo nr iag•• to ft"' "11:"11" 11‘;"4 ""11- 0:7 ciirtiln, rr.awood and was a ment19•r or the Evan- rs. John F. St- '11":.'.tin, 1 1vurch. Is survived by three marriage to take pine,, early i,,, sons, Earl of Dirshwood; Leeland of ober. •Hallonquea.Aw st, S., who aii unable PATHWAY attond the funeral einz ironer •May,i :*n active se.rvice witho 24th tank A new scrrial Novi1 bv Grejg, r t4, „4 7(13,1,1 b1,,C tterY •in Petewawa; three daugh- Ameri,,an with Mr$, Lloyd Eligboffor of Mit-- Th„ Di,trolt Spt ?IkiiII`sd.e:Iffp.).;..t.::1, ()off KSitt.chCmalteh; n° >I V 0: 1rn1'".1 !ll r. brother., Mi,Ine Rynnte of Sea- . d•-!! 1 1,, tall; ( itev. S, Knach- 1,11 „, ;4,1 01.,:k, lifl sht,„1, tel of Kitchnener; Mrs. Arthur Stelck lov..t.19. „re t„ of Vict;r1a, B.C. Mrs, I -Men South - ti%•., 8, Thwt, vott of Venice, Cal, and Miss Eliza- ! et -h. Rennie of Kitchener and fifteen. WI. k rrad ;,,ry HAS UCCESaFUL. FAIR g'""ttimr'n• :,,11„,ut . par 0,1, .,The rinnains wore brought to Katz Ilfclitel funeral home in ritchener oup.11 th. gay., -.•:i of r.h.. sentort,i Fa, Vlore until Monday Pair held last Frhiny at the ag11-- and remainv'd a pi IV; to funeral service war: iltr.ral grounds, ideal weather con- lirshl at tht. hone of her son Earl at triLated to make the event mot sue, „ntriet, few,,r thm, Nisi -mood and a :public service at the Evangelical church at 2 p.m. Rev. last yeni l'at the quality Wfl,;.; g01.1:1 C. Becker conducted the se'vice and The work also the Red Cro.7ri spoke very feelingly .fr,-,m the words INere very good. A swarm 0, of Christ. 'rho days of C7nr years bees which during the summer took refuge in the of the fair gro- air three score and ten" and "Tht• vening and the morning was the fit it •-nr1.1 delayed the oo.ning tor mar day.'"The choir sang "The Valley than an hour. While directors wre,4 of Peace" and MA'S. Mervyn Timmy, led with the ptoblem removime the Mrs. J. A. herr, secrei y rendered a very fitting solo entitir,/ Sunshine." The tributes we of the fair, set up a temporary offiei.• re numerous and beautiful showinp in a m .ar-by car and commenced tak- ing entries.. the high esteem in which the deceas- •14 wakt held. The pallbearers wem IiiLLSGREE 1\1 ? .0, EltP....1.oifer, 14. 11..;finan, E. Be Quito a number from horo too', dor, A. Willett, W. Wolfe and :1 'n the Exeter Fail RossDirk and f.novly, ' on 1 * day. Painter. Those attending from a 110PidlIS -• were Mr. and Lloyd Edi and Mr. Geo. Edighoffer or Smithsville, alsom friends of Chicago are holidaying ; Mr :and Mrs, Fred Cords of the home of Mr. Allan Cochrane and 1 St. Catharines, Miss Grace Geunther sister, Miss Edna. 0 • •;1 (7.;,tv.trriT1-• 1.1'4'It It :111,At t • vone 1;*:.;;1o,-.:•'''';:-. • `th 1;'; opt, 0.111; Henry tiucrother 28 :,crtni ago. Up , „ ,x:„„„„, „0 „ tfi't'sister,. Mr. E. P. Paulin , Tho Hillsgr.,,en chirlyb tv;.: ritchenert Mr. and MrS. 'Haran hol ri their (Menther of Toronto; Mr. Milne Wir sr.pyler*• lionwoder of the R.C.A. now tmainiw Liend*, Sept ,mer 2Sth. Rw. Dunvill: Mr. and Mrs, Gideo' Horn of Varna will be the speaker. gue:,.113echtel and 11firs, Peter Bechtel o' girl has come ii?,,Ilagdienn;;RMevr: aaO.F.(liivIvret;,8Ksert.zRie. Kofneephotie.,1 .A iftlle ,11... Low:. of 891 E.: 1 and Miss Elizabeth Rennie of Kitch prrntulationsi- num:14er ; on. Mrs. IL Ttlek4erin, Miss LP" eller; :qr. and Mrs, Frank McCut• • !*. ;' . !Toff man and Mr. Everett Bechtel. :1! or orm /loth also a. marb,•r •f relet1 narv,„11,1:!; ; Crrditon itT S, the Repair -Vim 45l1 ....,14 rt ,..tre, 14,1 11'1'\ 7". a,R$: 74" 4 IT 7, IR 73 .71• r L LLJLL .111 t10,7gWEIMUM 9147,1 ti A u '‘! (1 or et 1 u 71i 3 TiltOr Local Representative Zurich 0*000,000000.6000000000060 ale00a0a60411,00,0000C'.;;Salla00 5 a a 11 1 • 0 0 11 0 00 our Ihmters IE uel We are Now Filing Orders for this Winter's Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment-. Prices always within the liRnits of other Dealers lArith Quality Considered. CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! FOR SALE --A Large Weigh Scales, a 5 a .444' (1:1;,144 aliitili•afiiiiiCaiNiA1640...,florti*iri,;„a..,..444;?.*Gt.Askoapa444.464(04,;(9i0;aa•Cri)Gaa