HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-09-25, Page 5Thursday„ Septtrnrber• 25th, :941 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL ZURICH HERALD Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column DUDLEY F4. aUL VIES NOTICE ;iltl-0U,11ISTEu , SOLICITOR, NOT SPRAY Pa 7 . AR st' pPI.IBLIC, FTC 1 I have cr11 ori. , .s. t,. Tee t'.r?Dl,+ gee " (frt )'. Kinaly 1 i, et umKiC L. . ? in ,In, ce er (1 cial Attention to Coircel s .«,kG" A Ce.ut Woik.OFFICE -At COIit rbrp1;! ,ia,t :,,,dee GODERIC..:i..., . ONTARIO Itr— flames'racy be eo ns:nisei at WANTED i;;;rrlerich by Plione, «rad Phone 'lfen to learn to N;csrk in p!:ining charges reversed. mill. Apply i;a !i,'r;'e'+.--1"'. C I alb- fi,,l sch & Son, Zurich. NOTICE Farmers' Co••0l e sh rive FARMERS, ATTENTION! COAL COAL Put your order for Coal in now! Several Cary are on older. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, B. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of all brands. Hensall Co -Operative Co. VETERINARIA.N Or. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office with Residence, Main Street. Opposite Drug Store Phone -96. . Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B,V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All a ceases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or zdght a.ls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder, of Scottish terriers. Inverness enneis. Office on Main Street, atrpposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AaUC`I'IONE ER --- for Huron and 'I'oIiddleseh i AM IN A POSITION TO CON- uct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. 1 solicit sour business, and if not satisfied will snake no charges for Services Ren - tiered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 'hone 18-57. ..10.E -•-- PRODUCE Fars Produce ANTED 'HIGHEST CASH PRICES ..FOR -- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'U len 1'hoiie 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular. �i.. MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the, very Choke of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect,, always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins y uiighlut & Son NOTICE Don't be ane;,t.' n"ter, tent an egg getter by eel.711-,. lnews oi' eonc(`nt:rat••-Ml'11n W. Sr:lee. .,a4 ntr.r.srmzcvate=r.vnr,._•s, 44..r-,r.:,m-.,..••, WANTED CASH for Dead Animals and Fox Horses. Flame (.seliten Central, re- verse charge.. ---J i •k Williams, Dash- wood, R. R.3. P.O. pt4-6-'41 had C ,Your Home M.a-=°ped for Crew Eggs and Poultry. Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream We are equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg and Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. A. L. Mellett - Pro_orietor. Garage one in, purchase your Aut- >motive Requirements from Zurich's oldest Established Garage and Service Station. We can supply all your needs. 1-xpert Tutornobile repairing, with the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding,Tires Batteries, Oils, Greases and Repairs. B -A Gasoline in three Grades Give 'Us r Adv Call!y �. MOUSSEAU SSEAU Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 omsnostemirassarapstakavaelf MANY AT EXETER FAIR Exeter's annual fair attracted a large attendant', on Thursday last, under ideal weather conditions. In the. ladies' dep etmtnt, competition was keen and the exhibits of a high or- der. The Exeter district Red Cross had a very varied and attractive dis- play. The school mantle' training and home economics events brought out some very creditable work. In the wagon class h;:sses winners included Wm. Decker, Rue. Manson and Clare Melick of the Zurich district. The Exeter Band provided the music for the day. In the evening a Mance was held in the arena. and a lovely day. The Dashwood PAYING INCOME TAX Instalment Plan Eases Burden For many years people have been paying Income Tax in a lump sum annullv or by instalments with inter- est. Now, with the number of in- come tax payers as well as Income Tax rates substantially increases, the Dominion Gov. has pre -aided a meth- od of payment out of income, which enabled thousands to shoulder the added burden without financial emb- arrmernt. Devised through the urg- ency of war financing, the plan is one which is so sound that people say to themselves, "Why cxd we not think of this before?" A more com- plete outline of the system will be found on the display adv. on page 5 of this issue, INSURANCE esterll Farmer tiWeotig lest ranee Cc, OF WOODSTOOCK ML LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- VAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of In4nrance at Risk sen Deo. 31st, 1936, $22,891,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and ,Bonds $273,613.47. Il ates--4.50 per $1,000 for 8 Years E. Fe KLOP['—ZU.lt'1►.IGH LOCAL NES Mrs. Alex Mousseau has returne,t home after visiting with bey XiiO4u ,, at Grand fiend. Mr. Norman Gascho a patient ily.'o;i Sanitarium, le ;tpentlal•'; few days at his Borne here. - Mies Ruth (;Murch of a week -end vi; it;rr ttt t . li.:,i,iv her mother, :vi: E. Chttred. Mr. Frank t)onnelly, baifi. Ler, truueciell wail 111 town ons nay week. Misr lusi,ehnan of Elmira is present .saying a .few weeks at t''.:. heme of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gine ezieh, i r.ar.;son lint. Mr. and Sire. iiilton 'frueinne•r m ' son .Elwood, M1 M. \Vtri. Ser.:ui;s art, Mr. and 2uri. Clarence S,elttdn ere, • t+'d,a( st;es wtrrta recent visito:1 r, ..ti, es tit Milverton. steer and Gibbon; of t' It : • ioned at Clinton, la t bellies lay and Thursday w.ii. ani errs. itlervyn S,telck, on The concert enjoyed in the tos'n Zeliwi o1'lit say ws ' :g z _( as i ,,retia: p.nv o loeette tile I 0 v'th the fire 11}Ls program reii:lered. Pilot C:ai snce Smith of the Pen. P. at '_la:lifee: is spending a we:'. :.. the home of his �grarluuvet z"r, 'y;l:i : A Clinngetess Christ for i 11 "' 'tl 1 04 r I ti my World. P,A�Mlnt IffirE BUY YOUR. kw Fall Shoes • T. Fiona Us pp a t • c ed,. .C± ,.a aYll(l. "„'i+r c-' ;., I e'!reta 1te d:. -+iia t ,-a'•. 1 gSCi1(,liil•11:-.', work o�...�^^''... E'a,ll a'w: 1 • I. 1, 1') 'a 1' ry; i ::el?ally '- ot+.ren r ansl i< is I'2pa:t- pp g. HE STORE WITH THE STOCK"`' MASSEYETABRIS NEWS Our coinple'te line of Farm Implements are not to be excelled re g..rdless of where they. are made Wen C pro �l'i!s , hare c.., s,•`ctsta :P;;:83 u I'�::Pk9:dCi��, E'r:�^.°:„ !!:9"y7 C: "� tala•..�+-.:'i g�y v - �-. r r Workmen and ..aai L f' Ce.ne le -e. .+e�,' .:, ..a.� M Aall3 for you: next perches() s() of fair -; „•i'1 .,; ��:�. lit3 here and t'+_.. , a good tiirte ' ) . t^ wee -exit it F'ta .. 'lei --Y'% •i1 to think of F.':�i:':i. tf.'i.F,Er:s �'(:'3'.1C �'}�+:,,.r«.I �._., t.. ,}T "4/aTi..� require-. Ail genuine £V1.-1 . poets kept in Stock or o:'c e.s tr.1:, u. KLOPP 1?b /+^iy� Tel. Shop 149 O. K LO P S N3 Res. 67 ST. PEI ,uR'Sj �,oi'yti+A�.: ,�,1;,.e7".s Church E=II cel ZURICH — ONT. v encs .j mi i ant `n:'l +e a i e;. 1;o a ,en of el `. and Lire; t Jo) -n Fit', $11 ---Luther League. Smith who at present resides 'Than lily---Clio:r I'r'a t ce. a'n ton, but have been forme; resi- SUNDAY SMVICES dents of the Zurich district- 10 a. m.—fi'!ne Worship 11.15 a.ni.----Suutlay School. PIeased to report that Mr. Orville ne q 30 p. m.—Divine Worship. Witmer, proprietor] of the - 'Zurich' Everybody Welcomeivito all Services. Dairy, has fully recovered from hi,:E TUF.RIrI-IEIM, Pastor. rt•cen. .::�.'oltuna�e accident at iii:. • pasteurisation plant when the glass-„ - on the steam boiler burst allowing • the steam to escape. The preesere was up to 100 et the time but iucaily net person was nt.,te at the time. Mr. EVANGELICAL CHURCH Witmer received scalds on his atm. a Chang- EMMANUEL C. B. Hochendorn, Pastor The Grand Bend Airport rn full Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist swing at present. It takes in tlr two Love farms and the farm of M -r - ANNIVERSARY SUNDAY! Lloyd Taylor. All these are of good Speaker—Rev. F. M. Feist of Chesley choice farms nicely locat :l kith excellent farm bulidings and the pro Services at: prietors will be looking for , ar ee to locate elsewhere. Hunting—Fishing A party of nimrods were recently. up in the Lion's Hoed district fishing - for lake trout and also duck -.-shoot. ing. The fishing was not so good bat FAIRS AND PLOWING MATCHES. the duck sea..=on was just opened and Sept 29 — Usborne Tp., on the farm of Roland Williams. east of Exeter 10 a.m. and 7,30 p.m. Music: Men's Chorus a.m.. Choir, p.m. Bring a special Anniver: 'r; Offering! a fine bag of ducks were landed. The hunters were: Dr. J. A. Auciisort:, Henb. Mousseau, Albert Hess, And Archie Mackinnon. - HOLDS CONCERT Hensel town hall packed tb•• carp deity was the setting for the annual school concert held in conjunction with the school fa:•r. Mr. E. C. Bea- com, of Goderich, Inspector of pub- lic schools was chairman. light;. rural schools in addition to Hensall school took part in the contest -of • the evening. A silver collection at - the door netted $23 to be used for war work. Oct. 1—Goderich Twp., on the farm of Jas. R. Stirlinee con. G Oct._ 2 — Stanley Twp. on the farm of Elmer Turner on the arr line. Oct. 3 — Dungannon Fall Fair Oct. 4 —.Lowick Twp. fall fair, at. •Gerrie. Oct. 8 — Blyth fall fair. Oct. 6—North Huron Plowing match site not arranged yet. Oct. 23 -South Huron Plowing .match - site not arranged yet. DRYSDALE WANTS PLAYERS The Pipe rand at No. 10 Basic 1Ir. George Harvey of i)t+trait was Training Centre, Kitcheneris mals- a week -end visitor with his grand- ing an effort to complete it's estab- father, 1Ir. Geo. Denomm:r. ]ishment of 25 men interested in Mr. Philip Durand has gone to Piping or Drumming. Ali men, cat -London where he will attend La Salle egory " C" or 'bettor are invited to school. interview the Commanding Officer 113r. and Mrs. Louis Montague have at any time. Pipes will be issued to moved' their household effects to men not in possession of same. Lear- London where Louis has secured a n<`rs are invited to such an interview* position with Da. Hess & Clark. We The H.L.I. kilt is worn by the Cen- wi i them much success. tre's Pipe Band through kind per- Mr. Claude Bedard has gone to mission of the C.O. of the H.L.I. of London where he expecte to alae a Canada, Lt. -Col., E. G. Warnock. course at Tecnical School. Captures Large Owl. • -Mrs. Augustine Tiede and little A large grey owl was recently daughter of I -Hyde Park vie,itecl with killed in the cedar swamp, north of 'their aunts, the Misses Gorillas. Zurich, by Mr. H. Yungblut. For The many friends of Mrs. Frank Corriveau will be glad to hear she is nicely recovered from her recent .illness. Bean thrashing is now the order of the day, although the turnout is no- es good as expected, the quality is of the best. 1\Ir. Peter Mousseau of Windsor is visiting with his sister and brother, iVIiss B. and Mr. E. Mousseau. Sorry to report Mrs. Jane Brisson is on the sicy list. Mrs. Peter Bedard of Detroit is at present spending a few days with her niece, Mrs. Chas. S. Bedard. Miss Yvonne Bedard has accented a position as housekeeper with Rev. fattier Br ckman of Watfera. A very enjoyable evening wa' sp ent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. some time it had been killing num- ' erous chickens of residents in the north end of the village, which is not a profitable proposition at the pres- ent high rate of chicken nil:'at• The owl when finally landee had to one of its legs 'a steel trap attached and the condition of the leg disclosed that the trap hacl been carried aro- und by the owl for some weeks. Now the owl's sufferings are ended and the 'chicks have peace. Owls are very helpful in destroying mice and other pests, but when they cure rob- bers it is time they are put way. '...i>4.4‘4.4, 4++++ 4.•&++i Y+4.4. ++4+++ : 4. +t+ °r .t, +t+ germ, also Dealer in Lightn-� log. Rods and all kinds of Fire It jns 'ratiCe i l I :440,1 ^•ti:+4,4,t++dr+.° *+.4.,* Cut Your 'v Fuel Bill hi HALF! Buy St.lrm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns-Ma*wille Building Materials . REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A . AT ALL HAND LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON TIMES-. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. w C URIC1I PHONE 6) ou r 3„t w•' 4.++++++ +4.4. },«l 4 , 4 .1.1+ i Frank Corriveau on Saturday even- ing wen- ing when his children, brothers and sisters and friends gathered to cele- brate his 68th birthday. He was pre- ented with many beautiful gifts. A :fix delicious lunch tvas served by t he hila+ren, the birthday cake was giv en by his daughter, Mrs. Alex. Meld - Inger and was beautifully decorated in pink and white. All wishing Mr.. Corriveau many more birthdays. Miss Mary Gelinas returned home on Saturday after spending a week with her nephew Louis in London. Mrs. Tuffield Ayotte is laid up vith rheumatism, We hope for ai speedy recovery, Miss Selonia Meidinger of Dashw- ood spent the week -end at her Koine. and was also a guest at her grand -- father's birthday, Mr. F. Cor''ivvau. also Mr. Louis Mousseau of Windsor1* 6_, 1-! t , t. t QUALITY DRUGS W"IEEVECIDE 1 ; 07. Bottle 1 gallon size 50c 4.85 Recoarmended by Department o f Agriculture for destroying Weevil in grain. One gallon treats 500 bushels. Must be used in wain weather 65 degrees iarenheight. ..COD LIVER OIL Highest quality available from reliable Drug Houses. Dr. J. .A. Addison, Proprietor 1111E11111 ' 111111 eiril711111111110t . :i++:++>;+++I+*+ ++Z:++i++i+4•4• fi 1"1-4.-> 4.4.4•4•4.i4+++++4.4.+4.4..+++ - +I+ 4"4. 4. TRY ECELL'S 't �o% Brea also Y CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND 1' SWEET GOODS. 3 All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ': ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening +t a ' Telephone 100 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++}+-3..t..e...e ;..I+.I.+t°.e,, +st + + t..F+ ,+v fi BILL,/ LIKE ITS LOON'S, SO SW: "LE COMPARED TO OTHERS,S0 COMPACT POP A SIX FOOTER .. . AP,ii? O EASY TO OPERATE, TOO. ;., YOU5'4IL�i ill JOHN, WHAT! SAVE ON Ts`is:NE AO L°iiGOP WILL PAY FOR IT " ^ ti+fit \ 1,..j. Sada d to ine Wang Local Dealer--A.LVINi RAU, Zurich, Phone 98r6. KLOPP'S ONE-STOP SERVICE MARATHON GAS A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Qirease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and ser how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing Wn use the MG AST ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Un -to -date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Warmer Weather and Better Roads HOWARD 1LOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection