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Zurich Herald, 1941-09-25, Page 4
ZURICH HERALD F 11 NI AC E G;^, tt7, '�,,mo�oo;n�r���Ary�,1pp,� ��.�s'aq�� T, o YI - Swartzentruber �}v{-rT,{�-ryy•�••�e^� FACE 'L� 2a3aY[LRY"S tine. Ka itIe :ch e' Ede �� a.tl tzen HJS be a 9 cot �s 17.4,„,01 ,p7vrth we u4.4 Nev y', He: "it'll. in a way we can. you know." She: "Dui, George. we're not trained to do any.. r�i ng " Ile: "Training doesn't matter for what I'm thinking about. I was wondering whether we couldn't put more of our income into War Savings Certifi- cates." She: "And why not? We might have to go without one or two pet luxuries -but wouldn't it be worth it to bring back peace again?" IIe: "And won't we be glad of the money -and the interest it will have earned -in a world without war i.ctrictionsi" The help of every C:11 ntld inn is needed for Victory. In these days of war the thoughtless selfish speeder is a traitor to our war elbrt. 4 reduction it personni spending is now a vital necessity to re- lieve the pressure rx,r;.o,rls, to Fnahle more and more labour and rr:e.terir's to be dicers. d to winning the war. The tell -out effort, which Canada m:rrsi denlrreds this self-denial c-1 eorh of us. DUP 1 • feAt onions, 0. Battler, H. Desjardine. Dutch setts, lvlrs, A. ilieltck, 0. Battler; Spanish onions, H. DE s jardit, Pl. Restemeyer. •\, itc Itcict carrots, 0. ll lAler 1. 1.L ew ,r e] 1; ;,-lrilen La, rots 0. hart; l,•,•. 11, i 17,1;,.1.'.. x1:!11 t 1i. tl Pr c(ly-. - -- ler, cC..Vmen 'Vje ter. \jrebuts; buts; i,t , )a f tiawi:- s:tc+l U. Beater, IT De is Hing'. rt, ?lend lied=, cockerel, pullet, Co:krek 1 t l to uc;flz' Ii I): , Lh;te, E. +, ,.rote_. , cook J. Battler, Cocit; el. I nc e i ,silo« + Mis. J. )3att1rr, 11. Block, pilot, 1-1. Block .J ti' al 3 ; Silver Grey Dorlt.ins, her J. Battler; Ilan: am b^oted, hen H. l;cr ee•1:e,-el and p:t;iat M. Sntlt' ; tlnnt:.m u'altooted, cock, nen cockrel, pilllet, I). Grahon; Old En- glish Game hen J. Battler, 'cockrel J Battler. W. Dearing: pullet J. Bat- tler, \V. Dearing; Jersey blk. giants, Graham, het: T. Snowden,D. Steeper, cockrel and pullet D. Steep- r; Andalu,'ions, cock, hen, cockrel, ,millet J. Battler; New Hampshire Reds, cock, hen H. Block, cockrel W. Dearing, Thiel Pros, pellet, Thiel D: -os, W. Dearing; Light Sussex, co- ckerel and pullet W. Dearing, J. fattier; Houdans, cock, hen, cockrel. 3. .Battler; CoIum"bian Wyandottes, hen. 11. Plock. cockrel and pullet J. I'laitler; :any 0. Var. hen, cockrel; pulet H. Meek; Pekin China clucks: old and young; &Like, old duck, J. Battler; Rouen ducks, old drake, J. tattler, T. Sn3wden, old duck T. -tewden, J. Battles. drake young & M lick, '�I ' ornr duck J. Battler, T. Snowden; etre, bel ducks, A. 0 V. duck old J. Battler,.. T. Snowden, duck old, young drake; 1. Battler; Geese, gander old J. Bat -:tier, D. Geiger, old goose, D..Geiger- I Battler. young gander and goose T, Bhittb'r; Turkeys, old male, old he -n, D. Geiger; young male D. "Gei- W. Dearing; young hen H. De- cker, D. Geiger.; Wild ducks, D. Gra- ham took all prizes; pr. gninea, D - Graham, H. Becker; Pheasants, old ad young cock, old and yotaigIlen T-laberer Pros. • Laird spacial, H. Becker; Thiel special, H. Becker; Mrs Ed. Gaseho special., J, Battler. GRAIN AND SEEDS White fall wheat, H. Desjardine, Del Geiger; red fall wheat, H. A. Fuss, Fred McClymont. Barley, H. Desjardine, 0. Battler. Oats. early, Geo, Link; oats, late, El. Desjardine, Geo. Link. Small peas, H. Desjardine. Buckwheat, H. Truemner. John ui•:livan, 0.P -,.,ler. 0. Battler, Mrs. Chu' tln -an. DAMN, Y I•C. 1 Ihsttei', !'l'C(_ :f,1,?i Seni;i1, 1'ru+ nor' • putter, pri Li, Mel Snaith, '.lc" 1,,.:toat. Cheese, Hy. Fla ;1 he . leo , s•, e tl ,rte 1, Fl l ores' Bratir'e, 1'4 . • M. ! .,. , Maple syrup, .C, Fred McClymont, nattier. er. a c;. W. fi• Fleury, 0. Ila:- tler' _ Chickens, dressed., Del Geiger. Soap, Mrs. A. Melick, H. I'c ,ardine. Ed Dates special. Del Geigel. Albert Hess special, 0. 1 tttiet , Laird Bros. speei 1, Habeier Bros. • Judge -M. LADIES' WORK Quilt pieee. applique. Miss Living- ston, H. A. Fuss; quirt, pieced cot- ton, 0. Tattler. C. Melick; fancy quilting, 0. Battler. H. A. Fuss. Comforter, I3. Block & Son; bed- spread, knit or crochet, Miss Living - ton; bedspread. fancy, H. A. Fuss. 'Mrs. J. Quinlivan; house dress. IT. A. Fuss, G. Daters; man's sleeping garment. Mrs. H. Fuss, Miss Living- lieet, Mss, > 1 Zurich Falai Fair (Gentinued from P.age !Cine)) flue Top. Specii s: Prang spetial, 'rv7:sit. De- . ger: Beet matched team, CC .Matlr-. boar V. Sparks, J. Gelinas; spring • ws; 141. O.sch, J. H. rrEwenr:.Hott-Ltsow ,l1', Gelinas, Ili. iia nstsm; (.0. - ;roan, H. Tanner; W. Jolei tarp, -W Deichea'a special, R. Lamont, Geo. Munro; Stele & �Weido, C..Iliaibews; Hess, R. N. Peck; Dr. O'Dwyer, W J. W. Merrier, J. Gelin;as; D..ecker, Sparks; H. Krueger, fit. Manson; .J.. Salinas; Tandem drive, W. „Munro. A elrnsItoti :Z Kalthfieliftra, A. rtanson; TTL , ungiblut, 1'). Geiger. Shorthorn --- R. Peck and W. rOes-' POULTRY ••rerahir took all prizes in this class ; Mack H'zarnburgs, I1ee3o., eCioelcrel! .and , ru.nes, , McClyrmolee L21ith- Miss Livingston; kitchen collection. Beef type. grades - 1 r. heifer pullet, J. Battler; BarredBarredIi,rck , 'E well~•!. Crab apples, red, Snowden & Mrs. Melick, H. A. Fuss; collection ''At. Matason and '.4ed; eHifer evelf, It. Cockr•el, J. Battler, F. l'Jen' cClyrnt; ( Grainger, 0. 5dattler; crab apple:,, needlework, Miss Livingston, Mrs, .Manson and 2nd, ;+tees calf., R•. ,tiletit- pullet, J. Battler, D. Geiger; White, 11 •• H, De 'a 'dine Mrs. John Melick; purse or hand bag, O. Batt - •x inti, If. Block, 1),e:re z•,.,,t•. 'e' Snowden, hen D. G: Quilrtt'� an. Gres H. Desjastdine, Ice, ltoy Lamont, Iioi,tein - Wm..ciparks took all him, `J.°, Snowden; Cockrei' .7T .nattierMel .Smith; coll. ,grapey, Mel Smith. Dt MESTIO SCIENCE *r.i es in this c.a,s, i. ,,'al are, pullet J. Battler, F. Me-. Plums, Ladthwai..te, Fred McCty- Loaf white bread, Mel Smith, C. .•J'erse'y --•'Milk cow, ;H'. Block; hes- -'1-•---^-,A • r, •a'isnas. hen, cockrr.'1 put- I wont; tsefl• plums, Fred McClymont, Melick; nut bread, W. Doupe; raisin ler calf, W. Henry. let Thiel it iraithwaitc Thiel's special,F. Mc- ' buns, G. linters, Mel Smith; tea his - Lincoln , c Bros, ;trvcicrel, Thiel I3r'os,i quits, E. Restemyer; 0, Melick; sieges• SHEEP ....line,- ,cl_crel H. Block, J.1(211111"±' GARDEN VEG TASLES cookies, E. Duchenne; ginger kook- rilenSeoln A. 17, Stselrir took all Battler, pullet H. Block and had;Iz.2+,ticden giotatoes Battler, M. les, W Doupe, E. Ducharnie; fried Brown Leghorns, cock, hen and roc- f ita:lr; dooleys;, M. �Raafex;, 0. }lett cakes, Mrs. H. Melick, Mel Smith; Ovford Downs _- tigers rami, T. H keel J. liattIei, W Dearing, pullet J, ler zany varie't. late ,.tato! Mr tone cele!, W. Doupe, Claire A Iic1c; l�k"barooek and 2nd, hE,.sling ram, W. Battler, Fl, Block; 4Vhti'. Leghorn;,; Iyailcr, 1FI . € laxyar potatoes, dark layercake, W. M, Henry, W. Y Flaxbard; atty- ty Doupe; light layer cake, W. Done; ��ax•y, T. 1'c;acoek; Shc:'arling e�r*e, T cock L. O'Brien.; Thiel faros; hen early potatoes, Q, Battier; green � s• � .r • T3ecicrr Sr. Tied cock and 2nd; Ram lamb, do, do; Tltiel Bros, L. O'Brien, cockrelThiel . ,nountair, H. Desjardine, 0. Britt- zc tarts Ile uy /0ere laml) T, Peacock. W. Dear:ntt•; Pres. anti Rn,! : pullet Thiel lar v ler; Irish cobbler, 0, Battier, er J Ne( tyniciit; cherry pie, 1VIel Smsttr, '^ T. Pr'acoek and Zis ;cX. Dearing; 'Bros, Y tI , T W. Doupe; dutch applie pie, Fred 1 g, 1'4CSW Leghorns, cock, Jtrrn , rn it nt.r. Mc;C,tyrnont, G. I)ater's : rcrffec' cake, Shropshire Downs •--••- 'I,', Id', .fest. e, e. .110. L. O'Brien and Corn, flint, ,1 . ITcpwond & :ion, j ter. T)oui)e, G. haters; Srbilbe spPr. 1 tr ia1, Claire Melick; Williams Special,, 0. Pettier; 1',ci'c Gold .:.aceiai, E. Tlesle meyer, W. M. Henry, 11. Me- 0ly'tnont; canned rlinbarb, 1t. Des lortilne; coated raspberries, It. Des. , `Yorkshire - .Aged :sow, W. Sparks Genn, Link; Swing 'boar, W. Grenier; Sprinz sow, W. 'Sparks, R. Lamont: Tamworth -- Agen sow and aged boar T. Snowden, 'R. Manson; 'Spring A. e to t, rs. Fuss; .sweater, IL A. Fuss, Chas, Iiay. -kitehen apron, Mrs. A. Melick, Mian Livingston, wool socks, H. Block & Son, Miss Livingston; mitts, hand knit, Miss Livingston, H. A. Fuss; darning worn sock, Mrs. Fuss. Pair crochet gloves, Miss Living- ston, H. A. Fuss; knitt ed suit. Mrs. Fuss; man's sweater, Chas. Hay; article made from old. stockings, H. Desjardine. Mrs. Melick; alcor mat, Tr>..Melick, M. Racier; floor mat, ltoiked rags, Mrs. Melick, H. Block I. Son; floor mat, hooked. woolen, 'Wm.. Decker, Mrs. Melick; floor mat, liaoked, silk, M. Rader, Wm. Decker; fluor. Beat c-rochet, M. Rader. -pining Room Furnishings- -Lunch set, cut work, Miss Living- ston, Del. Geiger; lunch set, other kind, Mrs. Fuss, Miss Livingston; set table mats, Mrs, Melick, Miss Li-- vingston; table cloth and napkins, Miss Livingston, H. A. Fuss; centre piece, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Fuss; buffet set, any other kind, Miss Liv- ingston; Roy Lamont; needlepoint, Red clover seal, 0. Battler, M. f Mrs. Melick, Miss Livingston; lunch A. Melick; alike clover seed, Mrs. set, Miss Livingston, H. A. Fuss; i 'John Quinlivan, Del Geiger; sweet uffet set, cut work, Miss Livingston, clover seed, H. Desjardine; timothy ,i3. A. Fuss; table cloth, emb, or cut end, Del Geiger, H. A. Fuss. • work, Henry Becker Sr.; tea cosy, g H. Block & Sou, Mrs. John Quinlivan; Field beans. 0. Battler, H. Des- jardine. Collection grain in heads, Del Geiger, Snowden & Grainger. Alfalfa seed, Mrs. J. Quinlivan. Judge -T. L. Williams. HORTICULTURE Coll. of apples, Thiel Bros., Laith- .oau.' & Son; fall apples, Laithwaite, tea towels, Snowden & Grainger, Miss Livingston. Bed Room Furnishings -- Pillow slips, pair, Roy Lamont, 0. Battler: pillow slips, other hand- work, Mrs. Fuss, C. Melick; fancy sheet and pillow slips, Miss Living - ilei Geiger; winter apples, Leith- .Mrs. H, A. Fuss; guest towel, pair, :.elta, erl Winter a Mrs. Fuss, Roy Lamont; bath towel, King of1 Tomkins, 0. Battler, Miss Livingston. 0. Deters; curtain, Miss Livineeton, Mrs. Melick; vanity Laithwaite; now apples, Claire Me- see mr; . M:'lick, miss Livine,,e,n ick, R. Geiger; northern spies, boudoir cushion. Miss Livingston, �varte. er e1n ac n. Mrs. Melick; night robe, 1I. A. Fuss. ..ailh T 1 St " b 1 B f In Lts, Snowden & Grainger, Miss Livingston; collar and cuff set, A. Melick; R.1. Greerungs, Mrs, John Quinlivan, Mrs. Melick; f aithwaite, Fred McClymont; iMac- ladies' slip, Mrs. Fuss, Miss Living- lntosh IRed, Snowden & Grainger, - sten; ladies' dressing gown, Miss Laithwaite; 'rlbson pippin, Leith- Livingston. H. A. Fuss; pillow slips, •aihe, W. M. Henry; golden russets;,. Miss - Livingston. Tea Steinbach, 7±;. Tiestemeyer• Children's Wear- Wagners, Snowden & Grainger, Botiuet.• jacket and bootees, M. Laithwaite; imams, 'Ted Steinbach, Rader. H. A. Fuss; crib cover, H. A. Mrs. A. Melick; wolf sri'ver, Leith- Fuse; carriage set, H. A.. Fuss; Childs waste, Mrs. Jenna •Qtu:nTiv'an. fancy dress, Miss Livingston; play Ontarios, Snowden & Grainger, dress, Miss Livingston; child's cos- tume, Thomas Meyers. Living Room Furnishings- . Centre pieee, colored, 0. Battler, Miss Livingston; table runner. Miss Livingston, Roy Lamont; sofa, pillow, 0. Battler, Miss Livingston; sofa pillow, other handwork, Henry Beck- I..aithwaite; rrsaulens 'blush, W. M. Henry, Laithwaite; 'Menai-elm -pippin, Laithwaite; pe• esrukee., Fred McCty- •nont, Laithwaite; t:e'lverts, Laith- waite, Mrs. A. MeTice'k;; 2f) oz. pip - pen, Laithwaite; ttalnean sweet, 'Ted Steinbach, Snovrdes iii (Grainger. Wealthy. Del Geii;ger, Laithwaite. er Sr., H. A. Fuss; chesterfield set, Collection of clan peat , Fred 0. Battler, E. Ducharme; afghan, Mcelytutont, Lait!nvaii'te collection Miss Livingston. -rf winner pears, F. M'eC1'ymont, Mrs. John Quinlivan; coil. Ipeatrs, fall and winter, V. McClymont, lafiftiewaite. Bartlett pear, Hab+e'ner fi3t,srs., F. McClymont; Flemish Inanity, Leith - w cite, E. itestemeyer; C•lla c 'is favor - pear, Wed McClytnent. 'Peaches, Mel Smith, Claire Meliek. Miscellaneous- Bridge set, Miss Livingston, H. A. Puss; applique, Mrs. Quinlivan, H. A. Fuss; door stop, Mrs. Quinlivan, Mrs. Melick. Collection of articles made from table oilcloth, Mrs. Melick, Henry Becker Sr.; collection garden images, . i ook all prizes. Banff Urpingtons, 3• Battler all Geo. Link; corn, dent, 0. Battler, , i_.. Leicester ..'•••.:I), A. C3ralsant and prizes; W11{„ Wykntldettl'C'.�t, circ:♦rlien. Cxr.l)ri:rer levee' r!o10 levy Dnr•i'ancc toe': all pries, pullet, ,r• liaitler, 0, Graham,�7' G �""t`x'"' Jr;. Heywood; yellow ban- j cock -:.!,,,n1 q; eet corn, E. Heywood, `{O(x9 I rrl, .i), Ordain, 3, Battler; Rhode' hied. pniorls) '0, Battlers • . yE,llaa w ' r • !'1.'Iurar'qc Sos4W#ber 25th,, 104 ++ +44 i"1'i"1,•:-.1-1."} +,;,,..+ ,}•,,.•71,,71 •:•. ± 1- #.,1•+...+",. 14.1 . (r �.,, •..�.r. . ..••i",i J4„'!1` "We Recomend FEED - An SELL the Best" PU F» `t�, .. 14,11 Of LI Vl cst7r i ca. IlII 3k' n? 01' P Ll 3 ? aa1 rM c2'' I n . =a? such c .. 72,, .'rf -:i t�' P.c-•.+'ay 1;'!,:' .., Fresh Shipment Ev 7 1), ivc»ia.,i lA.: telt: FLA ( •�j�,r at reason,.. +le* ctia't n'�e 9. {3 FL.,A. P1 W. SHAN '; rz as •,'EA-. i!'+'.'., Zurich 91 r20 Ttly; el i44 11 Government Monthly on the overnmien Moayth1 an You must start at once Next will be the £zsl opportunity to pay your 1941 income Tax on the Government Monthly Plan. T hi,r uric*e.r rtoac the privilege of paying in twelve monthly srt.rfallmentr without inlerert, zwle;ad cf by lump ,rum in Jlarc;z, 1942. Here is how to get the monthly payment privilege! Divide the total of your 1940 Income Tax by twelve. This is your first payment - and must be paid to the Receiver Gc neral ors or before September 30, 1941. You will then pay the same amount before the end of each month for the balance of 1941. 'When you h., Y'e estimated ,your 194J income tax at tate 1941 rate, ti t will deduct the foui: paynaents you will have al;•:..Jy shade, and pay the remainder in eight equal mo�it'.iy installments, start' ng January, 1942,. The Government offers the above plan as the most reasonable and convenient method of meeting income tax obligations. Ask your local income Tax Office For installment Income Tax Remittance Form - and any further information you nay require. G. W. G. GIBSON, Minister of National Revenue C.F. ELLIOTT, Commissioner ojIncome 'Tax 49E0 v 01. a. 7•e jardine, Henry Becker Sr.; straw- berries, .I-1:. Desjardine, Fred McCly- moat; canned cherries, Mel Smith H. Desjardine; canned pears, H. Des- jardine, Fred McClytnont; canned. Wilms, T!. Desjardine, Fred McCly- • mont; canned peaches, E. iliestemey- er. 0. Battler; currant. jam, Henry Becker Sr.; Fred McClymont; berry jam, FL Desjardine, W. Loupe; genre jelly, W. Doupe, Mrs. A. Melick; recd currant, jelly, 14. Desjardine, Ileury Becker Sr.; bottle nixed vinegar pickles. H. Desjardine, Mrs. A. Mel - ick; mustard pickles, H. Desjardine Mrs. A. Melick; catsup, 0. Battler, G. Deters. Canned tomatoes. Claire Melick, G. Daters; canned corn, G. Deters, H. A. Fuss; collection, canned. H. Desjardine. Dr. O'Dwyer special, Mrs. H. Fuss. Workingman's supper, Mrs. Melick, 13. A. Fuss, G. Deters, W. Doupe. Judge -Mrs. Fowler. ART WORK Cartoon, Miss Livingston, Hy. Flaxbard, Poster, E. Ducharme, Hy. Flaxbard. Crepe, Mrs. Fuss. Oil painting, landscape, Miss Liv- ingston, Ray Desch; marine view, Miss Livingston. Water color, scene, Miss Livingston, H. Fuss; ilevkel:s, fviiss Livingston, :11Irs. Fuss; anim si, Miss Livingsf na, H. Fuss, Pastel, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Fuss,' Conventional design, Miss Livingston, H. Fuss. Wood carving, Miss Livingston, H, Block. Amateur photo, Del Geiger, H. Flaxbard, Art work, Miss Livingston, Mrs. Fuss; sepia, Miss Livingston, H. Fuss. FLORAL, EXHIBITS Geiger; large, Mrs. Melick, R. Geiger; bouquet, small, E. Heywood, R. Geiger; sylvia, E. Heywood, Roy Lamont; dahlias, E. Heywood, Roy Lamont; pansies, Mrs. Quinlivan. Geraniums, Mrs. •Quinlivanv ast- ers, Roy Lamont,. Mrs» Quinn's' Petunias, Mrs. Quinlivan, E. Hey- wood; house plants, Mrs. 'Quinlivan, Coleus, 1Z. Geiger, Annuals, Mrs.. Quinlivan, H. Hey- wood; cosmos, Mrs. Qtrinlivan, :Heywood; zinnias, 0. Battler, Mrs. Quinlivan; verbenas, Mrs. Quinlivan Bird house, H. Flaxbard. Writing, under 10 years, Tee: Steinbach, Fred McClymont; writing over 10 years, Fred McClymont, H. Flaxhard. Art, over 10 years, H, Flaxbard. Dr. Addison special, IL. Fluxxbard. Judge -Mrs. Fowler. KIPPEN NEWS Mr. and Mrs. J. Carter and dang. liters of Clandelboye and Mr. and Mr': J. Linden and Verna of Denfield,. spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. rl.rchie Parsons. `: ho many friends of Mrs. Herbert: Jones will be sorry to learn she un- derwent an operation on nes ankle which she had broken last Thursday. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mr. Herbert Jones, Harold and Mr. and Mrs. ,Bernand Keyes of neat'- Hayfield spent Sunday with Mrs>. Jones • in St. Joseph's Hospital, Lon-•- dolt. i17r. grin Foster and Miss Alien Stafford of Hamilton and Miss Ber- nice Thiel ;and Mr. Harold Thiel of Zurich visited on Sunday at the limn&&! of M'r. and Mrs. W. Hosmcy. 11f'rs: 1Y0grit: Parsons and Harold'. are visiting ir� we©k with Mrs. Part' soak's sister, Mr. and` ,ala.= - +garter of near fOlandeboye. Mrs. R. Hopkins and Mrs. Porter' of Chicago and Mrs. R. Dick of Smith. ville are visiting the Iatter's sn•iter illifes: Edna Cochrane and bro- ther Allen Cochrane. Anniversary services will l)e held. in E1illsgreen United church on Stin day next at eleven a.m. and severe-• thirty p.m. The guest speane':r will; be Rev. Miss Heart of Varna. Spec- ial music will be provided by Kippers• choir assisted by Mrs. Geo. Hess,. soloist, o£ Hensen. MrI. rr. iivison and Jean and MY: :Cvison 'Torrrance spent Sunday with dile dntter s y 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Torrance of Porter . Bill. lfl T-Tywood,• gladiolus, E. Hoy_ 3aphasnia1 services was held in the wood, 1'1r. Quinlivan; roses, Mrs, United Church on Sunday morning„ Quinlivan, .E. Heywood. is+ hen Hem: :Rose Ann infr'•st (laugh - CHILDREN'S DEPARTMENT 'tel Of Mr: and IV1rs. Per !4 !meek Mountod weeds" lEl. Flaxbard, vas baptised..