HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-09-18, Page 8PAG 4 zwairr • • • • • 9 • • • 9 9 9 49 9 • • 9 • 9 9 • 9 99• 9 • * 49• 9 9 9 9* • * • • • 9 9 49 • • 9 • • 9 9 j. GASCHO PRODUCE WANTED 9 with th,Stac We are rece-:-.-inc airr.lzrits of Fall and Winter Goods alinos;: arai would be pleased to show you our uw'rous lines of New Goods. We spent a few day a at Toronto last week at our Wholefales and bouat a large supply. We find this a goo& plan in these days when goods are scarce as Wholesalers have many lines in small that are not sampled to travellers, and these are readily picked up by merchants who visit Warehouses. We would like to draw your attention to New Dress Materials for Fall; New Readymade Suits and Dres- ses are high in price, it would pay you well to have them made up, from our new stock. BOTANY PLAIDS for SKIRTS and JACKETS Are very new. We have several named patterns such as Margaret Rose, McBeth, MacPherson and many others, 58 -in. wide, in price range from, $1.98 to 2.49 a. yard. CORDUROY VELVETS in wine and blue yd. 98c ALL WOOL SHEPHERD CHECKS 58 -in. wide at per yard 2.45 SPUN RAYONS in plaids, striped and plain colors very suitable for Fall Dresses at 75c to 98c yd. WOVE FAILLES, Herringbone tweeds also in stock, prices 1.79 to 1.98. NEW LOT of Ladies and Girls' Cardigans and Sweaters to wear with plaid Skirts at 1.98 to 2.75 each NEW CHENILLE BED SPREADS Are very popular. We have them in shades of Mauve, Rose, Dusty Rose, Maroon. Prices from 4.50 to 9.95 each_ MEN'S WEAR A complete line of Men's Suits, fine Shirts, Ties, Sox, Caps, Sweaters, Etc. ZURICH HERALD t:11-111.1611111111401."" .11-41fiNitt ilimitionimenno 11111 • 9 9 8 8 9 SON • 8 • • 9 9 9 9 • • • g 011 rocer tore Cram Cheese per lb• . .............••,.... ............. 30c Coffee, fresh ground, per lb. 37c Dates, with pitts, 2 lbs. .......... ...... Z5c Chocolate Mallow cookies, per lb. 20c Red Rose Tea, (black) half -lb 33c Soap Flakes, 5-1b.. box 39c Woodbury's Facial. Soap,, :4 bars 25c Aerowax, no rubbing, pii4. can 29c Me no Oesch Zurich .PRDUCE WANTED, Phone 165 Thursday., 6.'epleten.beer..t.1184,, 194/. - •••••••••••••••• a- 111111111111 111E11111111111 J111111111_111111111_ 11111111 II lion 1 ummomm ti im Inman lUl mmummoi Rimill1111111Maileiiih4 , MARKETS iTEMS OF LOCAL INTERELOCAL ST .- 41 Miss Elen Fremlin and Herb Kiehe : 'Corrected every Wednesday) * e 9 motored to Clinton one evening' ;:: - ,Butter„ Creamery •42' • Mr. Earl Flaxbard spent the week end at London and Staney Pone.. . , 40 * Miss Della Mae Gingerf* is ae.....EDgr•egsss,e4doczhienek.en. s.... 31, 29, 22, 18 te 20i. 25 • I it e in ...,enton Collegiate thiiiier C t.% hickeees. live .... ........ e 15-20 ,,,,- 9 Mr. and Mrs. William..Dieb 0 Kincardine spent Sunday at the •benhe. lWheat, bushel - 1.03 0 40 : 0 9 of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Thiele : e , bushel. • Born -In Ha Township, en SePte 111313t lkweyai,'ebatbus:h•• ...... ...i.7.5.:,i..40: be em er 3rd, to Mr. and. Mrs An:till:SY .orour, ewt a • Etue, a son. wife, (A. Paiatry flour, at mill, 25 -lb. ..,....75e: • :Pte. Lawrence Bedard and Kitchener were Sunday visitors. Le: and,IviShi.dotcusings,ton bran, ton 28.00 . moo; • • • 49 town. 4P4444.4.4,9 4.411.4 ,lo• .0 ,A•nr opa•••••*,6P,A, .,••t•,i..+.§.++++.4. 4 4 4 4. ft, 4 °C! 4 44 , + I 4* 4.;4. t 4. 4 4 4 4 4 4. .4' iu Fmnton. 7.4 YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware: Stoves, Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments, Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabi e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional' Chairs Rockers, Etc. !,,5,41P1711"'L,T%I FURNITURE Fur the more conservative purchaser we you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for your Mop.ey. Drop in and look these over and get our Remarkable Low Prices Johnston & Kalbfleisch !,:t• Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 4 Mrs. L. W. Hoffman and. • roy O'Brien motored to. Lonclege . . IlliltillliltEMIIMIlill1111111111M011111111111111111111111111140111121111111t1IIIIIII1111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111011=111111111M11111111111111111111111111111111111111E111* , Monday the former remainm:g be • city for a few days- . Miss Patricia O'Dwyer. wheels; at- • te tending Loretta Collegg Stratlerd,. was a week -end visit= at the biome • of her parents, Dr and -Mrs, G'1DwYer eee Mr. and Mrs. Henry Schelde and ISdaughter Jean and Mxs.. David Wit- • mer all of Thedford spent Sunday at 9 9 • • • • • 00 • 9 • • PHONE 59 IMMINIMBEr-LIMIZI110.111=1111MONNONIMENIIIM20110111110112, 464111101110.11111111111111,1110 Dead afid Pisabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. amome=razamazamsrommsmak iceamenamassicsisassomsgan eastase***009003Seel84094•14624440006380444=40v0030NEOZSP•OtWelea Goal -Goal HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE ,/ Tine will make Blyth Fair one of the the Est this yes, but in Spite, of this it promises ta he a gala event 'LOSES VALUABLE IWRS.ES Mr. Albert .Gaiser, of Shipka, lost foure^-*.uable horses recently. He had been sowing fall wheat on farm_ the home of Mrare.cl: MrsWmtheemiles from the home place and. . . . . at night he lett same seed wheat in Witmer of town. a wagon and turned the horses loose The Evangelical church shed had its appearance mach improved by having a coat of green. paint on ,its roof the work being done by. John- ston & Kalbfleisch. Anniversary- services will beheld in the Emmanuel Evangelical church Zurich on Sunday September 28th. Rev. F. M. Feist of Chesleyvvill be the guest preacher. Drysdale -The Silver Chest raff- led off by the parishoners of -SC Peter's R. C. ChurcheDrysdale, was by Mr. Frank Kovoc oVLondon Ont. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Flegman Detroit, Mr. and Mrs, g Haines and sons of Dearbord; Mr. and M. M. G. Deite. end faintly of Zur1ch $pe'n.! Sundry at the home bf Mr. and Mrs YOUR WINTER'S FUF.T, Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsm i thing Our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. A E & WEIDO ZURiCH - ONT. QUALITY - PRICE - SERVICE 63009447021i4M115•57-4301i.f9a5.194,-Ceea V.'4,-2VorsuZ<V0.47A9Z21999994:111V1 • 11 1 t. 6' 1 L 8 8 the field. The horsere.get into the wheat and overate with the result that poisoning set in and all four horses died. Mr. haflsome a the finest horwes in the community and* loss was a particularly heavy one. BATTELINCI THE, DEADL.1 DOPE . ' RA.C_KET .: A ,eeart-touching, .profeundly dis- inietting Picture of a mind -and -body desteeoying traefie. in drugs, carries on by 'the devil's. own peddlers, will be presented by Dr. Arthur LaRoe, Preaident. of The American 'Narcotic Defense Association, in The Amer- ican 'Ve`ekly with The Detroit Sun- day 'Ihnes, starting with the Sept- ember 21 iseue. Be sure to get The Jacob Ortwein, 'Bronson line, ...-„•Detroit.anday Times this week and Mr. and Mrs. I:. 1,..Wil/iams andlyere week. Mr. Calvin Williams on "efonday ate;ye e WAR SERVICE tended the birthday eelebration. i BOARD lelEET e.,, thir ebrother-in-law, M. .A,kec. Ehnee, 7 '4111,blic War Service Board meet - of near Bright, Ont There weree t. Ailg Was held in the Hensall Town some 6Q guests . present fee the oc- Mil, 031 Friday evening, Sep5th, casion, which is an annual event. . e with the preeident,p Dr. Campbell Mr. Harold Stade who was a Su nse letolding. The minutes of the July day isitor with his parents.ere hed fleeting, 1940, when the organizat- a. very pleasant ride in thepassenge ion Was formed were read by Secy., •Ielane that flew the Stratterd Nata . ''vtralter Spencer. Dr. Campbell revi- ewed the year's activities and re - Saturday. . ported four large boxes sent to local Some real mid -summer warm weae: boys overseas and also three hundred ther has visited these parts over the eigarettes.M iss Beryl Pfaff reported week -end, especially on Monday and ef.- the Institute, and E. L. Mickle, Tuesday. Last Thursday night we, =for the war savings certificates that were visited with a frost,- but-Vtle their objective was $350, this was ex - damage was done. . e '. ceeded; Dr. Campbell, chairman of the Victory Loan reported leading i n the Campaign. The treasurer, W. V. Cross gave a splendid report showing balance of $1.59 in the bank; T. Oli- ver' who had charge of the softball games reported $100 raised. War nails were made for a field day mee. in the Hensall park early b October and the schools are to be invitedb ,Sports committee were: Chairman, :t H. Middleton, W. R. Davidson, Ted Oliver, Leroy O'Brien and Ed. Gas- elro, Zurich. Dr. Campbell invited Mr Owen Geiger to take the chair while 'a new president was elected. Dr. Campbell was re-elected president. The following slate of officers was presented by W. 0. Goodwin. Vice- president, David Ducharme, Zurich; Large Potato 1 Sane Dougall, Hensall, Andrew 33e11, Some real nice samples of pota‘es Kippen; secretary, Ken. Hicks; ex - are in evidence in these :etre, as ecutive, Reeve Shaddick, Rev. R. A the other day Mr. Albert r....te's of Brook, Rev. W. Weir, Rev. Grant of town brought to our office a nice Kippen, Rev. Turkheim of Zurich specimen of the Brunswick Cobbler1 Rev. Father Power of Zurich; Rev. variety which tipped the scales at 1 -lb Hee;kendorre Zurich., L. O'Brien, Zur- and 8 ounces. Mr. Gies advises usliell; Miss Beryl Pfaff, Mrs. T. Mey- that there were four on the hill, and , ers, Zurich;Z Mrs. .Glenn MacLean, a» we wmilii cen ,itler .this big mur- I A. C. Kailadieisch of Zurich; Dr. P. phy a good meal for a hungry man, i. O'Dwyer of Zurich; Edgar Munn 'rt it ,-ollfl '.• ' 1•I g umivrt1,1-1111:: to W. 0. Goodwin, E. L. Mickel, Elgir try and consume the entire hill for a Rowelill, Sid McArthur, Walter Span - meal. 13LYTH FAIP. DATES ' cer, Wm. Siebert and E. M. Dame of Zurich; Reeve Armstrong, P. G. Ilon- Tf'or ".0 eeeend time the antes of , throe and Rot. Cooper, Kipperi. The Blyth Pali Fair have been changed, I following members of the executive anti the fair now wie be held ,, . Oet.iwho wee present spoke briefly: Rev. 7 veld R, A gemmd ereix-un Tule been Brook, W. B. Cross, Reeve Shaddlek, eereeted thie e ••• ,. 1.:.• 1.:, elet V;1 -avid Ducharme, l‘fliee II PfafT, A. l'" ,,'"' .. - -.4! ..: L 1) -Ali 1%!:1),:',(:!' ., ti ri7 '171:•:.', lTatee SpS .m- 1 ! or. lt,!...,11:.-;,, ',. 1,,..,,,I :.,,,! and i-,,., , .i,if.11 :„•.+. .'', . • tle n•,!frt. le 't'• :,•r1 lo .•:•i 1.,,,, (Dap:4 as litatetl,r It)iTiL leeh ihe .;;-",...nal Anthem. 1 from Windsor to their ownecety �n The local fire hall is receiving its, rebuilding, the ceiling is being rais- ed and the entire building will" have a ceiling this is found necessary. *o. accomodate the new engine andthe other equipment, • 80th ANNIVERSARY St. Peter's Lutheran chUrceie Zur: reFeis going to celebrate the eightieth anniversary of its organization on Sunday, September 28th. The ser- mons, both morning tinir evening, will be preached by the Rev. H. Schildroth of Detrolt, an outstand- ing speaker and the son-in-law. .of the late Rev. C. C. J. Maass, pastor of the Zurich congregation 1903-1913. Everybody cordially invited! NOW! IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WQOd Very ReasoltkIkly Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also 4:gu•ity a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Salipply Your Wants in these Lines! HESS, the Repair Man PASIN1111111111111111N11111111111111111 111111111111111111l111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MIIIIS11111111111111111111111111111111111101111111111111111111111111111111111111118111111111111111110911111111RIIIIMI1111111111111111111111111111111CilWa. •• 0 e'• GENERAL) 1 92 9 9 1 1 • 9 9 • SUR CE EXCEPT LIFE The, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Eto, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative 71..7'. • ‘•-• • ' tz. Zurich 1•••••••••••••••••0••••••099414,0499Peogoosesseseaseo Your Winter's Fuel We are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment... Prices always within the limits of other Dealers with Quality Considered. CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! FOR SALE -A Large Weigh Scales. 14 a Ze." C hU r` • a4,404999twoomoveseeirioatazurezinstoolge4:01,2,4,:,•••esaavaeaseesaist