HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-09-11, Page 8PAGE ] IGT ' le are r eceivi £b 0+ Fall 1 and Winter .y}.. ` .., , ,., F .,sritt e 'pleased to show N.HYJ'1., ltij '.. Ib�l:.,l� 4 W .. S+'. �M M. you our numercuis Enes 5.af New Goods. We ssp. nt a tea°w CltvirS at Toronto last week at. our Wholesales and o..oughC: a large aupply. We find his thci says when goods are scarce a y c:It�sa 4� r pit we mF.,py lines in small lots that aye not sampled to travellers, and these are readily� e. rrrely, ;s who visit Warehouses. We would like to dawn your attention to new Dress Materials for Fall; New Readymade Suits and Dres- ses are ligh in price, it woukl pay you well to have thern made up, from our pew stock. BOTANY PLAIDS FOR SHIRTS and JACKETS Ace veru new. We have several narned patterns such as Margaret Rose, McBeth, MacPherson and many others, 58 -in. wide, in price range from, $1.98 to 2.49 a yard. CORDUROY VELVETS in wine and blue yd. 98c ALL WOOL SHEPHERD CHECKS 58 -in, wide at per yard 2.45 SPUN RAYONS in plaids, striped and plain coflors very suitable for Fall .Dresses at 75c to 98c yd. WOVE FAILL ES, Herringbone tweeds also in stock, prices 1.79 to 1.98. NEW LOT of Ladies and Girls' Cardigans and Sweaters to wear with plaid shirts at 1.98 to 2.75 each. NEW CHENILLE BED SPREADS Are very popular. We have them in shades of Mauve, Rose, Dusty Rose, Maroon. Prices from 4.50 to 9.95 each. MEN'S WEAR A complete line of Men's Suits, fine Sox, Caps, Sweaters, Etc. J. GASCHO (SE PRODUCE WANTED Shirts, Ties, SON PHONE 59 It Dad and Ilkabled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 1 egi00114••41180•.8A••4144*i t4lkS$ SAM.yi''11o*;0,.i..Qij -4344. +06044.441•• • HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURiE • Coal Goal YOUR WINTER'S FUEL Colder Days will soon be here which will demand the most suitable FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let us fill your bin while prices are lowest. YOUR HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Furnace or Stove Need Attention; or Prob- ably You Need a New One. Let Us Look These Over for you and offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantages. , - , 1 OTHER SEASONABLE NEEDS Plumbing, Evetroughing and Tinsmithing Our Specialty , Full line of heavy and shelf Hardware al- ways on hand. Also a fine display of Furniture, Matt- resses, Springs, Beds, Etc., in stock. ST DE era ZURICH ONT. QUALITY — PRICE - SERVICES ! osik9lR k' A!4$+1easaaasS4istv4elsoluste, ttiatatiolottess****01 p� s 1 1 itimiumil ZURICH HERALD I i+III 1I II II NEM rOCerY Sto II 11111 I I I .' ;II 1 Mt r-- Cream Cheese per Ib. --i Coffee, fresh ground, per lb. Dates, with pitts, 2 lbs.Z5c 30c .20c 33c 39c 25c 29c Chocolate Mallow cookies, per lb, Red Rose Tea, (black) half -lb Soap Flakes, 5-1b. box Woodbury's Facial Soap, 4 bars Aerowax, no rubbing piint can Menno Oesch.- TTI PRDUCE WANTED. Ij 111111 1111I MIM II II Mil rich Phone 165 MEI t ' III IIIA TI `iI 111111111111111)1 ." iTFIVIS yry s C,ky! . S1 1 LOCAL MARKETS Miss Jane Lamont is spending a `1 (Corrected every Wednesday) few clays in Bayfield this week...' BIIrtter:+, Creamery 42 Mir. Ed. Wurm of Markham won first prize in bowling on the 27th of ;Butter, dairy 40 August and r7on a big silver cup. Eggs, dozen 33, 30, 24, 18 Tr. Harry McAdams, Mr. Harvey Dressed chickens 20, 25 Neeb of Dashwood, Clare Masse.. of''Chickens. live 15-20 the Bronson, took in the Toronto g,.,..,.-: Yvheat, bushel 1•p,3 recentl over the week-end.Oats, bushel , 40 Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kalbfieisch of Ttroley, bit* :0 Detroit, were recent visitors at the Buckwheat, bush. 45 home of the former's parents, ' Mr and Mrs. Fred C. Kalbfleiseh. Mrs. Peter ,Koehler of .town re- eeived the sad news of+:ber only brother John Spath of 'troy; N. Y. who was taken to the Hospittif, he• being run into while working ,. in, car shop, was hit with a , car.. little hopes are entertained for his; .iecc;ery. F1bu: , cwt. 2.75 3.00 PasatryBoni, at mill, 25-1b. .....75c Shorts and bran, ton 28.00 Middlings, ton 3'0.00 A PUBLISHER'S BLESSING O blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from ns; But knowing his subscription due, Fine rains have visited these 131;lends in the moneyto renew. the past week and they will greatl s' rd`; . help the fall wheat coming up and & dumbly blest is that good friend also help fall plowing, while they '+lo waits not till a bill we send, do not meet with the approvals of But promptly sends us the amount the bean harvester, but nicer'd'ays Wherewith to straighten his account. are coming for this work in the near' future. < WHAT OUR MOUTH TELLS ABOUT YOUR CHARACTER ;a Dr. Donald A. Laird, psychologist. —writing in The American Weekly The regullar monthly meeting .af with the 'September 14 issue of >De- the Council of the Township of Hay trcit Sunday Times—tells how, ;aT= ;,as held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on though you may utter sound, y4( i o iday, Sept. 8th, with all members lips mare eloquently express &bigt ,, present. The minutes of the August emotions and chances for s iteess` meeting; and special meeting were ad - than words, or even your eyes,mrght_e,y.; al's read. Numerous communic- possibly indicate=and tells how A) ations were reed and considered and zcad them. I3e sure to .get. The Ile ordezred filed.: trait Sunday Time s this week Axid * ' ' every week. "`Following resolutions were passed: That'By :law No. 11, providing for levy and elllection of rates for year 1941 :be mead three times and finally pRa4staed. that. By-law No. 12 appointing T. R,. -Patterson, engineer, under The I-?4alaIs and Watercourses Act be read three times and finally passed. khat By-law No, 13 providing for aOessmenta on Collector's Roll for , rth, Brat ch of Black Creek, Zurich sin Salith and Schwalm Drain for Moneys advanced for repairs be read three times and finally passed. That By-law No. 14 confirming; ap- bointment of Thos. Laing as inspect- or of Aldworth Drain, Eacretlt Drain, McDonald Drain and Wildfong Drain be i»ead three times and finally pass- ed. That Plans, reports, profile, etc., re .;,1Vorth'-'Branch of Black Creek be rheferred to engineer to provide for lands detached from Hensall and ad- ded to Hay and Tuckersmith town - Thai • clerk -treasurer be authorized Lawrence. She was born August 25, to 'sign and submit to Unemployment 1854 and came to Canada with her Insurance Commission certificate clpiming exemption for township officials and employees as per reso lotion passed on August 11.r)lu, a941. That upon notice from. SIr. 3, f I cDonald, Mr, T, R, Patterson, en. HAY COUNCIL WON EIGHTEEN PRIZES . Mr. Pic _. ,., of Stephen,:is to be on his suicc, ,ss at the Toronto Exhibition' with :his Dorset Horn sheep: Ile carried off eighteen prizes including ;'chatipion ewe. CONTROL OF GAS Toronto — Canada is on the verde of serious cur allnI4nt of gasolne„ G, R. Cottrelle, federal oil contral4 told the annual meeting of the C+asir adian Auto Association. How farQa'e have to go in the curtailment o0lvXr�, 4 essential use of gasoline I'm notpt° pared to say, but I will say we will have to go a long way yet. User's of fuel oir for heat, may be asked to convert to coal. CO. ENGINEER'S MOTHER 87 3'irs, Donald i'atter.son ,celebratd her 87th birthday quietly at the home o.c her son, Roy raitaraon, e'annty• engineer, Goderich, and Mrs. 'Patter- son.. Mrs. Patterson, Who is enjoying remarkable good health for her age.; was .before her marriage Miss Eliza parents from England in 1860. On June 20, 1873 she was married .to Donald Patterson. After their marr- iage Mr..and Mrs. Patterson went to Arburn where they lived fpr si, years, then to Mullett and later '.to gineer, be requested to make a sur - E. Wawanosh. In' 1922, two years vfy and report on improvements and after Mr. Patteason died, Mrs. Pat rdpairs to the McDonald xriunicipal terson left the farm and has since »Faro. to made her home with her children in ! That application. be made to the Auburn, Goderich and Toronto. ' Minister; Department of Highways, 1 i 1 1 4 4 4 YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS { We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware: ,Stoves. I Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this, Line. + Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE ' See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A. Full Line of all the Home Requirements I Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con-. sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc. IThursday, Septembdr ii Itlr, 1944. 4.4.1`40:P4,404•440.41..R v:.+rK+.444 41. +r•+ <.vc 414. a++ '•M'5'I•44.d'++N+IH.kri4 urnittor • SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save 4 you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you. big value for your Money. Drop in and look these over, and get our Remarkable Low Prices. Johnston & Kalbileisch H rdware & Furniture. Phone 6S 'i'+tr+++ + ++fi'4.4444.4 4.4'1.641' 414• F'G'E4 +i'4+'t'+S<+A.'1' F't++i+.+ 4,414 '1&mglfllNplllllllllll��Uliinfli",i�',`:i�:a;'ii?r1if�lir�l`fiillik'�IIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIfIIllllff48RIi11111�i11llfll(lliEiili�7filA%I(Ilfllllllll9l:�llllfilllllllll1il11!Ifi11(illlllllllllllllllllllllllll(NIIIIIII�IIIIINmllllfs NOW! IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! HESS, the Repair Man IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilllllllllll111111)iallliiinitil if;lj"'a 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111NIII111111111111110181111r,11111111111Nili011111111'lllluN!C11i1111111111111111111UIIIIi;VIII 1111IIIIfi11111 Illi PLOWING DATES Fon HURON The agricultural office, Clinton; .as ar anged plowing demon ti,ations .n Huron County on the following :lutes and at the following plaices:: September • 11th, Tuckersmith _'ownship, on the farm of ]Vlathew :ancy, Iot, 4, con. 2, September 12th — Colborne Twp., on the farm of Alex. Watson, con. 10. September 13th — Hay Township on the farm of Edmund Waiper, Bronson line, north of Dashwood. Also demonstrations have been made for demonstrations on Septcm- ,r ' , 1 :.0 aed i)^t. 1 and 2nd.. All demonstrations t:r commence at 10 aim Mr. Norman McLeod, of salt., champion plowman, will be c r: to o'ii(iat, as coach. All de- monstrations will be and,:;' the sup. "r'' ,c,_, o1 i. Shearer, district agr- icultural representative. for an additional $500.00 to providi for cost oLeulverts not taken in when original By-law was passed. That accounts covering payment: on Township Roads, Hay Telephone System, Relief and general account be passed as per vouchers: Township Roads — Twp. Stephen cement tile $1.25; Pay list No. M, G. Deitz, labor, gas, oil, and re- pairs 67.413;(, (. (, (, Hay Mun,icipaI Telephone System— H. G. Hess, salary 125.00; Nor. Elec• -.Aerial 78.90; E R. Guenther, car tgage .70; T H. Hoffman, solar; 191.06; do extras 94,92. Relief and General Accounts — J Suplet allowance $10; C..Sieman re pairs Znv clh Drain $1.8; Mun. World supplies 7,99; Dept. Health insulin 7.45. That council adjourn to meet a- gain on Monday, October 6th, at 1.30 'o'clock in the afternoon. A. F. Hess, Clerk, �a (C GENERAL INSUI%A1VCE EXCEPT LIFE Fite, Aute, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich N••i•iJ110O.111.s0w0.A.SrNr allie aeloolieseeseeeeseaa p,. Your Winter's Fuel We are Now Filling Orders for this Winter's Fuel. Let us suggest the Most Suitable Fuel for your Heating Equipment... Prices always within the ''units of other Dealers with Quality Considered, CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which . are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! FOR. SALE --A Large Weigh Scales. Lh1,1 itTA fiq Vii +;