HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-08-28, Page 71* GREETED BY INDIAN CHIEFS War-bonnetted chiefs of the Stoney Tribe from nearby Morley Reserve, greeted His Royal Highness the Duke of Kent when he spent a' two-day respite at Banff Springs Hotel, breaking his arduous aerial inspection tour of the Commonwealth Air Training and Royal Cana- dian Air Force stations. Here the prince is seen chatting with Chief Johnny Bearspaw (left) and Chief Waving Feather. His stay in the Canadian Rockies resort was the Duke's first real holiday in many months and he made the most of it, motoring, picnicking, riding, and walking just like any other resort visitor. See French People Turn to Britain Authoritative British circles said recently that Chief of State Petain's new policy underlines "the determination of the Vichy Government to align itself •more closely" with Germany and Italy. These circles said Petain's plan is 'designed for the purpose of iewbjugating the French people and forcing upon them a policy which they detest." The French people's own ten• dency, these quarters said, is "to turn with growing hope towards Britain and her Allies and to de- sire ardently a British victory." LORD BEAVERBROOK Half -Tycoon, half-kobold, Lord Beaverbrook is * strange man to be in charge of getting "the tools" into the hands of Britishsoldiers and civilians. isn't even British, but the son of * poor Presbyterian minister who emigrated to Canada from Scot- land . . . in Ontario William Maxwell ("Max") Aitken was born..,. . Knack of acquisitiveness was strong in Aitken; he moved to New Brunswick, quickly made a fortune in utilities . took the fortune, went to England and quickly made another in news- paper publishing . following American methods, and using his publications as political stepping. Stones. Prankish, unpredictable, capri- fious, his methods of work are er- t ic but teffective ... they made inn Lord Beaverbrook. . . urchin turned to him to raighten out the airplane pro- ction mess, though Beaverbrook 0�0 late as mid -1039 lead been "isolationist." . . He made good, ifas entrusted with virtual eco - fettle dictatorship . . plunged to the battle of production with paracteristic wild ed ctable methods, nergy and HAVE - Y U HEARD? Arthur thecae, the stage come- dian, is malting London laugh with this story: "A crowd of German airmen arrived at the gates of heaven and clamored to get in. 'Who are you?' asked St, Peter. 'We're the fifty German airmen who were shot down today by the R.A.F.', was the reply. Said St, Peter: 'Wait a minute while I have a look at the German com- munique,' After reading it he came back and announced: 'It says here that only two German air - then were shot down today. So two of you can come in and the rest of you can go to hell'," The young man went into the shop and said to the cash- ier: "I want to pay the last Instalment on the perambul- ator." The smiling cashier handed him his receipt and asked: "And how Is the baby?" "Oh, I'm feeling fine, thank you," was the reply. According to one of the latest anecdotes from Norway, a young sailor in Bergen was sitting on his front porch reading a day-old copy of the London Times when along came an agent of the Ges- tapo. The mere sight of this news- paper was enough to enrage the German. When he discovered how recent its date was, his wrath boiled over in gutteral invective. "How dirt you get ,possession of that verboten a n d verdant paper?" "Get it?" calmly replied the sailor, "I didn't get it. I subscribe to it." During a natural history examination a small boy was asked which of all the crew, - tures eats less food than any other. He replied that It was the moth, because it eats holes, A small, ihy man leaned con- lidentially across the desk at the United States Consulate at Lisbon and asked: "Please, sir, is there any possibility that I could get entrance into your wonderful country?" The attache, pressed by thous- ands of such pleas and haggard With sleepless nights, replied roughly: "Impossible now. Come back in ten years." The little re- fugee moved toward the door, stopped, turned and asked with a wan smile: "Morning or after- noon?" Speed Fiend "It's great speeding along like this. Don't you feel glad you're alive?" Passenger: "Glad isn't the word, I'm amazed." FEMALE PAI Women who suffer painful, Ween- ier periods with nervous, Moody apelle due to functional cause lbllophVegetafind Lydia si 4ill Mar- velous to relieve such dletress. Finkhattt's Compound1e made espedialty to help weak, tired Wom- en to go smiling thru difficult days. Over 1,000,000 women. kava roPorted amazing benefits. WELL WORTkI normal "Missed The Bus" While in a provincial .. town, Lewis Thompson writes in Cor- onet, Richard Wagner attended a performance of his "Lohengrin" by a troupe of strolling players, To his surprise, the singers and orchestra were definitely above average, but the tenor, as the opera progressed, was becoming increasingly inebriated. By the end of the fourth act, when he was supposed to step into the boat drawn by the white swan and make his exit in this manner, he was so staggeringly drunk that he missed the vehicle—the swan was pulled off the stage without him. Paying no attention to the mur- murs of the audience, ha pulled a watch from his pocket and turn= ing to Elsa, the heroine, he asked in the most matter-of-fact voice:. "Pardon me, madam, do .you know what time the next swan leaves?" I Haw Can I? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I remove varnish stains from fabric? A. Rub the spot with turpen- tine or benzine. Then wash the fabric thoroughly. Q. How oan I remedy jam that has become hard and sugary? A. The jam that has become hard and sugary will be almost as good as new by placing it in the oven until the sugar melts, Then take out and put aside to cool. Q. How can I remove match scratches from painted surfaces? A. Rub them with the cut side of a lemon, and then rinse quickly with cold water applied with a cloth, Q. How can I treat perspiring hands? A. Use an astringent lotion made of one part of boric acid to twenty parts of water; dust the hands afterwards with talcum powder. Q. How can I clean brown lea- ther shoes that have become stained with salt water while strol- ling on the beach? A. Dissolve a large piece of washing soda in one cup of hot. milk and rub this solution well into the leather. Then polish with a good leather polish. Would You Do Likewise? You have an appointment with your lady friend at your favorite meeting place but find yourself, at the last minute, unable to keep it. There is no apparent way to let her know. What would you do? Well, here's what a Cana- dian National Telegraphs messen- ger received by way of an assign- ment recently: "Go to the corner of blank and blank streets (a busy intersection) and look for a short, nice looking girl, wearing glasses. Tell her that her boy friend said for her not to wait for him as he is unable to keep the appointment but for her to go to his mother's house. She will know where it is." The young lady was found and the message delivered, to the satisfaction of all parties. Old Pigeon Post Now Used Again The "new" system of photo- graphing letters from the forces in the Middle East to lessen weight of air mail is described by "Peterborough," London Daily Telegraph columnist, as "just 76 years old." Delving into the post office archives, he discovered that the first time the system was used was in maintaining communica- tions between London and Paris in 1870 when the "pigeon post" made history. Letters intended for this novel mode of transmission had to be sent to headquarters of the French post at Tours. Here they were copied in consecutive order and by a photographic process trans- ferred in reduced form to a dimin- utive piece of very thin paper such as a pigeon could carry. The photographs were enlarged on ar- rival and a legible impression ob- tained. / • , WIN eWAR S STAMPS aok Heeeekeeeeeeeeemeeseeeesueeeesse Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. Is it permissible to ask for a second helping of any particular dish when attending a formal din- ner? 2. Is it sufficient to send a print- ed card of thanks in acknowledge- ment of a wedding gift? 3. What should be done If an out-of-town friend, to whom we ere soeiaily indebted, comes to town? 4, What is considered the ap- propriate (tress for a woman trav- eling On a train? 5. When speaking of servants as individuals should One say "the servant" or "the help"? 6. Is it obligatory to return a call of condolence? ANSW ERS I. No; second helpings are ser- ved only at informal dinners. 2. No; the donor is always en- titled to a personal letter of thanks., 3, It is imperative that we call on her at her temporary place of residence, and, if possible, invite her to our home or to some social affair. 4. The woman travels in street clothes, wearing dark colors or dark mixtures, because they show little evidence of wear when she reaches her destination. 5. No; use their titles as "the butler," "the cook," or "the maid? Nor should one say "hired man" or "hired girl," as they are the names given to servants on a farm, 6. No; calls of condolence need not be returned. i D' Science Is Doing —0— AIR-CONDITIONED SUITS Workers in boiler rooms and large enclosures containing open- hearth furnaces often labor in unhealthy and uncomfortable heat, Although it is often economically impossible to air-condition the en- tire factory room, scientists are studying ways of air-conditioning the worker. One effective method has been to attach a flexible hose to the back of a worker's coveralls and run the tube to a cooling unit. When the cooler was switched on, it pumped air at 80 degrees Fah- renheit and 50 per cent relative humidity through the hose into the garment, and workers in such ventilated suits were practically free of perspiration at tempera - "It DOES"taste good in a pipe 1" - HANDY SEAL -TIGHT POUCH -15O "LQK-TOP" TIN— 65' else packed in Pocket Tins tores up to about 100 degrees. Equally good results were obtain- ed by shooting blasts of cooled air through nozzles placed close to the worker. —o— DOUBLE PLAY ON WAX The RCA. Manufacturing Co. announced a new phonograph - record changer, called "the Magic Brain," that plays both sides of a record without turning It over. Invented by B. R. Carson, RCA Victor design engineer, it has a turntable no bigger than the label in the centre of the dist and two tone arms, one playing on the top side of the record in the ordinary manner, and the other then pick- ing up the sound from the under surface with the turntable revolv- ing in reverse. —0— NEW PRODUCTS .A. new plastic mender for metal pots and pans, called So-Luminum, will withstand heat indefinitely. It's applied by squeezing a drop on the hole or crack and leaving it to dry over night .. , The Ten- nessee Eastman Corp. is bringing out a plastic gadget that turns an ordinary milk bottle into a pour- ing pitcher . . . Researchers at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, have discovered that paper spe- cially treated with diphenyl, when used as fruit wrappers, will re- duce orange spoilage by more than 50% ... There's now a light- weight rubber device that can be attached to French phones, per- mitting the instrument to rest en your shoulder so that both hands ore left free, Russian Women. Building Ships Russian women and girls are building and repairing ships, hav- ing learned in a few weeks work which everyone had thought could be done only by men, an official of the Soviet shipbuilding indus- try said a short,, time ago in a broadcast of the? Moscow radio heard in London. C.N.R. Announces New Appoin tent$ Announcement was made on August 11 by R. C. Vaughan, President of the Canadian Na- tional Railways, of the appoint- ment of„D. McK. Ford, General Purchasing Agent, to the position of Vice -President in Charge of Purchases and Stores. E. A. Bromley, formerly Assistant to the Vice -President, will succeed Mr. Ford as General Purchasing Agent, the announcement stated. Both appointments take effect immediately. Post Office Using V Mark on Stamps Canada's Post ()face is going to take a part in the Empire's "V for Victory” campaign. City post offices • across the country soon will be using a new form of stamp cancellations, bear- ing a clearly -marked "V" followed by the now -familiar Morse code dot -dot -dot -dash. "The new impression will ''be used in place of the standard form with the horizontal black bars," said C. C. McGrail, district director of postal services. "It will be used alternately, week by week, with the 'Enlist Now' impressions introduced some time ago." HEY! SARGE WHERE'S YOUR !CHARD'S SOLDIERS RUB OUT TIRED ACHES ...CLASSIFIED ALIVE TISEME ` S... AEROafATIC METER AEIROMATIC METER FOR AUTO - mobile, Truck, Tractor, Bus and Marine Engines. More Powerl Stops Carbon! 25% More Mileage. Agents, write for forck territory. Deptinformation! 9, Box 163, Vancouver, Canada. AGENTS WANTED ANKER-HOLTH CREAM SEPAR- ators and parts stock moved from Sarnia to London. Order from John C. Dent, 387 Central Ave., London. Canadian Distributor Supervisors. and Agents wanted. HIGH-CLASS REPRESENTATIVES wanted to sell every family a health appliance attachable to slectriCOOPE i REMEDIES Yonge Street - Toronto BABY CHICK REMEDY SAFEGUARD Y 0 U R POULTRY with Chicko So/titian. Prevent 'white diarrhea in baby chicks, for Blackhead disease and remov- ing cecal worms from your poul- try. Postpaid, 50e. A. G. Cowtun and Co., Chemists and Druggists, Roblin, Man. FREE GIFT OFFER LADY'S OR GENT'S WATCH, CAM - era, Clock, etc., given for selling Dr. Lyon's Shampoo in your dis- triet, Write now, Normand Pro- ducts, 1405 Peel Street, Montreal, HOUSEWIVES! FOR MODERN CANNING OF fruits and vegetables and pre- venting from spoiling. 2 packages anning postpaid mpoiund 25e. Co. Box e22101 CWinn - peg, Manitoba. • FARM FOR SALE TWO HUNDRED ACRES GOOD grain and dairy farm, good build- ings, running water. Situated forty miles from Toronto, near Sandford village. Apply George W. Smith, Uxbrdge, R.R. 1, On- tario. LEGAL J. N. LINDSAY. LAW OFFICE, CAP- itol Theatre Building, St. `Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers eollections. LEAF TOBACCO FOUR POUNDS BURLEY AND VIR- ria Leaf for pipe $1.36. Five nds Fragrant Virginia Leaf arette Tobacco $2.50 postpaid. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leam- ington, Ontario. 8 -- "LARJA" PRINTS - 25c ANY SIZE ROLL DEVELOPED and eight double size prints for only 25c. Reprints 3c each. Special bargains in Enlarging, Colouring etc. All work guaran- teed highest quality. Baker Print Co., Box 1, Hamilton, Ont. ISSUE 35—'41 PRESERVING LABELS ATTENTION HOUSEWIVES—Know your Preserves and Pickles. 100 Assorted Labels 10e, 500 Labels 26e postpaid. Lewisanadating, RHEUMATIC pAINS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED — Every sufferer of B.heumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 835 Elgin, Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. POSTAGE STAMPS WANTED COLLECTOR OF CANADIAN Stamps will pay cash• for old issues on or off envelope. On envelope worth more. Only inter- sted in the so-called Young Queen Victoria issues which includes the Beaver, Prince Albert and Cartier. Need Bing Edward fifty cent. Write me describing what be ans- we d. R.Hunter, A C. ll SeilMorP th, Ontario. 8ORTABI,10 SILOS "PAY FOR THEMSELVES THE first seitaI cases in many healthier cattle by feeding ensil- age instead of corn fodder. KEENAN'S PORTABLE SILOS will keep ensilage perfectly and last indefinitely. Tho cost is small, and they can be easily erected in a few hours on any level ground. Made in 10, 12, 14, and 16 foot diameters holding up to 38 tons. Approved by all dairy authorities. For full information and prices, write the KEENAN FENCE C011- pany, Owen Sound, Ontario." D1T:DXOAr, DON'T WAIT—EVERY SUFFERER of Rheumatc Paths or Neuritis should t r y Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Engin St., Ottawa. Postpaid $1.00. NUTS 'WANTED HAZEL NUTS WANTED. HIGHEST cash prices paid. Red Spot Nut Company, 25 Jarvis St., Toronto. PUPPIES BLACK GREAT DANE ptJPS. MAS - sive type. George Buick Walker, B.Ft, No. 2, London, Ont. PULLETS GREAT BRITAIN WANTS EGGS. Every Canadian poultryman can increase his patriotic effort by planning for maxianum produce tion of GradeA eggs. s. W eve pull- ets, ets, started, day -olds, immediate shipment. Order now, also taking chick orders later delivery. Dray Hatchery, 180 John N., Hamilton, Ont, Eight 4 x 6 Enlargeliliielits 30c Yonr film developed end eneh print enlarged to 4 a 0, :100. ltrpriaitp. tome sire, 8 tor tee, 1)11114('T FILM st14.11,1 1(103 183 King Oust, Dept, 7. Toronto SALESMEN 'WANTED AGGRESSIVE SALESMEN TO SELL one of Canada's most outstanding lines of made -to -measure clothes. Allotments of territories now being made for Fall. Complete outfit will be supplied to men who can produce results. Give complete details and write today tClothes, 400 Atlantic Aon. ve., LADIES 011 WOMEN WANTED TURN YOUR TIME INTO T.)OLLAR.S by selling Familex Products in your community. It's your oppor- tunity for easy acid repeat sales. No experience needed. 13, tin with a few dollars and own your bus- iness. Money hack for return un- sold goods If you have to dis- continue. Free catalogue and details on request: Miss G. St. George, 570 St. Clement, Montreal. SCALP TROUBLE CORRECTED NEW HAIR PRODUCED Neighborhood treatment produced such remarkable results that thousands were soon using It across United States, the news spreading entirely by word of mouth and letters. In Toronto dandruff, falling hair, severe scalp trouble has been eradicated, new hair produced. Write for free advice and evidence, Agents wanted. Woods Products, Dept. 13, 387 Jane, Toronto. QUILTING QUILTING PATCHES. GOOD QUAL- ity prints and plain broadcloths —20c lb. Postage extra. Consult Tour extile Jobbe s. k0aud aStreet a To- ronto. RABBITS SUPER VJOOLING — PEDIGREED .Angora Bucks, $2.50. Peggy's Rabbitry, Box 394 Nipawin, Sask. SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW Your films are earet'ully and scien- tifically processed by Imperial, to make sure they last. e or 8 EXPOSURE I+'I1.MS 26e with beautiful enlargement free. 8 reprints with enlargement 25e. Thousands of letters from satisfied customers testify to our superior quality and Service. IMPERRIAL PHOTO SERVICE Dept. D. .Station .I. Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRIN'T'ED tl OR 8 l4XPOS1 RES 25c ret0483 1 ieteentroneENT With revery non A1;ert0 I+IL1ae VIN1s 3t3t BOX 121 TORONTO