Zurich Herald, 1941-08-28, Page 4.4004..b
At 2 o'clock
'Usual numberr of mixed Cows and
15 Head Mixed Stockers.
100 Hoad mixed Pigs.
.Nrumber of young Sows
If you Want Cattle be sure and at -
'tend thew Sales!
:'lease Note—Those Sales are held
e± eery Saturday, wet or dry
C. Hollingsworth, Auctioneer
The funeral of the late 1VIrs, Ross
•Johnston was held from her late
go=ne on Saturday safternoen -with
ttev. Heckendorn 'of the Evangelic-
al,Church, Zurich officiating. the
Floral trribute. '+etre ',Many 'anal `'or.'a-
satiful showing the highesteem of her
szaany friends. Burial was in the Bay
Jaeid cemetery, the 'bereaved family
%eve the sympathy of their many
Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heard of the
1Cirnnson line north, seiSited 'friends in
Miss Jean Hey -Who :spent her
'holidays at her -parent's home, retur-
's ed to her position in London.
Late Mrs. Glenn'
:Mrs. Edward Glenn died. !ce,ft hra.
home, Second concession, ,:�,t%iira ey
Township in her 76th years She was
a daughter of James M•arf'aarlane and
Elizabeth Stewart, ens' was barn in
Stanley Towhom p on ;inn uary 1,1860
After her marriage they farmed on
concession 2, Stanley, where they
established one of the finest farm
homes in the township, Within the
1ast few months ,he 'was pyedeceas-
ed by d:wo sisters Elit>!iabeth and Ag-
nes, :and is now •aur kiived by her hus-
band, two sons and a daughter and
e btyather, John 11+ la:cfarlane, Stanley
'Township. The funeral was held from
the family rehaenee. on Friday aft-
7enaoon when Rev. A. Lane, pastor
ori 'Clinton Tet=ley* Willis United Ch-
trtrch conducted the service. Inter-
ment took Plass in Bairds Cemetery,
Mr. and • Mrs. E. Faber and faan-
ttty of Hens -ail visited lVIr. and Mrs.
'Rudy Oesch recently.
Miss Phyllis McBride 'is 'being vis-
ited by her cousins Misses "Robb of
*sear Ripley.
fur, and Ma's, Dennis Laporte and
'daughters, ,.,titer spending three we.
oaks at the former's parents, Mr, and
Mrs. Ch•,te. Laporte, returned te'ands
home tan Detroit,
Mr., Harold Flannery of Detroit,
Miss Wwen Da Lafranier and. Mrs,
Frank Adams of Stratford and Mr.
a'ad Mrs, Harvey •Gelinas spent Sun-
day with the Miss Gelinas.
Mrs. Adolph Perriseau and Mrs.
James Sopha of Detroit paid a short
visit to their brother, Mr. and Mrs
Frank ,Corrivestu last Sunday.
Mrs, George Mahone of 'Chatham
had a very pleasant visit with ' her
brother, Mr, and Mrs. Remie Den-
omme and 'other friends, sue past
Miss Emily Denomme, a life long
resident of this vicinity who moved
to London last fall, spent a week
with her relatives and friends, has
returned to London last Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Napoleon Denomme
and son, also slaughters Shirley and
Madelyn of Detroit, spent the week-
end 'with the former's perents, Mr.
and Mrs. Philip Denomme.
Mr. and Mrs. Mann of Merlin, also
Mrs. Mann Sr., of Chatham, visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Denomme, the
laiter's brother.
1MIiss Barnardine Bedard is at pres-
ent visiting with her brother, Mr.
Emery Bedard at Goderich.
11Ir. and Mrs. Remie Denomme
made a flying visit to Chatham last
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Miss Yonne Masse Who rias been
in Windsor for the last few months,
has returned to her home on the
Blue 'Water south.
Mr. and ,Mrs. Walter Jeffrey of
Detroi spent the week -end with the
latter's parents.
1vlr. L. Conzazc Cantin, who has
leen Tieing in Montreal the past
year was a St. Joseph visitor to his
mother the past week. •
Mrs. Albert Burke spent a few
;days with :tier mother, Mrs. N. M.
Sister Eugene of Chatham spent a
few days with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Joseph Bedard of the Blue Wa-
ter n=orth.
Mr. and Mrs, Maurice Denomme
of Beaventown was a visitor in Grand
Bend on Sunday last with Mr. • and
Mrs. R. Masse.
Mr. Frank Jeffrey of the 'burg
left on Sunday last for Windsor wh-
ere he will speaad a few weeks with
his daughter,
Bean harvesting hs Started., in this
vicinity and the yield will not be as
good as anticipated owing 1;a• the
extreme dry and hot weather the
past few weeks. -
The first steps in t':e rationing of
the quantity of gasoline was made
effective when from Toronto 01i
August 25th the following: A swe-
eping reduction in the quantity of
gasoline available for consumption in
in Canada was ordered by the oil
controlled, G. R. Cutrelle. The ord-
er, effective at once, reduces the
amount of gasoline that 'may be de-
livered to dealers during the last
week in. August and cuts by 25 per
cent gas that dealers may receive
during September and October.
•Rev. Heckendorn of Zurich took
charge of the services in the Evang-
elical church on. Sunday morning in
the absence of Rev. C. ,Becker.
Miss Verna Birk of Guelph, is
visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon
Schatz and Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Ben-
Jimmie Taylor spent the week -end
with friends in Windsor.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Burns of Port,
Huron and daughter Mrs. W. Shaw
and son Norman of Toronto, spent
the week -end with Mrs. Burns' mo-
ther, Mrs. Witzel.
Mrs. Carrie Hoffman and daughter
Lily and Mr.- and Mrs. R Eckstein
of London were Sunday visitors with
Mr and Mrs. Henry Hoffman.
Miss Onedia Restemeyer, R.N. of
London spent the week -end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. Restemeyer
Mr. and Mrs. Martinson and dau-
ghter Elia and Mary of Elmira visit-
ed with Mr, and Mrs, A. E. Oes-
Let 'Your Car Wear Proudly This Patriotic Sticker
Go to your friendly neighbourhood service
station or your local garageman today. A
surprise awaits you: He has changed. He
will be as courteous and thoughtful as ever
—glad to see you—anxious to do anything
and everything he can to help you. But he
is no longer a gasoline salesman. He is a
gasoline SAVER. He will urge you to buy
less instead of more. He will point out ways
and means of saving gasoline.
He will tell you all about the "50/50" Pledge
to cut your gas consumption by fifty per cent.
He will invite you to sign. This proud and
patriotic sticker for your car will mark you
as a member of the wise and thoughtful band
of car owners co-operating with the Govern-
ment to save gasoline.
This is entirely a voluntary movement. It is
not rationing. This the Government hopes to
avert. But we are faced with a critical short-
age of gasoline due to the diversion of tankers
for overseas service and to the growing needs
of aur Fighting Forces.
There is no call for panic—no need for alarm
—but this war is being fought with gasoline
and we are fighting for our very lives. Sign
the Pledge today and continue to save fifty
per cent of your gasoline consumption.
It is also vitally important that you reduce
the use of domestic and commercial fuel oil.
REMEMBER : The s=ower you drive,
the more you save !
The Government of the
Acting through
Minister of Munitions and Supply Oil Controller for Canada
17ea.sy ways towards a
(Approved by Automobile Experts)
Reduce driving speed from 60 to 40 on the open road.
Avoid jack -rabbit starts:
Avoid useless or non-essential driving.
Turn motor off when not in use; do not Eeave idling.
Don't race your engine; let it warm up slowly..
Don't strain your engine; change gears.
$eop carburetor cleaned and properly adjusted:.
Tune up motor, timing. etc:
Keep spark plugs and valves clean..
Check cooling system; overheating washes gasoline.
Maintain tires at right pressure:
Lubricate efficiently; wont engines waste gasoline.
Drive in groups to and from work,.
using cars alternate days.
For golf, picnics and other outings,.
use one car instead of four.
Take those short shopping trips ON FOQT
and carry parcels home.
Walk to and from the movies.
Boat owners, too, can help by reducing speed.
Your regular service station roan will gladly explain
these and other ways of saving gasoline. Consult him.
GO 5a/5O:.
h a c`l�±Ce `` rrys' '�•°
`rK�iy, 7jy��C.
�s9hoQ,J 4d✓
Thursday..14:ugui;l 28tlt► 19.11
;,e-+ + . ,',.,+.: +•. t•-.• ••k++s,..t..;..t.+++••r+ • ++;l•: •-t•+, .+.;,,I,:I +,,t
"We Recotaend FEED - And WI, , the Fest"4.
t We carry a full line of Purina Pre►ducts, such as
• Startena, Clhec-R-Tawbs, Hog lows, Etc., Etc. 1
+ Fresh Shipment Every. Monday.. , Deliveries m=ade
i, +
M at reasonable distance
' +
W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20
,;. .s „a a
�• : • '1' i+�i•-l.or�-•1�••4•+i••f+�k+•Q••i•✓r +•t••ti•�i• ••f• �.-✓ �wy�• •F- •:-.1-d•�v , '3� N•�•� o > , `.•-i. r•. .
troicher last Thursday_
Rev- and Mrs. Join Obstriecher
and fs r oily and Mr. Neinkerchcn of
Woito„ Ont., are spending; their vac-
ation with .relatives here;
Th Dashwood Planing Mill
have the .contract of building; eshouse �
for Mrs: yle in Clinton.
Donald Oestreicher has returned
to London where he attends Medical
Mr. and Mrs. Milton O'estniecher
and family who have beers spem i ig
their vacation here left are Wednes-
day .morning for Alabama befbre re -1
turning to their home in Chicago:
Mr. and ?drs. • Milton. O'estreioher•
and Mr. and Mrs. Sam 4).estsele ter
motored to Kitchener on Satwrclty:
Miss Grace Kellerman and Bfilik,
Broughton of Toronto are 'uishimg.
with her brother, Mr. and Mrs. Har-
old Kellerman.
Mrs. MiIfred Mcsaac and family of
Detroit are .spending this week with
Mrs. L. Mcladac
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Kleinstive's
of Chicago spent a few dos; with
his mother, Mrs. W. Kleinstiver,
FMr.. and Mo. Edgar Restemeyer
years, 'has ]tendered his resignation
«ris=ing to nil health and together with
Mrs. Moore and family will take up
reside nce in Lindsay in the near fu -
tare where ' he =Will be engaged in
other `husiness. Mr, and Mrs. Moore
will be much missed from the village
-qtr;. Mrs. 3Vloore took a live inter-
est in the activitiesof the Red Cross
ib izeg secretary of that organization.
:also un church work and in the Wo-
men's institute.. hTey being both ar-
dent workers in Mensal!. United? Gk.-
k-arch and Sunday school work.
made a business trip to .,'r=ise' ori
Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hoperoft
have moved into the residence they
recently putxthased from the •Stene.,
Messrs. Alvin. Kellerman: and Ad-
dison Tiernan are in Chatham this
week. •
Miss Rosa Zimmer of Detroit is
spending her vacation at her home
Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hu'm:ble and
daughter Ruth of Sarnia spent a
few days with Mr. • and Mrs. R: Go-
etz and Miss Catharine Fihkbeiner.
Miss Fiukbeiner returned with t'Lten
and wild spend a few weeks in Sax-
Mabel Workman enjoyed a: hali-
day in Exeter and Grand Bend.
Miss Margaret Johnston has re- serious consideration, he said.
turned to her duties at the local post
oiiace after her vacation: iagstrate�s Court
Thos.Iluddieson purchased the
property of the late Peter Stewart Goderich — Five youths, 16 to 11k'
which was sold at the auction sale years of ,age;, were on Thursday sen -
recently. • :tented to various prison terms of a
Mrs. Sid McArthur who has been
ill in London Hospital, has been re-
%arned home..
Mr. Orr of Ailsa• Craig. is opening
a shoe repair shop in the bnildingre
cently vacated by Roy Weber. He:n-
sa11 welcomes Mr. Orr and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks and Mrs 1 associating with hoodlums" Magis- -
Clark of Detroit and Alex Sparks of trate. McRae told the solodiers. You
Bayfield visited recently with Mrs- were not satisfied with sa,ea:ing a car-.
Marjooroie Sparks, here. 1 at Hensail but you went on to role
Ross: McKay of Hensall, who .has i business places at Zurich, Clinton,.
taught. school for a number of years •Bt th and Brussels and then tried to. •
:at. Cromartyis leaving foroo oNorth-I escape custody. Other Cases — T_,
ern Ontario. where he continues tea -f Bailey of. the Ritz Hotel, Bayfield,
thing: admitted having liquor in his bat
Mr. and: M:rs. Robert Drysdale, when police nailed and inasmuch as
bridal_ couple returned from their he has not a license and Bayfield is;.
wedding trip. spent at Quebec andfin a cola] option area he had broken:
the Thousand Islands. f the lay. The fine was $2,5 and costs
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ryckmare are or ten days, Thefine was .paid. Chief
building an addition to their Eine of Police Bert Fremlin of Clinton, a
residence. Mr. Kal�bfleisch of Zurich,'
boned-:ry town, doesen't fool with
having the contract. drunks. He puts them in the county.,
Mrs. Martha Murdock, Mrs. .1.. Iain and leaves thern there until they
Dinsdale, Mrs. Aida Simmons and
Jack Simmons 'were recent visitors
with the former's brother, Wni. Butt
in .Seaforth who is seriously ill.
Raye Patterson of Toornto was a
visitor with his parents Mr. and Mrs three tofive days in jail, according'
R. J. Paterson the past week. to the length of time they had been•
Mrs. A. W. Kerslake and Mrs. 1). an jail. All are reported airport wor-
Walks were visitors in Lonaoei !kers and when rain stopped work on
S. G. Ronnie, Fred Beer, Harold! .August 91h tbe3' took the day of? to
Bonthron, Doug. Sangster, Geo.rge Pea1ebxate, the eelebration winding up:
Sangster, Dave Sangster and Allen 'm ;a 'Olt
Davidson left Monday last. for Tham-
es Valley far two weeks military
training. '' FALL FAIR DATES
The Sims clan held their 10th. an-
nual reunion at Spruce Grove. Oft=- Toronto (Can. Nat.) Aug, 22 -Sept l;;
cess elected were: Hon. Pres., Mrs. TavistockSept. 5-
1<. Sims.; president, Mrs. Gordon Naives -ton ... Sept. '1:1, 12
Hunter, secy-treas. Murray Neil. it New Hamburg Sept. 12, 1i
was decided to, hold the reunion Blyth. Sept, 17, is.'next year at Turnbull's Grove. 1xeter• ...... . Sept. 17 .L5•
The Chalmers clan held their an- Stratford - . ,", .Sept. 175,, 17
• nuat reunion in the grove of the Al- Strathroy Sept. 15, 17
lison farm, on 'Thames Road. Officers ` °.hornda'le. ....... Sept: 17 '
elected were: Pres. Wm. Mondie;vice Bayfield Sept. 24, 2lr•
ores., Mrs. A.=Norden; secy-treas.,, ;iLtiertton Sept. 24
'Kathleen. ROMs., 111.irktori , . Sept. 25,2fi'.
Mr. Sydney Geiger and sons; Don- .IVfibchelt Sept. 23, 24
old, Louis and Ken. of Gore ]',ay,' iPtn' Elgin - , , .:.. , Sept. 25, 2tr
who are visiting at the Geiger ree=d- :lltilI y ..........Sept. 23, 24
once, ,accompanied by Mr.i Owen Geri-, ZWt10J1 ............Sept. 2.2, 23:
ger, Ross and June Kennedy, were' Atwood .... Sept. 29, 811'
at Waterloo• visiting relatives. i tungarariora .. . ,1, . , Oct. 2, S
Principal Resigns St, Marys - Sept. 30, Oct 1
Mr. R. J. Moore, who has been a 'Tneswato ........ Sept. 30, Oet f
very efficient principal. of Hensail Thedi nd ..•;, .....,::... , ... Oct. t
.oastin.uatinri.. Sehoet here for se ra 514101e4 ...... ...,. -. , . Oct. 7, li•
An of iaeia`l 'welcome to Clinton was
tended to the officers and men at
the opening of the recreation club.,
'Ravi Had, Wingham solftball pla-
yerr, had a leg badly fractured in
a -t game.
Drilling for the new well required
for adequate water supply by the,
Clinton Public Utilities •Conimissii i.
has reached over 100 feet and the;
is working in hard rock form--
al ibn '
''mss Hazel Watkins of •Clinton,who
has 'been teaching at. Centralia, has
resigned to taks civil service posit -
Prime Minister Mackenzie King -
arrived in the United Kingdom, last
Wednesday after a flight from ars:
eastern Canada airport by bomber
plane across the Atlantic. In England'
he will confer with P.rime Minister.
Churchill and members of the Brit-
ish Cabinet. This was Mr. King's.
{=rat .airplane ride and he says he •
enjoyed the trip immensely and front.'
now on intends to make many trips•
by 1plane.
Toronto — Oil Controller G. R.
�Gottreile indicated thr4. there is a•
strong pozr ibility that " Dominion,
Government will 'sho•'L y introduce-
regulations to reins" speed limit
on all Canadian highways to 40 miles•
per hour as u, measure to conserve
gasoline- The matter now is receiving -
years to three months for attempted;
jail breaking, car theft, robbery and.
attempted robbery, a series of crime.•
they committed in Huron County
early in the month. 'Your :nehavior-
is not what it should be. '-ou haves
disgraced the King's unr -:ems by
' are bailed out or until judgment day..
And so Wan. and Adam Smith, Listo-
wel:l 'brothers, Jos: Bryans, Jos. Ry-
ans. and Chas. Conway were • a9'1 fined'
$10 and costs or varying terms of