HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-08-28, Page 1Forty Second Year ; ZURICH. THURSDAY MOIDpi N G, AUGUST 28, t94I Rates; $1.25 in Canada, in advert*, $L50 in U.S.A., in advatwt CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher Let; I eralci ublish all your Bummer Visits and .. are You SufferingFrom Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes It s rstnect with the Latest Methods an& Elzp iipntent at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & QE'TECL N GODERICH Good Glasses at ReasonaMe Prices THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE 'We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED TRTF'r ,, F'reprietress COMFORTABI E GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Flue Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday,. BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE Will be closed during the Summer Months Wednesdays Afternoon. and Evenings. MRS. EDW. GASOHO, Prop. SOON About the fir t week of Sept. Dodge d De Soto 1942 MODELS Finer and Better Than Ever WARD FRITZ WE. SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday .and Saturday Rinso, large pkg. Peas, 16 -oz. tin,. 2 for Crunchie sweet mixed pickles 27 -oz. jar 25c Clasic or. Big Five cleaners per tin . ....5c Palm Olive Soap, 2 bars . ..._ ,....... 11 c P .and, G Soap, 4 lis. _..... ,.,...,.,._. _._,__ 1 `9 r_ Hawes .Floor wax, 1 lb. tin .............�.,__... __.._..r5c Shinola floor wax Hb. tin ..- ..--_•25c Grape fruit juice:. 220 --oz tins, 2 .for 25c Blue Boy coffee, • 1 -Ib. pkg. .39c Iodized salt, 2 pkgs....................... .15c Miracle Whip dressing, 8 -oz jar ,.... . ._.. 21 c Snow Cap toilet tissue„ 4 molls ._ . - ..., 3c Quaker oats„ plain pkg. —: 23c r9c Corn starch, pkg. Rideau coffee, i lb. tin .:.......................... _ 53c Ankle Socks, all sizes an dtolors. Reg. 25c at 19c Ladies Cotton Hose at,_-................_...,w.,....,.,_...._19c ..,........ 25c 10c j.w. IERMER Pho** 140 - CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Ross Johnston wish to greatly thank the neighbors and friends who so grate-, fully gave of their help and those. who loaned their cars at the funeral, in this sad hour of beareavement, - IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of a dear wife,' daughter and sister; Greta (Flax - bard) Dohnage, who departed this life one year, ago, August 29, 1940. The blow was great, the shock severe We Little thought your death so near And only those who have loved can tell, The pain of parting without farewell: More each day we miss you, Greta, Friends may think the wound is healed But they little know the sorraw That lies within our hearts concealed. God took you home, it was His will But in our hearts you're living still. Always .remembered and sadly missed by husband, Allan, Mother. sitar Miss Martha Thiel had a pleasant week -end with relatives and friends at Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson of Hensall. .were Sunday visitors in the village Mrs, Milton Oesch and baby dau- ghter were recent visitors with the „former's mother at Desboro. Ms. and Mrs. Charlie Klinck of :;Elmira spent a few days last week at :the home of Mr, and .V.rs. Ltilton `Truemner, 14th Con. Miss Verna Birk has returned to Gleuph after spending a few days at 'the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. :,Johnston. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sims of New Hamburg were Sunday visitors at the hoome of Mr. and Mrs. Will- iam. Thiel. 'Mr. and Mrs. Edward Thiel and • Dad, Vera, Willie and Earl Flaxbard, :-laughter of Sarnia spent Sunday at the foriner's parents, Mr. and Mrs • yym. Thiel, rule. r. . . Hnn The regular meeting of the Vill 'Fredr. spending A a Ffew claysessain d Tosor- age Council was held on August 11 ; into this week : nd also attending at 8 p.m. in the Council ChambersY :v7.. x. with all members present except uncillor D. E. MacKinnon who had ev and Mrs. C. B. Heckenclorn enlisted for active service with the nd., family have returned from a RCAF and is at present stationed ileasant holiday trip to Hamilton, Brandon, Manitoba. ..Minutes of rthe Toronto and Kitchener. previous meeting were read and ad- opted.• A. L. ' C'ase 'appeared for the, CNR, re -the stock 'scales-on.the-CNB pr"op •erty. Motion, that we take over the scales owned by M. Love for the taxes and loan them to the CNR tc look after and repair when needed and to be left open for opublic use at usual. rates of weighing. Mrs. F. G. Bonthron appearing before Council complaining about J. A. Paterson. No action taken. Correspondence read: A.C. D. E. 1VIacKinnon; Dept. of Welfare; Dept. of 1Vlunicipal Affairs; Dept. of Lab- our; County Treasurer, Judge T. M. Costello; Imperial Oil Ltd., Twp. of Sanley:.Co. Clerk, Stuart Bros., same considered and filed. Motion, that the resignation of D E. MacKinnon as • Councillor be ac- cepted on account of his enlisting. The household effects of Dr. and Bills and Accounts read: ill?'s. W. D. Brycervas talcen by van D.' E. MocIinnon, Councillor sal- to Sudbury leaving here on nurs- ery $14; Hydro- account 5.62; Bank day.. We regret to loose this fine r" Montreal, interest 24.95; Judge family from our midst, and not alone T. M. Costello, Court of Revision for their social friendly relations, $10; A Spencer & Son supplies $40; Out both Zurich and Dashwood are CNR rent, band stand $1; W. Allan now without a dentist, and we all trucking 2.50; Bonthron & O•ryscdalc Colne time or another need this at - indigent funeral $81; Stewart Bros .entien and it will be a great incon- drecorations 10.80; T. Kyle, salary ;enience to go out of town for this $70., R. E. Shaddick cxpene.:s 4.49 ,etvice. We wish Dr. and Mrs. Bryce Motion that bills and accounts be and son Bobbie every success in their paid as read. new home, and also hope that there Reeve R. E. Shaddick delivered a will soon be another dentist locate in Writ for holding an election to fil' this splendid practice. the necessary vacancy on .the council to the,,Clerk. Motion, that bylaws 5 and 6 be given their necessary readings a nd finally pa-ssed. Motion, that we now adjourn to meet Sept. 8th, 1941. James A. Paterson, Clerk. Hensall Council Minutes ,. Mr. and Mrs. Ezra Bender and Mrs r Schaksof Dashwood called at the he,ne War. and Mrs. Alf, Melick mite day' lasii;'``ivvek: Public and High Schools wiII re- open for another .term on Tuesday morning, next, September 2nd when the old school. bell will again ring forth and scholars and teachers will be hustling off to the centres of education. Ladies, Please! Please, Ladies of Zurich and vic- inity make an appointment to be at the Town Hall Tuesday afternoon to help make jam and jelly. We still have two hundred pounds to make to meet the quote for this district. Have Left Town Lakeview Casino •GRAND BEND THANK YOU ONE AND ALL FOR YOUR PATRONAGE We appreciate . your continued support SUNDAY, AUGUST 31st. AFTERNOON AND EVENING STRATFORD BOY'S BAND 50 Musicians "MIDNiGHT DANCE, SEPT. 1st. 12.05 a.m. HOLIDAY FROLIC AND CLOSING. DANCE LABOUR DAY NIGHT S,yrl Shop will remain open until September I5th, OBITUARY . Late Mrs. Ross Johnston The death took place at her home in Blake on Thursday, August 21st, of a lifelong highly respected resid- cent in the community of Rebecca lEdighofl'er, beloved wife of Mr. Ross !Johnston, in her 71st year. She was a lifelong resident of Stanley Town- ship, being a daughter of Mrs. Edi- ghoffer and the late Adam Edighoffer well known residents of Bla..e almost since that burg's origin. Mrs. John- ston was of a very nice and mild dis- position, much devoted to her home and family who will indeed greatly miss her passing. She being in her 71st year, and had been ailing for a considerable time with heart tro- rble. Surviving are her mother. Mrs Edighoffer of Fullerton; her husband Mr. Ross Johnston; two sons, Har- old of Zurich. and James at home; two daughters, Mrs. Fred Tur..cos of Goderich and Mrs.Minnie Weido of London;; five brothers, Edgar Edi- ehoifer of Pigeon, Mich; Remy of the West; George of Mitchell; Arth- ur and Edward Edighoffer of Zurich; three sisters, Mrs. Walker, Mrs. Yule and Mrs. IVlarchall of Fullar- ton, The funeral was hold on Sat. urday and was larrely attended. A service at the home was followed by imtermtent in cyfi ,Id cemetery,. Itev.1 C. 13.' Heckendorn of the I;v1rngelic• al church, urirh ofiiclntf'd, ptical ?vpair Service BROKEN LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED ANY SHAPE AND SIZE, AND AT A MODERATE PRICE A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YOUR 0 R FOR _WE HAVE MOVED TO OUR NEW OFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET AND WILL BE ABLE TO OFFER THE PUBLIC BETTER SERVICE AND T lir: ]; WORLD'S FINEST ANTHRACITE BLUE COAL ALSO MILLER CREEK ROSEDALE, ALBERTA, AND THE ROE FARMS PROVEN FEEDS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAH EGGS ACCORDING TO GRADE W..1:. DAVIDSON Pone - Hensail • ±••••••••••oi0•♦••••♦•••0•••A••••••••A••$,,••44,••• 2 i • • • • • • • • • • • 4 • O • • • 3 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • iIoffnai & Westlak* •• • • • 0 • 3AQ1ea•�6��A@mdoR>�!�•e.a+....te.•ma•:r�a. �..�°i°s•�f��b•••.6�a��DGSr6�a"v�A9akreTJl+t�m� Announcing THE PARTNERSHIP OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND a. EMBALMERS OF W. H. HOFFMAN AND KEITH WESTLAKE, KNOWN AS: H offman & Westlake For the Benefit of those, whenever in need, W. H. Hoffman's Home in Zurich is open to the Public to be used as a Funeral Horne, where the best of Care and Courtesy will be given. Funeral Directors and Ambulance Service Phones 86 and 93. E *ol Gere In and -See Our Summer i. oods Men's Work Shirts at 85c, Men's Work Pants 1.59 up up Electric Fences, Seeds, Feeds, Harness Repairs, Boots and Shoes Let us supply you with your General Merchandise A oGod Fresh and Clean Stock on Hand FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TIIE BLAKE STORE E Edmund• Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone 11-97 i