HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-08-14, Page 8PE ZURICH HERALD •:SPECALS 1141 Onfil Mani Egar Fine Reycaa $31. for 79c yd" ••"•'•••••.;-r! ;or '.(14,-• yr! r;ra ict at ...3Sc. yd :',"„:„.1t t ...... 19c. yd „ 30c.yd Pa; • •• 75c pair '•.• "-. -.1 ^ : in dark Shades - - - •a....„ . i_25 »ht., • al; 71' %.49 1.15 at yal. 60c OCrIUE5' baa 50c 25c t ,•„ 15 -oz. size at 29c i Oc 25c 25c 25c • :szia. 2 for z.-vaap, 5 bars and co -b •1;,' IJry Cliteascl, p.P.D CC�UE3 A Speci”1. Parch,sc of 25 large boxes Cookies arrived Extra Ve.lue at 14c to 18c a ib. Get a Supply now rt• -44 41-a) .t,orat • L. Gold Medal coffee with 10c bottle manilla 55c (awn Blend Tea, per lb. ........ ...... . „_.......... 69c Odcx Soap, per cake Zinc xings, per dozen Scalas, 2 lbs, ..... . 5c 25c 25c i 0,r, ac 30c Coils, 5 for Jelly owders all flavors per pkg. Olives, 1 7 -oz. jar Mao %,..4Y2 age FRDUCE WANTE ',emu" q 1111 pr -71 zL.,otl:kat 3 D. .if„ Mone 165 ,t • 14' 454Ftibi LOCAL MARKETS 1712 13.10.)WIRDAMM 4. 4 4 tlurrsiluy, .rttgst 1.4% 190 „7„, , WIN r- =71 1111111 Mrs. Fred Heborer and Miss Ann Deters sPent Monday at London. A very heavy rale .eisited these.. parts on 3.7. Lela and , thing.; are gett- ing new life. The Deportment of Highways ha e-reat}Le. Improved the Zurich Road by a coat of oil. HerVeeting iS a thing of tine past •!1&•., in these parts, the herds aro all hare now. Mrs, Allen Craie- from Toronto visited her mother Mrs. 0. Koehler over the week -end. EC aCorrected every Wednesday.) P .01)UCE WANTED NIiee Ada Koehler who has 'beer: PHONF ting here for a week has returned 1 Ito Torento. Mr. and1-es. Theodore Wagner emze-eeeeezeleze-exereleveneeevezewergewel.seeeea,72,,eeerem of Guelph are visiting with the for - parents here. Mr. Mozart and Arthur Gelinas of the Goshen line, north, spent Sunday Bayfield with their brother Claude Mr. and Mrs. Warren Annus of. IDetroit spent the week -end witinle land Mrs. Max Denomme of Blaice. IMrs. Lydia McIsaac of Crediton called at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred 3,Teliek on Monday: Dolly 1-14eean of the Parr tine hies reteentel. home after spending- a few days at London. • ...• Gee Volland of Detroit 1313,1t'y sriont helidagee-af the home of Catharine eee, •d. e enoe eraa 1.14r IV. 97-,-,-, irt 1, AL , E X_ CEP U F FE tlk 7,11 i. Fidelity, Etc, re 1 e'A' rr7tV /I I, k H,1•14.„5,riCt „SS, Local Representative „ 7, mulct] Zurich t5,117.:TM-M-17•7,'7,r , ::•"%171.1"Z.:, F., I - - '"""' a. • \ A \ Ell The "Walsden" contains 750 springs, encased in individual pockets for maximum resi- liency, lasting com- fort and durability. Upholstered with layers of high qual- ity white cotton felt; Imperial roll edges and side stitched to give a permanent upright edge. All standard sizes $32.50 &Agog eg 6'1:21' WS , Vdue - With All the Features Higher Priced Mattresses • Here is a mattress that sells at $32.50 and com- pares in value to many that sell at a much higher price. Thousands of satisfied buyers have found in the "Walsden" a mattress that brings restful, refreshing sleep; complete satisfaction and long lasting wear. Come in and find out for yourself why we say --you can't beat the Marshall "Walsden" for value and comfort! STADE and WEIDO Phone No, 92 Zurich Born -le r•trrelev Toeirnshin. on emeeet 2nri. to :Mr. and MIT. CaulP- 1-,011 ,Itleainley (nee. Olive Witmer) e "Ty p.,1 ',Ulm. 11,1:4-4rVV11, Steinic jrjrJ ‘"/)0.70' riTrii-'14TIt .;-; ''' tock with 'Air. 'an•d C. -Tnyers. . • • ; TCoehler end de• 0,1'fox 111. Koehler „eel 1,k7, r';'11Ft''`I'01"1 Visited at }1.1intsville over tbe •Leeeizeend. ee,.. sea Axe., ee,,,,,e; Wm., r.110 rirr r. T (yr rw;- • o.11 nar+, T7,7017 'Free. 0T INT The Mieeee " r • ! .1s "7'70' 'eereeer of Ritehernr Leere eeeets 10n1 of :)aters, Sr., for, 1ee nee:- two wre's. dr. end :lenl /1;1 lei.: •; , et, • , • • ! • !. Butter, creamery 41 Butter; claire 39 Eggs, dozen . 31, 28, 21, 16 .Dressed chickens 12-20 Chickens live .... ..... .... 10-14 Wheat, bushel 90 Oats, bushel 40 T.!ei-;ley, bit -11'1 . ; F 0 Buoiewheat,. bush 45 Flour, cwt. ' . 2.50-3.15 Pasty flour at mill, 25 -lbs. 65c Shorts and bran, ton 28.00 Midi ton 30.00 ''"'n7terreefeeee_ Miss Mecla Surerus • is on a boat trip to Manitoulin leland. Mr. Louis Wurm of Heasall, is visiting relatives here. Miss Elsie Drover of Seaforth, visiting at Leonard Erb's Parr line. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Oliver of St. Marys were Sunday guests at the home of Mrs. Chas. Weber. Nor./40,n Gascho has returned to Byron Sanitoriam, London, after spending a few weeks at his home b.ere. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Howard and family of London were Sunday vis- itors at the home of Mrs. H. F. eWs eloh. Mrs. :Vienna Oesch 40..a. spent a Rev weeks holidays witl-CKer mother and other relativer near Kincardine, has returned home. Mr. and Mrs. Adana SippeI;. Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sippel of Inver= ton were recent visitors. witherektie, yes in this vicinity. TO EASE ON CAN. PASSPORTS Ottawa -The prime minister's off- ice announced that Canadians enter- ing- the United States no longer re- quyee passports valid for 60 days beyond the date of their proposed stay. The change WaS announced by TO PLOW MORE ACRES London, Eng. - Agricultural Min- ister R. S. Hudson called on British 1..as to,aAor,- DR ad:14.1,:al 2,000,- 060: acres of land to bring up to l,000,000 t1' 'United Kingdom's footi lOd.1CtlOfl acreage,. Ho said 1u3 ed es much Innd as humanly rios:! l,...e,nlJwed and sown this Pall and we want a geeet deal 111 ..hcat and beans. inc fP:ISC!, 0111' ae1a1.. of pot, • re e t • r beet cr ,L. e-etoriee e ;-iii Ts127. TifeelTr D 1.,'EARS p!ifT7T'',71-7. ; 1 . - 7,11. • ^1,•; i.; ; ill • during Shirley'e YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS ,! We Always Carry a Flail Line of the Best of ,I. both Shelf and Heavy . Stanle Hardware; SP -oyes, 1 _ •.: /Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us ' .., Offer You Good Sugg-estions along this Line.. P,. Some Good Used Heaters at VeryReasonable Prices FURNITURE .a.' 1. See Our Studio Couches mad Dianette Suites 47, -I. A Full Line of all the Home Requirements Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Lateef s,. i. in Furniture at Very Reasonab/ e Price; quality Con- ; . sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress . 'R , t T Dininoom Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc: re' SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE k For the more conservative purchaser we can save 4' you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of - Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for 4, .1, $ your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our 4 Rernarkable Low Prices - 4; . John.ston 64 liathileisch . . . . . nardware ec Parnitine. Phoni.4 63 14. '1'41'4'444 '24 4. +4 i"S• 0+ .4.'141'0144 4. 01*.it• 441- el-Va3.4.:r"" dr'7,-.3.7351MXIMMIZZUSIVILElart.sZETE;237.12.,1. Dead and Pu'ubled Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Colle,ct: Exeter 235. . Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD: (111111111111111111111itInni iTitilT11{'Rniiii1111111i11111111(111111111111111111111111111111:1011niiillillf;illiialliMiililhZIVEMIIIIiiiIIIIIIIIIIIMINIE11111111:11141111.1M E-- V el .-1----_ --,--, . Ybur Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd :„E• Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile la Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! HESS1 the Repair an :-: -a -a IS THE TIME TO ORDER 111111111111d.IIIIIIIIIIHMOMMIIIIIIII11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11211111thlIIIIIIIIIIIR$III91111114111111111111111111111I1111111111111111111111151113: Yr Fuel Bitlin HA F! tAlly Storm Wind rws and Doors 15- ± t 10- 4. ore 4 - wc ± Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials op - Rr 11.C.E, THOSE WINDOW PE ANES 1.10W. WCARRY A „,eL le 1 I .*.e.GE ASSORTED STOCK A OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL -E UR,Z 44 AUD WILL DO YO' GLAZING WORN. WIHLE WAIT. LET US QUOTE YOU! On Flindey veorn;.Le t'e, leeeel ne- ,, engelical church -,;11 ,:•i•1 eeeeiee; at ten o'clock in charge o the Brother- heod of Men, Me. Colin Campbell of n ,,n r Bayfel!I will b V til0 illi!aker. The Sabbath school will follow the morning eervice as usual, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Vungblut and laughtee Miss Inez and Mr. Jacob 9eichert attended the funeral of the late William Dumart at Kitchener on Wednesday. The 1at Mr. Duma.rt who is a Zurich old Loy .parsed very suddenly tn. Saturday evening. WEED SPRAYING Twenty counties and a large num- 'yer of townships have purchased or rented power sprayers for the eridic- ation of weeds :by chemicals, .because they have found that weeds can be killed by this means at les:s cot than mowing, says John D. Maeleeod Crop :3 ecds and weeds Branch, Ont. Dept. )a of Agriculture, Toronto. A number kn of counties engineers and township Pi read ofilciale have reported that coete Era :lave ,become lea vech year and that big in a short time touching up of scat- Inc. tered plants will be all that ts re- Th (mired to hoop roach -ides clean of be. vmeds. He states that scveYal conn nut lits have purchas.A excepEraoally Ft r I: ,eeve ei.,..aying outfits and o,e! pre.. the panel to Tray weede. for a-Uoining Ge municipalities, when their own work ero is completed. 1•`'•1, , tV di)1" i 1. L ,1.1 glMIP 03.4111)115 01 1 ! j.1101111;• timir.incthei• nld f-tb.,r, \\in it-P- ;,.4;;Ir in The Dote:Iehreday Times. Wetele for a fall page in the Augusi' 17 iesue-and another full page h, Aeguet 24 hu'. i ure to gz!f the Detroit Sunday Times this eve. okankl every week, •'' 'NEW. RADIO SCHOOL- fairsized mushroom town i. springing up on the site of the new R. A. F.air radio school in Tucker- Lnith;aeGranton corner on the Lon- don road: Over two thousand stud - ants eVill eventually be housed there. This 5th e second radio school to be ;•rectrt in Canada; the other is al Montfeal. Buildings are already .printing up everywhere on what was once the verdant farm of Nor .111Ln l'yntlall. It is set in beautifu !andecape surroundings. A poworfa •,.ernattic scraper, with dumpine equiptient, has been busy on ; the c kend of the farm scraping off the oils and filling in the hollows. Thr ggott ConAruction Co. are the con eters for the airport whieh is be constructed under R.C.A.F. aur es for the British Government o TYdall barn and drive -shed wil torn down but the house will re in. A gravel road is under con- Letien almost the full length o' Clem. Piles of lumber are rising ound has been cleared and nun - us huts have been staked out. Mations posts dot the landscape ia ^1. Vz11.? el 1 17 ,i,..4. y; 7•-t -.; d, ,-, -4 7" Jo,4,.I'Llt, IL, .4, a' ..1_,,„ : rii.ONE t.jo zut:zE ,l VP ratittt' :=1.1=411. • ...., 04 .5 to4. +++44+4 4.i.0.44,4it :••••?,,iei:••: 4.91...-.44.4,++++.1.i.++.1. +++1, +4, egbeelee000010@e006000000eeelai tWaVQ:000%;11041:00000044411atiOggefe 6 a r arni r Tl HAYING AND HARVESTING SEASON WILL riOON BE IN OUR MIDST NOW AND HAVE YOU ,THOUGHT OF. LOOKING AFTER YOUR MOWER OR BINDER, IN WHAT CONDITION THEY ARE FOR THE CUTTING OF HAY AND GRAIN, IF IN NEED OF REPAIRS LET US DO THIS FOR YOU. WE HAVE GENUINE INTERNATIONAL HARVES- TER PARTS AND WILL TUNE UP YOUR MACHINES FOR THE BIG RUSH LATER ON, CHICK STARTERS We invite' you to come in and see our vaKious kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and •call F R SALE --A Large Weigh Scales. * !Q3claii h. 11 et; Pat**0003)04PaileflIVAINOINal) $0947401PilinkaWAPAIMailaftille**,