HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-07-31, Page 1Forty Second Year ZURICH, THURSDAY JlORNd t , JULY 81, (941, $1.50 in U.S.A., in advarno% CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisbee Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advanesa .Are You Suffering Frm'ra Headaches? kf so; Have your Eyes IlYa:arobited with the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST 4. OPTIC/AI's GODERIOK —• ONT. Good Glasses. at Reasanable Prices Her Id ublish all y ICOMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRCS E. Zulrbrigg R.O. c OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open. every Week Day Except Vtredn esday. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE -We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now 'better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED THIEYE, Proprietress BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE Will be closed during the Summer Months Wednesday Afternoon and Evenings. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Prop. THE LOWEST PRICES P LE Sales Prove It. ---Na Salesmen Commissions to pay. No Finance Charges to Pay 1937 Chev. Coach, locally .owned. 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coach $135.00 re -finished 1929 Ford Coupe $85.00 1936 Terraplane Coact. 1927 Ford Coach, original upholstering,. like new 1934 VS• Truck with $85.00 License only 235.00 (2) Only 1941 New Dodges. ' These are the last ones available before the 71942 models arrive. DODGE SALE.S Will Pay Cash For Good Used Cars WARD FRITZ WE, SELL THE. BEST FOR LESS Specials fThursday, Friday and Saturday Oxydol, large pkg.. Assorted cream Sandwich biscuits per .Ila_ .....—.75c Van Camp's Tomatoes,, large, .2 tins.................Z5c Golden Net .Salmon, large J-Ib..tin ._,..,.. .29c Crunchie Sweet xnixd. Pickles 27 -oz jar 29c Keta salmon, large tin .......k_°_...,..,., 18c Lir by's. cooked s_paghetti,..2 .tins. 19c Heinz's pork and beans,.2 med..tins _....,. .,........25c .Nu jell and .Lushus Jelly Powders, 3 pkgs.. 25c Bee Hive, corn synup, 5-1b. pail Kirk's Castile .soap„ 5 bars —25c Texas grape fruit juice .2.20 oz. tin .,.. , - 25e Miracle whip I6: -oz. jar ,... ...... ........:.....3 5,c Blue Boy coffee& 1 -Ib. bag .,. ......__..__,...._. 39c Maxwell House coffee 1 -Ib. tin.., — .__„._,..53c Pari Sani wax paper 40 -ft roll ...,.... 15c Salada Tea, yellow w label..l a.If-I . ._,............... 39c Bulk peanut leaner, per lb. . .,,...15c J. -E4 R ?Item it S mmer Visits IN MEMORIAM 9.991,9999 11 Visitors Bennett—In loving nieinox'y o •, Dear Mother, Catharine Betlnc.tt, , departed this life July 28, 1.93:0;;':' You suffered hours, yes hours of (1?2 To wait for curry but all in vain: Till God alone knew what was',.:1;) IIc called you home with Him t.o.rc God knew what you were sttfferi11 And the hills were hard to climb So he closed your weary eyelids And whispered—Peace be Thine! —Ever remembered by her childrec Elizabeth, Katie, Carrie and Rich MODEL TO WORLD 'r Washington — Hon, Leighton M Carthy, the Canadian miniwter sai:w Rev. Hicks of London, a temper - that Canada and the United StatE� 'anie lecturer conducted the services had established a new andunigttt in the Evangelical church on aunday type of internationalism which shotiln 'evening. be a pattern for a permanent well peace. The two nations intermarr.. business houses are organised on ?t international scale without thinksu' of themselves as operating in a fpr, eign field and we take part rn each 'Miss Gertrude Turkheim, of Tor - other's business parleys as though wv onto;.' is spending her vacation with were one country3• . her parents, Rev. and Mrs. E. Turk - beim -of town. Mr. .and Mrs. 0. Stephenson of fileiinicot were Thursday visitors in town. h. ' The annual Thiel reunion will be held at Jowett's Grove, Bayneid, on Monday, August 4th, civic noiiday. Mr. Lawrie Powlie of London, was a Saturday evening visitor with his sister, Mr. and Mrs. Gideon Koehler. Mr. and Mrs. Harry G. Hess and ,aanily are enjoying a few weeks' liohdays at their cottage in the Pinery. Hensall Council 1VIinutes The regular meeting or the Vill age Council was held on the eve. of July 7th in the Council Chambers with all members present. 'Minutes of the previous meeting were read and, adopted. Treasurer. J. A. Paterson present- ed the half yearly financial statem- ent. T. Kyle, utility man, asked• C- uncil'far an increase in wages,. ion, that. we pay T. Kyle $70.00 per month as utuility man and prepare by-law for same. Correspondence read: Pte. D. J. Walker, A.C. Ken iPassmore; Alvin Bell; Pte. 'W. Nicol; Imperial Oil Ltd; Co. Engineer; Dept. of High- ways; Co. Treasurer; Dept. of Mun- icipal Affairs; Judge T. M. Costello; Branch Red Cross -Society. Same consider ed and filed. Motion, that we refund the Red Cross $16 paid for hall rent. Bills and accounts read: Red Cross Soc., refund hall .rent $1t;; 13,nthron & DrysdaIe supplies M.30; Imperial Oil Ltd. bal. acct. 412; Co. Huron Hospitalization r3; ... s :.sot•:!, gravel 1('.10; G M. Case teaming sts. 10.40 ;. H. Dui cllzrme, labor sts 2,50; Chas. Wolfe labor sts. 9.15; T. Huddson do 10 Roy Todd do 3.75; J. A. Patterson n:' yr. ,alary 14;2.50; T. Kvle sal- ary $5$5; Hydro a.ct 6.73; R. Mid: 111' 1 ellpjilie: 7.;1r,; wt rut Rms., bunting 3.69. j!J '`lotion that t' t t. o . lts he rail. t. } ingru't ".1 to f the Imperial 011 Ltd., e ..'.:.count u._ not lying e:"t're 11.'0:}: o n,, ara'•ei to ,1n, . r 9.'1 t•^a d oil we wool;l net be ne '°lin;; tour; oil this year. Motion, that wo adjurn' to • meet at the pleasure of the Reay" 6r on. August llth. James A. Paterson, Clerk; `° •'± jai Hr. Casper L. Walper, who has ,r ?Made his home t 'ith his son -:n -law, {Ir. Oscar Klo for , or r some years,ilas left for Toronto where he will re- side with his dauf(tor, Mrs. C. M. Stewart. Mr. Paul Hess has left far Toronto where he will study law with the re- nown firm of Smith, Roe, Greer & Cartwright, Barristers, located on :Bay St.: Toronto. Paul 'will of course continue his law; studies' at 'Osgood hall at the opening of •University. Had Good Catch i}Ii. William O'Brien was the lucky pass fisherman last Wednesday after- noon when he went up north an hours drive and landed home with about the finest string of bass that ever came to Zurich , they weighed from lbs. on down to the small size lianit. It takes an experienced fish- erman to land these. Police Trustees Meet The members of the Board of the Zurich Police Trustees met on Mon- , day evening and the following bus- iness was transacted: Plans were .discussed for improving the entrance oor'bt the fire hall, as at present, kxe douhle string doors do not sup - ,41y*: ample room to accomodate the bw anl larger truck. Regulations Pere afro made govosning the new ire truck when tailed out of town in vase o; a caa to the rural area. F. le 9' when c rl''l and no serv- ieel e n ba. ti n l ,t d :271 t all be the rendered the ci .°t?:n :� it .... , t' .0) 'When the truck f ts'° ,11Sa'n l•` it 1?'. ;.o,-.11 at least pwe ofi-he, r'.lers of the ail, S`r'i' 1 ;:it aeconlp- +.r S l'' -t t ... -_ This is no new seguliititsn e, s°i,t;:ii'; a fair charge .:.-r the• tr.:to , fig. out of town, at, •motion, have: been adopted in past, and the big drawback is to 11fore th-nn. It iw only natntal the alarm of fire comes to go i;r-give what assistance one can to e :property which, in some cases, US, years of hard toil to replace, itcl the first thing one thinks about ins it te, local fire brigade which has in a t>saved many a thousand dollars f property. but to buy and main -- in an equipment as is now being one by the Village of Zurich is al- so quite • an undertaking. First tho equipment costs around $3,000 and: then there are the chemical tanks ?VP are so easily emptied out and ave : "to be refilled, which is always chi siderable outlay, there is geso- tie, ;:and a number of other expend - tires, and the :possible risk of an ccident where much damage could e inflicted to the equipment, All hese things have to be considered. nd the Police Trustees thing their ates are very modest and should be made either by the induvidual or the 4' tsurance Company that the property'` ineureei in. If it could be arranged s has often ,been tried to organize re areas then this enormous ex�penst. would ,be distributed among that area nd each one would have. erste,,, l',ro- �xction, but a it ia, it only options' or the trnek to go out of the village. 'he j»41 village Taxi !tate was set 0 vitlis,, the ,`tune es jn 1:1011, Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND. DANCING EVERY NIGHT WILLIS TIPPING AND HIS Cascade Rhythm Orchestra CIVIC HOLIDAY WEEK -END' MIDNIGHT DANCE—AUG. 4, 12.05 a.m. BIG HOLIDAY DANCE MONDAY NIGHT 'Free admission Tues., Thurs., Fri., before 9 p.m. SUNDAY EVE CONCERT, Aug. 3rd DASHWOOD BRASS BAND Directed by H. Hoffman Thank you One and All for Your Support last Sunday. We made otn' Ch. Clive for the Red Ca: s ilon,l, Victim's Fund of $20P).00. Beach ' iioodlighted, until ,t.00 a.ni. Cine and c,,;joy a late swat, it a t A is a fi f 1 BROKEN LENSES ACCURATELY DUPLICATED ANY SHAPE AND SIZE, AND A MODERATE PRICE A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. AT ONE YOUR 0 ry. WE HAVE MOVED TO OUR NEW' OFFICE ON THE SOUTH SIDE OF MAIN STREET AND WILL BE ABLE TO OFFER THE PUBLIC. BETTER SERVICE AND T H E. WORLD'S FINEST ANTHRACITE BLUE COAL ALSO MILLER CREEK ROSEDALE ALBERTA, AND THE ROE FARMS PROVEN FEEDS HIGHEST CASH PRICES PAID, IEGGS ACCORDING TO GRADE W. R. DAVIDSON Pone 10 Hensall ±oo•OO•••e000000•••v•O•*•0••o•••O.O©••••••••••••••• 8 8 az • • ••• • • • • • • • 4 • • • ••• • • a • • • • • e • • • •• • • Lto • a • Announcing THE PARTNERSHIP OF EMBALMERS OF W. H. w , WESTLAKE FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND HOFFMAN AND KEITH , KNOWN AS: Ho 'man. & Westlake For the Benefit of those, wherever in need, W. H. Hoffman's Home in Zurich is open to the Public to be used as a Funeral Home, where the best of Care and Courtesy will be givens Funeral Directors and An bti_!.:race Service w is Phones 86 and 93. AiI dirdiSULT tt' !,, d','- '. E:MF...:, Costa h nd See Our Snmnier Coo:s Men's Work Shirts at 85c, up Men's Work Pants 1.59 up Electric Fences, . Seeds, Feeds, Harness Repairs, Boots and Shoes Let us supply you with your General Merchandise A oGod Fresh and Clean Stock on Hand FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 11 J E . Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97