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Zurich Herald, 1941-07-24, Page 8
'Aar Eta ZURICH, HERALD Summer Shopping Events Special Sale Prices on Seasonable Summer Goods FOR TEN DAYS ONLY We quote only a few prices: Chenille bodsprcads asst. colors 82x100 each 2.99 Ladies' Handbags, white each 89c Ladies' Dotted Voile dresses each 98c Ladies' Celanese Silk dresses, 10 only special 2.29 Ladies' pure silk chiffon hose, sub standard pr 69c Men's sport trousers, pr. 1.49 Men's light weight work pants, zipper pockets 1.65 Men's fine sox, pr. i 5c Boys Summer shorts, cotton drill 39c Boys' Bathing trunks at 98c MEN'S FINE SHIRTS We have received a new lot of Men's fine Shirts in plain white, plain colors, and patterened styles, For- syth, and Dominion makes. We would Iike to show them to you... 12 Dozen to choose from... Prices from 1.00 to 1.98. GROCERIES Jam Cookies, per lb. Grandma's Cookies, per ]b Laundry Soap, large Bar Sodas, 2 lbs. Soap Flakes, 3 lbs. for Jello Powder Canned Peas Popped Wheat, We take orders 15c 18c 5c •.25c 25c 5c • 1Oc 5Ac for Black and Montmorency Red G}xe'rr:Fos. bushel J..GASCHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 1. GENERAL INSURANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fire, Auto, Casualty :z# Fidelity, Etc. Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative - Zurich • R The "Walsden" contains 750 springs, encased in individual pockets for maximum resi- liency, lasting Com- fort and durability. Upholstered with layers of high qual- ity white cotton felt: Imperial roll edges and side stitched to give a permanent upright edge. All standard sizes $32.50 11► at addafteaor MARSHALL Value -With All the Features of Higher Priced Mattresses ..• ■ Hese is a mattress that sells at $32.50 and com- pares in value to many that sell at a much higher price. Thousands of satisfied buyers have found in the "Walsden" a mattress that brings restful, refreshing sleep; complete satisfaction and long lasting wear. Come in and find out for yourself why we say—you can't beat the .Marshall "Walsden" for value and comfort! a tt ADE and WEIDO Phone No. 92 Zurich 1111111lIIIiIII1111111111111111111111IIIG1(IQ 1111111014111111111111111Elli IIIIIIII111 iUlll►II111111111�IIIIlNll1111111111i11IlilIIIiI�1111iIIIIIlIlllllill�lU,H,;",�It,; Z[JRIeH'S Grocery Store Rose Baking Powder, 1-1b. tin .................:....1 `c Sodas, 2 lbs. for . 25c Pers per can Powdered soap, 2 Ib. pkg. ....:2dc Cocoa, Falcon 1 -Ib. can. Sauer Kraut, per can .. 13c Pepper, fine black, half. -lb can 1 5c Woodbury's Soap 4 bars .2.5c Mewl,° Oesch Zurich PRDUCE WANTED. Phone 165 (llllllll IIII IIII IHIINIIIIIIHMM111111111111111111 1111 1111!/1111iUI111HllI1IIII EMliiTill!a1railR (Litir 1 WHO �p ��yy �p+ ( MIURL3Ek' UNDER THE ITEMS MS MAL NTE.REST f NORTHERN LIGHTS 117•r. Wilbur Rummel of Kitchener, ' A tb.rillin�g' tale from real. life—lir called in town Friday. Messrs. H. K. Diller and Harry Beaver of Creditort were intown on Saturday. . Mr. Archie MacKinnon attended the Veteniary G•ornnratton at Guelph one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Omar Denomme and family of Detroit were holidaying in this vicinity the past week. Nice, cool weather greeted us over bhe week -end, but today, Wednesday phew, what a heat. Mr. and Mrs. Goetz .and son. Billie and Miss E1da Callfas of Kitchener, motored up and spent Sunday:at.the home of Mir. and Mrs. J. W. Merrier. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Smith of Crosswell, Mich., and Mrs. Vanetter, of Applegate, Mich., enjoyed a few days at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O'Brien, over the week -end. Mr. and Mrs. Morris Neil and fam- ily of Detroit and Mr. Lennis Can fas of Kitchener were Sunday vi'srt ors at the home of Mr. and 'Mrs. A If Mebiek. Mrs. J. Hey, who has returned' from a two month's vacation at her. ',cottage, -Grand Bend, was visited on 'Monday by her daughter Margaret; of the Bell Telephone 'staff, London. L. A. Prang & Son -wish to advise the public that they are not grivi'ng the July :2T issue of The Detroit. Starr day Times—Twill reveal a strange tra- gedy of the "Frozen. North", as re- vealed by W: E. Bradley, a school' teacher at Moosenee, Ontario; a fact- ual story about a meteor, and'misfor tune that came in its wake. Be sure' 'to get The Detroit Sunday-Tiines•this; week•::aeetd saery week. FETTER FROM ENGLAND' Thee ladiis of the community- are• again:Raking for small or large don• ationfrom .the public which will be packet and sent direct to , the boys + from our community who are ih•ae- 444444/4.44+4444444+44.44.44,4441++++++++++++++++++4444 3).111, - Oth, 100 .4"60"&eY+40++4#+i**. .p!p*.490.10p4r w•4444++++++M*•F+'F'l4.* YOUR Hardware and'urn t _ ere >f 1 STORE 4, • 4 4, 1+ + + • r Always, keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest I, in Furniture at Very Reasonabl• e• Pilices., quality Con- + sideredi Let us show you our Beds3 Springs, Mattress, Dining! loon Suites, O easiona-1 ` Chairs Rockers, Etc, YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Linof the Best of both, Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardwares Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. • Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions, along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters • at VerpReasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Full Line of ;fit the kfurre.lee Requirements SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE •r the more conservative- purchaser we can save yet.: maw a dollar as we have as fine- assortment of S i folly Used tFurniture that will l'give you Ing value for four• l�' Inney. Drop in and: Ibok; these mazy and get our Remarkable. ILtavw, Prices - Johnston & Kalbfleisch dware it Furniture. Phone 63 tive'service. -We do this about every third month and have only -the pub- lic tt» diepend on, please di -op your giif_t't int the 'box which you will fin&I at.:. airy- of the stores in Z1,rich, or at the store in Drysdale. Le;t' us do our•i bitt.•F1sl1 owing is a letter,• received' a -i' -` ter .tthe last shipment was made, there. i ;rdb; lloub+t about the boys not gett- ing, these boxes, this I/Titter is proof=: The ladies will pack the boxes on. .Aug -list in the town hall at 3 p.m. •au are invited to; help. England, June 13, 1941 Mrs. T. H. Meyers,-,, Zurich Oak. Dear Madam—Received your parcel from the Zurich Women's Institute and many thank I hereby wish, deo, out any more coupons with sales, and endertmy heartiy- thanks: itpw• lout that are out are to he rettrrne;d generosity of the 'citizens ,•f ZZurich. in by Saturday, August 2nd. and for the labour you ladies of'. the Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parr of Mi- .Institute have: put forth IA sending - ami. Florida had a very pleasant week -end as guests of Mr. and Mrs Wan. S. Johnston. Mrs. Carr was a class mate of Mrs. Johnston while in training at Western Hospital, Tor- ionto. The -- - coal and storage building being e '•t:ted by Stade & 'Weido, is nreniressing ^ r- A-raetar, /dr. Mar-. shall Corriveau is losing no time in erecting the new eight -foot concrete walls, and when completed will be a• great convenience to its owners. Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Keys' of Varna announce the engagement of their daughter, 9,- i1 Lorraine, to,; Mr. 'William Russell Allen, son of the me this parcell.'To say it was apprecti iated would be putting it-. rather mild as it contained some nra't-eriat wihi;e;°r to our. regret is next for impossible to oobtoain. Iii: also served' to bring home the old saying "There is na pluee like home." It certainly is a very eheer- ing thought to know that the people back• home have our interests at healrt txnd' 'show their appreciation for the work we are doting here. A11•ough so far; we have 'been morgor less on the receiving end of the.,stick, our march into Syria pro - vet we have at least turned and are n;Ow' taken the initiative. That in it - iso the best possible sign of a sure•,victoe'y. Meanwhile we will wait kee Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Allen of'for our turn to d mi Seaforth, the marriage to ta,ce• place I be assured we will notcome bane fountyou ac, king in the essentials that makes lap a• soldier from Good Old Canada, 'Permit me to thank your orgatriz- ation,again for what you are doing f•o` u I will remain, RespectfullyYouz+s,;,--=Sergit. Wni. Wessing early in. August. Held Veterinary Clinic • The regular meeting of the West- ern Ontario Veterinary Associwtiot? ;,gas held at Ainslie Farah two • ini1ei of th\vest of Hensel]. owned by Dr. A, 11. Campbell, of Hensall, who is proeidcn` of the a. oei tion. Thirty veterinaries from Western Ontario were r resent A rrinic v -as held and animals operated on. Supper was served on the spacious lawn. MANY CARS ENTER Ottawa — Preliminary figures from - eight Canadian ports show 61,771 motor cars from :the United States entered Canada on 60 -day permits during the week ended July 5 cgrti=l pared with 26,535 in the ce_respon; -ding week last year and 44,152 in - 1939, it was disclosed. TAXI AND COW CRASH Driving south from Port Albert at two oclock at night a taxi, driven by E. Douk, was in collision with as cow on the Blue Water Highway, the cow was said to have jumped out of a :itgh into tyre path of the auto, wtt ]tilled outright. car remained on the road, but was damaged to' t he extent of $250. A load of passengers had just :been delivered. NEW GAS RESTRICTIONS Ottawa has announced the prohib; 1tation of night and Sunday sales of -.Asol.ine 'and oils and has boosted the price of gasoline a cent per gallon; Tn order to cut down on the con-. ;umption and to conserve the supply Cor war porpoCrs the government a+: Ottawa prohibit; the sale of gasoline and oil for motor cars from 7 o'- -lock in the morning c'nal-i we'e"c clay and all day Sunday. Tn order to ay. -id r l oniiin• the peon]- of Canada ^n r' ; a; ked t r ca-oncrato iii r ia ,fl1© Creamery Your Home Market for Cream Eggs and Poultry, Highest Cash Prices paid plus a premium for delivered cream Weare equipped to give effi- cient accurate service. Egg arid: Poultry department in charge of Mr. T. Meyers. 2k A. "' L. Mellett - Proprietor. Zurich Garage Come in, purchase your Aut- omotive Requirements from r Zurich's oldest Established Garage, and Service Station. We can supply all your needs Expert Tutonobile re.nairing with the latest testing instruxn- grits, Acytelene Welding,Tire, r'tteries, Oils, Greases and Repairs. B -A (� :soline in three Grades volrn+a'v effort to cut down on the , Give Us A Call! con .nnption in face of it real crisis crea.tecl by t an-portation problems. W . MOTJSSEATJ The new regulations have gone into • el1'crct en Monday July 21st. Phone: Day 108. Night, 47 Dead and Mudded A imais REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: (Collect:: meter 235. Seafortli 15 . DARLINita and CO. Of CANADA :LTD. 1111101111122511111M1111111111111VIIIM1111111111111111111111111NOW911111111111111111111111111191110111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111Mit411111M 1 IS THE 'TIME TO - ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good ..tlfoot Body WOOd Very Reasonahly Priced. Let Vs Have your Order! Wo also carry a Stock cif New Brick and Tile t Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! HESS, the Repair Man NOW! HIilllll IN lllBhllNNliiUfRl!>UI I!lll hlllfflI NIIII11111N;Igl0lifII1111111111NIINl1111111111 ll l 11111ll 1111111111111111E1114il)"]Ut!;IIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIII111EINIINIMIMNNIIlI11111111iIN1111111iNNlllllllllNil E111111Nf1111111i11H1111111111 fi@4 ++++++4+• ++++++44"r•i•++•i ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ w• + �r. �t + + t + Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials .+1, REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 4. • LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! 1 4 • C • LB L rift' -NI o PHONE 6, : 9 .R v, ZURICH 1 ;.4•4•4++++•4••Q•+v'•i•+++•8••Q•+3n+++•3•+'3! i• 3••+i•+•!••II••!••):°+++•k••E•-F••F•E•++++•1••6•++•ice` aseaoee00110,vssaees*saeeessarnee e*rf*sess*s simm • • Mr Farmer THE HAYING AND HARVESTING SEASON WILL SOON BE IN OUR MIDST NOW AND HAVE YOU .THOUGHT OF LOOKING AFTER YOUR MOWER OR BINDER, IN WHAT CONDITION THEY ARE FOR THE CUTTING OF HAY AND GRAIN. IF IN NEED OF REPAIRS LET US DO THIS FOR YOU. WE HAVE GENUINE INTERNATIQNAL HARVES- TER PARTS AND WILL TUNE UP YOUR MACHINES FOR THE BIG RUSH LATER ON. CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be :pure and call! WE THANK YOU! 14 C t A • aaa sesmaaosmaooaososioce 1 1 tffiY 0 4s ettorr t0 4.44.644,19440***** 0****,*;