HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-07-24, Page 4s: ,itfrAtt torah ZURICH _HERALD °6CALLING ALL CAR A ATIONAL EMERGE' Canada is right up against an acute shortage of gasoline and fuel oil. Tankers that normally supply our country have been commandeered for vitally important overseas service. The Commonwealth Air Training Plan, the rapid development of Canada's mechanized array units and the great work carried on by our corvettes make the demand for fuel urgent Our crude oil intake is Iimited. There is just one thing to do if our fighting forces are to carry on with a "full tank". Every Canadian motorist is asked to cut his daily gas consumption in hall There are many ways by which this 50% saving can be made ... ways and means to give you more mileage per gallon. You can drive slower so that you will USP.. less gasoline. You can go fifty-fifty with . your neighbours, inviting each other to share cars .. for business, and for pleasure. People can readily go to and from work together, using one •car instead of four ... using one gallon of gasoline instead of several. Women as well as men can make these savings. The amount of gasoline used in Canada for business,. social and non-essential activities is amazingly high in proportion to that used by our fighting forces. One lock at the figures would convince you that this situation .must be reversed. iialittaltaSSECESIESIESSZCZSIM Canada does not ask or request you to put your car up. She merely asks for your help ... asks that you walk sometimes when the distance isn't too great ... that you take a shorter drive on Sunday afternoon... that you jook after your car and keen it in good condition ... that you say to your neigh- bour: "Let's use my car today, Jim; we'll use yours tomorrow." Every day, in greater and greatercjuantity, we must release :gasoline and oil by the thousands of gallons to our ` throbbing munitions plcints .. to our tanks and armoured cars .... to our fighting planes and bombers . to our corvettes and merchant ships that ply the vital sea -lanes ... so. that the day of victory may, sooner ;be at hand. Ireasy ways towarcis a AS+LINE SAVI G (Approved by Automobile Experts) Reduce driving speed from 60 to 40 on the open road. Avoid jack -rabbit starts. Avoid useless or non-essential driving. Turn motor off when not in use, do not leave idling. Don't race your engine; let it warm up slowly.. Don't strain your engine; change gears. Keep carburetor cleaned and properly adjusted. Tune up motor. timing, etc. Seep spark plugs and valves clean. Check cooling system; overheating wastes gasoline. Maintain tires at right pressure. Lubricate efficiently; worn engines waste gasoline. Drive in groups to and from work, using cars alternate days. For golf, picnics and other outings, use one car instead of four. Take those short shopping trips ON FOOT and carry parcels home. Walk to and from the movies. Boat owners, too, can help by reducing speed. Your regular service station man will gladly explain these and other ways of saving gasoline. Consult him. C The Government of the DorttiNxoN OF CANADA Will YOU help? • It is also vitally important: that, you reduce the use of domestic and commercial fuel oil. ACTING THROUGH_ THE HONtRIRABLE C. D. HOWE, h[ira ter ad' Munitions and Supply G. R. COTTRELLE, ;Oil Controller for Canada STANLEY TOWNSHIP Born—To Mr. .and Ardell gC,Tahiger, .twins, ,a .son .and.ciauhter. Mr. and :Mfrs. J. Hamiton of Tor- viet:to ax• re visitors with :i!'1•r; . T. John- ston :and Miss Mary Johnston of the Town line, near Blake. Mr. land .11rs. R. Douglas of North- ern Ontario and ; •r:..and Mrs. Adams of Stratford vi:ituil at the home of "Yllr. and ..Mrs. G. Campb€ll. Miss , lary Snowiian of 'Atte Blue 'Water t i_ hway spent .a week aV'`` Co•Se:rich ;Mummer "n'hool. ! The mran;a friend, of Mr. John r •acotrhmer :are sorry ,to hear _of his a- :ill, but • " i, e- t.:� lr.ea,cd to 'hear of •b r turn from-irardon Hospirtti]• Mr. and •Mrs. Russel .Grainger .of the Blua 'Water Highway were :reeeft visitors at ke rolia. - Pte. Wm. Dencalf of lie R.0:1;,., Camp Borden, splint a wek.-end •w$zt Mr. and Mrs. I;Ir„•old Perb:ate. the 14th Concession have the deep sympathy of their many friends in the loss of their infant :Child_ Mr. and :Mrs. Gus Roach of Lon- don were Sunday ,guests at the homeof Mr. and d Mrs. Louis Dur- and.n Mr. and Mrs. Frank Adams, also Miss Given De La Flamer of Strat• ford and Mrs. Bob Douglas of Cap- uskasing, called in the Misses Gel- inas recently. KIP PEN NEWS Born—On Monday, July '14th to J.r. and Mrs. Oliver Jalues off hUp - pei( a daughter. :a'_Iiss Dora Pybus of London spent ,the week -end 'wills her grandmother, Mrs. H. Ricker. Mi -is Doris Alexander of London, spent the .week -end with her parents Mr. mai Alt's. W. Alexander. Miss Phyllis Elliott of N:i<te.'h2l] li Mr. and Mrs. C. Balesckn and nptnding a few weeks with l +r firs- 4augl?ter of .London, and Mr. and `ler Mrs. Bert Dunn Jr., on the ii; toil- Mrs ,lifzwson Balsden of Detroit, son line. b.v_;:lzted ;ox. Monday with the former's :nephew, .1M r. Road Mrs. Wim Homey. 13:x. and Mrs. R. Tor•raa+;e of Por- ter's Hill visited recently with ;the halter's 1'tther, lIr. i3. Ivison Wellman of Port Huron, Mich; Mr.. DRYSDALE r+ Mr. and :4irs. 1 hc.al?hile Denomme tare.1 family, also Mr.and Mrs. Claude Rau and families of Detroit are sp- -ending a couple of weeks with relat- ives at,d friends here. Mastfr Paul Mousseatt, son of Mr and Mrs. Louis Mousseau of St. Joachim is spending his holidays with his aunt and uncle, Mr. ;d. and Mss B. riVlotis;seau. Mrs. Louis Montague and baby spent a few clays with her parents, - veer gippen recently. I41r. and Mrs. 'Nelson Duchartne *riaited i�iith friends in London last wvtr•k. Mr. and :141xs. Bart of Stratford, spent the week -end at the village. 'Mrs, Alex, Me.jdinger air ` Hay Township. Mr. Ricker who was never married, always had lived with his mother and had been ailing for several years with a 'heart' con- dition Which caused his sudden death. Deceased wasig born 'in I rr h •tin u t, July 1st, 13112 and came to this commun- ity when just •a child. Ile was: a 'me- mber of Kipptm United church; and leaves to 'mourn his loss his mother and two sisters, Mrs. Norman Pybus (Maude) of London; and Mrs. 'Gor- don Pybus '(Eva) of the' Parr line, Hay. The funeral was held, from his Cate residence on Thursday after- noon hno;on ,at 2:30 p.m. conducted by Rev. A. M. Grant with interment in Exeter ,ce•metery. The pallbearers were: Win. Petty, Jas Petty, Win. Thompson, Wm. Homey, 'Oliver Fee and Wilfred "Welch). The flower he i,. rers were: Fred Stevens, Alfred Ropp, Ivison Torrance, Gordon Tro-; yer, and .Percy Tebett. Those attend }rag the funeral from a distance we- re: Mrs. N. Pybus and family, and Miss Ellen Pybus of London; Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Eines; Mr. and Mrs Buckley; Mrs. Ben Wilson and Miss Greta Reisberry of Bright; Mrs. .R. Squires of Lambeth; Mr. Charles < A mi. and Airs. W. Jatluec of neat• 1 and Mrs,. W. Bowden and Mrs. Smith Elf;rrr me awlMr. W. Frsrgueora midi of Centralia; Mr. and Mrs. R. bdhr Roy of T;harn•es Road visited on Sun acler of t;landeboyo; Mr. and Mrs. day with Mr. ;and Mrss Oliver Ja- clues, .Mis, W. -` I-.,rguson has spent the past week vith her daughter, Mr, and Mrs. 0. Jaques. Mr, and Mrs. Archie P',arsons, Ger- ald and Harold, visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. J. Linden of .Denfield. Little Dorothy Jaques is visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. W. Jaques of l♦ limville. Late Arthur Ricker A shadow of gloom was calf over this COtrrmunity on Tuesday morning of last week when it was learned of the sudden passing of one of its well Dicker known citizens, Mr, Arthur l,er of` 1,1 511. Pybto of Exeter, DASHWOOD Rev. C. Becker and Carl Oestrei- cher attctrded the Evangelical Young People's camp at Paris Mast week. 1VIrs. Jane Guenther and daughter Grace of 'Kitchener spent a few days with Mr. and Mrs, E. R. Guenther. Dr. Lorne Tffanan .who was called home owing to hitt ,fat'her's scrim/sir nc w5 has returned to wlrc xriipor .Chcisirtt a training. . litre a.rt, pleased g j ea to say that hi father is improving ylnVvly.. Mr. Fred Hoperoft who eas beer home for two weeks returned to Halifax on Monday where he is with the navy. Major and. Mrs. Eugene Tieman of Camp Borden spent the Jacek-end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Tiernan. '1Mlessrs. Murray Wolfe and Hero; Wein of Fort Erie spent the week- end at their homes here. Mr:. A. Phillips off Detroit visited friends here over the week -end, '. Mr.. Harold Weber of Stratford spent'the week -end at his hone her( Miss Ella Martinson of •Ehnira, is spending a few weeks with Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestreieher, Miss Mary Edighoffer of Mitchell. is spending her vacation with Mist Shirley Guenther. Mr. and Mrs, C. Routledge of In- ,;gersoll are visiting with her parent: Mr. and Mrs. P. Fassold. Mr..and Mrs. Earl Neeb of Pon tiac, Mich., spent the week -end with his' mother, Mrs. Mary Neeb. iM,rs. R. Thompson of t onuon, sp- ent a Sew days with relatives. Mr. and Mrs. D. Keys of London were Sunday visitors with her mother 'Mils.' T. Kraft. Mrs. Nicholson of London on and son Lorne of Detroit, called on Mr. Jonas H'artleib and Lavada on Monday. Mrs, Cath. Holden and Ruth of Hensell were Sunday visitors at the Hartleib home. Mrs. Jas. Smith and daughter Shir- ley of Windsor spent the week -end with ,her father, Mr. J. Har•tIei'h. Mr. and Mrs. Borden McArthur of Thornbury and Mrs. M. P. 'Currie o' Clarksburg are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. S. Currie. urorlay,4a . 4.14..::4141. • .;,.,.•i••O•i•• �•tir•§•ti�•b•1.•F,.g' i••b.f+•{••f.or�bo°rs�r t• -E••; .i•ti••ir•Z••k- f••i•k•.,�.l..q..s,.. ;..;, •.;.:.»1•'r•t••E.,{, 'E. "We Recorctend. -- FEED - And SELL the Best" 1 We carry a full fine of Purina Products, such as Startenat, Chec-R-Tabs, RCkg Chows, Etc., Etc. Fresh Shipment Every Monday.. Deliveries made at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20 . .. .: •:-•. . ;-ter•:--'r•: •i••!•=r•i•��., �r•g••;.�. 2..;• •g••�r�••�••, I�•, •b.y •g•d••; •i � •'rd^ i••bdr-b•b PURINA OIIOWB Scsve5"me_ phoneY Work - SUCH A SHORT 180111—WitIal'Ceits, you:neerl give only a one -minute to two-nnn.•e: dull', soltg boil for jam -for jelly only a half -minute rite a minute. ECONOMICAL, TOO 1-11.a this short L,oil very little juice can boil awry. Yon average one Iatalf more jani or jelly from, an equal amount at fruit. NATURAL TASTE AND COLOUR—Instead of going off in steam, all the fresh, natural .flavour stays tight in etre fruit. The colour, top, is never .darkened or spoiled. NO UNCERTAINTY—There's silo gaesswork with Certe.Follow exactly the Certo rer reiert'hepnarticular fruit you are usingand you'll /lave firs, luscious jams and jellies every time. E191 Book of 72 Tested Recipes ruder Label of Erery CERTO Bottle. FOR QUICK SALE 1 LIVE HOGS WANTED! A rubber tired dition. Apply to Line. wagon, good coir -1• We wish to advise the public that: Lennard Ern, Parr we are in a position to handle PIGS r ready for Market. Give us a cats for further particulars and prices. --• Gemmel Trucking at Reasonable. Rates. 3':hone Day or Night: THIEL TRANSPORT . 3-1tfc' E. Thiel, Phone 155. ' C. Thiel Ph.16',1•: ' LOST Holstein 'heifer 9 months c>'ld. wire in left ear, off grass• east of Zurich. finder notify Jack Williams, R- L 3, Dashwood. WANTED A limited number of yar-old 'torr- • key hens and gobblers. Highest cash. prices paid for same. Zurich Creamery. NOTICE Beginning Saturday, July 2C,th, Children's haircuts will be Z5ets.•' No appointments by telephane:_ ,—The Zurich Barhart FOR QUICK SALE A purebred Ayshire bull calf :Cm sale. Apply to Alf. Melick,. Zur_it fib AUCTION SALE At ZURICH FIRE 'l"ALIT. On SATURDAY EVE., JULY ZCnth At 8.30 •o'clec-k. Consisting of the old Fire Truck with Pump. —Zuriioh Police Trustee Board ke of Detroit are visiting wir,a Mr and Mrs. Wm. Davis. Miss Onieda Restemeyer R.N. who has been nursing Mr. D. Tieasar ,, re- turned to London on. Wednesday. Dashwood Red Cross July ship-, ment-2 prs. socks, 2 sleeveless swe-i, aters, 3 scarves, 5 ribbed. helmets, 6 pis. 2 -way mitts, 1 pr. plain auxins, 1 turtle neck sweater, 3 pr. •seaboats. 3 pr. trade •tuckin's, 1 alternative, 5" caps, 3 bed jackets, 10 men shirts, 5 quilts, refugee clothing, 150 articles. 1VLr. and Mrs. Daniel Weber had the pleasure of entertaining a goodly number of the Young Pec•ple of the WANTED CASH for. Dead Animals and For. Horses, Phone Crediton Central, re- verse charges.—Jack Williams, Dash- ' w000l, R. R.3. P.O. pt4-6-'41 FOR SALE FARMERS, ATTENTION! Let us have your order for your season's supply of binder twine. Good supply always on .hand. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, 33. C. Shingles, Concentrates, Stock atinerals, Salt, Oils and Fertilizers of ell :brands. Hensall Co -Operative Co. EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL CHURCH. C. 13. }leckendorn, Pastor - Mrs. M. astarMrs.M. Oesch, Organist 10 a.m.—Worship, 11 win.—Sabbath School. V-30 p.m.—Worship. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Ghurddi9 ZURICH — ONT. .A Changeless Christ far a Chanc- ing World. Friday, Ph—Luther League. Thursday ---Choir Practice. First Church of the Nazarene, Lon- SUNDAY SERVICES don, when they held their atutuai 1fl a. m-'D1vine Worship picnic, Saturday last. The aZternoen was spent in games followed by a lovely lunch out on the lawn, Little Misses Margaret and Elaine S bs e, of Zurich, helped to serve. They all enjoyed a treasure hunt which ce'- e,red the biggest part of tile• hien,. Inn . the eve' 7 evening • i all gathered! ete d ,around: bonfire g noun a n and had a joyous ou � �ttm��• dY sing- ing choruses led by Ernie Gillian and • accompanied. by Mrs. R. Robinson on' the ,accordion. The testitno.nal part was led by Bill Griffin, after. 'which the 'meeting was closed by ,several brief prayers, and they all' lett ,for London. 41.15 a.m.--,Sunday School. 's 7.30 p. m.—Divine Worship. Everyiiody 'Welcome to all Services. E TUER KH E 1M, Pastor. HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Mettle left last week for their cottage, at Ron - dean Park for two weeks' vacation. Mr. Milton Witzel and daughter Mrs. Mary Poke has returned to M•rs. Edgar ISpindor of Townsend Toronto after visiting filet/tit here. Wash,, and iMsses Sarah and Annie` Douglas Sangster returned to his Siebert of 17r..'aoit I spent the week- horns: here after spending the Wit. with Mrs. ' i., each w Wt r. tt,I. month in wi atdsar, Mrs. Fulton and Mr. and Mrs. Jacl .Rev, W...15., and; Mks., Young end Fulton of '.Toronto and Mrs. O'Rotrr ',wilily are holidaying ilee,r Forest,. 4 Stay IN WHITE SHOES We have a Fine Selection to choose from; zrtaznm .a pair for every family. All at lowest member of the: cash prices:. EXTRA VALUE Metes heavy Mennonite Work Shoes Rg. $3.45 at only $2.98 pair. Others at -- $2.45 pair. E. , . DATARS "T l STORE WITH TEE STOCK