HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-07-03, Page 8PAGE EIGHT z' r Special Sale tsrie " » ,`" aon.:", l,e Summer Goods VeC tea cn7.cfrai'g.•`'�3: (-,,I-ens a 4 t. _ ?'.'S t,'4.= ."� 100 each 2.99 Ladies' 1-1,Andi.�ocs Tv: ilril'' �i�ich „ 89c Ladies* 1 '. at €1 Voile Ore,F.'?:s Ore?:each 9 Ladies' Cele.i.aciac-• +r k dw , ccs, 10 only special 2.29 Ladies' pure silk chiffon hose, sub standard pr 69c Men's sport trousers, pr. 1.49 Men's light weight work pants, zipper pockets i.65 Men's fine sox, pr. i 5c Boys Summer shorts, cotton drill Boys' Bathing trunks at 39c „98•c MEN'S FINE SHIRTS We have received a new Iot of Men's fine Shirts in plain white, plain colors, and patterened styles, For- syth, ox-s.nth, and Dominion makes. We would like to show them to you... 12 Dozen to choose from... Prices from 1.00 to 1.98. GROCERIES Jam Cookies, per lb. Grandma's Cookies, per ib. Laundry Soap. large Bar Soda, -t. 2 lbs Soap Flakes, 3 lbs. for Jello Powder Canned Peas Popped Wheat, bushel We take orders for Black and 15c _18c 5c• 2'5c 2'5e •5c .rol:• .50c Montmorency Red Cherries. SOHO PRODUCE WANTED SON PHONE 59 GENE AL URAOE EXCEPT LIF H1 E1ie, Aute, Osua1ty Fidelity, Eta, Andrew F. Hess, ® Zurich Local Representative I ZURICH HERALD Thtxratl:tWyr, ,iuiy '01111 111111.!111 j.I ,1111111:.11.1.1111 UlUl111ltiiIiII{Illllllllillllllliilllllltlllllll IInIIllflff�1111111IIIfl jljlll� IJI�1jj 1hJ 1111N1il1l1111j11(I1 ' t✓f '° O0 err "'` ore Scup Flakes, 5 lbs. 35c Pitted cherries per can 15c Blue Berries, 2 cans ,»... 25c Dates with pitts, . 2 lbs, ' 25c Pork and beans 28 -oz. 2 cans -.»,-..• 25c OIives 171. oz jar 30c Sodas, 2 lbs 25c Red Rose Tea, half -lb. 33c Merano Oesch r aurich PRDUCE WANTED. pane 165 61 1111100111111 IiUIUIIIIIIIIIII 11111111111111111111111111 IIIIIIINIUIIIIIIIIIt11II1 IIIIIIIIIIil1111111111111111111111111111t1111111jQII111Jli,Jll 11111),111,11111111111111, ITEMS of I i AL INTI r S1 l INTIM.S1 Ms. Robert Turner of Goderich, was in town one. day last week. Miss Pearl Gallntan:. of Hensall, spent the week -end with her sister. Born—On June. 30th . is Hay Twp., to M_+ and Mrs. Theo. Letbold a da- ughter. The Evangelical Sunday School picnic wit I be herd at Bayfield on Mr. and Mrs.. Ervin Dedels and family of Kitchener- were holiday iv.itors at the home of Mrs. Lisette. Datars. Master Bobby Bryce. and Billy O'- Brien. are errjeyiig: a few txaye at 1 the home of Yin .and Mrs. Peter Gin- !dgerich with Keith and Kenneth. The annual Children's Day Pro- gram will be presented in the Evang- elical Church err Sunday July - Gth, 7.30 p.m. Mr. Kenneth Koehler, of near Huntsville is at present visiting at the home Qf his mother, Mrs. Oscar Koehler. The many friends of Mr. Roland Geiger, will be pleased to learn that he is progressing nicely after his at- tack of rheumatic fever. Jtly 1st passed off! very quietly, it was one of those real hot summer days and the local resorts at the lake got a big patronage. Rev. and Mrs. George P-, Brown of Tavistock were week -end guest: at the home of their niece, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Wuerth and other relati- ves. Wednesday July 9th. :111::�.4 :4:;,:: • ;ll 1 it �[iRR' '�q`i'•Sh i NI The "Walsden" contains 750 springs, encased in individual pockets for maximum resi- liency, lasting com- fort and durahility. Upholstered with layers of high qual- ity white cotton fele; Imperial roll edges and side stitched to give a permanent upright edge. Ml standard sizes $32.50 A STADE and WEID( RSH LL Value -With All the Features of Higher Priced Mattresses ..v� Here is a mattress that sells at $32.50 and com- pares in value to many that sell at a much higher price; Thousands of satisfied buyers have found in the "Walsden" a mattress that brings restful, refreshing sleep; complete satisfaction and long lasting wear. Como in and find out for yourself why say—you yyou can't beat the Marshall "Walsden" for value and comfort! Phone No. 92 Zurich LOCM., MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, creamery 36 Butter, dairy 0.4 Eggs 23, 21, 15, 12 ` Dressed chickens. 12-20 Chickens live 10-14 04 35 1'sLr•ley, bits;; . ......... :0 Buckwheat, bush • 40c Flour, cwt. .............. 2.50-3.15 Pastry fiour at nni11, 25 -lbs. ....65c `ianrts aria bran, ton 25 01) Ni+ldlings, ton 26.00 Live hogs cwt.. 8.50 Mrs. Hartgrave; M. and Mrs. New- beggian of Listowell were week -end visitors at the home of IVIrs. Miary Truem'• r, the former remaining for some time. • Miss Olive O'D, :sn and Mrs, Alf- red Melick who' are at present in St. Joseph's Hospital, London, and were operated :on last week and are progressing as well as can •be looked for. iVheat, bushel Oats, bush. anal Mr. anti' I trs. C. L. Smith motored.: to London;, au Saturday. School chased on Friday for the vacation pexiod. Messrs-' W_ S. Johnston and Lloyd O'Brien. are at London on business.. Mr. Irvine D. Smith of Hamilton, called.ornhis brothers here on Thurs- day. Mr. and Mss. Henry Volland atten- ded the: funeral of her brother; Mr. Arthur Benedict at Kitchener on Wednesday. The exrtemely warm weather was moderated this Wednesday morning. It; is:''rs however, still drier, than ever and the smaller plants show little 1 growth, and lawns are burning up. Miss T. Standing left i'br her home 1 in Paisley, and will not return to Zurich to teach, having- a position on the London city staff., A,: Universal cool3 tg system was recently put in the storage and gra- ding room of the focal Silverwoods plant;..as this has i eeome compulsory by law. The local hydro men are busy re- moving some of the tall and more dangerous trees. Last week the large. elm trey besides the house of Mr. Milne Rader was taken down. Mr. and 'ytrs. William Georrnette, and family consisting of six sons and two : daughters are spending two week's vacation with their parents, "— and Mrs. David Geromette of Mount Carmel and Mr. and Mrs. —res Laporte, P ysclale. Mr. Geromette has tt very good position � in the industial city of Detroit, be- ing connected with a large milk dis- -eihritint* firm. He hes also recently ?urchased for an investment an ad- )Itione4 honer to the one he is occupy ing, and reports that things sure are booming 'in Detroit. LEAVING, EXETER Mis Marion H. Snell, classisc tea - °her at the Exeter I•Iigh School the oast year, and whose home is at Loru?esboro, has resigned her position to take a similar position at the Sand- wich Collegiate Institute. Miss Snell has been a valuable member of the Exeter high school staff. In addition to her other subjects she had charge of the girls' physical training. HE KICKS THE SPOOKS Out of Hunted Houses Edward Saint, special in for the Los Angeles scientified Psyc- hic Research .Society, recalls—in The American Weekly with the July 6 is- sue of The Detroit Sunday Times—. the wierd case of the "Caressing Sp- irit", and other expensive nuisances that is wilted under special treatment iie sure to ;get The Detroit .Sunda}' Tines this week and every week. In County Court Goderich—A precedent was estab- lished in county court on June 26t1 - during the hearing of a civil motor damage jury action when Judge E W. Clement, of Kitchener, discarder' his gown. aeon. The lawyers did likewise 1 sc and the farmer jurors were told by the democratic judge, attired in r lightcolored summer suit, that they nirllt doff their. coats. The heat was ntense. In police court Crown Attor- 1,•;7 H hies apoligised for appearing 'i i=nrnaculate flannels, white shirt w i,•h tie and white socks. Magistrate, M.akins complimented him on his goad M.r. and Mrs. Vm. Black of Paris Mr. James Black cif Strathelavie Man., called at the home of Mr. an Mrs. Louis Schilbe recetly, Mrs. An nie Carter from Strathclair who Irac- been v:th Mrs. Louis Schilbe the past week, returning with them to Paris from where she will go to vis- it her sister, Mrs. Gussie Stiles a' I3elviIh', also her son and fancily at t Cobourg. Disposes of Practice Capt. Elmer D. Bell of Seafortlm announces that he ha; disposed of his law practice in Seaforth to Mr. K I. McLean, of Hensall, who will con- tinue the practice iu the same office in the Royal Apartments. Capt. Bell expresses his appreciation of the patronage extended to hien while hi Seaforth and requests a continuation of the came to his sucessor. Mr. i'icLean will also continue his Hen - sal Office. Evangelical Church Farmer's Night In the Evangelical Church Rural Life Sunday observed in the Evangelical Church on Sunday, -June 29th, A very fine program was pre- sented by the Frmers at the evening service. A Special Farmers' Commit-, tee planned the program which in- cluded the following: Mr. Wm. H. Edighoffor acted as chairman; Mrs. L. Erb read .the Scripture; A male trio comprising Oscar Greb; Newell Geiger and Delbert • Geiger sang t number; Rev. G. F. Brown, a forme; Pastor offered prayer; Mrs. Emerson .Gabel and 'Miss Pearl Gebel sang tt duet; Mrs, M. Steckle gave a very '':oughtful address o, "The Christian Church Confronts t.1 : World," Mrs 1I. Near gave a reading which flttee inw.n ll with the above addrl:,:,; efts D. Geiger ,spoke on the portion of Scrhi `•ir , Ephe ,hens 0: 11-18 which supplied an effective answer to the 1c1,c by Mr:,, Steckle. A special 1 Parnmer's Choir sang an nl.71enm, 174•':; m M Oesch lr lie(! at ter organ. Ai.1- pic&ctiOn fc this type o service was 1 tit evidence because the larger rtt- ten,:an.ee, { sense. + + F 4 4 4+ 4 4 4 4 R } 4 1 4 t 4 4 4 4 05, YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS .+ We Always Carry a Ful! Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Statile Hardware: StovFt Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let is Offer You Good Suggestions Tong. this Line. Some Good UsedHeaters at Very Reasonaible'Pt'ices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Fun Line: of all the Home Requirements Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Late •, in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, . quality Con- sidered: Let us shoat/ you our Beds, Springs; M Cres , Dinian Rcoo,Ere Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc SLIGHTLY USED FURNITLIRlE For the more conservative purchaser; we can save you, many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you:big value for your Money: Drop in and look these over and get ounr R'e r arkable Low Prices.+• (Johnston a,lbfleisch • • • iF a+re� Furniture.. Phone 68 t4 (•4+04.1'0.04.: +•:• ++dr444 ++++: 4.4 i.i4+.1,44+++++++++++++++.11 cad and Disabled REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone?, Collect: Exeter 2W, Seaforth 15 DARLUNG apd CO. -Of • CANADA LTD. 9111111101111 1IiiIM!IIIIIIIIIIiii 1!!11111181iLliiiii11111!1111111111111illl!111111!111111111111111111111i811i1111111111811111110fi'fI#!f f8ii IMII11@811111111901111111IIIIII11111111IIIII811111181111111111188i . NOWT IS THE TIME TO ORDER Yolar Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order!. We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lineasl ESS, the Repair Man Ilii111i111111111101t1111:111888111111111111111111111111881111111111111111111111111111111111111111; R1MI1181111811118I88f•!!8111811WI811121111111111111111111111111111111@;Ij?jjr11I811Illllil!!II!11118!8llillpSa. 1 +47-44 Cut ' + ur Fuel Bill h HALF! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL. TIIVMES-, AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. ind,,k+4,*4,1. +>r le 0+++4.4.444.++++++44++++ ++++41 f•+++4.,++++++4,++++++++++++++. •'r+6.4^4,+•A+Jr+•3,.,i•3••3•++.6+•b,&+i,+b+.t,+•1t Z tame®©ateRetae)0 1100t89910!Ogeell. Seete*etrie•MEER ONORIP.00R a 1 1 e; a Buy Storm Windows and Door's LET US QUOTE YOU! PHONE 60 Kr s 1 1 1 Mr, Farmer THE HAYING AND HARVESTING SEASON WILL SOON BE IN OUR MIDST NOW AND HAVE YOU THOUGHT OF LOOKING AFTER YOUR MOWER OR BINDER, IN WHAT CONDITION THEY ARE FOR THE CUTTING OF HAY AND GRAIN. IF IN NEED OF REPAIRS LET US DO THIS FOR YOU. WE HAVE GENUINE INTERNATIONAL HARVES- TER PARTS AND WILL TUNE UP YOUR IVIACHINES FOR. THE BIG. RUSH LATER ON, CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prides which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure aged call! WE THANK YOU! SchuIb& Soy