HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-07-03, Page 1asammoriummer Forty Second Wax t ZURICH. THURSDAY NORM ', JULY 8, 1941, erald ublish all your uMmer Rates; $1.25 in Canada, in adv $1.511 in U.S.A., in advent* CHESTER L. SMITH, Publishes isits and Vi gtos .Are You Suffern From Headaches? It so; Have your Eyes Exanaihed with the Latest Methods andl Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. 0. OPTOMETRIST S. OPTICIAN GODERIOIT — ONT- Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS: FRED THIELg, Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER File Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used, Open every Week Day E'acept Wednesday. BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE Will be closed during the Summer Months Wednesday Afternoon and Evenings. MRS. EDW. 'GASCBIO, Prop. AL YS THE LOWEST PRICES t.i P.SSILE Sales Prove 1L-- N Salesmen Commissions to pay. No Finance Charges to Pay 1937 Chev- Coach, locally owned. 1936. Byrn -malt Ser7azr.... .. 1940 Dodge Sedan 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coach $ 135.00 re -finished 1929 Ford Com $85,00 1936 Terraplane Coach. 1927 Forel Coach, original upholstering, like new 1934 V8 Track. with $85.00 License only 235.00 (2) Only 1941 New Dodges. These are the last ones available before the 1942 models arrive. DODGE SALE.S Will Pay Cash. For Good UsedCars WAR FR TZ` WE SPA's, THE REST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD :SUPPLY ".1 OF GEN ..RAL MERCHANDISE, 'GRO- CERIES, GROCERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS - LE, PR:I.CES. e 140 NOTICE TO WATER USERS We would ask all water users of the Villags supply system to kindly not use water for sprinkling lawns or washing cars on Fridays and Saturdays. Please give (itis co-oper- ation.—By Order, Zurich Police Trustees. MINISTERS MEET The South Huron Ministerial AS - satiation met recently on the lawn of Rev. Mr. Chandler, of Kippen, Rev. iHarold Wright, of Br•ucefteld, gave a paper, his theme being prea- ehing • and the spirit of the times: Members of the *Asseciatioxpress- ed regret .a% losing Mr. arcr Mrs. Chandler and Mr. and Mrs. Wright' who are leaving for new charges the beginning of next month. DIG RALLY PLANNED.• Kitchener—More than 1,000 dele- gates are expected in this ccyy and Waterloo for the 23rd Biennial Con vention of the Luther League of Am erica, the official youth organization of the United States LutheranChurch to be held here July 3 to 7. Rev: Di F. H. Knubel, New York City, presi- dent of the United Lutheran church, will be the special speaker at the convention railly Sunday July 6 iii Waterloo park at 3.15 p.m,. Iiia address will be carried an a coast-to,M coast radio network on the CBC. "Church of the Air" hour. HYMENEAL arm.'ditty -4 e a n��P ii cn `fo'iif Gfi on Monday last, the marriage -4vas solemnized by Rev. C. J. Killinger of Ethel Lillian, youngest daughter of Mrs.French and the Iate Joseph French of Josephine st., London, to Floyd Theodore Foster, eldest son of Mr, and Mrs. Alex. Foster, of Al- bert street, that city, and formerly of .Zurich. Roses and peonies were used in the church where soft organ music was played by Miss Mildred Weese. Miss Jessie Ivory, soloist, sang '"O Promise Me" during the signing of the r^ci-ter. The bride was given in anamniage by her brother, Ronald French. Her floorlength gown was of :ielic:.,c white lace, and she wore a finger-tip veil of white tulle, with a halo of white satin and orange bloss- oms, and carried shower bouquet of Better Time;: roses and white celan ium. The bride was attended by her r, Mrs. Jack Timbrell, as matron of honor, wearing pale pink chiffon With a halo of satin and veil of Os - tel pink. Her flowers were Johanna Hill roses and white celanium. Jack l Oster, brother of the groom, was the be -,.t. roan.. Mrs. French, the bride's mother, wore a pale blue sheer gown with white acessories and corsage of pink roses, Mrs. Foster chose dusty lose lace .with accessories in pale rose color and corsage of pink roses The bride and groom left by_ motor for a trip to Manitoulin Island, the bride going away in an orchid red- ingote dress with white accessories. ''Tiley 'gill live in London. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND WILLIS TIPPING And His Cascade Music EVERY NIGHT `MONDAY, JULY 7th. "TIFIPING"•S QUIZZERS" For Young and Old, Anybody can win CASH PRIZES Straight Adr-'- hrs. danc- ing free SUNDAY CONCERT, JULY 6th, 9 P.M, "RED GROSS IildN'FrFI'.G"' 'Willis Tipping and his 11 Piece Or ehestra. Plese Corrie --it's Your Duty Free adnliss on to dance before t1 p.m. Tues., Thurs., Fri,, SUR13 SHOP—Catalina Swint Suit, A Grand New Collectient Miss Alice Beaver of Kincardine, spent Wednesday with her parents in town. Miss Dorothy O'Brien has left for Grand Bend where she has taken a Position for the summer months. Mrs. Sopha of Detroit is spending a v eek's vacation with her parents, -and:;Mrs. Alex Meidinger. . Mr. 'and Mrs. George Brenner, of midland, Mich., are visiting with rel- atives and friends in town. ,'11r. and, Mrs. George Swan of Win- nipeg, Man., were recent Amore at the home of their nephew, Dr. W. D. P{=ce Lxs . hlr. and firs. Wm. O'Brien and r embers of thein family were at oud al on Sunday, visiting with 1Vliss Ove,...:at the .hospitial. rin. C. Eiiber was a week -end vis- itor at Hensel] also attending. the Mitcl;ell picnic which was held at Pprirgbank Park on Saturday. A. P. Rowe. formerly principal of Zurich school, has accepted the positi>.n of print:; al of Bolton Con- tinuation school, ..•3 miles north of i>?onto. ,Mr and Mrs. Vernon Schatz, of livood; M. and Mrs. Otto Schatz d daughter of Detroit called at the '.lieweeof k.M•r. and Mrs. Alf. Melick a " pit Gideor ochier; Seib Krueger- Melvin and Harrison Schoch spent a pleasant .week -end on a fishing trip ail Muskoka District. They report some very good catches of fish.. On Thursday evening the Young People of the Evangelical church held a weiner and marshmellow roast at Ducharme's Grove on Lake Huron. Needless to say the evening was per- fect for the occasion. A. lrge crowd had gathered and a good time was spent on the lake shore. M. and Mrs. T. L. Williams and Mr. Falvin Williams motored to Tor- onto onWednesday to attend the Wed ing•of their niece Dr. Alice E. Whi side to Mr. Barry Gray of Z Ciro t . The ceremony was perform- ed the bride's father,. Rev. R. Whi side and was held in tinox Chal. 1111. 'and Mrs. Charles Flegman; Mr and Mrs. Chester Cora and daughter Sancl ai ' of Detroit, Mrs. Walker Haines, and two sons of Dearborn, Mr,; ttnd' Mrs. M. Dietz and family, Mr:' Pay Ortwein and Clare Geiger of Z trich spent Sunday at the home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Ortwvin, HYMENEAL Y Ruby--Sreenan A. 1very pretty June wethtrng was stitleniced at St. Peter's R. C. Chun, h, Drysdale on Saturday morn- ing Alien Miss Verna VTene Sreenan daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Arthur L. Seeriaii, near Blake, became the :bride of Mr. Robert Lee Ruby of DerDetrO t. The ceremony and nuptials Mriss:'were celebrated by Rev, Father Martin and Mrs, John Denomy presi- ded at the organ. Mr, John Denomy sang beautifully the "Ave Maria" and Jean reenan, sister of the bride and Emmeline Denomy sang durinig the signing' of the register. The bride given. in marriage by he father, look- ed attractive in floor length gown or white marquisette with long train,the long veil. and erown was caught with orang `.iilo,.s�om, and she carried tal- ismt *es. The bride was attended by e.• ;sister Miss Vivla of Detroit, IV er,rill 'a length gown of powder blue sheer with matching ac.eessot•ies. Sho e cried a bouquet of pink roses. The &otn's gift to the bride was a gold lecket and chain, to the brides- maid a gold compact and to the best rnan, a gold tie pin. Following the e .remOny a delight rl dinner was served at the home of the bride's par- ents t? nearly fifty guests where. they spent , the day in a happy. mood. Guests were present fropt Pigeon. Mich;•Detroit, London, Wrth, Woods - lee awl Ottrlc:tita, For positive identification o the World's Finest Anthracite; ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Seinet-Solvay Coke /Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquet, The Roe Farms Milling Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fee .Eggs on a graded basis, ' Pone 10 - Herman • e-•••••••••••6-*ia.54 4*o••449••4•.20.9 '4 4' ••11i • • • ••• • • 4, • • • • e g • • • • • • • • e • • • • e a • Q m • • • e a •• • THE PARTNERSHIP OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS ANIS EMBALMERS OF W. H. HOFFMAN AND KEITH WESTLAKE, KNOWN AS: Hoffman & Westlake For the Benefit of those, whenever in need, W. H. Hoffman's Home in Zurich is open. to the Public to be used as a Funeral Home, where the best of Care and. Courtesy will be given. Funeral Directors and Ambulance Service off„t,..., an & V7ot1 Phones 86 and. 93. eft tis 444, ts� •'aAd•4.44)0e,Oree�aa>� •. _ r w„ �.>, 400004e•ay6004,40.44nS4,49',.9•dt Come In and See Our Summer Goods Men's Work Shirts at Men's Work Pants 85c, up 1.59 up Electric Fences, Seeds., Feeds, Harness Repairs, Boots and Shoes Let us supply you with your General Merchandise A oGod Fresh and Clean Stock on Hand FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 11 114 HE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: