Zurich Herald, 1941-06-26, Page 4e 0 •.•,22- • 1,1 . A AL4A‘till...L., , 4.44e0 • " ' 242 "2" 2•: A FNSH FOR EVEFW SURFACE ainammasansarnamassinamanoimaprernowati.m=n7snowiaacaRmi,,,astwasionessaarigariamtaaaamma sALE Johnsto & Kalhflejsch Ed. Swartzentruber 13Y • 44. •-•••41.1.511.11. e, eenee,-nennience ' neete 4 al/ 4,` e• "-Tenn en- nne ' yeele" " s;ege . • fc- • . • ' ••". ' '14 e enitept • ' • eeee,:se eneelteellee Much Less Bolling. Time For jam on need eeve only a one - le two -minute full. railing betel -for je4I-y wily a halinninuto to st ennete. More Sara and jelly Fe:- tele short boil Nery little juke IP: full tie :en You get up to one half mere ;lent or jelly from the sante amount of frnit. Natura;! Taste and Colour Boiling time is so short it does nee spoil the taste or darken the colour. Sure Results ff you follow exactly the teetua recipes given with Certo you always have good results. • LINDLEY FR ASEIZ Mrs. Lucinda Molsaac is spending a few weeks in •Windsor 42R1 Detroit. Mr. •and Mrs. McCrae and family of Meaford were week-enn visitors with their daughter and son-in-law, M. and Mrs, Currie. Mr, Leonard Birk and sister Verna of Guelph spent Saturday with fri- ends here. The Minion. Circle held their pic- nic at Bayfield on Tuesday evening. A number from here attended the strawberry social in Mt. Cannel on Monday night. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Merner, 'bri- dal couple have returnee neem their honeymoon trip and are nowbusy getting settled. Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway motored to Kitchener for the week -end visiting relatives and friends. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mrs: Rachael Denoneme of Wind- sor is spending a few weeks in this n eighb o rho od. • Mrs. N. Cantin who has spent I the greater part of the winter and spring with with her elaildren, leas returned to her home in .St. Joseph. HENSALL Mr. anti Mrs. Cline Flynn of Lon - den visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Parkins, Mr. and Alen, 14*loch Parker of Bownianvilie are visiting at the home of their son and daughter-in-law,Mr and, Mrs, Harold Parker. Miss Dorothy Brazier of London, is holidaying at the home of Dr. and Mee, D. G. Steen Mrs. W. lionthron is 4i -tiding a few days with her mother, Mrs. ungblut ti Wateroo. Mr. and Mrs. Roy ,Campboll of St. Catharine e visited with' theit parent Mr• Mrs,- Earl Clempbell and Mr and Ides,. Alvin !Munn Mr, and Mrs, Lee Oesch and son 'of St, Catharines were visitors at the home of •Mrs. Oesch's parent, Me. ana Mrs. Alex. Mousse:1u.. Harold Willard of St. nenharmee, visited hie pareon, Mi.. and Mrs. Ezra Willard. Mrs. Ida Heeding and Mi. and Mrs, Wm, Harding of Lepdon 1Verfl guests at the home of Mt. and Mr Fred Corbett. Mrs. ,George Hess and daughter Ruth left recentty for a month's va- cation at Biggar, Seek., with Aire. Hess' father. The success of the Rect. •serose con- cert presented by the Young Men of the R.A.F. from Port Albert on June 4 by kind. permiseien of Capt. G. P. Robertson wa a decided success:rho Finance Cell:mit:tee report of the returns 'being over £80,00. Presentation The teachers and. pupils of the eneall 'contmuntiou scluol held a picnic at. Turnbull's Grove at wench Miss Dorothy Chandler who is rniv. Mg to Parkhill, was presented with an umbrella. Finger Amputated •Howard. Sniale had the misfortune while employed at the Spencer ez Son planing mill to got his hand caught in the saw. He was attended by Dr. 'Steer and removed to Sea- 0 forth hospital, where one finger had to be amputated. Every effort, is be- ing made to .save another finger which S was badly injured. Hensall Red Cross The following goods were shipped I on or about June 2nd. Army quota: a 8 pr. socks, 5 pr. two-way mitts, 3 sleeveless sweaters, Navy quota: 5 scarves, 5 pr. sea socks, 6 turtle Mr. and Mrs. John Charrette neck sweaters, 5 pr. mitts, 5 hehnets. the Blue Water south, after spending: Beside's these quotas the following Thesreday June 26th 194l r•lreee++++2;r+.1-1-14++i-enfeet se.eeneenee•e•neeeneeeee...e..e.n. 4e. se We Recomend - FEED - And SRL the Be" .I. PUBIN. 4,- * ' }IOW '4' ÷. all .. . (3 1: es e- e. :- -I- We carry a full line of Purina. Products, such • + + + Standen; Chec-R-Tabs, Hog Chows, Etc,, Etc. I .1,.. Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made i: + + at reasonable distance 1... + , + ELAM W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91r20 t. ,:..,:..;.....e.eneetea.neee.e.e•eneseeeetieinlee -:-...--ete einneel ieetiee++seeelei-leeesee-e3- _ _ _ __ ___ _ ._____.._ ----------.4 .00teagteaaasmoseagoseasaaaci.• 8 . Electric,. Washer ep , 4C Lt. I t.).. (if) fD to eV 004e4nenene 9 a a a a 9 to a e so a Ia month in Detroit, rare .back /tonne, articles were forwarded to headquar- . again. , ters: 15 scarves, 50 pr. of socks, 10 pr. 'mitts, 2 turtle neck tuck -ins and The Mes-srs Hubert Dtecharme and 2 shoUlde • tote'ly deeeeoyed the frame , e r eiea, 7:74, of ere- :. ere retest it the blaze wen c ail the :lei. :t•e el. and a sum of nionee. elle Appleton was engaged peeinning the noon meal and a coal oil etove which he was using Le:phial:AI and the fire gained rapid headway. was badly burned a- -out the face and hands. and was takenftG the dotter for treatment. So fast iiid the Hames spread it was in!poseible to save the house •or any rculti,nt The Crediton Ben essistki a bucket brigade.. saved Ju e house ef Eldon :denier Tend Chas Grannille, on either side of :the fire. a wraps, a Fo .2 complete Alphonse Jeffrey of St. Peter's Seine: layettes, .14 pr. of ward slippers,. 20 ;inary, London, spent the week -end ! women's night gowns, 3 boys suits, -With their parents. pr. boys pants, 1 blanket and 4 quilts Mrs Joseph •Cantin of Beaverteewn " left a few days ago for a trip to; flYlontreal, where she *ill visit :hen COUNTY NEWS husband and children for a few we- eks. • Freak of Nature , _Itich'd Davis brought into.. the efffee Mr. and Mrs. albeit GeliftreY a couple of frealc foilag plants. Gro - I. of .the 15th con., 'Were Sim day viefit- wing from the main stem are three ors with` Mrs. L., Geoffrey, Sr. I &ranches each with different colored .leaves. .On one large 'branch the. lea- ves are red; on another branch. the leaves are red and green, and on. a smaller branch the leaves are green, Another slip from the scene plant KIPPEN NES produced green leaves on cnee. side of, Miss Doris :Alexander cof ..Lontion, • H1LLSGREEN the stem and green and red leaves ,on epending a couple if ;weeks Judi- ! days . with her parents, defx. :and .Mrs. the other side. Sonne of the. leaves Wm.„ Alexander.w.ould be green on one half and gre- en' and red on the eth.er.-henetet _Mrs. H. Ricker and Arthur pent Times -Advocate.. Thursday last With Mr. :and ,Mrs. W Dearing,- Exeter. Aged .Lady Injured - ,Mre. Ann McCurdy, it Exeter,..wen .D011.1 forget the stranehneny social -ael-Ielesle on , the church lawn on Friday June . . . injured in an auto acciden while riding with her daughter, Mies 27th. ,The Paul Bros. of Kirleton ..and N. -,a1-41-t-rdn Miss pm:413y Green of Exeter, will The two were motoring south on No. 4 :highway. At the IL tue he the entertainers. 0.1-einidleeses boundry south of Exe- e-tj:/• :and .Mrs. Lorne Reed, :Jack ter' a car travelling ahead of Pile -E. ieCilruy stopped to make a left hire as there was a „car coming from the oppos! l:e direction. iMss McCurdy be, Ing -able Lo step or turn out owing to the approaching car on one side of the -road and a .cement culvert en , . ..ii- now one of 'the news eoternentra- I Mr- -':'-11'r."Vestgati" spent 7ii . or- in t -f-, BBC's North •,:meelnee.4.1.-naition teen n.tly. Treesmiesion, re.e. is hen; in /nee . eine.. rare etentee hed _betel Igremme .. 1 :lerceneeest nvee tee Cele! ns Sundae 4, veeen leer 2112i; 117,4AI at- National Network eeen, eeee- i?2. 1)3 : t'''''.12',1, ,h -se .. W. E. Altiesseerth 4.01 addition to °sec' el -eo/14.• .• '! Frasei -.e. , dene et ": a Very ir,141,1:3g.lnet'.! is, at the peenee. Lime. :e er i elotereentle• l., days and Tues(.1;lee nt enle-- neer fts y re. .M Letnbarci .of Mittilteell,eleie- :e coremen tater ie YIP -1? Fee . - n• r -wave I 314e0,-0ne . dee a est week at the home le Tree:ram:me k t'..2''.. li es elee.,..:r22:, n21V,1"1. t r. and Ivie .. Wm. DaSOKI r 11.' and Views. He le flee neve wee sco- l tre,ene '-'1* the farmers in 'tit i..e,peri en„nnesn neiten in :erre se.n1 on i itl., ze,,•-•. ,tturtif.e haying and nelort a , 4•Yeje. 4, and next dal breed,- ,e el• very '••-, •: n p. plc:nage te the Germen people. , e4 'eerY DIeaeset.t everting wane:Tent ; 1 . et tie- hone, of air. and Mrs. R.alph I ee e • I TUrr.rmr recently, 't itt. occasion ',being .1, and Jill :and _Wire. Arthur Ford of De:ea:vet visited on Sunday tat !the. Aerie of eller. rend Mrs. W.. Harney. Mr. ard lfre James Mee.01.:yenentl Isited in London on .Sunday. Choir M4' -es Presentaart ...the -other, uraslied'ento the •back B.A.).".FlaLD - I the .beptism oft,.jr tittle clettositter, _..„._ Late .Donale.feenrne e; .tire !•e the 7F. Chanclaereef en 2 The ehrieeening .drene Anne; p Mrs. Doeala Murnly, renl mete" .'ey leer -great „great grantionath• aaoI ereined a letter stoat eter sailor inee et, -La !nu Mrs. Wen :EnClineksee'lif la dated Cleyeland; srating Goshen Ilse:. :Stanley Te.T., over '..81) I ip Marion eeelienheelt, the minineer coir of the 'United Cleauu:le pt ion Wedneseky night for ninair! eeen :a the standing car. Her mother suff w,o ene , their men4ens, Miee P' fraetured leg and a fractured meth. e after wheeh they pine-en:WI ahow me Daeothy Chani4er who are anov• ----es en°1-641 was taken to 1,Ondon hospital. and euffeeed front shock. shr ' g tn.}arkhill with ,two table lanope. i ;SAXTIETFI ANIslIVE,R,t,-ARY bp .pisentations vete xnade by! ‘ The Thaenes Road Unita: enurel' isees Gwen Cooper n•-nd jean Long' celebrated its 60th anniverser3' on "frkke ABowing adelness was reaell Seeadny last, followed by a strawber- ' v„ Vise Ann Ivisort: et r 7Ronvt and Dorotbe •- re festival Monday eve and recoi crowds were present. At the Sunda The. neicee ,.,of the old tillage choir morning service, Rev. Wm. Monteit ane a ttorligit in the satin pence, the of Yenthill, was the preacher. Surtkituy Selene Room, the name time children's • choir led the singing. Th 0gbee-thirty, fele one reason, choh evening service was in charge o prarnee, and ;another reeemn, to Rev. ",'4C. .Goevans, of Toronto. Th sheer feu appreq.ta,tion for yoter faith chnumb ,choir was aSSirtad by Mrs ful peraeik ;in ..the sehoin . H. 4Sturgiss, who sang twice. Mr It was even sinesere regret that we Gowant taught scboo at Tharnee Rd 1 - es e your neexpeeted depart- for two ;mare and many ef his fo.te tire but nehaet AS teerr loss is another's met pupils were in the congkegation lamps as a sernall ' I gain. We a.i3lc you tre aaccept these RAIN AND HAIL A'r SEAFORTFI of ha• wae ill and tvo ' testureietr !none :,, An; agc, ;cmd wa,. ha lernade aur' i j-; liken the follomene day she re, en ea . 14- anti fully .-br eide re -re Among the I ee „il,:telege-nn thet en a.el died euddenly ,essueets presets, were thee-, •grandpetr-1 Ilfron. heart atteek.. n.3f2 WaS .0 wevele- ntts, alto twe great ner-enriparente,it,.. t elle on a C2'• -.4- Laki'S ir2itnt'21'.'"48,. T. con,itt and Mr. Rnipit SteI 4. Oea Bassfield. see ef Mr. natirrae' Inn nson, both n..f ,Stanlee- to veiship. ed the late Nail Munn, Pew neer, ' 'Operated a eeenge and fn. it -amyl . c conducted the )14o.nee, nlod-; .,fveo year. apo, in search of I DASH IV 0 .0 tle he went sailing. Besides hiei McLeod and Donald, of Ban- e, three children to:try:lye, Mrs.! Miee Zeta Nadiger, R. N. ; and jack, en the Gmtt Lekee. ell he ,ent al, Mi ch sent a ft. er days : eelb hoe parente. Mr. and Mre. etother. vie() 11 de, ;11 baYr11.10. Naeigee enet ween.Win brothe' 1Vill;n1n2 TI.6.tria, PUSS Elle Martinson of Wendsteek Ienent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs t A. E. Oestreicher, CREDITON Meeere. Wee;ecrg and Gerald Masse Ileft last week for Kitchener where lecithin Staff Reduced they will go in tesaining. Moriock and Miss Jean Mr. and Mrs. Kraft visited with -0 resigned their posit- their daughter, txrs. staderoaner Crediton hoolw.staff, af- London last 'week. in Crediton for a num- Several from here attended the s the attencranue has funeral of the late Mrw, Peine, in bbard has decided to New Hamburg last Wednesda,y. .Jer of teachere to two 1 Mrs. R. Goetz, spent the tweek-end • as been re -mimed as lth Miss Verna Cunniig'. nia aHr a, 11 n - 1 Only-Westiughouse, Regular 94.50. Bargain Price . -$69-00 Only-Cot:field (Sunlite) Regula,, 82.51). Bargain Price $65.00 1 Only -Beatty (Whitecap) washer Reconditioned, like new, 822.00 Sale Price Only -Beatty (White cap) Reconditioned - $20.00 -0aily--Easy Action Hand washer, slightly used, like new only $8.00 1 Only -Hand Washer $2.00 SEE THESE BARGAINS AT C42 a (5 e to • . a- do HESS -.. 'R_A '77 ''"Tk="21s11 - .1004eAtIfteieneetsitle.11411041104900.01000Q002VOStedeat,eeaaaea,3a9aae C311226.2i261222226.2.22./ P ATI )[ SNOW AND BEACH PgCTURI.=.',' else a yell w K-2 or G, to bring out the shadows clearly otestfee, snow or on beach sand. row/ (enough, pictures in th ‘nir anew and pictures on tit beach are very inuoh alike --as fa as the camera Is, concerned. Expo ••d sure% shadows, lighting effects- li Y '„ Snow -.reflects a t r em e all ous an are altnilar. A amount ot light when broad sun is e shining on It --and so, exposure, f for teen average midday Shot is best e neat en ha1e. compared to the norxnal enramer exposure. Thus, If 1/25 tw second at VII Is considered nor- mal, then 1f25 at tee/6 is correct for an average sunny snow scene, and eren less for broad views of dittant snondields. Shots on h t e exposures are about the same as fore e a cloudy or dull day without snow. ✓ Remember this point, because it's - important for good results. Since both sand and snow reflect light, the 'shadows cast by a sub- • ject are soft and transparent. in-. deed, If you want a good strong shadow effect, it's best to use a. yelloev filter -a, K-2 or (-to dark- en the shadows clown a bit. These, filtere also help if bine sky appeals in the scene. Drifted snow, and wind -rippled . sand, appear at their best late in the afternoon, Texture stands out, . shadows are longer, and the scenes eentembrance of ...The month-long drought ended on our friendshin, Wishing that your •,"riday afternoon last when Seaforth future years may Ibe as pleasant as th'etrict was vielted by a very heavy ral.'n storm, accompanied by one of the worst hail storens itn nes you, have spent here. iigried on beheif of the choir of the United chttrch. Roma and Dor- othy in a •ftAV -chosen words thanke4 the ,choir and invited, then all to viein them in Parkhill. Mr. and Mrs, Archie Parsons, Ger: Id and Harold, visited the forraer's istar, of Cli' I her sister Mss, Ouinfite dn. Sar-, rs and Mrs: Joseph Ferguson Ver 1V esse The :;hail stones were very large but as die crops are not ripened yet, lit. tie datnt'ge resulted, at there wag no wind.. A barn and many animals we re restqted from the freshly - re killed!. 4:01,11 the illoSt N5etiowli stroke, she ha been ailing for some w e, sunlit baseh-or looking out have more pictorial interest. Shoot to sea --call tar the same reduction at these hours -remembering to, ad - In exposure. JUst exposure for the -weaker liglet. • leartvy's ,welteerreattionortis, heoanngrsieo.wwohveenr --tursellsdfoyroyuolul r getcoliawctoirotnh.-wh I I e piett- a snow-covered countryside. Here, 312 John yea Guilder laid street 4)eing awe* on to time and was ler 80th Year, her ui on Sunday. lawn and bouleverds by flooding wat-( .eboye, as -nesietent, Mr, and mils. wham ElpiAolvor, art and Dona and Mr. arid Mrs, Late 'Mrs. Jr G. JoArat Mr. and Mrs. Alvin MeBride, Stu. ers.----Seef;rth Mae - 91.4 4 ng 97.1 Windsor. 'opoitt.440 Reuse I spent the week,end weak Zniencie in :Robert, MoBride spent the weekstled The death took )ac in Vicetar of with the Utter's am in Windso4. Iampa JeenifoThkeeing a • •2' • , r maiden Inane being tagina May and was born ma the May Homestead it mile and a half sonth of Exeter 13e - 'ore timing to Exeter, she And her 1:1041,tdi Qt0130411Ita,gertoral itqfq at Wincheisea. Prior to hie death inn .1027, Mr. Jones was one of Exc.' ter"s most successful business snesta aand associated with him were hip two nephews Wm. and F. A. May. A daughter, iMss May Jones, and vont J. ttgbert Jones Fat duct 113 Ions mak, liere Phut • 1110 µNAVIN:612mM Zu] Let 1. -very ta fresh Hig Woe 4tliCail.1•10.4100211 -West ?ERE .ANCE VAL .C4 OF 1 AblnunnI 811