HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-06-19, Page 2Saving Ontario's Natural Resources G. C. Toner Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters (No. 45) WATER CONTROL PLAN Last week I showed how forests are nece_seaay for water:' conserva- tion. This week I am going to quote from a speech made by Dr. Norman Douglas, President of the Federation, to a meeting of the Ontario Conservation and Refer- estation Association held at Owen Sound this spring. Dr. Douglas has made a study of this problem; has a definite plan for control ling the water in the land and has demonstrated the value of this plan in Grey :county. Quoting Dr. Douglas: "In a re- cent survey of a block of 1300 square pules in southern Ontario, it was found that 80% of the former good streams now dry up in the summer , season. It was also found that in the beds of these former streams land plants are growing where formerly only water plants were able to survive and, that where these streams had cut through to bed rock, there was no sign of seepage from the earth sides. This has one mean- ing. There was no water table in that area or, in simpler language, 'there was no water in the land." At The Source "This is a common sense law of nature. Water that runs off the surface is not available for ground water nourishment nor is it avail- able for wells or springs. This other law of nature is equally true. Water will run off the sur- face if Nature's provisions to res- train it are removed." "Nature has planned that water will go into the ground to serve its good purposes and that too much of it will not race across the surface, where it will do harm. How nature does this is not a new story to you. The shade of the forest canopy overhead and the spongy forest floor combine to give protection from sun and wind, while the little valleys be- tween the trees and the swamps make' reservoirs of held water that promotes best conditions for deep seepage. Any water that goes into the ground in this 'way helps to make up :Nature's system of con- trolling water at its source." VOICE O F T H E PRESS HELPFUL HUSBANDS Girls who..want a husband who will help with the dishes should marry a farm boy. As a rule city boys shy away from helping their wives with housework. That was the conclusion drawn from a sur- vey of city and country wives made by the Association of Uni- versity Women across the line, re- sults of which were announced re- cently. The same probably applies to the Canadian domestic circle. The survey shows 57 percent. of rural husbands help their wives with homework, while but 40 per- cent. of the city husbands includ- ed in the survey were domestic helpmates. —St. Catharines Standard. —0_ IS YOUR CAR SAFE? In horse -and -buggy days, an old-timer reminds us, if a man wanted to hitch Nellie up to a buggy whose wheels were about to drop off, it was nobody's busi- ness but his own. If the wheels slid drop off nobody was hurt but the driver, or the persons with him. It is different today when a man sits down at the wheel of a couple of tons of automobile and starts rushing therm through the streets at thirty, forty or fifty' miles an hour among hundreds of other automobiles moving at the came high rates of speed. Modern conditions impose an obligation upon all car owners to be sure that their cars are safe to drive—for the sake of others as well as Tot oerselves. --Winnipeg Tribune, Diet of" Daisies Advised by Nazis The Voelkischer Beobaehter, Hitler's Nazi daily, last month ad. wised Germans, in effect, lro but- ter their bread with daisies. The paper said this wildflower tee more vitamin C, more health- it ••41s and more nourish - giving irlrTr, y , ' r„estic vege- ing salts than 51Tst µ tables, and it urged houieVivee d, spend Sundays with their children in the woods, gathering daisies and other wild plants. Chickweed, nettles, dandelions, butterburs and caseweeda were ether plants suggested for war- time soups gravy and vegetable CANADA CALL FOR: MONEY AND MEN THE WAR -WEE K—Commentary on Current Events Britain's Position Is Said 'Grave, But Not Disastrous' The dramatic flight home to Wasthington last week of America's `Ambassador to Great Britain, John G. Winant, precjlpitated a flood of speculation on what type cf re- ports he would make to his chief and other leaders, on the progress of the war abroad. An excellent ac- count of the Ambassador's meet- ing with his .Administration col- leagues was written by New York Times' correspondent, James B. Reston. According to hila, Mr. Win - ant reported that Britain is in "an extremely grave” position both on the seas and at home, but "she does not face any immediate or impending disaster." No Immediate Disaster T'ho Ambassador's statements were summarized as follows under five different heads, citing reasons for the optimism felt by Britain's head men: 1. The British are reasonably confident about the struggle which they expect to develop soon in the Mediterranean basin. They say they have a "good force" in the Middle East. That force is "fairly well equipped." They think they have a "pretty good chauce of holding Egypt and Suez," 2. Gibraltar is now ready to with- stand "any conceivable attack" from the Ian.d. 3. The United States patrol sys- tem in the Atlantic is beginning to help the British. Ship sinkings have fallen off in recent weeks, and while still seeiorrs, they ase not at present subject to the great "peaks and valleys" so ewitient some time ago. 4. The British beieve that, de- spite the relentless battering they have taken from the German Luft- waffe since last autumn, they still hold air superiority oweee the Eng- lish Channel and the most dan- gerous sections of their island. 5. Winston Churchill's position has not been impaired by the Greek and Crete campaigns. Churchill Answers Critics Bearing out this latter statement, Mr. Churchill last week In the tem- porary -House of Commons was able to weather the heaviest storm of criticism yet to center about hint since his accession to the premier- ship. In answer to his inquisitors he pictured the lost Battle of Crete as having served a good purpose despite its heavy cost, It granted Britain time, he claimed, to clear tep the antideritisir uprising in Ieaq, and to mass forces for the move into French -mandated Syria. But tom the defense of Crete, he point. - ed out, Syria might quickly have fallen into Nazi hands and provid- ed the most serious threat to the successful defense of Egypt. * * * The Syrian Campaign Last week although the British occupation of Syria appeared to be proceeding very satisfactorily, . those familiar with Axis strategy kept constantly in mind the pos- sibility that it might be the Ger- man game to draw the British" into Syria; to give the Vichy army just enough German air support and other military aid to prolong the struggle; then, with the British air force and fleet busy in the eastern corner of the Mediterran- ean, editerraneau, to strike with great force in the Egyptian desert, feeding rein- forcements into North Africa across cleared sealanes in the western Mediterranean. In the event of such a play by the Aids, it could be "all up" with Turkey. If Britain were deeply involved. in Syria, she could be of little help to the Turks in re- sisting a German land smash into Asia Minor to the "rescue" of Syria. Turning of the Tide? Meantime, writes Associated Press correspondent Edward Bo- mar, the course of the Syrian drive could supply in a short time an answer • to the question: can the Nazi tide be checked before engulfing the Middle East? The move into Syria coincident with Prime Minister Churchill's newly enunciated war policy of striking instead of standing still, he said provided a new basis for British confidence of holding onto the Middle East until the tide is turn- ed in the Battle of the Atlantic. * * * Informal War The program laid down by Pre- sident Roosevelt in his May 27 address to the United States na- tion last week was already being actively implemented. Atlantic patrols were being extended; pre, parations were proceeding apace for control of potential enemy bases in this hemisphere, e.g. French West Indies; purchase of essential rat. materials (so the Axis can't get 'eel) was gather- ing momentum; discussions with the British on major points of military and naval strategy were under way. Almost everything that could be done in informal warfare was being done, even to the requisitioning of half the coastal tonnage of Atlantic and gulf shipping operators. Formal Participation Near Experts agreed, however, that this wasn't going to be enough. Positive armed action, in the name of defense of the Americas, was seen to be coming fast. Remem- ber the President said: " ... the Azores . .. if occupied or control- led by Germany; would direetly • endanger the freedom of the At - Ontario Centres Saying Daylight A Great Energy .Food Here le a list of the cities and towns of the Province that are on fast time—Clip and file for reference: Belleville Niagara Falls Bolton Orangeville Brockville Orillia Burk's Palle Ottawa Cobalt Peterborough Cornwall Prescott Gravenhurst St. Catharines Guelph Sault Ste Marie Elarnilton Sudbury Lindsay Toronto • Welland The following Ontario cen- tres remain on Eastern Stand- ard Time: Brantford, Chatham, Galt, Kitchener, London, North Bay, Stratford, Woodstock, Windsor, St. Thomas, Simcoe, Ingersoll, Owen Sound. lantic and our own physical safe- ty." Formal American participa- tion in the war was viewed last week in Washington as being very near. Torpedoing in the South At- lantic of the United States mereh, ant vessel "Robin Moor" did not help to keep it away.. FARM FORUM (A Department conducted by Professor Henry G. Bell of the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, assisted by various other members of the faculty.) QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS Q. Could you give me some information in regard to using fertilizer with corn, also with mangel seed? I am using a fer- tilizer grain drill to sow the corn, and also to sow the mangel seed. Would you sow the fertilizer in the same spouts as the corn and mangers, or on the spouts along- side the corn or mangel seed, or all three of them? Most of the soil is muck, while some is nixed with heavier soil washed in from the hillsides, and according to soil examination needs an application of roo to 600 the. of 0-12-15 fer- tilizer for roots. "A. L.—Water- loo Co." A. Answering your inquiry of the 17th instant, I wish to say that fertilizer is sown in all of the different ways that you have described. I believe that for corn and utangels if you are not put- ting on more than 200 to 250 lbs, per acre you will be perfectly safe to let the fertilizer run in all spouts. For roots where you are putting on 500 to 600 lbs. per acre, I believe it would be good practice to drill in from 300 to 400 lbs, per acre before the roots are sown. At the time they are seeded, 150 to 200 lbs. in the row would not injure their vital- ity, but would greatly help in their growth. —0— Q. I have access free of cost to quantities of sawdust and coal ashes. Have either of these any available plantfood? Have they any useful purpose in either the very sand soil near Nobleton or on the heavy clay of North To- ronto? "F. M.—York Co." A. Sawdust carries to the ton of air-dried. material 2 lbs. Nitro- gen, 2 lbs. Phosphoric Acid (P205) and 4 lbs. Potash (K20). Coal ashes from Anthracite Coal carry about 8 lbs. Phosphoric Acid and 3 lbs. of Potash. Coal Ashes are combined with so much inert material that it is doubtful if it is of much value to use then in improving the set-up of the soil. If ashes are well -screened, they may improve the physical condi- tion of clay soils. Sawdust would tend to turn soil sour. This, of course, can be overcome by the addition o sufficient Lime. Saw- dust would add some organic mat- ter to either of the soils that you mention. SCOUTING... The Boy Scouts of Holland have been officially banned by the Nazi invaders. It was alleged that .as members of the International Scout Movement the Dutch Boy FINE eropkine Pictures HERE IS ALL YOU RAVE. 9O DC: to get photos of the following aeroplanes— Spitfire . i c1l,nt .. „ Hurricane Arracobra . , Pokey Battle Plane . Lockheed Hudson .. Bristol Blenheim . Vickers Wellington . Blackburn Skua-rive Bomber . Pairey Swordfish Boeing Plying Fortress , , . Sunderland sr Flying Boat and 15 other modern planes (all are the latest official photographs cn full detail) —for each aeroplane photo you wish send one Bee Hive Syrup label, Specify plane or planes wanted, your name and address, enclose necessary labels and mail requests to the St. Lawrence Starch Co. Limited, Port Credit, Ontario. Scouts were "an instrument of British cultural and political prop - agenda," Regardless of the blitz, the Boy Scouts of Glasgow recently open- ed a new headquarters. A number of Boy Scouts have been gathering on Saturday morn- ings at the Toronto Humane So- ciety headquarters to receive in- struction to qualify them for the Scouts' "Friend to Animals" pro- ficiency badge. Amongst other things the boys are taught the procedure for dealing with and reporting cases of maltreatment of dumb animals. * * r Ontario Boy Scouts figured prominently in scholastic honours and student elections this year at Queen's University and Royal Military College. Of the three top honours men at R.M.C. two were Scouts, and at Queen's Scouts were elected as Presidents of the Arts, Engineering, and AIma Mater societies. - A fund known as the "B. -P. Chins Up Fund" for the benefit of British Boy Scouts who have become war casualties while on service during bombing raids, or who have lost their Homes, and in many cases their parents, is being raised by the Boy Scouts of Can- ada. Contributions are being ar- ranged by the boys themselves, and no donations are being asked from the public. Already the Scouts of Toronto, who first launched the fund, have raised and transmitted to London Scout headquarters a little over $2,000. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues for the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the ten-day period end- ing May 81, 1941, were $8,820,747 as compared with $6,517,376 for the corresponding period of 1940, an increase of $2,308,371 or 35.3%. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues for The all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways for the week ending June 7, 1941 were e5,926,585 as com- pared with • 5,279,136 for the corresponding week of 1940, an increase of $647,449. or 12.3%. Popular Guest Is Considerate The following suggestions for the gracious guest, which are sug- gested by Ruth Millett, the well- known columnist, are timely at the beginning of the holiday season. If you start figuring out why you never hesitate to invite Susie for a week -end, no matter who else is to be under your roof, you'll end up by having some definite rules for the gracious guest, she writes. She will arrive on time, looking cool, comfortable, untroubled and ready to enjoy herself. She will immediately fit into the kind of party you are having. If you're entertaining your husband's boss and his very correct wife, she won't reminisce about hoer you and she, when you shared a.n. ap- artment, used to stack the dishes in the sink and have one grand dishwashing at the end or the week. She'll be dressed appropriately for every occasion and it won't be because she borrowed any of your clothes. "A WONDERFUL TIME" If you taetfulIy suggest bring- ing her breakfast to her room, she will have sense enough to take you up on it, instead of nobly pro- testing—for she'll suspect that you probably don't want anyone down in the morning before you get your husband off to work and or- der the groceries. You know that when she leaves (and it will be on time, like, her arrival) she will convince you that she really did have a wouderlul time, And you'll suspect she think you and your husband are pretty, muck all right. LIFE'S LIKE THAT PARS. PIP'S DIARY-. By Fred Neher i er.nne• ey col,eollda o "Hello, Henry . Will you come and get me? I've had a little car trouble ... where that big tree is growing to close to the road!" REG'LAR FELLERS--Coinmunty Suit I'D A MINIT IF I►t, ir. COULDHIRE IIKE YOU DID! By GENE BYRNES _. COME. ON ANYW ,YS, FINW AD. YEAH, USE HE SAME , -_� - -` -- ONE THERE'S YOU CAN 055 THIS ONE THAT WHAT it YOU use •I" - "' , -rf l.,l XPi/ P1.LNNY •=—......----.*:--.-..---'-'r----------------- •Y...: •.' OF ROOM ! e ,' -i .��,. Vis•• /, Istiq �- .,• 1 .� c /e ''1 5 Aa t .- y; ire, ? ate" '"'" a pi `t wUmiiro ...:.s. �' :.... .' ...... . . ..'"' ..,.. '" .�. .. • .s,r rt M ah.( ern ll et