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Zurich Herald, 1941-06-19, Page 1
Forty -First Year 11H le zu !C A $^..e U R 3e.1' D A Y O N! N G a JUNE IE 19, i 9 41, . W n the War ?� by ifing and Rates $1.25 in Canada, in adv>'a 1.50 in U.S.A., iu aevs,:tte i CIJEl.1iIeIt L. S1VZITH, Publiehee ouying Victory onds ;care You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes l ereemineel. with , the Latest Methods awe 1 sseszt at A. L. COLE, R.a OPTOMETRIST & OL'TT;CIiAN GODERIOH 4, Good Glasses at ReasarelMe Prices m incrrLGacrtRw1. mr..auto armaamr THIEL'S HAMME SaNG .NOTICE We have' recently inslled a new Shelton Wavg Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Re sure and. give us a call. MRS. FRED THIELg,„ Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES c. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST et EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. open every Week Day Except Wednesday. BETTY ANN BEAUTY SFIOPPE Will be closed during the Summer Months Wednesday Afternoon Evenings. MRS. EDW. GASCHO, Prop. and THE LOWEST PRICES L Sales Prove fit, u --Na' Salesmen Commissions to pay. NO nuance Charges to Pay 1937 Chev. Coach,, locally owned. 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedgy 1930 .Ford: Coach 1929 Ford Coach $135.00 1929 Forel Cie $85.00 1936- Terraplari:e Coach. 1927 Ford Coach, original upholstering, Tike new 1934 YS Truck with $85.00 License only 235.00 (2) Only 1941 New Dodges. These are the last ones available before the 1942 models arrive. re -finished DODGE SALE;S Will Pay. Cash For Good Used Cars ARD FRIT. WE SELL lee -SE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE WITH A GOOD SUPPLY OF GEW4tAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ROCERI:E n, :E° ., AT LOWEST POS- SIBLE PRICES. 'NI' YwwgP w, 3t�i! luavRSJem4NM.-MMrriF'Mfblvnosr�'Y'0.7u e4iNNrtiYw1KJ'.'m' NOTICE TO WATER CONSUMERS Accounts due June lst for water should be settled at once. By Order, Zurich Police Trustees CONGRATULATIONS HURON The people of Huron County de- serve to be congratulated for the excellent way they have responded by reaching the Victory Loan quota in the first week of the present cam paign. It• iss n 'achievement that is greatly appreciated. However, there is still canvassing to be done, esp- ecially in the townships where a •nu- nrber of calls have yet to be made, and when the campaign closes on June 21st no resident of Huron sho- uld feel content unless it may be said that all who could have subsc- ribed to this important war effort by purchasing Victory Loan bonds.. In Huron County a quota of $.1,400,000 was set •which .ds comparatively low when the savings in the County are taken into consideration as they are understood to be many times - the quota. Much more than this quota is wanted and.urgently needed and the objective should be to zee how• much above the quota can be subscribed and not to consider, now the quota has .been passed, that the job is done All that is being asked is that we should lend otir savings .to assure victory. Surely that is the very least that we can do. Never was so much owed so many by so few in this war. The least we can do is to make it possible to equip our. Army, Navy and Air Force with better equipment than any other country eerier to do this, much money is needed and ne- eded now. Many people have already subscribed to this loan, and if you have been omitted be sure and let a canvasser or your local bank know and you will be.leoked after. :Some. are • giving their very lives for our freedom, so why can't we do our bit by lending our surplus money. RED CROSS NEWS Three hundred thousand ;,sounds of Canada's fruits will be sent -co Brit- ain in the form of j:ain by -the Can - Reeve Robert Turner of Goderich was in town on Monday .on business. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hermann of Buffalo, N. Y. visited the Missee Johnson oil Tuesday. 3lrs. Kenneth Weber and Miss Alice Eckel of Kitchener were recent visitors with Miss Ida Brill Mr. and \irs. Henry Flaxbard, Willie, Earl and Vera spent Sunday With relatives in Kitchener. Exeter's new bridge has now been in use foe over a week. There is con- siderable work still to be done be- fore the job is finished. Mr. and 'Mrs. Edward Siebert and family of Detroit, were Sunday vis= itors with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. • A goodly number from here atten- ded the Ecketein family reunion at Bright's (love, near Sarnia on Sat -1 urdaye Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Faust ant two sons, Harold and :Carl of Mitchell, were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. 'i. Hoffman. On Saturday : ftr.,rnoon the auc- tion sale of the erects of the Misses Johnson will be held at their home in Zurich. The local school trustee board met on Monday evening to consider the applicants for room No. 1 of Z. P. S. No definite decision has as yet been reached. The picnic season seems to be in fulle swing, as many of the school sections are holding their annual ev- ents, .and June is considered the picnic month. The big Victory Loan canvass will come to a close on Saturday and if you have not done your bit towards this patriotic cause, kindly see one adian Red. Cross Society during the i of the canvassers or arrange with the season 1941. Red •Cross Branches and 1oca1 bank. the Women's Institutes in fruit gro- wing districts all over Canada are now organizing canning kitchens to preserve the fruits this summer and fall. Cans, labels and cartons are being supplied by the Red Cro$s and the Women's Institutes members are giving the fruit, sugar and labour. ' This year's undertaking has the sup- port of every province in the Dom- inion and has been greatly stimulat- ed by the -success of last season's jam project when the women of Ontario and British Columbia canned 1:'.- 000 pounds of fruit most of Which wee :•Hipped overseas for Flritssh eiv- Mans and military hospitvls. in Brit- ish Colennbia •and some part of Sou- thern Ontario, where the fruit sea- son commences early, strawherriee have already boon canred in lOrel kitchens by groups of volunteer wo- men. Great quantities of raspberries red currants, goosehcrrics, black- berries, peaches, plums, grapes and epic's will be made into jam or felly as the summer advances. Great Britain has already signified that all the jam that can be shipped will be greatly in demand since jam is now rationed at one-half pound per per- son per month. ..,l0M, roormaroormarmourrasarmonsordur Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND IT'S A DATE! With WILLIS TIPPING And His Cascade Music EVERY NIGHT, STARTING SATURDAY, JUNE 21st. Saturday - June 21st -- 30c each Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, Friday ---Free admission before h o'clock, Nickel Dancing SUNDAY CONCERT —••.JUNE 22n.1 1..!11; T)A '11WOOD efieeere Mr. Peter iMurawsky and daughters Margaret, Kaye and Ruth; Mr. Alb- ert Ludwig and Mr. Addison Eby, all of Kitchener, were .Sunday visit- ors -at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith, south of St. Joseph., Going to London, Miss •Theodora Standing, wno has been in- charge of Room No. 1, Z. P. School the past year, and also been the teacher in Home Economics, has eeon appointed by the board of edu- tion of London, as one of their teaching staff at a salary commenc- h.-. with $1,00 a year. Miss Stand - leg, who is a very capable teacher, will give a good account of her ser- vices. She will have charge of the :::erne Economics teaching in two of the -city's schools. While we regret to loose Miss Standing from the Zur- ich staff, we wih her every success in the •fine city of London. Miss Standing's home is in Paisley. HYMENEAL 'Clausias—Gerber • A. quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized on Tuesday, June O.Oth, when Irene Gerber, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Moses Gerber of the Gosh- en line, north of Zurich, was united in marriage to A'' eet •Clausius, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Clausius of the Blind line, Hay Township. Bishop Mose Jantzi officiated. The bride was attired in Lido b'lue with white acces- sories to match. She was attended by her twin sister, 'Mrs. Harvey Cia- usius, who was attired in a Baylinf green with matching accessories, The groom was attended by hi; brother, Harvey .Clausitus. • The bridal couple left on a trip • to Toronto and Niag- ara Falls, the "bride travelling in a Master tailored navy blue pin striped suit with •matching accessories. Or their return a wedding; dinner wa.- served -at the home of the bride, -the, +le looked very attractive centred with the wedding cake and pipe and white IPienies -and American beauty 1 n c's, the dining, mom in pink and white. 'rhe I1nriv young. en ",," Yvill •*.• ti olL a ;fl eeeeeeeee See Them at HESS, THE JEWELER t • • • A •0 s 0 a s • A 4, • • • • 0 , • a s • A 4, 3 4, a • For positive identification o the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale AIberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquet The Roe Farms Milling C Feeds. • W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fog - .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Henson 046.-*4'$03©m.4-0.49444*•P,9o+6114.1,vb.9V4.4A04,,09•+a9vfVd-i.-. A4:.• �[ Annou e'i g THE PARTNERSHIP OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALMERS OF W. H. HOFFMAN AND KEITH WESTLAKE, KNOWN AS: Hoffman & Westlake AND For the Benefit of those, whenever iii need, W. H. Hoffman's Home in Zurich is open to the Public to be used as a Funeral Hon-s.e, where the best of Care arid Courtesy will be given. Funeral Directors and Ambulance Service 3 i Mi .r; � 1s^ tV 4, �►4P�aa @btAb9�i341i�poFJe 11:,'5 NQ'+<.?‘« 0-0(1,0.t.o.c•4-,,,,,D4:,00,t Phones 86 and 93. HELP WIN 'Feng WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS. r Intr toe xf A beautiful CAPRICE teaspoon, value 25c, will be given FREE, in addition to coupons, to the first fifty Customers making purchases of $2.00 or more. GET YOUR'S. ACT NOW! See our list of Free eBEautiful Valuable quality Gifts for Everyone Watch for Premium Catalogue Pioneer and National Chick Starter and Feeds. Also National Fertilizers. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND 11 I