HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-06-12, Page 8veri Ie S eck. ize it7,,aor CFrerixtg; of ala kinds at I:'y ices 4 y'cl, r i , _ , :• 1 , " 4.. $4. 7 pcs to choose from 25 1.30 1.10 79c 60c 3 yd. wide, C1. yol:um, at yyd. 2 yd. 2yd. v,id " i ,.t yd 2 yd. wide Porwleum, at yd. 2 yd. wide Pd+ :._f "t r.t yd. - Inlaids to order only, we do not stock. Above pric- es per running yard, plus a small charge for deliver - Mg and laying in your rooms. We also carry all the different sizes in Rugs in above iines. CURTAIN GOODS A ;e assortment of Drapery and Curtain Goods t: ' _tsysm from. Also made up Curtains, Shades 1V:•$. to Measure Shades in Cloth of Venetian. Lis quote you prices. SEEDS SEEDS ;' a h eve t°:e Leading Varieties of Seed Corn, Mange! and Tui nip Seeds for sale. Get .71:gpply now, as stocks this season are limited. C *Pi PRODUCE WANTED your PHONE 59 ERA ANCE EXCEPT LIFE Fi e, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc. Andicew F. Hess, _ Zurich Local Representative Zurich HELP WIN THE WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS .L STA i ■ The "Walsden" contains 750 springs, encased in individual pockets for maximum resi- liency, lasting com- fort and durability. Upholstered with layers of high qual- ity ua.ity white cotton fele 'Imperial roil edges tend side stitc¢recl to give a permanent upright age. All standard "ns S32.50 048 191414 taft M RS LL value - With All the Features of Higher Priced Mattresses .. • Here is a mattress that sells at 32.5 and � 3: com- pares in value to many that sell at a much higher price: Thousand. sof satisfied buyers have found in the "Walsden" a mattress that brings restful, refreshing sleep; complete satisfaction and long lasting wear. Come in and find out for yourself why we say—you can't beat the Marshall "Walsden" for value and comfort! and WEIDO Phone No. 92 Zurich ZURICH" HERALD IIIilllitottiIIIIIt 11111111111 tilllllllllillllllpu wilt til lllif(10 tittiom llimiIIiiIIItIliui' e ro h..Dmry' Soap Flakes, 5 lbs. • Pitted cherries per can 15c Biue Berries, 2 cans 25c Dates with pitts, 2 lbs. ' 25c Pork and beans 23 -oz. 2 cans 25c Olives 1 l` h oz jar 30c Sodas, 2 lbs .. 25c Red Rose Tea, half -lb. , 33c 9:q I,,. cM1M eJl 35c Menno Oesch PRDUCE WANTED. 7411301131JERMIREili Zurich Phone 165 E-3 ill :1'' I ml Il11li III 111111. 1111 I I m nimeiml aji j _BF LOCAL MARKETS ITEMS OF MCA CA to itiT€ ST Mrs. Emily Fuss has returned from visiting with her daug::ter to Detroit. Dr. W. Schellig, accompanied by his son Robert of Detroit, gave us a .friendly call on Monday. E' .i,Ir. Ilciwy Datars has returner; from several weeks' visit 3n the Theclford district. Monday was observed as ct bank and public school holiday, it being our King's 'birthday. 'Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Overholt of Gederich were Monday visitors with Dr. -and Mrs. W. B. Coxon. Mr. and Mrs. W. Welland and; sons Harry and Bob of Detroit, vis- ited. Sunday with the McAdams fam- ' fly, Bronson line. Mr. and Mrs. Len Heist and fam- ily were week -end visitors at the home of her parents, Mr. ante :Firs. Oscar Klopp. Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm, and Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Wurm motored to Clinton on Sunday where. they , 1 ---t1 • end Mrs. A. C. Levy Mr. W. S. Ruliy was a recent vis- itor to Kitchener. Mr. Ernery Ruby of Ki timer• vis- ited with his father, Mr. W. S. Ruby the past week. Mrs. Matilda MacKinnon and son Archie, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ka'• • fleisch spent Thursday, at Caledon East. j Miss D. Standing, of the local tea- ching staff spent the week -end at her home in Paisley and her mother returning with her to Zurich. 'Ir. Henry Brown of the 15th con. Hay brought ta. the Herald Office on 'do'tday e fine sample of early oat- out in full head. This the earliest we hav known oats to be in head by June 9th. During 2:- rte: ent heavy thunder- storm the drive shed on the farm of Mr. Ray Fisher, south of town, was struck by lightning, but the firo which resulted was brought under control before much damage we' done. The engagement Li'announced o Miss Ethel Lillian. French to Floyd Theodore Foster, the marriage t' take place at Trinity Lutheran church, London, on June 16. The bride -elect is a daughter of Mrs. French, Josephine st., and the late Joseph French, and i'dr. Foster is the eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foss. ter, Albert st., London, and formeely of Zurich. HIGHEST POINTS Ellwood Epps of Clinton has estab- lished an international reputation for marksmanship in rifle target pract- ice. .Successes in the United State have been followed by shooting the highest point scores in a Canadian - wide contest sponsored by the Can adian ,S1nallbore Rifle Association. His score, the highest in the Dom- inion was 871 points out 9z a pos- sible 900. HAY TOWNSHIP FEDERATION OF AGRICULTURE Th.e directors of the Hay Township unit of the Federation of Agricult- ure met in the Township Hall, Zurich last week and appointed Ben Elder and W. R. Dougall as voting dele- gates to the County meeting held in Clinton where a Huron County unit of the Ontel 0 Federation of Agric- ulture was joined. Reeve Watson of Stanley was appointed president and Gaan'tle of sHowick Vicd-Pres The board of 'directors is formed by h " vnship unit appointing a dir- ector to act on the County board wad tiro Township units by +Schoo: Section units. The Clinton Hall wa veil filled as anany came from al' parts of the county to take part t the •discus&.ons, Sue a c.ou»ty 1'tti formed, and to hear Mr. Bond o' "loin( 13rydges who is a P n +lei+ director, and acted as. guest speaker. ce f• . , story of the Fede •.ale+ of Agriculture an+l rneny inter .iii ln, raisons why all agriculture hist •un- 1� if "! le,i".tl .1 S1 u':'a:Li15 l Yt.'+.1+'4 , rC:4:,UrE ,, (Corrected evar, WednesdaT) Eggs, dozen ... Dressed chickens ... Chickens live .... . Wheat, bushel ..... Oats, bush. • ..... . Barley, bush. ... Buckwheat, bush Flour; Cwt. ...... •Pastry- flour at mill Potatoes, 75 -Ib bag •Live hogs cwt. - 18,, 16, 14 •..........12-20 10-14 80 35 42 40e 2,50-3.15 25 lbs:. ....65c 1 8.5020 Miss .Margaret Watson, of Bruce - field, teacher of SS. No.. 3, Stanley, for the past two years, has resigned. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Wurm of Sea - forth were Sunday visitors at the home, of Mrs. Emily Fuss. , To BEGIN JUNE 11th. On Wednesday, June 11th, enum- erators throughout the Dominion wily eft out anon the eighth census at Canada.. They will present m ea,th 'tome 'a form with forty •questions: to ''e'enswered by the head of the house -nrl the form for farmers contains no fewer than 167 questions."It •whs the —_ anginal intention to .begin the census taking on June 2nd, but a pwtpon- emen% was made on account of the war loancampaign. The fact's to be recorded, however, will be as of the = IS THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body W004 Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lir e.s.l Thu):skItly ,l<01.0lc�'olt, 1942 4.4•404, ,04+.044,4~ N»,„•t'44.4+ba•4+M••f++w•ts+l,. +44•t++4riulr, s YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry • a Full. Line of the Best of ." both Shelf and Heavy Stank Hardware: Stoves, Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments, Let Us + Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. •' Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A FUJI Line of all the Home Rem-emernts t Always keep a Good Stock of New and: the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Pricer,. quality Con- ' sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs- Rockers, Etc., SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save you many a dollar as we have a fine- assortment of Slightly Used' !Furniture that will give•y'rraa big value for your Money. Drop in and look these• over and get our 4# Remarkable Low Pri Joh stor tfc KaIbileiscJj. Hardware s Fur jte a Phone 63 Dead and Maid Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter. 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD.. 91IlfiiillUllliilllllili'IkI I!t�„�?;yNtiNIIIIIIifIlIII1H(itifilllillllll811IIIIIiII@1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIilli '-'+' �, ••• •• II„t.�L�IIIIIIiI)IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIInIi't1IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIn1F,t9,tdttllll(IIIIIIIIIIntiliC NOW! original date. An infant born after midnight, June ,lst twill not be coun- ted, but persons who were alive at that tiime will be enumerated even if they have since diedt It rs to be hoped that the public will co-operate and assist in the task to the fullest. • extent. NOT JUST LOOKING At.: THE WAR There are people in the Coutct;y of Huron who remember the last- war. They remenr'ber it because they were in the treemehes, or they Grayed aft ,conte and suffered the agony of lov, Mg uncertainty while their husband„ ons tutcl brothers were at the front. f'here are people who are still carry - ng ---and carrying en.eerfully-....the ,urden, left by the last war. But her is a new war, some might say, a resumption • of the struggle against the same evil thin. It brings a new Ball to sacrifice, It requires that we :ve up whatever is necessary that the factories may make war mater- ials. It asks us to ingest in Vivtory Bonds to • support our fighting men. It demands that we :finish the job we tasted 27 years ago. Compared with :he people of Britain, what are we asked to do. We are only 'asked to 'end our money—a comparatively small sacrifice, when we consider what the people of Britain are doing and giving. Help the Empire which gives us this freedom, and standard of civilization and geed Iiyln;g by buying Victory Bortde, In County Court .Goderick — After nearly seven hours' deliberation, a Huron County sessions jury late on June 6th bro tight in a verdict of guilty in the .ase of Earl . Williams, 24 -year-old Goderich Township farmer. The pro 3eCUtt 101 arose oat � of an accident or No. 8 highway last Christmas Eve. i' .hich IJrs. E, Kirby, of Oshawa, we :Bled her father th er seriouslY JL in' tr 1. Williams was given two month's suspended sen'tense, and obliged t give a recognizance• to pay $100 cr costs and not to drive an auto unti Tanu ey 1, 1043, and not after the (tiles; he can pass an eyesight ter, ou may drive a farm tractor, bt s. `'air as driving any other kind o :'ntnn obile equipment, you're out 'udge Clement told the accused, 'i'1 two months' susupended jail sentenr r alt»r:t,'t]ve far non-leylnen't of t' %11)0 tin"r "Vol? were tint being t: '' earl te:11 . 1,„4; for ;1 tie+ '•rho driva+ de"::five equipi' c d aut„nrebiles. HESS, the Repair fan IIIIIIJIIIIIiti'I'id!1iI111111„,„,lII111IIIIIIIIIIIItIIiIiIIIIIIIIIII„„,,Nlli!lr„„t„lllllllllll„,„IIIIIIIIIIIInnIIIIIII„„1/4;” 111111,„„!NIIIIIIIIIIIIIU IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIillllllltUlll '!ii►n„,,,.i<Illhilllil„,„„5:. fl�i= °i �"°%•!••Y••�••1 ''•F�h•F•v'+4•3•4, •i••# i• .+ ::, •fid F••i •i f •j. ¢ g P +r 3 { •1 •F .E ff E •: r,•*� 3 1• P i4; • Cut Your Fuel -Bill in HALF! '1• 411, , Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials. + REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A + LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TI144ES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU 3a WAIT. e c. KALBFLEISC PHONE 4 6 ” ,1.4. 4,t+il•d°++++++++4, 4,4 4.'4 ++4*,C.'*"41 Q°M•4."[ 4.4..1"t•'j!;i'.I•'i It•.44,4,Gi' •'j•.d'•I"I"..* ZURICH sapse.seseseftleillog0901499909011,f f f19,9it1!R 91l0INI s X442 Mr Farmpr ,THE HAYING AND HARVESTING SEASON WILL uOON BE IN OUR MIDST NOW AND HAVE YOU ;THOUGHT OF LOOKING AFTER YOUR MOWER OR BINDER, IN WHAT CONDITION THEY ARE FOR THE CUTTING OF HAY AND GRAIN. IF IN NEED OF REPAIRS LET US DO THIS FOR YOU. WE HAVE GENUINE INTERNATIONAL HARVES- TER PARTS AND WILL TUNE UP YOUR MACHINES FOR THE BIG RUSH LATER ON, CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Staters, and get our prices Be' which are the lowest anywhere... e ;;afire and call. WE THANK YOU! 4oe,A am,•l IS ��� Li utt, .4. i"%Ni., ago t�f'+✓i eoaa`atitT4aa4A,-,Afo .,03, '4; VOIMMOZ644494iZvtalki lb#r