Zurich Herald, 1941-06-12, Page 7Md For The Beaten Foe Two British soldiers help a wounded Bismarck survivor across the gangplank on arrival at a British port. German sailor was one of about 100 saved by -British after Royal Navy, avenging sinking of H.M.S. Peed, quickly ended Bismarck's brief career. Modern Etiquette BY ROBEKTA LEE 9. When a man end a woman are standing in a Crowded street- car and a man offers his seat to he women, should her escort also extend his thanks? 2. Where should a couple stop dancing when they wish to leave the floor during a Cance? 3. Should a man, when start- ing to smoke, offer a cigar or cigarette to the nt]lee men in the .party? 4. Is it permissible to contra- dict another person in conversa- tion? 5. When. a child has outgrown wearing of a bib, should he be allowed to eat with his napkin tucked under his chin? 6. Where, in the church, is the bridal procession formed'? .14nst+ers 1. Yes, both the woman and the man thank the person who offers the seat, and the man lifts Ilia hat to him. 2. They should dance to the edge of the circle of dancers. They should not stop in the middle of the floor and try to walk between the dancers, where they are certain to be in fhe way. 3. Yes, or if the party is too large to do this, he should offer one to those nearest him. 4. No. If you can politely pre- sent an opposing viewpoint, it will create further: conversation; but drop the subject if you find that the other person's feelings are becoming hurt. 5. No, he should , be taught to use a napkin exactly as older persons do. 6. In the vestibule. This can be done very quickly if it has been properly rehearsed. , HAVE .. son to the next until finally he lost his temper with the seventh person to whom he had been put through. . "Do you know who I am?" said the man he blew up. "I am Air Marshal-" Despite the voice of thunder, the pilot officer replied: "And do you know who I am?" "No," said the air marshal. "Thank Heaven for that," said the pilot officer, and hung up. This story won first prize in a competition run by an American periodical for stories of brevity and dramatic content:-- Elvina Parker received a tele- gram from her brother, who was accompanying her husband on a big -game expedition in Africa. Tho telegram read: "Bob killed lion bunting. -Fred." Elvina, overcome with grief wired back: "Send him home.-- Eivina." Three weeks later large pack- ing -ease arrived from Africa. In - tide was a lion. Elvina sent a telegram: "Lion received. Must be mistake. Send Bob--Elvina." tack frbm Africa came the reply: "No mistake. Bob in lion.--- ''red." It is Rio wonder that nearly everyone becomes more irri- itahle in hot weather, l,ecause four every degree increase in ternperature, noise travels one foot faster each second. .A. pilot officer was detailed to telephone an urgent message to the Air Ministry. He was switched from ore per - "I'm going to kiss you be- fore I go," said the young man who had outstayed his welcome. "Do it now while I'm still young," replied the girl wearily. An elderly woman was visiting a ranch in Wyoming, and, on noticing a lasso coiled up on a cowboy's saddle, she inquired what it was used for. "We use that for catching cattle and horses," came the reply. "Indeed," retorted the woman, "and what do you use for bait?" Boy: ' "Mother this book says that in the ocean the big fish eat up the little sardines. Is that true?" Mother: "Yes, I believe it is." Boy: "How do they open the tins?" flow tan 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY How can 1 prevent paint from dripping over my hand when painting a ceiling ai' any over- bend work? A. Cut a large rubber ball in half and push it up the handle of the paint brush as close as pose sible; the cup will catch all drip- pings. rip-pings. Q. How can I heat rolls sat- isfactorily? atisfactorily? A. A most satisfactory method of heating rolls so that they will taste the salve as when freshly baked, is to sprinkle them with water, place in a covered pan, and heat in a moderate oven frbnl five to ten minutes. Q. How can I increase ethe gloss of my hair? A. The beaten white of an egg added to the regular shampoo water greatly increases the gloss of the hair. Q. How can I prevent painted surfaces from blistering? A. Excess moisture in wood, which is drawn to the surface by heat, either from the sun's rays or other sources, causes paint to blister. Always be sure, before starting to paint, that the wood is thoroughly dry. v. Row can I destroy water bugs around my kitchen sink? A. Pour a pint of kerosene down the sink drain once a week. Always allow about an hour to pass before letting the water run. The bugs will soon disappear. Job Insurance Stamps On Sale Late This Month 13,000 Post Offices Handle Distribution of S h e e t* Throughout Canada "Shootipg" At jasper Big Scale Affair, There will be considerable "shooting" at Jasper National Park, Alta., thio season. While some of it may be "explosive" alone of it will require firearms. the first "shooting" will begin in n id -Juno when Canadian and 'United States camera enthusiasts will gather under direction of Ivan Dmitri, color: camera expert, with an opportunity of widening their picture skill. The second "shooting" season will begin Aug- ust 31 with the opening of the 16th annual Totem Pole Golf Tournament for which already 150 entries have been received. Sale of stamps to be used in the establishment of the unemploy- ment insurance fund will be made through 13,000 post offices throughout Canada, it was an- nounced at the Insurance Com- mission's office in Ottawa. It is expected that these stamps, which will be placed by employers in employees stamp books, will be available'for purchase a few days before the start of the operation of the law on July 1. They.will be sold in sheets. SOLD IN SHEETS There will be no distinction on these stamps between the em- ployee deductions and the pay- ments made by employers for the reason that the conlinission is not concerned whether the employer makes the total payment or di- vides the contribution between himself and his workmen on the strict letter of the law. Officials of the commission state that some employers will pay the entire shot, as is done in Britain, but of course they do not make any recommendation that this be done. VROM the innermost fibre to the sensational new Gear Grip Tread, every- thing in this smart, stream- lined Firestone Champion tire is new and different. It sets tip entirely new stand- ards of safety and long mileage because it is the re- sult of Firestone's quarter- century of experience in building tires for race track speeds. Here are some of the things you get in Firestone Cham- pion tires -new Safety -Lock cords treated with a new and advanced Gum -Dipping prof cess; 27% stronger bond be- tween tread and body; 35% greater heat protection against blowouts; an amazing new tread with thousands of sharp -edged angles for quick stops -a tread that gives 11% more non-skid mileage. Not only is the Firestone Champion an engineering triumph but it is super - Value u well -for, Nvitb all its extra value, it dons not cost one cent #Wore that ordinary tires. Have your nearby Firestone Dealer put theta on today. WINO S'Att j' ikl FOR yOUR`I Plittijle lot$i 9141l>r ,,fit w . oJu- 0-0-41 0r•m-•,•41-4.0-0- .1.-1, '..-111acat 6 t'hi Science Is Doi =g HALF BRAIN GONE, LIVES It is possible to live with only half a brain and still not be half- witted. At the American Medical Asso- elation convention this month two Cleveland Clinic physicians, Dr. Louis 3. Karnosh and Dr. W. James Gardner reported the cases of three persons 'who lived more than two years withthe entire right halves of their brains re- moved. The two halves of the brain are not identical in their function and seem to set as two drivers of a twelve -horse team which co- operate with each other in keep- ing all movements co-ordinated, -0-- NUTRITION AND MOTHERHOOD Proper nutrition eliminates the danger of miscarriages and still- births, among other beneficial re- sults, according to tests made at Toronto's prenatal clinic over a period of several years, it was disclosed at the recent Ontario Medical Association convention. The diet additions for prospec- tive mothers in the test provided included oranges, eggs, milk, to- matoes, cheese and wheat germ. One of the outstanding results of the experiment was that among the mothers receiving this supplemen- tary diet, there were no stillbirths or miscarriages. Other beneficial results includ- ed: fewer complications during pregnancy, reduction in the pre- valence of anaemia among_ expect- Ii'nt mothers, shorter duration of labor, increased ability on the part of mothers to nurse their own children; reduction in illnesses among the babies. - BIG PINGS BEN THE BELL Noy" IR M��i,ifF ,M errs rcie e 4 THAT'S MY CHEW vet Will Demonstrate Canadian Dishes How to use up Canada's un - exportable surplus will be the theme of the free cooking school held twice daily in the Electrical Building at the Canadian National Exhibition this year. Typical Can- adian dishes will be demonstrated, feeturing apples and other fruits, vegetables, flour, eggs and milk. The women in the class have re- quested the privilege of collecting among themselves money for a mo- bile canteen to be known as the C. N. E. Mobile Canteen. As the auditorium seats 1200 and is al- ways filled to capacity this worthy goal should easily be achieved. -As in other years, a birthday cake will be presented to the oldest lady pre- sent at each day's cooking class. Canadian Public School children will be thrilled to see in their war work display, socks, sweater and helmet knit by Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret Rose for their soldiers. The work done by Canadian school children for their British cousins overseas makes an SAFES Protect yoar BOOKS and CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We hare w. size and type of Safe, or Cabinet, for stop purpose. Visit eta, cpr write for prices, etc. to Dept. W. e:J.6ca TAY L.,1DP LIMITED TORONTO SAFE WORKS 045 Front St. E.. Toronto Established 1S5Z; imposing display in the Women's Building. Building permits issued by 204 municipalities in Canada during 1940 had a total value of $113,- 005,208. New construction ac- counted for $85,613,697, and the remaining amount was spent for additions, alterations and repairs. Quart Gallon "Osmose Special Fence Pose .Mixture" -- deeply penetrating -- protects the viral groundline - prolongs lift of posts four to five times - just paint 4" above and 6" below the groundline .,- a highly concentrated, effective material used in large quanti- ties by the Power Companies. ..... $1.20 treats 20- 25 posts $4,15 treats 80-100 gusts A REAL tv10NEY SA�1E O.,D Ask vaS +Peale,G, oq otd4!y P1GSttrPip;t¢a d*l- 05lv%OS>' WOOI}rPjf;:lG, ," •otdratx(11 HEAT) OFF, lGEdG''-1 , Fa i ranci$,328 egppnt t••, �.` "t Wetly. ;7:; WOMB 38 to 52 years old. Women who are restless, moody, NERVOUS -who fear hot flashes, dizzy spells -to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com- pound: Pinkham's is famous for helping women during these"trying times" due to ftmctronal irregulari- ties. Get a bottle today from your druggist! WORTH TRYING! ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS.. AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD AGENT WANTED to sell Phillips Lightning Protec- tive System. B. Phillips Company Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, To- ronto. MAKE "REAL • MONEY" GET INTO BUSINESS FOR YOUR - f, Supply focal customers with 800 established home and farm needs including teas, coffees, medicines, cattle sprays and ton- ics. Fenwick made $125.00 last week,- Patntore earned $31.00 his first day, Gerard $113.00 weekly, Bellentare's income was, $4,000 noafrisk. Full orear. No spare :pare You take ex- clusive territory. No capital or ex- perience required. Write W. R. 21 Purnell, tr Dttl PaulStreeEast, Paula. Montreal, Que. BABY CHICKS G03).1) MARKETS. THAT'S WHAT'S 'anticipated for poultry products, Mr. A. Uenstnore has been a Bray customer for 9 years; he speaks enthusiastically of r esul.ts, Cash u out these c good marketsikets with itlt i b heavyBraY \I t bi eedhoipullets. pullets,or chicks. hitt' Hatchery, 130 John North, I tamilton, Ont. 1'RODuLIERS OL' CHICKS FOR 16 years barred rocks bred to lay and S. C. W. Leghorns Barron strain, None but large egg. Reeks and foghorns as hatched A cents, Rock pullets 16 ceifts. Leghorn pullets 16 cents. Every chick Satisfaction from ood guaranteed. 21.00 hooks your order. J. 1). Johnson, Fergus, Ont. 23A13i CHOCKS AND STARTED Pullets, l,arred Rocks, White Log - horns. bight Sussex tiovernntcnt- Approved stock. Write to Coy- eney's Hatchery, Mitchell, Ont. CAt..Iir EDER1t' L'OULTTty FARM, higu, run Ba. rcdhcot hockq(`bidality's,pfroodmctioeggo laidr- an farm only. Blood -tested, un- sexed, Rc tach. Established IS Years. Gordon Eurus, Paris, Ont. IDA1:S' CITI('ftSC't'r11:0'1'S and ('At0NM:N BEY 13T,OOI:) TESTED STOCK FROM a real, breeding Farm of 2,000 layers and 10.000 breeding count:- 11y. Chicks and .Pullets guaranteed loo Livability for 3 weeks. .Sussex chicks ,and Barred rock cockerels. Month Old Pullets in x Leghorns, hocks, and Hybrids at 850 .each. Our canonizing expert tan canonize your cot terels. Lake- vieW Poultry. Farin, Wein Bros., Exeter, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS WITH EVERY 100 PULLETS OR 100 mixed chicks ordered, we give 25 free chicks. 'Pullets $14.00 to $18.00 per 100; nixed Chicks $7,00 to $9.00 per 100; Cockerels pet 100, light breed, $1.60; heavy breed $6.00. Pullets and mixed cheaper in June. tloddard Chick llateheri.es, lIritn.ittiia 'Heights, Ont. CANNED LOBSTER BEST QUALITY, PACKED UNDER Government inspection $22.00 per ease, containing eight dozen half pound cans. Plus freight your nearest Station. All goods guaran- teed. T. 1I. Link -letter, Summerslde, P.E.T. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! UNGRADED EGGS WANTED FOR export to the British Market. Highest market prices paid. For further particulars, write Canad- ian Provision & Supply Company, 109 Front Street East, Toronto. BAP; ER G(WLE' ie.i T BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co„ 103 Bathurst 5t.. Toronto. CARS, NEW AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations; 632 n • Mt. Pleasant Road, 2040 Yo go St. 1600 Danfortb Avenue. Our Used Cars make us many friends. 1FNFE a (:ST FANS EXHAUST FANS, NEW GENERAL' Ereetrics, ally under wholesale. Toronto lferaantiie, 29 Isielinda, Toronto. LEG AI, 3, N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP- ital Theatre building, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. iLIGIIrNING t0OI)S LIm nir f�.\turei Save thirty to f forty per „int. Phillips Company, 32 tL home tcenue, Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTED ,0 or 8 nxroStTfES 25c ittle rTI C'l, AI,iit' fI FREE With Every Roll AEU 0 FILM ti'INrISI•'ITUILONTO ;lox 121 Cot 111EDICAt RAVE YOU GOITRE? "ABSOR73O" reduces and removes. Price .$5.00 fivfer bottle. J. A. Johnston Co„ 171 Xing E., Toronto. DON'T DELAY! EVERY SUFFER- or l'P ER-er 0f 'Rheumatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Muni te's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottaws. $100 postpaid. SE 24-'41 LEAF TOBACCO FOUR POUNDS BURLEY AND VIR- ginia Leaf for pipe $1.35. Five pounds Fragrant Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tobacco $2.60 postpaid. Ntitural Leaf Tobacco Co,, Leam- ington, Ontario. NOTICE FRUIT AND VEGETABLE GROW- ers. The Oakville Basket Co., Ltd., O4kvi11e, Ontario can supply your, boxes, crates and baskets prompt- ly at reasonable prices. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay, Co„ Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. R •REL MATIC PROVEN REMEDY - EVERY SU?F' fever of Rhrumatie Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixon's Remedy. Munro's Drug Store. 335 Elgin, C)tta.ca. $1.00 postpaid. SALESMEN ,SALESMEN INVESTI GATE NEW ::ir.re and sunproof shield. Will rliininatc glare from sun or head - der sample. mut Mon3 rtnii not satisfied. Clearvision Com- pany. 116, Danforth, Toronto, ('1'1•t,RTt1NTTY OPEN - ST,TCr1DY ncome. full or part time. Guaran- teed I'amil"x Products are attrae- 1ively packaged, create instant Fye -appeal, build and hold cus- wwig to adopttiour methods end invest a few dollars, we will help you to progress surely and quick- ly. For free catalogue and corii- u1.te details Miss G. St, Georgev 51-t) St, Clement, 'Montreal. TOLTRIST II01U5E AURORA TOURIST HOUSE, COI:- oniai design, central location. ittrrifice for tluie'lt sale. -Phillips, Anrnra. ' WANTED 'WANTED -- MIXED WOOT.E0 ' Rags. Write for prices, Flesher- ten Woolen Mills, Flesherton,. Ont. '. SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW Your films are carefully and 601011» tifieally processed by Imperial, to; make sure they, last, e et 8 tIXPOSUUE s'ILTIS 203e with beautiful enlargement free. 8 reprints with enlargement 25e. Thousands .of letters from satisfied customers testify to our superior; quality and service. IMPERIAL. PHOTO Slonv ER1C10 vs Dept. D, Station Jc Toronto, Fur farms in operatioli hu Can- oda in 1939 numbered 9,904 with a value of ,$14,349,8S1