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Zurich Herald, 1941-06-12, Page 5
T1 ursday :Tune :nth, 1941 ZURICH HERALD ti..'. NEWS :;<3orn--At flay Township, on Sun- akiay; June Sth, to Mr. :and Mrs. Wm. 1tson, a. sal. Mr. Ben Eider of Hyman called in 'itown. on Wednesday. 'basses Cora Streets and ,Ellen ' +xemlin spent the weak -end at their "filmes in Clinton. Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Via/per and lh'aby of Detroit were holiday visitors .tat the home of Mr. ascii iV[r Herb Mr. and Mrs. H, Eldt of Ingersoll enjoyed a Sunday visit at the home of Mr, and .Mrs. R. F. Stade. A number of interested parties 'have started a fishery at St. Joseph. A boat has been'purchased and bro- iight up from ,Sarnia and nets and other equipment have been purchased A light rain visited these parts on Saturday evening, but the ground is very dry, and if rain soon won't ap- pear, many things will suffer greatly. .Hay is ripening and will be very short MViousseau. A good shower is badly needed. .MVir. and Mrs. Harold Swartzentra- lier have moved theiir effects rn mart :of the residence of Mrs.. Mary Tru - winner. .Rev. C. B. Heckendore and Mr. W. rH. Edighotl'er are attending the Sun - .day school convention at McKillop, -tails week. Mr. Ed. Reichert has the founda- tion for his new home completed and :the carpenters are starting on the ,trrection of the structure. Mrs. W. C. Wagner, Miss Ethel !Williams and brother, Mr. Calvin, motored to Toronto for a few days last week. The former visiting at the home of her son, Mr. and ivirs. Theo. Wagner of Guelph, Mrs. A. F. Hess and sons Qimby, ?l?rul and Fred of town, accompanied by iMss .Myrtle Raabe of South Bend And., -motored to Toronto last week to attend Graduation exercises at ;the University at which Mr. Paul .Bess the Badhdler Arts degree confer ted him. Mr. Hess will now continue' alis course in law at Osgood Hall. [ =0411.67.0..-7=40....T SALES BULLETIN, HURON . CO- HYMENEAL LINTY, VICTORY LOAN, 1941 *"'* As released .on June 6th. Only the districts in the immediate ' vicinity are given. Municipality Quota T'tl Sub, Clinton 65, 99,600 Seafort'h 02,000 97,950 Stanley Twp. 46,000 30,300 Hay Twp. 71,750 32,700 Hensall, Village 19,650 '61,350 Tuckersrnith Twp. 46,500 Stephen Twp. 71,450 Usiborne 49,300 Exeter 57,900 , Under an arch of inaple leaves ar ranged in :the drawing room of the bri•te's parents' home, the wedding was solea Olved of 1)'rothy Ceram' Kraft, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ed- mund Kraut, of Dashwood, to Elgin 5, Rader, of Dashwood, son of Mr and Mrs. L. H. Rader.. Rev. T. Luft officiated. The bride wore a floor - length e awn of white sheer f'eatur- 47,900 ing dainty embroidery on the sleeves 32.850 aryl at the waistline. Her floor -length 29,500 veil of white net held in place with 109,2001 orange blossoms and was ambroid- ikR4�"���,.!"��t'i.k!frt,i.� r,�!,da:P:� .i�.•u': ESTA 1SHED A 11877 FINISH FOR EVERY SALE Ed. Swartzen.truber . " BY W I" The Minister of Finance of the Dominion of Canada offers for public subscription $6007000,000 1 9 4 1 Dated and bearing interest From 15th June 1941, and offered in two maturities, the choice of which is optional with the subscriber, as follows: Ten-year 3% BONiDS, DUE 15th JUNE 1951 PAYABLE AT MATURITY AT 101"0 Callable at 101% in or after 1950 interest payable 15th June and December Denominations, $50, $100, $500, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 ISSUE PRICE: 100%, yielding 3.09% to maturity SURFACE Blake, Ont. Five and one-half year 2% BONDS, DUE 15th DECEMBER 1946 PAYABLE AT MATURITY AT l00% Non -callable to maturity Interest payable 15th June and December Denominations, $1,000, $5,000, $25,000 ISSUE PRICE: 99%, yielding 2.19% to maturity Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of Canada; the principal at any agency of the Bank of Canada and the interest semi-annually, without charge,at any branch in Canada of any Chartered Bank. Bonds may be registered as to principal or as to principal and interest. 'CASH SUBSCRIPTIONS Cash subscriptions for either'or both maturities of the loan may be paid in full at the time of application at the issue price in each case without accrued interest. Bearer bonds with coupons will be available for prompt delivery. Cash subscriptions may also be made payable by instalments, plus accrued interest, as follows - 10% on application; 15%© on 15th July 1941; 15% on 15th August 1941; • 20% on 15th September 1941; 20% on 15th October 1941; 20.71% on the 3% bonds on 19.52% on the 2% bonds, on 15th November 1941. The last payment on 15th November. 1941, covers the final payment of principal, plus .71 of 1% in the rase of the 3% bonds and .52 of 1% in the case of the 2% bonds representing accrued interest from 15th June 1941, to the due dates of the respective instalments CONVERSION SUBSCRIPTIONS Holders of Dominion of Canada 5% National Service Loan Bonds due 15th November 1941, may, for the period during which•the subscription lists are open, tender their bonds with final coupon attached, in lieu of cash, on subscriptions for a like or greater par value of bonds of one or both maturities of this loan. The surrender value of the National Service Loan 5% Bonds will be 102.15% of their par value, inclusive of accrued interest; the resulting adjustment to be paid in cash. THE .MINISTER OF FINANCE RESERVES THE RIGHT TO ACCEPT OR TO ALLOT THE WHOLE OR ANY PART OF THE AMOUNT OF THIS LOAN SUBSCRIBED FOR CASH FOR EITHER OR BOTH MATURITIES IF TOTAL SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE IN EXCESS OF $600,000,000. THE PROCEEDS OF THIS LOAN WILL BE USED BY THE GOVERNMENT TO FINANCE EXPENDITURES FOR WAR PURPOSES: ' SUBSCRIPTIONS MAY BE MADE THROUGH ANY OFFICIAL REPRESENTATIVE, ANY ViCTORY LOAN COMMITTEE OR MEMBER THEREOF, ANY BRANCH IN CANADA OF ANY CHARTERED BANK,' OR ANY AUTHORIZED SAVINGS BANK, TRUST OR LOAN COMPANY, FROM WHOM MAY BE OBTAINED APPLICATION FORMS AND COPIES OF THE OFFICIAL PROSPECTUS CONTAINING COMPLETE DETAILS 'OF THE LOAN. • THE LISTS WILL OPEN ON 2ND JUNE 1941, AND WILL CLOSE NOT LATER THAN 21ST JUNE 1941, WITH OR WITHOUT NOTICE, AT THE DISCRETION OF THE MINISTER OF FINANCE. Department of Finance, Ottawa, 31st May 1941 PAG*flV ' ered in eilver. The bride carried a iou'quet of Johanna Hill roses: Misr )orothy Rader, sister of the groom vis a pretty attendant, wearing pi.nl taffeta with a quilted jacket, and hat uid shoes in a deeper tot:. erne car- ded pink roses. Harold Kraft, broth - of the bride, was best man. A re- ;eption followed and later the bridal 'ouple left on a trip to North Bay, Ottawa, Montreal and Quebec..'Le. xride travelling in navy blue voile with white accessories. They will re- side on the grooms farm, l4th eon - cession, Hay Township, MAiD WANTED Immediately, General lViaid, fond ,f children. Mrs. Chas. S ars, 14 NOTICE TO CREDITORS MT THE ESTATE tr.M,rAnr MZL'EER, late of 'the Village of Zur• ich, Ontario, Laborer., Deceased. Creditors and others htvizri;.rn against the above estate' am, xe ed to send full particufar4 �r1 ,;: stx�;•. . claims to the undersigned o'p fore the 14th day of ,lune,;' 1941, after which date the esti e"t itssete will be cclistibuted having regard only to claims that have then been receive, ed. Mrs. Adeline Sararas, :Vir, Leonard Sararas, R. R. 1, Dashwood, Ont., Executors of late Edward Miller Estate. :-r:,,r(.,o-. f: ,('int, of I:Y:1on MetI Si. PETER'S 4437, London. „e.. mom,.._...._ _.-...,.. , ., nxOMILWI xmr4aeveamsxsr: FOR QUICK SALE A dump hay rake for quick sale kpply to Poy :Verner, 14th con. Jia,• FOR QUICK SALE A limited quantii.y of Ame tear Vlonder seed beans, good yielders. rs. Also Shur -Shock Electric Fence Ag- ency. Len. Sararas, Phone 87rzI. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. tsvangelical Lrt ai.he r an Church 'ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World. Friday, 8h --Luther League. 'Thursday ---Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES 10 a. te.--Jit ne Worship 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p, m.• -•Divine Worship. Everybody Welcome to all Services. Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH -;very Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday EMMANUEL EVANGELICAL. CHURCH C. B. Heckendorn, Pastor Mrs. M. Oesch, Organist 10 a.m.—Worship. 2 p.m. Decoration Service, Bronson Line Cemetery NO EVENING SERVICE qs4 v IN WHITE SI-IOES We have a Fine Selection to choose from; a pair for every member of the family. All at lowest cash prices. EXTRA VALUE Men's heavy Mennonite Work Shoes Reg. $3.45 at only $2.98 pair. Others at — $2.45 pair. E. 1 DATARS "THE STORE WITH THE STOCK" —a MASSEY-HAERIB NEWS Our complete line of Farm Implements are not to be excelled regardless of where thay are made We have all Canadian Products made by Canadian Workm-'n and run by Canadian capital. ..See ..us for your next purchase of farm equipment Spring will soon be here and this is a good time to think of what repairs your present machinery will require... All genuine M. -H. parts kept in Stock or orders taken. Tel. Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res' 67 HELP WIN THE WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS _ Ilulillll QIII IQ illlll1111III1111111111u1 lIIIlIIIIlll1i141111111IIIIII111IIIlllllllllll1llli IIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII1111M1iUDQI@I IIIiI111111U 1 In111111111M1111lfll Zurich Prug Store QUALITY DRUGS TONEKA Tonic and Blood Purifier, Vitamin D. _Herbs, Leaves and Roots, \• A Corrective for gastric disturbances 12 -oz. Bottle for $1.00 FLY-O-CIDO Super Strength. Sure Death to Flys, ants, Moths and Mosquitoes. Buy an 8 oz. can for 25c And have it refilled for 20c. Or buy 16 -oz. at 45c., refill for 40c. Dr. J. A. Addison, Proprietor 11111111111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI11IIIIIIIIIIIIIfUllll 1111 ifI11llhII i1IIIII111111fmImlI11IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIil11011111111I 1 III IIIIIIIIIIIIII 1111111111 HELP WIN THE WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS +++++40+4.444++++++++++++++. ++++++++++++ ++44++++++++++ • 6 4 CHOICE TRY ECKEIa'S i ( Taik" • it 1 1 t t" read also VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND '>., SWEET GOODS. All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening. Eckel's Bakery Zurich Telephone 100 N g "t t `l «, i'i i'.•'' -1—;4•1•t+4. ! sL ,a"i �. y..1...i• 1 i' ' ' y'�