HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-06-12, Page 1Forty -First 'Vat .4101.1111, U C T !" U tl 3 D AY MORNING.. JUNE 12, 19 4.1 Rates. g,'1.?1 in Canada, in advaaer„* :73.50 in U.S.A., in advanet CHESTER L. SMITH, .Put listkci p 1-1 the War ay Bavin and buying V °Tv Dordr1 u Are You Suffering From Headaches? If so; Have your Eyes. Examkaed with the Latest Methods and Ec gi sent, at A. L.C'LE, Ra,. OPTOMETRIST di OPTI[CLAN GODERIQH Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices FHIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine ,and can serve the public now !better 'than ever. Be sure and give us a call_ MRS. FRED THIELE,. Paaprietress • COMFORTABLE GLASSES At. REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER lfhe Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wedwesday. BETTY ANN BEAUTY SH I PPE Will be closed during the Sumner Months Wednesday Afternoon and Evenings. MRS. EDW. GASCPIO, Prop. THE LOWEST PRICES EH*LE Sales Prove 1+ Salesmen Commissions to pay. No Finance Charges to Pay 1937 Chevy Coach, locally owned. 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coach $ 135.00 1929 Ford Coupe $85.00 1936 Terraplane Coach. 1927 Ford Coach, original -upholstering, like new 19344 V8 Truck 'with $85.00 License only 235.00 (2) Only I941 New Dodges. These are the last ones available before the 1942 models arrive. re -finished. DODGE SALE.S Will Pay Cash For Good Used. WAR FR1TZ Cars WE SELL TUE BEST FOR LESS WE ARE: ALWAYS .AT YOUR. SERVICE WITH .A 'GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE, GRO- CERIES, ETC., AT LOWEST POS.. Sfl LE PRICES. lui::R..k;a,i.it.sttJ41,4.01e+01/0,41601 01,1.4.10:0 141111 't...01,diMM DECORATION SERVICE BRONSON LINE CEMETERY Hay Township SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 15. At Two O'!Clock Program will consist of Decoration of Graves, special Singing, Addresses by Rev. C. B. Heckendorn of Zurich and Rev. Clayton Becker of Dash- wood. Also musical numbers by the Henrich Memorial Band of Dashwood HAY COUNCIL The regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, June 9th, with all the members present. The minutes of the meeting held May 12th and the sp- ecial meetings held during May we- re adopted as read. After signing of the declaration the Council became organized an a Court of Revision to consider app- eals re, the 1941 Assessment Roll. The appeals were disposed of as follows: Harry ,Greb was allowed an addit- ional $100 exemption of woodlands. The assessment of Louis Duehar;me, tenant, was allowed to be transferred from S.S. No. 12 to Separate S. S. No. 1. Peter Kraft was not allowed any reduction on assessment on land The following resolution was pas- sed: That appeals be disposed as in- dicated and that the Assesszaent as revised be the official Assessment Roll for 1941 and that the Court be closed • The Council then took up other business and after disposing of the communications the following reso- lutions were passed: That the Public' Liability and Pro- perty Damage policy of insurance protecting the Township on accidents on Township Roads, be renewed for another year. That the following passed: Township Roads --Dom. Road Mchy Co. repairs 195.96; Twp. Stephen, 14 cement tile 19.90; Ed, Corriveau ditching and tile 8.50; W. F. Jenni- son, crushing and trking 1060.61; mares Ltd., punches 2.40; E. C. Schilbe trucking 5.05; Fergus Turn - !'n.111, repairs crusher 34.50; T. Welsh hnnber 13.82; S. Dietz rent storage $30; 'T. Welsh 1583 yds. gravel 126.- 94; M. G: Dietz, labor, gas, oil, etc: 137.76; Pay list labor 209.,17. Ray Municipal Telephone -- H. G. Hess salary and extras 262.83; T. H. Hoffman salary and extra' 228.06; Stromberg-Carlon Co repairs 11.10. D. Oswald, Telephone poles 54.00; Bell Tedo. Co. tolls Apr. t" 150.- 27; North Elec. Co. supplies 213.14; Princeton Telo. Co. boxes $27: E. R. Guenther: cerfee.1 1.30; T. Klurnpp on contract $500..' Relief Accounts --J, Suplat ance May and June $15. General Accounts — Dept. insulin 8.70; Econ. Fire Ins, L. & P. D. ins. 125.00; Thsut 'Council ad'iourn gain on .Monday, July o'clock in the evening. accounts be allow - Health, Co. P. to greet a - 7th at 7.30 Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND IT RAINED—and—IT POURED LAST SATURDAY Mr. George Volland of Detroit, was a visitor with relatives here. Ms. Ervin Schilbe attended a coal Convention at Toronto last week. Mr. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, called on his brothers here on Tues- day. Decoration Day will be observed on the Bronson line cemetery oa Sun day afternoon. Mrs. Mary Truemner was a week- end visitor with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snider, of Colborn Twp. Messrs. Harold and Earl Johnson of Toronto, spent the week -end at the home of their cousins, the Misses Johnson of town. Miss Marie Allard, teacher at Dry- sdale S. School, spent the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Melick. Mr. Melvin Bedard of Detroit, gave us a friendly callthe other day He is a brother of Mr. Dennis Be- dard of town. Mr. and Mrs. ''srnet Jacobe and son Laird, of the Farr Line, motored to hstowel on Sun:llay where they vis- ited with Mr. and Mrs. Hybein. Dr. and Mrs. E. M. Coxon, bridal couple, of Wellesley were week -end visitors with Dr and Mrs. W. B. 'Cowin of Zurich. Mrs. T. McAdams and son Harry, spent Saturday in London where they attended Lloyd McAdams -Wildman wedding in St. Pauls' Cathedral. Mr. and Mrs. George Link 0. Dash- wood and Mrs., John England, and Miss Louise Ross of town motored to Sebringville to visit relatives and friends last week. The - Johnson sisters of town who have recently sold their property to Mr. Milne• Rader, are holding an aut- tion sale of their effects on Saturday June 21st: Mrs. J. W. Horner, Mres. E. Kru- eger, Mr. and Mrs. Blake Horner of 14th Con., attended the weddinig on Wednesday afternoon of the form- er's grandson, Mr. Gordon Alvin Horner, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Horner of Varna, to Miss Marion Ilughill, daughter of AVIr. and Mrs. J. E. Hugill of near Seaforth. Big Demonstration A typical Zurich demonstration was celebrated last Wednesday evening, when a large torch parade ted by the nicely decorated girls on bicycle: and decorated autos, to open the Vic- tory iatory Loan campaign for this district. It sure was put on in a big way and the loan campaign is also going on very nicely as "the people are putting their surplus m'nev buying bonds of what we call preserving our way of living. Reeve George Armstrong was one of the speakers and Rev. C. B. Heekendorn closed with. prayer. OBITUARY Edward Neeib a resident of Mit- chell for the past eight months was found dead in the chicken pen by his wife and son-in-law. He had been visiting with his daughter, :Atrs. El- mer Resteneyer, of Hay Township for the past week. He had left the house and when not returning with- in a shoat time they went •in search of him finding him dead in the .chic- ken pen with a number of eggs in his But the Crowd Came and Had a pockets unbroken, Dr. P. J. O'Dwyer of Zurich was called and found death Bang -Up -Time to due to a heart attack. He was born in Hampstead haying farmed in L -?an Township before retiring to Mitchell eight -months ago, and was in his 65th year. He is survived by 'IP wife (nee Mary Sararas,) one de ughter Mrs. Elmer Resteme'er of Hay Township, two sons Alvin an,' Edward of Logan Twp; also two sis- ters and five brothers. Funeral serv- ices are being conducted at the home Bathhouse and .Surf Shop open daily of his daughter, Bronson line, }Tay. fi a.m. to 10 p.nz. on Wednesday at t° 30 followed by 5 .r. T<, I;�� I',n,aa rr service in Grace Lutheran CI1areh '1.1 ,p , '+:r�,,.,.n11, 1'nterm,nt will ire ,.1.... . ... l pu�p:.:.i, {'.i S i1. ''1,ert',1ytY,rian ("err :fit INV ;41 .'. .Doulton I•'..�il. 1 WILLIS TIPPING And His Cascade Music ,Again Dancing Saturday:, ,Tune 14th TI1T; ,T JUNE 21::t NIGHTLY' 1; PHONE YOUR Pati • • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• • 2 • 6 • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 O • • 0 • • • • • • • For positive identification a the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Sennet -Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Brique . The Roe Farms Milling Cow Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fat .Eggs on a graded basion. Pone 10 - l-Iensall ••••••••••••••6•••••••••1••d►••44•4i54.04.6a•044'0C>i •4,45 Announcin THE PARTNERSHIP OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS OF W. EL HOFFMAN AND KEITH WESTLAKE, KNOWN AS: H offln an S: Westlake For the Benefit of those, whenever iri need, W. H. Hoffman's Home in Zurich is open to the Public to be used as a Funeral Home, where the best of Care and Courtesy will be given. Funeral Directors and Ambulance Service Ioffman Phones 86 and 93. 064000004,044 a sYm., 9t atm K FfieS HELP WIN THE WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS FflEE Ir*roducIory r:1f A beautiful CAPRICE teaspoon, value 25c, will be given FREE, in addition to coupons, to the first fifty Customers making purchases of $2.00 or more. GET YOUR'S. ACT NOW! See our list of Free eBautiful Valuable quality Gifts for Everyone Watch for Premium' Catalogue Pioneer and National Chick Starter az-a Feeth . Also National Fertilizers. FRESH GROCERIES AL\' "X'S ON HAND 1 El.191.i 'i P 1;a aal •