HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-06-05, Page 7ible---something that would lave 4) IOW to the sinister mystery oi< Mane tin iStayler'e violent death. Something About the (Moles He eai.intered over to the *inflow land looked out. Idly his fillers probe•d small a unlocked asIt talt that wee stillhad been tilts 'night before. He turned away front. the window and staa•ted momentar- ily when lie naw another figure across tete room. It was his owl? ;reflection in tbe mnlrror' dire4ttly across. There was scrmetlting about time arrangement of the hooka in the voom that bespoke Say1et's •ohar- a,cter---d1is insistence upon order and organization. Eisele book was lined up perfectly, indented about two inches from the edge of the ehelf. Sets -of law books were ar- ranged by numbers, and miscel- laneous volumes were all carefully placed in alphabetical order. In the gases between the fire- place and the window, O'Leary ;discovered two books transposed. The entire shelf contained state supreme court decisions. Volume 1915 had somehow got squeezed between 1916 and 1917 and was jutting out about an inch farther than the others. O'Leary started instinctively to replace the heavy volume to its rightful position when he stopped. "That's strange,". he muttered to himself. "I wonder—" He walked around the room and carefully checked the other books. Not a volume was out of place. Everything was exactly as Sayler's meticulous nature demanded. Only along the west wall, where Riggs tad led 'them to the sate the night before, were the books disarrang- ed. O'Leary studied the built-in safe again. The steel cabinet was concealed by the panel, which slid aside easily. And then, suddenly, the lieu- tenant stilrened. He walked swift- ly to Sayler's desk and pressed a button. Willows, the butler, ap- peared presently. "Tell the housekeeper I want to see her—in here," O'Leary order- ed. Dusted Regularly "Yes, sir." The butler disappear- ed. In a few minutes, Mrs. Whar- ton cautiously entered the room. She wore a stiffly starched dress of dull gray, and site walked print- ly acmes the room when O'Leary beckoned her ov'r to the book - r Try Calumet for better baking re - you usesleescbecause iosts less dt let' e adoubie•action. It leavens during mixing and continues to leaven in the oven. Easy -opening, won't -spill container, with bandy measuring device under the lid. SURPRISINGLY LOWED L61 • SERIAL STORY MURDER INC•GNIT BY NORMAN KAHL CAST OF CHARACTERS MARTIN SAYLER — a lawyer with too many enemies. DALE APPLEBY -- Sayler's stepson. Appleby's RHODA WATERS — App fiancee. HAZEL LEIGHTON --- Sayler's sweetheart. WINSLOW 'MARDELL -- a gam- bler. GEORGE BARBOUR --• Sayier's law partner. LIEUTENANT O'LEARY—police investigator. M .M * LAST WEEK: Hazel Leighton explains that she intended to "get" Sayler through a breach of prom- ise suit or a marriage settlement, but the lawyer found out about her scheme and her plan to marry another man, tricked her into a confession and offered to pay her $5000. Mardell admits Sayler in- tended to brand him as a "welch- er." At Barbour's, O'Leary is sur- prised' to find doors opening by el- ectric eyes. Barbour tries to justify his theft. Rhoda Waters has just left when the officers arrive at her apartment. CHAPTER X With O'Leary dragging him by the arm, Carron reacted the hot street and entered the police car. O'Leary leaped -into the seat be- side him. "What's the idea, Chief?" Car- roll asked. "Sergeant, it yon were a girl on the lam, how would you get out of town iu a hurry?" C'.arroll thought that over brief- ly, "Fly, I guess—sure, that's it, Site took a place. But where did she go, Chief?" "Maybe nowhere yet." O'Leary glanced at his watch. "Twenty minutes to two. There's a plane for New York at two. My hunch is that Rhoda, Waters is planning to take it" Carroll stepped on the starter, a.nd the gears screamed in anguish as the sergeant pulled the trans- mission lever iuto first and darted away from the curb. "1 gotcha, Chief," he said. "If that's what she's figuring on doing, we can beat her to it." With siren roaring. the auto wove a zigzag pattern through the lazy afternoon traffic. Adroitly, Sergeant Carroll cut his way across intersections and around street cars. "I never figured it would be Rhoda Waters," Carroll mused. "She looked IUce a pretty decent "She hail plenty of reason for bumping off Sayler though," O'- Leary commented. "She hated him about as much as anybody." Caught On The Plane The 2 o'clock plane for New GS STAMPS ISSUE 23—'41 COPYRIGHT, 1940' • NSA SERVICE. IMf3. York was waiting at the passenger gate with its giant engines rumb- ling in monotonous melody when Carroll slid the car in front of the administration building at the air- port. O'Leary bounded up to the tieleet desk and produced his badge. "Have you a Miss Rhoda Woe tars on that plane out there?" he demanded. An efficient official hastily consulted a chart and nod- ded. "She bought a ticket a little while ago. Site wouldn't have got it except that someone else can- celed his reservation at the last minute. "Good," O'Leary said. "Listen, we don't want any fuss. Have the stewardess go into the plaue and tell her to come out for a minute." Sergeant Carroll wiped his moist forehead with his handkerchief as ire and O'Leary waited in the pass- enger room. In a few minutes, a stewardess came in with Rhoda Waters. Rhoda looked around eur- iottsly, and when her eyes fell on the officers, red flashed involuntaa•- sly in her cheeks. For an instant, it appeared she intended to flee. Then she com- posed herself and walked over to where the detectives were stand- ing. "Did you send for me?" she asked. "Yes," O'Leary said curtly. "Stewardess, have Miss Waters' bags taken off the ship. She won't be traveling with you." Rhoda's eyes flashed ftu•y and her lovely features reflected the anger in her heart. "How dare you! I'm not a criminal. Yon can't order me around like this. I haven't done anything." "Why were you leaving, Miss Waters?" the lieutenant inquired calmly. "Why Were You Leaving?" "That's none of your business. I can do as i please. You've got your murderer. What more do you want? Let ale go, I intend to take that plane." O'Leary was patient. "I loom how you feel, Miss Waters, a.ud I'm sorry. But you'd better stay . voluntarily. Otlterwise—" The girl looked appealingly at the lieutenant and thea a freshet off tears rolled gently down from the corners of her eyes. "I just wanted to get away ... couldn't stand it any longer. Dale knew I was going. He was going to meet me in New York in a few days. We were going to get married." She sat down on one of tbe long benches. From her large, red hand- bag, she extracted first a handker- chief and daubed at her tears. Then she opened a tiny make-up kit and patched tip the tear -splattered rouge, "1'n go back," she said. O'Leary patted her awkwardly on the shoulder. "That's better. I'm really very sorry it has to be like this. Murders are always dis- agreeable though ... for everyone. Come on, we'll take you back" * * Dale Appleby was surprised to find O'Leary and Carroll waiting for him in the study when he caste downstatt'.s, There Was a spring in the young man's step, a lilting note in his voice. "V e wanted. to look around once more.," said O'Leary. 1)a1e Smile graciously. "The place Is .yours Look around all you like. I'llheses aitytithtg I can do to helicot—" "You can go over the whole story again, it yo'tt don't mind," O'Leary suggested. "We want to be sure everything is straight. You can tell Sergeant Carroll all about it: in the drawing room, if you will, I'd like to look around this place once more," When Lienteuaut O'Leary was alone. he stood for a huotmtent the centa:n,,9t the broad roots, and little furraays creased his brow.ma evenly, He looked about the roots, as it grnsp.ing tor something tang case. "Mr. Sayler was rather particu- lar about his books, wasn't he?" O'Leary asked. "1 mean about their being in the right places and all that?" Mrs. Wharton nodded. "Yes, sir. Indeed he is -as. He insisted they be dusted regularly, and he would storm for hours if he ever found any of them oat of place." O'Leary indicated the 1915 vol- ume that still jutted out from the other books on the shelf. "Did you misplace this bock, birs. Whar- ton?" The housekeeper looked at the volume and her eyebrows knitted. "No. I never remove the books, And the maid has orders not to take the books out of their cases." "How about lir. Sayler him- self?" "11 he had taken it out, he would have r'eplac'ed it in its exact place." "When did you last inspect this room?" Mrs. Wharton "Yesterd:.Y, sir. accident." "1'hauk you, lib's. may go now." Lieutenant O'Leary was still Peering abstractedly into tbe book- cases when Dale Appleby and Ser geant Carroll returned to the rooms half an poet later. For several seconds he appeared not to Imre detected their presence. Then he turn ed .slowly. "Mr. Appleby," he said. "I'll have to trouble yon once more. I want to use, this room tonight, and I'd • like to have everyone here—say at 8:30. Will you call them, please? Those v'h•n were here last night. Aud I'll want the servants on hand." Appleby looked startled. '.'Of coarse, Lieutenant, but "Suet a little idea of amine," Leary said beim uely. Still perplexed, Bale left the room. Carroll edged over to his superior. "What goes on here, Chief?" The lieutenant thrust his hands sleep into his coat pockets and teetered on his toes. "Sergeant, this may be a very interesting evening. I bet we I know who mitre tiered Martin Sayler and ]row it was clone." (To Be Continued) answered quickly. Before the—the. Wharton. You TABLE TALKS By SADIE B. CHAMBERS ,RS Partnership With The Refrigerator In looking for assistance these busy days — these glorious sum- mer days -- nothing can be of DIM help In planning easier, 'n ere appetizing and snore econ- omical meals than the modern refrigerator. Vanilla Spanish Creatnn 2% cups milk % cup granulated sugar 2t to 3 tablespoons cornstarch Pinch salt 2 egg yolks t teaspoon pure vanilla Heat milk to scalding point in upper part of double boiler. Com- bine sugar thoroughly with corn- starch and salt and slowly stir in hot milk. Return to double boiler and stir and cook until the mix- ture has thickened smoothly. Cover and cook with occasional stirring until no raw flour re- mains, Beat the egg yolks slight- ly and slowly stir in the hot thick- ened mixture. Return to double boiler and stir until yolks thicken. Remove from heat. Cool slight- ly and add vanilla. Turn into custard cups or dessert glasses and chill. Serve with cream or fruits. Refrigerator Pastry 3'/a cups sifted pastry flour 1 teaspoon salt % lb. chilled shortening Measure flour and sift with salt. Use a pastry -blender, cut in half of shortening finely, then cut in remaining shortening coarsely. (Cut in pieces size of a large pea.) Turn mixture into large jar, cover and store in re- frigerator until required. This mixture keeps indefinitely. When pie paste is required measure the required amount of pastry mixture into bowl and gra- dually add ice cold water to make a paste, which when lightly nix- ed may be cleaned easily from bowl. For a two -crust pie use about 2 cups of pastry mix; for a pie shell use 1'% cups. Strawberry Pk 13;: cups pastry -mix Ice cold water Sugared fresh strawberries Lightly — Sweetened To the pastry -mix gradually add enough ice-cold water to make a paste, which when lightly mixed may be cleaned easily from bowl. Roll out paste and fit loosely into pie -pan, excluding air. Prick paste and fill with dried liana beans and bake in hot oven (450- 475°F) . When paste begins to brown remove beans and com- plete the baking. At serving time fill the cooked pie shell with fresh strawberries which have been sweetened with fruit sugar —Pile sweetened (lightly) whip- ped cream generously over the berries and garnish with whole unbroken perfect berries. Crisp Neckwear Adds Brightness Snowy Collar "Does Some- thing" For Almost Any Type of Daytime Costume This Man "Shrank" At Scrubbing Job One candidate for the Bridge- port, Conn., city police depart- ment nearly lost his place on the eligible list because he "shrank" while scrubbing the kitchen floor. Rejected because he lacked a half- inch of the required five feet eight inches, the candidate ap- pealed en the ground that his do- mastic duty had "tightened" his muscles just before the examin- ation. A doctor certified that he subsequently gained the necessary half-inch and the appeal was g,i'anted. ?Hiss iat:atther$ ,velcomes personal letters from interested renders. She Is pleased to receive suggestions on topics for her column, and is even ready to listen to your "pet peeves." Requests for recipes or special menus ore in order. Address Cyour ham- bers, letters '.est "A delaide iSt Street. lt'Co- ronto." Sentra stamped, self-addressed tin elope if you wish a reply. Modernize Hone By Redecorating Important accessories Iu the wardrobe of the white-ooi1attr-glr1 are (yon guessed it) --white col - Bare, The youug working woman can't find better insurance against her looking dull and dowdy than in a supply of crisp white collars and cuffs. The smart career girl finds that Ther collarless nav blue sating salt acquires a new lease on life by the simple +addition of a trailer collar in Swiss batiste, snowy pique or handkereliief linen, Long before site is tired of her be -flow- ered Easter bonnet, she'll be look- ing around for a dashing, awash buckling, brimmed hat iu pink or yellow to wear with her salt and a neat flat collar and cuffs in pink or yellow. DIFFERENT MOODS When it comes to haste dresses— the very foundation of her worka- day wardrobe—she thinks again in terms of neckwear, A pointed Swiss organdy collar creates a plunging neckline effect on the otherwise tailored navy blue sheer shirt- waister which came with a flat pique bow. A good idea, where she's in an "t'tu-just-fresh-out-of-school" snood, Is the same dress, ,plus a square collar. And for days when she's feeling feminine and fragile, there are stunning Regency collars with lace edgings. SOFTEN BRITTLE APPEARANCE The older career woman knows that frothy, frilly lingerie collars and jabots are perfect for soften- ing the brisk, brittle appearance she fights hard to keep from ac- quiring. She likes jabots of white Swiss organdy with lace insertions with her tailored day suits. Unless she is a raving beauty, she knows that frou-iron blouses are likely to be more flattering than severe shirts. New this year are yoke -type col- lars which simply snap on and so eliminate the boring business at tackling with needle and thread. Also easy to manage are the V - necked styles which may be caught to the neck of a dress with noth- ing more than a Tittle gold safety pin at the back and an orneaueutal pin or clip at the point of the V at the front. it Can Do Wonders — Light Woodwork Helps Redecorating offers an oppor- tunity to swiug an out-of-date house into line. Items which date a home should be checked, and caution should be used lest association with eyesores dim native good taste. One home of nondescript origin was brought into tune with times by a few inexpensive adjustments at the time of redecorating, The living room of 1917 vintage had a northern exposure, a light -thieving porch, and deep red wallpaper with dark wainscoting, The floors were darkly varnished, a hammered "bronze" and "Tiffany" glass light- ing fixture was suspended from the ceiling, and a built -hi bookcase with glass floors flanked the fire- place. The mantel, a boom bidd- er's nma.sterpiece and a homne'own- er's nightmare, dominated the room, frowning down at the hearth like a. beetling brow. STRIP OFP OLD WALLPAPER To • modernize the room., ample floor plugs were substihited for the ceiling fixture at moderate cult .and a dainty wooden scallop replaced the bookcase doors, The heavy lumber was ripped off the fireplace and a oharmtng second- hand mantel of authentic design sutbetituted. Dark wallpaper wad Stripped from the yalle and \veins- cot.iug and walls were painted the eatne shade of off-white as all oth- er woodwork. ConvictsCaf Tet u c i e to he opened at San Quentin Prison, California, con- victs will be able to order airy food they fatt'y, Beautiful Coloured and Mounted Pictures 9 • Warships ot the British Navy H.M.S. HOOD - RODNEY - WARSPITE REPULSE ARK IitOYAL - SUC3MARINIr. MOTOR TORPEDO S IOAT - DESTROYER also similar pictures o/ ORITAI9'S FIGHTING NE + SEND NOW: t—Tube the label frnan a tin ot delicious 'Crown Syrup'— write your name and address an lila desired ISendone complete.labeltfor each picture you want address The ean:tax Starch Company Ltd., Dept. 3.9. 49 Wellington St. Toronto, Ont. Tit The Way The River Goes 0 tell me, pretty river, Whence do thy waters flow? And whither art thou roaming, So smoothly and so slow? My birthplace was the mountain, My nurse the April showers; My cradle was the fountain, O'er -curtained by wild flowers. One morn I ran away, A madcap, noisy rill; And many a prank that day I played adown the hill'. And then 'slid meadow banks I flirted with the flowers, That stooped with glowing lips To woo me to their bowers. But these bright scenes are o'er, And darkly flows my wave; I hear the ocean's roar, And there must be my grave. Nearly 4,000,000 pounds of American tobacco was received into India in 1940. Sew Rickrack To Underside Of Pillowcases cry Other Are ticks to Be Trimmed With It Sew rickrack to the underside of the hem of pillowcases or other articles which you intend to decor- ate with a hand -crocheted edge Arrange the rickrack in such a way that only a bit of the points will show on the right side. When crus cheting catch the hook into the points instead ot into the material. When the article wears out, It is then an easy matter to rip off the rickrack braid and use the hand- made andmade lace on something else. When patching used garments made of washable prints, use the wrong side of the new patch iat- stead of the right side. Such at patch is less noticeable since It matches more nearly the somewhat faded material. FOR EVEN HEMS To insure an even hem ou nap- kins use the hemmer of the de- sired width of the sewing machine. Do not thread the sewing machine needle. This will fold in the hetet evenly and it will then be ready for hand sewing. When cutting anything from vel- vet, elvet, pin the pattern to the wrong side of the velvet and the velvet will be easier to out. Use narrow hat elastic on babies' bibs instead of tape or ribbon. The elatsic permits of the bib being ad- justed easily over the head. There are no strings to tie, nor trouble- some knots to untie later. Alarm Clock is Lullaby to Puppy Want to quiet that puppy when he starts yowling' in the small hours of the morning? Dr. Lyn- don Potter, veterinarian, says just place a "good loud" alarm clock in the puppy's box. The pup wilt cuddle up to the clock and sleep soundly. Dr. Potter says, because the ticking stakes the dog think he's not alone. "Beanie" For All Occasions Every costume needs a "beanie." This one is complete with flair. tering tassel and may also be 'made in gold or silver for evening wear„ Takes only minutes to crochet. Pattern No, 91 t contains list of ntate�• 'rale needed, illustration of the design and complete instructions for malting "beanie" and tassel, TO order pattern: Write, or send above picture, with 15 eosts. in coin oRoom stamps to Carol Alines, 421, 73 West: Adelaide St., 'o - route,