HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-06-05, Page 3Unemployment Insurance Plan Dominion Dovernment Scheme Comes into Effect July 1 -- Here's How It Affects Canada's Working People Rene ie a brief outline of Can- ada's unemployment inslurance scheme which will come into effect July 1: The Bill affects: Workers who earn less than *2,000 a year, with the excep- tion of werker's in agriculture, forestry, 'Dishing, lumbering and logging, transportation by air or water, stevedoring and pri- vate dowestie service. * + * Contributions: Range feom weekly pay- ments ot 21 cents by employers and 2 cents by employes who earn between *6.40 and *7,80 a week to 27 cents by employ - era and 86 centra by employes who earn themselves $26 and $88.60 a week. In the case of those earning lees than 80 cents a day or those under 16 years of age, the employer contrtbutes 18 cents acs hie share end also nine cents on behalf ot his employe. # „ Benefit payments: Range from *4.08 for single persons and $4,80 for marxled persons with dependents, in the lowest income group, to $12,24 for single persons and $14.40 for married persons in the highest group. Workers under 16 and those who earn lees than $6.40 a week cannot draw benefits but may accumulate benefit rights. u 4 4 Benefits are payable: After 30 weekly or 180 daily contributions within a two-year period, and are payable atter nine days of unemployment. Workers entitled to benefit payments are entitled to draw one payment for every five contributions made in the pre- vioue five years, less one pay- ment for every three benefit payments received in the pre- • \-ions three years. ow Can 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I clean white felt hats? A. Rub into their surface a mixture of one quart of cornmeal, one cup of salt, and one cusp of flour. Allow this to remain on the hats overnight, and then brush off. Q. How can I cause eggs to hold together much better when poaching them? A. A teaspoon of vinegar put into the boiling water will cause the eggs to ]sold together much better. Q. How can I eliminate the annoyance of perspiring hands when playing tennis? A. Rub some magnesium car- bonate into the palms of the hands, and it will result in a better grip. Q. How can I remove egg stains from linens? A. Before washing, soak the stains in cold water, as hot water will only set the stains. Common table salt, if rubbed on immedi- ately, will sometimes remove an egg stain. Q. What can I do if the seams of a garment are shiny after iron- ing? A. Touch therm lightly with a piece of cheesecloth wrung out of tepid water. was no good ---I simply couldn't get to sleep," said the clothing manufacturer to ilia partner. "I told you," the latter replied, "it was no good unless you Count- ed up to a thousand." "I counted ten thousand," said Oe manufacturer. "I sheared thele, combed the wool, had it spun into cloth and made' into suits, took 'em to market and lost 1200. I didn't get wink of sleep." -- Joao had been naughty nearly all ritsy, When her another was putting her to bed she said: "When you say your prayers, Joan, ark to be made a good girl tomorrow." With an inquiring glance Joan asked: "Why? What's an tomorrow?'' Forced to put on his brakes' suddenly, the driver of the sports oar found it *hooting crabwise across the road, just missing a lamp -post before it stopped. Up strolled a policeman. "Well," he remarked genially, "you got a nice skid there, Sir." "Pardon me, officer," was the haughty reply; "t:hia lady is my wife." 3,000 -Volt Shock - Didu.'t Kill Man \rlrasio Rodrigue, 50, construc- tion foreman for the Shawinigan Water and Power Company at St. Evariste de Beauce, Que., was brought to hospital in a critical condition, unconscious and half paralayzed after receiving a 30,- 000 -volt shock. Witnesses said Rodrigue was standing on a' truck i-unning- board when a high tension cable fell across the vehicle. One hand and one foot were charred and one side of his body paralyzed. All the metal and glass on his body at the time, in- cluding a wrist watch and spec- tacles, were melted by the con- tact. .-o-re-0-0-ar *see s ( Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What le Brig correct way to announce the birth of a child? 2. Why should a man tip bis hat with the hand that is farthest away from the person he is greet- ing? 3. Does a bridegroom ever ask men other than his beet man and ushers to his bachelor dinner? 4, Ig it always necessary to have ourselves announced when calling on someone who is staying in a hotel? 5. What should one do, in conversation, when the person to ' whom one is talking persists arguing? 6. Is it ever permissible, when drinking coffee that is unusually hot, to blow on it to cool it? Answers 1. The correct and also the usual form is the personal note or message. 2. In order not to hide his face from her. 3. Yee, if he wants to. He is privileged to ask any friends he chooses. 4. Yes, we must always announce our presence or be announced by one of the attendants. Do not take the liberty of going to a room without this formality. Ii. Say, pleasantly, "Let's talk about something else" 6. No. . There is nothing to do but to be patient, and it will soon cool. Largest Silk Flag A gigantic Chilean flag, repu- tedly the largest silk flag in the world, has been presented to the municipality of Santiago, Chile, by the members of the Japanese colony as a gift on the occasion of the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the founding of the city. The flag is 98 feet long and 65 feet wide. It weighs 441 pounds. TOP RANK PLOWMEN LEAVE ON °`SALADA" TEA TRANSCONTINENTAL TRIP - HAVE - SOU HEARD? Jackie, aged six, was trying to drive a nail into the wall, but he least the head of the nail against the wood and was hammering the point. At length he threw down the nail in disgust and said, "They gave nee a nail with the head at the wrong end." Sister Josephine, age seven, who had been watching him, be- gan to laugh, and, pointing to the opposite wall, said, "No wonder the nail doesn't go through. Can't you see that it was made tor the other side of the room?" The minister was asking ono of his flock why he had not ettencled chttl'ch recent "Well, you tee, sir," said man "I've been troubled h, a bunion on my hoot." "Strange," said the parson, "that a bunion should impede the pilgrim's progress." "I tried counting sheep, but it th The International Plowing Match held at St. Thomas last year set a new record in the number of entries and attendance. The most coveted prize offered was that for the special class sponsored by the Salads Tea Company and open to all horse plowmen in Jointer Plow sod classes, who had qualified at branch matches -a six weeks' motor trip to the west coast and back. It is a coincidence that the trip, along with the gold and silver medals for first and second prises in this class, was won by two neighbour plowmen, John Lister (left) and Harold Picket (right) both of Hornby, Ontario. Their journey was planned under the guiding hand of J'. A. Carroll, manager of the Ontario Plowmen's Association, and will take them to areas of agricultural interest in the United States and Canada from Toronto toVancouver. Gordon McGavin (centre), another well-known plowman, of Walton, will accompany the winners PS guide, compaanion and manager. The trip shouldprove intensely interesting and of great educational value to these three lucky plowmen. Discovers Savages 'Jungle Gentlemen' Noted Sculptress Says They Can Outdo White People in Courtesy kinei'ican and European gentle - preen eould take a few tips from l OM:sten and head-hunters in the matter of courtesy and politeness, Ma,lvina Hoffman, the noted doing - trees, believeaa. Miss Hoffman, who baa spent more than Live years travelling about the world, using many dif- ferent people for her nzotlels, made these observations in a recent ad- dress at the University of Pitts- burgh. HEADHUNTERS VERY POLITE "When people hear I have been in islands inhabited by bead -hunt- ers and in jungles where cannibals live, they're awe-stricken at nay courage," the sculptress said. "I hastily assure them that fewer people were more courteous than the so-called sava.gese" Miss Hoffman said ebe found headhunters "most interested" and very helpful in hew work. In 1930 she was commissioned by the Field Museum of Chicago to travel over the world and make models of dif- ferent races. For five years the visited various countries, bribing natives to pose while she m'enided their likenesses. Will Divert More Water Further extensive diversions of water at Niagara Falls so that all idle power -producing machinery on both sides of the Niagara Riv- err may be put into operation ie being considered by the Canadian and United States governments. If such a step is decided upon it will likely be carried out on authority of en exchange of' notes between the two governments as was the procedure followed when an additional 6,000 cubic feet per second was allotted to Canada last autumn on the understanding that Canada would put compensating water into the Great' Lakes Sys- tem by the Ogoki diversion of waters then flowing into James Bay. TO AFFECT SCif,NiC BEAUTY? "The demand for ,more power is so pressing in the war effort It seems likely that further diver- sions at Niagara Falls will be al- lowed," a government' official said. "Fortunately for such a st p we are in a wet cycle and With the big reserves of water in the up- per lakes it would be possible to take the water required to set all the machines along Niagara mov- ing without affecting the scenic beauty of the Falls for a year at (east." 124th Burglary A 33 -year-old Negro was ar- rested on 123 charges of burglary. After he had pleaded guilty to 79 of them, he was taken to his home for a change of clothes. He found that his clothes, shoes, sil- verware, and four dollars had been taken -by burglars. Australia's Own Landing in Australia, Captain Cook asked a native What a strange hopping creature was called. The native responded t "Tian-ga-roc," meaning in his language, "I don't know." Cook thought that it was the animal's name, and it has been 80 Bailed over since. iM1DDLE•AGE' WOMEN HEED THIS ADVICE!! Thousands of women Pkhinansosintlingthrunryisig lVegetable Compound- aMd s for over 60 years 1 re- lieving e- tionalntroubles. eT y roti Treat Iron For Painting Special Wash Is Required For First Protective Coat Unless galvanized iron has been exposed to the weather for some :six months or so before painting, it is often difficult to make the finish adhere. This difficulty may he avoided, however, by going over the surface with one of sev- eral washes which should be mix- ed and kept in a glass or earth- en vessel and applied with a brush. SOLUTIONS SUGGESTED Any of the following are rec- ommended: (1) vinegar or weak acetic acid; (2) one part com- mercial hydrochloric, or muriatic acid, with four parts of water; (3) 12 ounces of copper chloride, 12 ounces copper nitrate, 12 ounces salammoniac, 4% gallons water and 12 ounces hydrochloric acid. Mix in order given; (4) a weak solution of ammonia, five to six ounces copper acetate, one gallon water. • When the chosen solution has dried, wash the surface with water, let it dry thoroughly, then apply the desired coating. 4.4.41 4.4..-941P,w.w, .,,-ww. 4.,4,.*4 W..•» Wil Science h Doing POISON•iVY TREATMENTS ivy ante sumac poisoning, say's a ilianely announcement by the that- ed letted States Public Health: Service, may be effectively treated with tannic acid, The service's tests *bowed that a 10 per Cent 'solution in water, applied after tihe affect- ed area had been cleansed with a1 Cobol, was helpful, but application by a pbyeioian tag urged. Equally In- teresting, with arrival of the out- door season, is the report from the ti&.Tne source that a cream contain- ing 10 per cent of *odium perbor- ate, rubbed on the ekin, is effective in preventing the poisoning through its oxidizing action. The cream coating suet be renewed eveey four boors. EXERCISE AND PARALYSIS Violent exercise just before symp- WM'S of infantile paralysis develop may aggravate a relatively harm- less attack into one which produc- es paralysis, according to a report to the U. 8. National Foundation foe Infantile Paralysis by Dr. .hl- bert Sabin, of Cincinnati. Dr. Sa- bi-n's researches Indicate also that the virus enters the body not through the interior nasal surfaces but through the digestive system, and is there absorbed, eventually reaching the nerve centres. This may explain why protection of the nasal eurtfaoes has not been effec- tive in preventing the disease. Flatter -Heeled Shoes Popular Flatter -heeled shoes, worn at all kinds of events plus the out- door scenes, at which they are ex- pected to be seen, are unquestion- ably on the increase this season. This observation began with Eas- ter day parades in New York and other large cities, when town shoes, keyed to regulation spring town clothes, were seen in im- pressive numbers, and with flat- ter heels. Practically everybody wears the very flat -heeled moc- casin shoes for country wear, and for town more and more are wear- ing "dress shoes" with flat heels. Production of the fisheries of Canada for the year 1939 was val- ued at $40,075,922 compared with $40,492,976 in 1938 and $38,9'76,294 in 1937. Corral a load o Ogden 44 l Want a cooler, more satisfying moke? Then take an old timer's tip. Corral a package of Ogden's and roll our own way to happiness. For Ogden's is not Just another tobacco. riper a t obaccosdevdistinctive eloped for lend of flavour, through a quarter of a century of catering to.men who know. Always roll 'em with Ogden's! Only the beat cigarette papers - 'Vogue" orOhenteoler' j, ere good enough for Ogdenie OGDEN'S FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Pipe Srliokersl Ask ter Ogden's Cut Plug Rooster's Rides At Riverton, Wyoming, a room, ter rides five miles to church en the bumper of his owner's ear, roosts until the service is ova and then rides back with the family. m HERE IS GOOD NEWS IN KINGSTON TWO REMEDIES are manufactured for Hay Fever; and Asthma by the L. T. B es't• Phm. B. Better Medicine Co. Thom,. windows are filled with lett pp from all over Canada asking f 9' information, and others from sa e isfied patients who have been r L lieved of suffering. On enquiry its was learned that these medicinei9 really perform miracles in makin lite worth living, for thousands e sufferers. These were discovers by L. T. best, Phm. B. who said lie would be glad to send free infer1*. ation to any sufferer who wro e him. No doubt many readers will; be glad of the opportunitY. tZ write Mr. Best. Eight 4 x 6 Enlargements 30c Four filer developed and each prinnt enlarged to 4 x 0, 00e. Reprints, sante size, S for 30e. DIRECT FILM SERVICE 153 King East, Dept. 7, Toronto ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISE q�F h E{iT a e e AGENTS WANTED LIGHTNING ROD,AGENT WANTED to sell Phillips Lightning Protec- tive System. 1. Phillips Company Limited, 32 Osborne Avenue, To- ronto, MAKE "REAL MONEY" GET INTO BUSINESS FOR YOUR - self. Supply local customers with 200 established home and farm needs including teas, coffees, medicines, cattle sprays and ton- ics. Fenwick made $125.00 last week, Patmore earned $31.00 his first day, Gerard $143.00 weekly, Bellemare's ,.income • was -'"'$4,0e0 last year. No lay-offs. You take no risk. Full or spare time ex- clusive territory. No capital or ex- perience required. Write W. R. Purnell, Dept. WP. Paula Co., 21 Si. Paul Street East, Montreal, Que. DA.icv Censers JUNE PRICES NOW IN EFFECT and iri addition we offer valuable premiums, providing your order is placed ten days in advance of delivery date. 16 purebreeds, 8 ;hybrid crosses, 4 breeds of turkeys to choose from. Specia:1 prices on two and three week old White Leghorn pullets. Free catalogue. Tn eddle Chick Hatcheries Limit- ed, Fergus, Ontario. PRODUCERS OF CHICKS FOR 16 yeaandnsS. barred rV. Leghorns Bbred arron retrain. None but large eggs set. ocks and leghorns as hatched cents, Rock pullets 15 cents. eghorn pullets 16 cents. Every chick is from blood tested breed- ers Satisfaction guaranteed. $1.00 books your order. J, D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. BABY CHICKS AND STARTED Pullets, Barred Rocks, White Leg - horns. Light Sussex Governme.t- en4 stock. leto vy'3HatcMitchll, Ont. BRAY PULLETS SHOULD PAY good dividends, Immediate Ship- ment day-old, started, especially 'Leghorns, Barred Rocks, N H x .t; 5, Summer chicks should be ordered now -limited quantity, immediate shipment Bray Hatch- ery, 129 Sohn, Hamilton, Ont. CACKLEBERRY POTJLTRY FARM, highest quality, production Bar- red Rock Chicks, from eggs laid en farm only. Blood -tested, un- sexed, 8c each. Established 18 years. Gurdon Burns, Paris, Ont. 25 FREE CHICKS 1 liII,TERY 100 PULLETS OR teed Chicks ordered, we to I, 0 rh100E Merest ChePullets ats 057.00 $L'Q per o0kerels 0 light breed, ;1, heavy jf e e,00. Pullets O{rrd Nixed art er in Jmietain1ntadal' x©.,hick Iiatdhorie6, Inns SUPPLIES "OWI/ P4Y HIGHEST PRICES FOR Stobmiitanlofferiin g8e�iim9iediately. Lloyd -4 Laboratories, Montreal. CANNED LOBSTER B Goverrnn ent D inspectioITY$$22. 0p, PACKED er case, containing eight dozen half pound cans. Pius freight your nearest Station. All goods guaran- teed. T. 1!. Linkletter, bummerslde, P.E.T. Eggs! Eggs ! Eggs! UNGRADED EGGS WANTED FOR export to the British Market. Highest market prices paid. For further particulars, write Caned - 18n Provision & Supply Company, 109 Front Street East, Toronto. BAKERY EQ1;IVMEN'T BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence Invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 103 Bathurst St.. Toronto. CARS, 1412W AND USED MOUNT PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 632 Mt. Pleasant Road, 2040 Yonge St., 11150 Danforth Avenue. Our UTsed Cars make us many friends. ECRA.UST FANS EXHAUST FANS, NEW GENERAL Electrics, way under wholesale. Toronto Mercantile. 29 Melinda, Toronto. FOR SALE DECORATE WITH "NU -WALL:' The economical paint for walls and ceilings. Your hardware or paintstore will gladly show you the attractive shades and tell you s11 sbOut it. NU -WALL Limited, Leaside, (Toronto) Canada. FUR FARMERS NUTRIA - VEGETARIAN FIM Bearer. Easily raised. Pair $35.00. Correspondence invited. Robert W, Cole. Clinton, Ont. LEGAL J. P- itolLINDSAY, l eatre Build Building', St LThomas, Ontario. Spelial Department for farmers collections. LIGHTNING RODS LIGHTNING RODS. BUY FROM manufacturer. Save thirty to forty nem cent. Phillips Couipaiiy, 92 Osborne Avenue, Toronto. FILMS DEVELOPED AND PRINTgD e or 8 ] CPO8SJOIDS gc BIOACTIEpr, ALITflyer PRET.". With Every Roll APRO FILM VINXSIXERS ROlkTO BOX 1,21 ISSUE 23--'41 LEAF TO0IACCO P01111 POUNDS BURLEY AND VIR- ginia Leaf for pipe $1.25, Five pounds Fragrant Virginia Leaf Cigarette Tohn"co $2.50 postpaid. Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leam- ington, Ontario. MPUI('AU IIAVE I:OG GOITRE? " 11ISORTIO" reduces and re.inov, s, Price 55.00 per bottle. .1. A. Johnston 00., 171 King E., Toronto. WANTED-Rl'ET37' SUFFERER OF .T:h4nmatie 1'a inn or Neuritis to thy- Dixon's 1b.ra•-c1; Munro's Drug; Store.:i35 Ii min, Ottawa. Post - $1.111 NOTICri F11l'IT AND Vi''11iT-.T:LE GROW- ers. The Oakville Basket Co., Ltd., Oaltville, Ontario ran supply your boxes, crates ^and ba'kcts pronlpt- ly at rraiun;+l,,,:- prices. owrnR TO INVIONTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. RHEUMATIC PAINS FRUIT JUICES - THE PRINCIPAL; ingredients in Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains, Neuritis Sold only Munro's Drug Store, 335 El- gin, Ottawa. Postpaid 51,00. PAINTS PAINTS. SOLI) OVER DOMINION. Direct from factory. Lowest prices. Freight prepaid. Quality Barn, House Paints. Write for particU- tars. Armet Industries, Guelph',; Ontario. SEED FOR SALE ALFALFA SEED "HARDY, WEST:. ern" all grades and blends, write direct for delivered prices. Hood. Seed Growers, Hudson Bay June tion, Saskatchewan. TRACTOR FOR SALI3 McCORMICIC0- D E E IR I N G 10-2 Tractor. Reconditioned by tile In.t ternational Harvester Co., and in good running order, J. li. MoCar*, Barrie, Ontario. WANTED WANTED - MIXED WOOL Rags. Write for prices. Flesh*� ton Woolen Mills, Flesherton, Old SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW, lour filets are carefully and aclo t. ti'ficaLly processed by Imperial, 114 make sure they last. 8 or 8 b]XPOSIMIll I+ILMS 2150 valth beautiful enlargement freie, 8 reprints With enlargelnent 25,t, Thousands of letters from satisfied :ustomers testify to our super ot staalitai and service. Ilt11PI+R8AI; PHOTO SERVICE ]Dept. 114, Station J, 'Toronto.