HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-06-05, Page 111 Forty -First Year ZURIC 9 THURSDAY MORNING JUNE 5, Igen, Rates, $ 7 25 in Canada, in adva niiir $1.50 in U.S.A., in advaan;•r CHESTER L. SMITH, Publisher- lle1;t win the War by Saving and buying Victory Bonds .Axe You Suffering From Headaches? 11f so; Have your Eyes Examined with the Lastest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE,R. 0. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GO DERIOH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Ile Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Usecl. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now ' better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED THIELg, Fre erietress BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE Will be closed during the Summer Months Wednesday Afternoon and Evenings. MRS. EDW. GASCI3O, Prop. AL`iy Y AYS THE LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE Sales Prove It. -No Salesmen 'Commissions to pay. No Finance Charges to Pay 1937 Chev. Coach, locally owned. 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1930 Ford. Coach 1929 Ford Coach $135.00 re -finished 1929 Ford Coupe $55.00 1936 Terraplane Coach.. 1927 Ford Coach, original upholstering, like new 1934 V8 Truck with $85.00 License only 235.00 (2) Only 1941 New Dodges. These are the last ones available before the 1942 models arrive. DODGE SALES Will Pay Cash For Good Used Cars WARD FRITZ oftssamommemommillia WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE wrm A 'GOOD SUPPLY OF GENERA.., :MERCHANDISE, GRO- CCERIFS„ ETC.,, AT LOWEST PO& SIBLE PRICE,. 1 iM9 P• L 140 DECORATION SERVICE BRONSONLINE CEMETERY Cr • /ter Hay Township !SUNDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 15. At Two O'CClock Program will consist of Decoration of Graves, special Singing, Addresses by Rev. C. B. Heckendorn of Zurich and Rev. Clayton Becker of Dash- wood. Also musical numbers by the Henrich Memorial Band of Dashwood IN MEMORIAM Mr. George Grans of Hensall, cal- led in town on Tuesday. • Mr. and Ii'4rs. Frank Siebert and family of .L'etroit visited whet his parents over the holidays. Mr.. and Mrs. Albert Hedeman of Jackson, Mich., were visitors at the Heideman home here. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Douglos-In loving memory of Mrs. Clarence Hoffman and Bobbie John Douglas who passed away June of Galt were Sunday visitors here. 5th, 1939. Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Koehler, of Kitchener were recent visitors with friends in town. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Kalbfleisch of Detroit were visitors with the form- er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Kalbiieisch. The local Kalbfleisch planing mills I are busy, working overtime in sup- plying material for the new airport nearClinton. Miss Belva Truemner .--cin con., has been appointed a delegate to the (Sunday School convention which is being held at McKillop. Mr. Roy Merner of the e.4.th con. is at present spending some time vis- iting relatives aan ! friends at New Hamburg, Kitchenee .anct other points `0'h happy days we once enjoyed How sweet their memory still, But death has Left a loneliness This world can never fill. Sadly missed by wife and daughter Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Gettus, Mr. :and Mrs. J. Gettus and sons Richard and Arthur of Adrian, Mich.,. were week -end visitors at the homes of Mrs. Gertrude Weseloh and William Thiel's. WAR SERVICES FUND During the recent campaign for funds for the Canadian War Services the .following amounts were subscri- bed in Hay Township including Zur- icb. SSS No. 1 SS No. 2 SS No. 3 SS No. 4 .SS No. 6 SS No. 8 SS No. 9 SS N. 10 SS No. 111 SS No. 12 SS No. 14 SS No. 15 SS No. 7 (Zurich) Cash Pledges Misses Doreen O'Dwyer and Mae Smith. left this week for Oakwood Inn where they are engaged in the Cash Pledges dining room for the summer season. $32.25 $3.0Q 107.00 24.00 Musical Concert 65.00 9:�,,The "Music Masters" male quart - 17.50 "Cr' tette of Roseville, Ill., will present a 28:50 concert in the Evangelical church. 19.50 Zurich on Thursday June 12, at 8.15 24.07 p.m. An offering will be •received. at 108.00 15.00 Che door. 23.00 Herald Late 23.25 The Herald will reach its subscrib- 35.25 eve a Iittle later this wiik, this is ow - 40.50 1.00 ing• to our• supply of readyprint from 281.07' 3,00 Toronto, not arriving in time. Seem - $80 r.89 62.50 ingly it ,`itIissed the Bus" and so we 62.50 have to wait till it comes before we can. run off. Total $870-119) Beekeepers Meet Tuesday afternoon was a bigaf- ternoon for the beekeepers of Huron and Perth when they met at the spacious and well equipped bee house of J. Haberer & Sons of Zurich with it.'iout forty interested persona gath- ing. Mr. E. F. Klopp watt appointed as .Chairman and Mr. Thectrlbre Hab- erer gave the address o:f welcome: Other speakers of interest were. Mr. Insker, Secy. Ontario Homey Produc- ers of Toronto who talited on the ?marketing' conditions, also explaining how a boatload shipment of honey just atter it Was unloaded in Eng land was hit by enemy- bonibs; .Also took up the matter of Apiary insur- ance. Mr. T. C. Sherer, Agric. Rep- resentative of Clinton spoke on the, 'War Loan. The newly appointed. Provincial Apiarist Mr. Townsenal',of' Guelph, gave an interesting talk oo Bee problems in general; Other spe- akers were Mr. H. White of Ginn - worth, on genetni1 review, Mr: W'ni.. Pearce of Exeter. A question boar was replied to by Mr. Inkster, White and Ankerman. Mr. Jones of Que- bec was present with new supplies, and also spoke. It was a very inter- esting meeting and closed with the National . Anthem. Lakeview Casino GRAND BEND A RECORD- WILLIS TIPPING And His Cascade Rhythm Orchestra The first Orchestra ever. to play a 3rd season at Grand Bend! DANCING EVERY SATURDAY. SURF SHOP Showing "Catalina's" Suitt, English Chiesa., Royal Pevelton Collection of Scrap (au Thursday and Friday, June 13 and, 14, school pupils will call at homr.crs in the village to colect scrap materials. Please pile scrap metals, radiators, copper, brass, lead, zinc, alurrrinum, iron, steel, tubes and tires in. se convenient place for .collection. !Tin: cans will not be collected: special demonstration for the Victory Loan was held in front of ;tliu: ].vasal town hall on: Moncay ::corn- seg, at nine o'clock when local clergy - !men took part. Mr. George Arm- sereieg, reeve acted as chairman. The school children were; all there and rendered patriotic cumbers. Mr. Charles Fritz signed, the fiflrst a,ppli- 'cation for a Victory= Bond, while 11zr'. A. G. Edighoffer, local canvasser, presented the doctunent. The geitlier- Lev was fairly wail attended. HYMENEAL St. Peter's R.. C. Church, P,ysdeli:, was the scene oil a pretty wedlding•on Saturday merging, May 24ele when Joan Margaret, daughter oq; :Ire macre Mrs. Joseph eenlinas, Zurich, beeem .. the bride of «lenient Joseph; son et Mr: and Mae,. Benjamin-McCanie tri Mt. Carmel„ The marriage: ceeerngnei was performed and the nuptial rte„ sung .by Rev. Father 0. 1'Iartins Tile: bride, given in marriage, by her' te- ther, was lovely in floor length gown of white net over satin trimmed wjth bands of satin. She wore ei *teeter - tip yens with halo etl{iet, and =tried a shower bouquet of tea rosee, lily - of -the -valley and sweet pew,. The bridesmaid, Miss'Penne G:cctiaas,sis- te.r of the bride, was beconei:mgly go- wned in floor-le.>"rgth heaveaty blue late satin with white off -the -face hat. She carried an; arm bouquet of Joh- anna Hill cos; s lily -of -the valley and sweat peas. The groom was ttended by his brother, Mr. Joseph McCann. A wedding luncheon was served at the homy of the bride's parents t the immediate relatives and friend The groom's gift to the leride was tt golf cross and chain, to the irides - maid a gold locket and the 1,•,00nrs- 1 i.iw Swim man, e tie set. The young cue ple mot wedawc 4 . erect to Dett'oit, tin bridr.r tr edline;' in a dusty rose gown, with EVhite cos'.0 { navy hest 11'ltd aecessc,rj•c-s, a1 iViaon s tBw as 00co 1-p,,erasanteea ,ue,16, o yearitA ' 1'NeURANCE' AND. PRIDE'S 000K ttt PHONE YOUR OAR FON e anal For positive identification of the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling CA Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fat .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensall • •••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••• • • • Announcing• • • • • • 1 • •' THE PARTNERSHIP OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS EMBALMERS OF W. H. HOFFMAN AND KEITH WESTLAKE, KNOWN AS: Hoffman & Westlake AND For the Benefit of those, whenever in need, W. H. Hoffman's Home in Zurich is open to the Public to be used as. a Funeral Home, where the blest of Care and Courtesy will he given. Funeral Directors and Ambulance Service Ioffiiaii & Westlake ith- w Phones: 86 and 93. c, +r~ .!**••••••••••64$900q,••••••• ati***411.10•44************** Z HELP WIN THE WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS, FREE Introductory Offer i:, A beautiful CAPRICE teaspoon, value 25c, will be, given FREE, in addition, to coupons, to the first fifty Customers making purchases of $2.00 or more, GET YOUR'S. ACT NOW! See our list of Free eBautiful Valuable quality Gifts for Everyone Watch for Premium. Catalogue Pioneer and National Chick Starter and Feeds. Also National Fertilizers. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND TUE BLAHE SLAKE srr Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97