HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-05-29, Page 6r r r r., • A Statement by the v` mist ©f .Finance In money alone, this war is costing Canada in round figures, $4,000,000 a day. That is three and one-quarter times the daily cost of the last year of the last war. This conflict costs so much more because it is a battle of giant, swift machines ... as well as of men. And to build other than the veru best machines would be futile. They must be worthy of our men. Canada dare not ... and will not .. sacrifice men for lack in quality or quantity of fighting machines. Hence we must produce them on a scale hitherto undreamed of. To do this, Canada needs now to borrow from her citizens at least $600,000,000 in addition to the revenue raised by taxes. To obtain this money Canada will on June Znd offer Victory Bonds. Fortunately, Canadians have the money to buy these Victory Bonds. This is shown by a greatly expanded national income and by record savings deposits. If every person who has savings or who can make payments out of wages or income will invest in Victory Bonds, the Loan will be quickly subscribed. But the wholehearted support of every citizen is necessary. What Canadians have done before, Canadians can and will do again. Our population was less than nine millions in 1918 and 1919. Yet in November, 1918, our people invested $616,000,000 in Victory Bonds. Eleven months later, in October, 1919, they invested $572,000,000. The total subscribed for Victory Bonds in those two loans was $1,188,000,000. This year, with our population increased to more than twelve millions, the nation that did it before can do it again—and in greater measure. The terms of the Loan will be an- nounced May 31st, Get ready to buy every Bond that you can. MINISTER OF 'FINANCE 44 .11. Only 2 gears in •entire machine 2. Flexible coupling taken care of all reel positions 3. 1»ccentric ring 'controls tooth angle 4. Centrifugal lubrication from reel arra reservoirs . Tooth.pairs independently mounted—easily replaced ;fir. Gifts triore.*-kicks less--^nat<ers kughor, looser 'W windrows 64 CASE ai dSS. f/M NU ' F:3FI6:^E col it e4A0i -- SAL ri- fie 98th NW ONE-STOP W C MAR T A Gas known to every 'motorist. Why take chs,nces in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the TING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms, Zurich's Finast and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Warmer Weather and Better Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son Used Car Lot in Connection NO CARNIVALS be refused in this year, the town co- Godc h ----A.11 ennlieeti'.rrrs for licMi until decided. The same report re - en e;s for summer =i•-•nivall shows will commended the appo utmrnti oC Sgt. ;t:sMay 29th, 1941 sir mind. "T'h'ere is talk of extra oarleaels aaf turksys vur1 geese in time for Christmas. The council also sup- plies us with all we need of wood, ed and split, ready for the stove, ani on.ough coal to keep the furnace going all night. We aro keeping a man and a girl from city relief to do call the bard work this winter. We surely feel grateful to those kind people far away, who have given us so generausly of their abundance,and fully intend now to stay south as hong as these splendid conditions qt—Semiramis. -.Semiramis. FOR SALE FARMERS, ATTENTION! A limited quantity of Prince Ed., ward !„land potatoes still on hand, t at very attractive prices. A full supply of Coal, Cedar Posts, n. C Sbinglc�.s, Concentrates, Stock Minerals, Salt, Oils and Fettilizeis of ill brands. Hen all Co -Operative Co. f.""LC'S'yJ,•'YAY.JlCG=@ai.41.1=6,-..'�^a' N^_..Y....,.:.aIIL'.:h'gl. WANTED We wish to advise the 'public that 'flee :fire in a position to handle PIGS ready for Market. Give us a can for further particulars and prices. -- j General Trucking at Reasonable >1 Rates. Phone Day or Night: THIEL TRANSPORT 3-ltf ll. Thiel, Phone 155. C. Thiel Ph.167 WANTED CASH for 'Dead Animals and Fox. .1 CASH Phone • 47r15, Reverse all lic:harges. Jack Williams, Dashwood, iP a.S„ -50,39 }Zurich Garage -_orae and purchase your Aut. rmotive Requirements from urich's oldest Established .garage and Service Station.; iVe can supply all your needs. Lxpert Automobile repairing, ith the latest testing instrus n - sats, Acytelene Welding Tires 3atteries, Oils, Greases and ,Zepairs. B A Gasoline in three Grades Give Us a Call! A. C. Ross to the position of •chief of i police succeeding the veteran R. C.1 Postlethwaite. Serg. Ross is in the force for twenty years and Ins sal- ary carries $1,100, while Alexi But, ler, butcher, was appointed to fill the vacancy of night constable at a sal- ary of $1,000 a year. GOOD THINGS ARRIVE. (Free Press Prairie Farmer„ Winnipeg, Man.) Dear Hearts—Sa many from the dry area have related their experienc- es in moving north, it is quite a chan- ge to hear from one, like Mayflower, who has stayed south, despite condit- ions that would daunt the stoutest. heart. Things are improving rapidly now n the south. Carload after can load of vegetables, fruit, honey, can- ned milk (which the children love). flour, clothes, generous gifts of kind hearts in the east and British Colum• bia axe arriving in our little town. It is a busy scene as wiling hands strip the car almost in a jiffy, townspeople as well as farmers vying in ti err eff- orts to get as "much as possiblefor themselves before people from a dis- tance can get there, Fortunately, we have a truck and live near town, se our cellar will soon be crammed with vegetables, and the attic packed With choice boxed fruit and canned goodls, se we can: face the winter wlbia an MOTIF Phone. Day 103. Night, 47 PRODUCE Faun Produce ANTED GHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- C, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. ''Brien %Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS ?al:dais' Popular v E T MA. ..LET Let Us supply you with the eery Choice of Fresh and Cur - Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, ct., always on hand. Kept Fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11, Yung -Witt & Son $` extern Farmers' Mutual Weather insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK PIM LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE 01? ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL UT1 L COMPANY DOING BUSINESS or THIS KIND IN ONTARIO !mount of insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1936, 322,391,527.00 "Vial Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,618.47: art ---$4:50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F.KLOPP---ZURICH Agee t, also Dealer in Lightn- leg Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance