HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-05-29, Page 4a:l 01 ,1 �q. ZURIC'l_ HERALD, ,�\ w...•`.}' 111 � 1�i"-it i1 d You'll feel like 2 inlilion dollars the minute you step out in that fine new uniform now ready for you. You'll be a man among men, a vital cog in Canada's great mobile war machine. YQu are needed to handle guns, tanks, armoured cars and other motorized equipment. Canada is waiting for YOU to spark thein to victory. Canada wants ACTION. You want ACTION. This is your chance to get -it. The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Trans-. port and Supply, Medical and Ordnance and other branches of the Service: The Army is prepared to teach many trades and to train you to ei'liciently handle Canada's weapons of war. Go to your nearest )[District Recruiting Office. Find out about these Units; how they work, what they do. See just ;where you'll fit in. 'See where any particular skill you possess •can best he utilized. Then join up for ACTION: for ACTIVE UNICE RATES OF PAY 1N THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with 8&oand,'Lodg- ing, Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. EXTRA: '(1) Rates varying from 250 to '750 per day for skilled tradesmen while employed. (2) Dependent Allowances in. Cash•: $35 to wife, $12 each per month for '2 children—any 5 dependents Ter, soldier, 3 Apply to NeareSt District Recruiting Office or way Local _Armoury. t o • ' .. T 'WATI O AL DEFENCE Call, Di ADA x11 ;ty, 3day 20th, :194/ ..:•.l.•1•+•r,• •,b4 -.• •fi÷•, + ;*q•.o.C•.1•.g•.p.•44•'a +4•a ** ;. ,yo•I..I..i4 �,,,..;.....: .... ......! .• i• a. .,. "We Recomend - FEED - And SELL ale lest" 6 FJ Y '1 We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as St as i.ena, Chec•-R:.Tabs, Reg Chows, Etc., Etc. leash Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made at reasonable distance ELAM W. SHANTZ - ,hole , Zurich 91 r20 • seCocis t*e' er,Dol',0U",fJoati*CD 1CiilL1t'Sti:03tin3S^04?..WW?elfw''0G'.:7'C•`0'00"."eS 9 0 8 6u, 9 0 9 9 8 9 V 0 a3 9 0 9 8 9 90b • 1 Only Westinghouse, 1t.egula•.r 94.50. Bargain Price .... b 9i:IO 9 0 t9 2 Only—Cofeld (Sunlite) Regular Ei • 52...50. Bargain Price .... $65.00 0 9 • 1 Only—Beatty (Whitecap) washer tiria • B ryell 0 8 9 9 0 Q 8 9 9 13 9 0 0 Q'1 0 SEE THESE BARGAINS AT 8 a 00009$0150a0 8 HELP 'WIN Reconditioned, like new,. Sale. Price $22.00 1 Only—Beatty (White cap) Reconditioned $2+O-QO 1 Only—Easy Action Hand was.aer, slightly used; like new only $8.00 1 Only—Hand Washer $2.00 HESS -- RADIO ,n ELECTRIC ;r. 8 9 9 8 m 9 t1• VSD 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 8 00000 THE WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS the Voice of Jesus Say." The an- line is ac: •oss the Maitland, half a them in the morning was "Let us Go anile south of Londesboro. The 161 • into the House of the Lord" and the 10x10 inch timbers have been re - soloist was -Mrs. Maude Hedden_ The moved and steel girders will be cut evening anthem was "My Salvation up and taken awoy. This bridge is 55+ aneMy Glary-" years_ old having replaced tine orig- Wayne Welsh, Iittle sou or iiia and ' inal bridge .across the river. It was Mrs. Scott Welsh, who has been ill .refitted a few years a - ::. The stations in the Children's War 3leniorialHor-• on the 1i._ ae also s •' 7 offered for ,pital, Loudon, with an intestinal COM- 1 sate. They are at pre :;;, boarded up,. dition, is much. improved: Donald MacLaren, infant sou of Mr and Mrs. Roy MacLaren, av:t o was operated on recently at the Cbil- W. H. Golding, Liberal Member of ' f • dren's Memorial Hospital, London, xe £ Parliament for Huron -Perth, annou- i• mproving nicely.. • .'r• Hensall stores now remain open on Tuesday evenings till September. The half -holidays commence Wed- ,'the Royal Air Force, according to a May 77th and will continue every w8- story from that city. It was consider_ ek ivitiii the exception of public irk k, ed possible that the school, if it is clays which may occur during the built, might have some connection. • week, with the training of radio; technicians: Mrs. Agnes Horton, one of Himsa to nein British devices being used to. ; sale• beloved citizens, observed her ' locate bombers. Youths' recruited by 84th birthday Saturday last at the 1 the RCAF to serve overseas in this. honre of her daughter and somite Taw 1 capacity are prepared to unc:ergo co-• 'Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Paterson. She ;arses of instruction at various Can-. received lovely gifts from her many adian universities. Meanwhile, Nor reI'aiives and' host of neigltbara and pian Tyndall, has sold his 100 -acre• friends who called during the .day -to tarm south of Clinton anc� work has, offer their felicitations on the occas- commenced on the erection of offices. coir of her Birthday. NIT. Tyndall is having, a clearing sale, He must vacate by June 1sT. Across, ithre road is the farm of )Merviir Han- ley and 25. acres of this property -has' ;been purchased. The farmers were• amid for their farms and an allow: - tame made for their crops. rt is re- ported that N. Tyndall received- $'7;- 500 for his 100 -:acre farm with $1s;•- '131 i allowance made for tete crops. 4. --it Third AIRPORT ;need in Ottawa he. had been inform- ed that a $900,000 radio air school 'will be established near Clinton, by Meeting of The Huron County Council e n was served•au i;:he Brenner lyse,: Grand Bend, the couple left con .a r:iotor trip to -Ctltrwa. They will oce : i de in Forest,. 1I be next meeting ,:of .the .1i1J4;on shounty Council will e held in t he II " ' L Council- Chambers. CorotHouser f Joseph and 'Beaver Torte j *odetich, commencing June 10th, ' 194 1 -at 2 p.m. • :111 a accounts, nor.iseez (of ,ii utat- f,.r. Cyril Dsachagi,iie of 'Windsou;,k°, ions --and other 'hu.?in_ce requiring the, Windsor;,;141;„ rs. .was;'last ',Th.ursday. .taitentanrt of Council ,should .ee in f alatsr��; the week-e••nll .;.yet{. his parent)µ►, the hanits of the C'rrartaw (Q)Alic ;mgt bon t ae Blue Water i flyaway, south, :i1Clr :Mit :Hers. 1.r. Burns ,*f Port 1 t nton ;;spent the •week-endti h her tunttliaet, Iviv. ;Wit .. 'VC�'i+D D iIDAtr l•H HHIL;LSGREEN 1%4..and Mrs. R. H. 'lltvlor attend- Mx. Wan. eRichert, who has been :a -medical 'convention in Toronto few .some time at Clinton hospital, odd • ;last'1Xr&aursek Y• r'hexe he undervtrent an operation, 1 trammed ,hoarse and is steadily :Mr.. ;and Mrs. Brooks:and family invaitoming anti .Mies Elsie Dykes fI Dumont, Mr. R. Robinson of Strattord, is 'New '1Tsrsey -and Mrs. Ohaslock of vi iitiia,.g friends dn. this conmunty. Tavistock viMted with th'?, r sister, Aller, 1Oy 1410d:wiro of St. Jacobs, 14Iim tftsce tCivmiEzlg of Gienallat a and Mr. anti Mrs. J.'.Davidson of Kiteh ener.,aixdl (4iaugbter Phyllis, visited recesiUihbr •;Rvith Mr. ;and Mrs. Wm. later tlla' Saturday, ;Are .7th, ,7,')41 N. Hiller, Conne;;t tOlessi, 4?r1- *rich, „Qui (CMAND BEND _I aye yilrs• Sharrow Mrs.Anlelip Sharrow, ;a ;r, dent aif Grand '11 passed away zoo her zebiden;ci' ,iYlpg-dgsr last after an iiiliaess sof over 12 wee . ire, in her 76 t>b mr: She wa ;born Y)n Drysdale, Wes' *novi.ng tg, (Grand ,fiend, where she resided. &se was a member of t 1!ie 'Gospel Haul • fit Grane Bena. V uner'tl ervicc;s were concluciesd at the reel. "deuce on Wevitiesday, t.ollowed by a aervice in the Gosnell Jpa11 conduct - ,ed by Rev. T. 'Wilkie, intternient be- ing ,trade in Grand Bend tiemetety. Smith—Webb The marriage of Miss Ilene Web) t ly daughter of Mr. and Mrs..Ezra 'Webb, of Grand Bend, to John Dou- tus Smith of Forest, with an inter-' ,tri ceremony conducted by Rev. .;1G, Beacom, at the *United Church tiaiirsonage, Grand Bend, Saturday dials. Miss Marion Smith, sister of die groom, vas ibridesmaid, and A.I. )Mian Penhale, of Forest was grooms- i 1YtIon, The bride was charming in a. w lib' chiffon and lace gown with •a 041de '-le.ngtil yell,. Aftel' a lunchew :Mr. Frank .Jeffr• ,,y •of tifilis Burg., is spending a few dap lin( leand Bend this v,a-f ek. :Mr*, Joseph Cantiar -of ri evertown left .op Sunday last tqr =Windsor, where sjx� will spend twp ;ffit:cll s with R 1.g1fOiv es, Mr. and .Mrs. Ross Iiet+ixt inf %Win- dsor were Sunday vis;Urs •ip this xklAii O:14afh1*d• , Mrs. Len. S•araras is aastmmi iip 'Nit -- 4W r' .caring ?or her mother, Mrs, Rachel Denomoie who has been ,cluitef 111. 1fr,.:ssaw Mrs. Hector x,aporte and• fair.Mrs. Joseph Dedard Sr„ all of Ot. Joseph noitt , motored to Olin, ton •oar '11 rsday litt,t, where Mr. and Mars, If«ilardwere s4pons:ors for a great-g;tamichild of Mr. and Mrs Percy Beilarl of that district. Mr. and Mrs. Teles Danomate we- re Drysdale visitors on Thuiaday. last with the latter's par•entts• Mr. add Mrs. Chas, 'Laporte. Mr. Ezra ;Miller of Chica , who has been visiting the past two ;weeks his sister, Mr. and Mrs- Josiah Sarar,;'.s left on Frday last for his "come in Illinois(:. Mr. Daniel Smith of Clinton, spent a, few days his son Mrs, and Mrs C. 0. •Smith titin fattlily of the Blue Water, South, . • x. 1doatravv Wolfe of Fort Erle; spent ace :4wedltilb :with '•ili:s parents, Mr. anal Suzy. tact*a MOM - And T , life tiro .,,Ai.bast, Gates • ,ent the I,vitlElkrteall `'k)ell trd. Mr. and ,:111;>;s. SSlayt n. Wildf t; of London, aper t zSuriliay •wuth relat ivies. Mus. iikarattelle.r Vbs.. has beeni visiting with tlxeie'i ifear :.a 4ew wee returned home. . Mr. and Mrs. Caiefbe gpoz . the we- ek -end with their ikam its lin ,Clarks- Norg• v Mr. and Mrs. Win. ftb.ulnaellior of Pigeon, Mich., spent a ew ;iita;ys wital. relatives here. Mr. ,and Mrs. Wart. ,mills. of Alif n -'I dsor spa nt the holiday wi lih her ;par - tints, Mr, and Mrs. R. 13a1' r:. Mr. an,g Mrs. Norman S eeet, ,of Bowman -vale were week -end visitors with her phrgnts, Mr. and Mrs. Min. Kleinstiver. Betty Taylor and Aimeaa Willett of London spent „a few days at their ;CAF was home. home hero. the• 'oung J3c�aple'a Anniversaryoi Howard T(1um�pi�' arnd friend of Kit- the united chizrc.1it was held an Sun• spikes and good ties are being sal- games of chance and booths (lid a chener spent the weak -end with Mr, day April 27th, ,rhe; service !was tak v!aged, Partners living g the, tushing business. A dance was held and Mrs. T. 'Klurpp. en by Rev, `&eckeiidorn of the Ivan- right of way are being' amen an on- later' with a London orchestra giving • f ch, lur`lcb Bensv'n Stn• ror unit to purchase the Jared which the Music, Chief of Polis.,. Mi, and fi!Gra. Oliver (r'it�l hell a ltd gelical Church, l l; yli r ll Police T. Kyl(r daughter Phyllis of Toronto spent neman, of Chiselhursf in the /horn. in Moly •case s ektn he of i'ttZ use aaf rearm wan assisted by Constable 3 ,. n. s i f ct . the holiday with hie sistc;r Masi eat-Iln sen v 0 ell elle Gates of iihF . vtcept tor paaiurir�g lit reio•a4nbO�n'`-,se of Exeter, directed ioc- �' c a� g €5 p p Davi+Ils.Man• Mr, :and )Mrs. 3. Bttgker spent a day in Laaxdien stemetly. • Rev, IE. ilii. Chand'letr, pastor of the Kippen stride Ililiiit1 green :hunch circuit has =coed a rest t,p •tlr txkliill. There s no servvtiioe ai'l. iitlitsg'•rean while the various pnexusltcers •are being heard for a call.. • Mr. I. •t isehrane of Toronto, sp- ent the wk -end with his 'brother, Allan ;Cochrane and sister, lM,'1ss Edna fit H1NSALL M'VIr. and Mrs- Citsae Flynn of Lon - dory. were visits w;itIb Mr. and 1VIrs. Jim Parkins. Mr, and Mrs'. :P1asltz and Mrs. Deitz.cof Waterloo, ;''were visitors with Mr. anel JvIrs. Janies•:I'aterson. LAC Ratcliffe and LAO` Carrick, both of tport !Albert, visited .with Mr (tine Mrs. James' ,Paterson. recently. Miss"Mat_g Tudor of Dundas, vis... Red her parents, M;r. and Mr's. Stan Tudor, also 'Maurice Tudor of the B Born—lit Listowell Hospital, Wed- nesday, May 21st ,to Mr. and Mrs. .Ted' Taman of Listowel, aa daughter. Mn• 1 dbert Passmore of Toronto University, who has been spending a 'few days- with hie parents, Mr. and :Mrs. John Passmore, left for alae Or vllTe i'1issibn Field' where he will take• cdteage• .for the summer ;months. ERAL NEWS JUDGMENT' RESERVED Larei izn- T13.ea hearing: of evidence nd arguments by counsel in the act- ors fuer $t9y5"Mt aganst. the County of Huron, arising out of a fatal auto - meat i acaizlenit ah E'earl''s bridge, south: of the village of G'omrie, 'last Jully, 7;, was °oral:detect' ill Supreme Cone and Tiustice• Martins announced Hirai• he was reserving his decision. N. F. Newton, counsel for the Co- unty of Huron, called' the least of his 16i witnesses. who, Bade fMfowed' 20 Witnesses • xlladl 1iy (Campbell Grant Walkerton: laawyeri; counsel for the several praintiffs, during the four days of the -Mat EW.idence that Lorne Jardine, driver of the car fn which two )girls were killed; sine1Ted' of al- cohol but was not drunk shortly af- ter the •er'ase'r, ;was given. --4 TEAR'II'tG. VP' RAMS The rails are berm' torn ;xp along the abandoned Craton to Wingham line of the CNR. Workmen started north towards Wingha n and the other o►tal,i;h la zoards •Catton. Rails, MAD BIG PARADE 'Thousands attended a military de- monstration and lily held at Hen., sa11, sponsored by the Henson War Service Committee. A feature, was the RCA Band and units of the. Act, nve Service Kent Regiment, London;• Who paraded from the higrtway in- tersection No. 84 down main st. t o the band stand and groune, aci5aeent where a splendid exhibition of milit- ary xnanouveres was presented, in. �chaurge of their commanding officer, Lieut. Howard Hemphill, also of the t Kent Regiment, a town boy, was pre -- sent and spoke..A doll donated by T' Joynt, which .realize() 91.52 was: won by Ruth Scott, of ,Brucefieldi;, Lois Henderson,.drawing the lucky Cricket. A table made and donated by John Zuelle went to D. Willard of:* Hensall, and a pair of pigs, donated'. by E.owciiife realized $160, went to Wm. Chapman of Hay Twp, The winner of the lucky ticket on quilt made by the tl 'li'sgreen Club ands; which realized $62 went to Harold Cook f flensall. Rev. R. A. Brook, president of the Hensall branch of the Red Cross, directed part of the proceedings. Bing•', under the ausp•- :ices of the Canadian Legion, with W ' C. Stone, master of ceremonies; • rine 'Grayibcsl. ...,_ \ "r;4.+1?t aloe wad In th entun, tax Hearn (14A, r 1.),18 ttcovetc l) at e,e 011 , It catir��;s,, �,,,,