HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-05-29, Page 1Forger -First Yen.. V11110,74 HURS AY MORNING, MAY 20, 1941. win. the War by BaviA ar :Are Y u Suffering. FM '.Headaches? IT so; Have your Eyes E=mined. with the Latest .Methods and Beinitanent at A. L. COLD 11. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODERIOH — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices • fl- IEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE. We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever, Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED THIELE, Proprietress Er — COMFORTABLE GLASSES At:.. . REAS; NABL E PRICES C. E Zu'rbrlgg, R.O. • OPTOMETRIST at EXETER the Newest. Approved Method .of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. BETTY ANN BEAUTY SHOPPE WIII be closed during the Sumner Months Wednesday Afternoon and Evenings. MRS. EDW. GASChO, Prop. THE LOWEST PRICES Sales Prove Salesmen Commissions to pay. No Finance Charges to Pay 1937 Chev. Coach, locally owned. 1936 Plymouth Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1930 Ford Coach: 1929 Ford Coach $135.00 re -finished 1929 Ford Coupe $85.00 1936 Terraplane Coach. 1927 Ford. Coach, original upholstering, like new 1934 V8 Truck with $85.00 License only 235.00 (2) . Only 1941 New Dodges. , These are the last ones available before the 1942 models arrive. DODGE SALE.S Will Pay Cash For Good Used Cars WAR FRITZ . 41 oemeerneesseamenimanearmaimormacnamsesmoneuunammeamaxgameamn WE• SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday :Kelloggs corn. flakes,, 2 pkgs. ,.. ,.,,, . ,,,_ 5:c Golden Net Saluron, large tin ..,......,.2 5.c ,Cheese; spreads or slices, :half-Ilb. pkg ..15c .Aylmer peaches,, choice halves, 2 this .27c Floor wax, 1 -lb. in .-,- .... , » .: ........ 49c Liby Chicken Haddie, .per ,tin 17c :Pearl Soap, 2 bars . 9c Snow flake ammonia, .2 pigs........ .. 11 c .Lifebuoy Soap,. 2 bars . ..... ......._ ,13c Salado Tea; yellow label -10 -lb. pkg. ..... .--..39c Camps. tomato juice .20 -oz. fins 2 far . (9c Blue Boy coffee, 1-113. p%j7 ,,. 37c Connor's Herring in 'tomato sauce, tin .,..,.-,15c, Men's newest styles :felt hats ......_.,.._..1.95 Men's ;Suits peacial y:priced at 20.95 Ladies House Dresses, .See them at ................95:c BOY WINS PRIZE Richard *Stanouiy, of St. Cather- ines, 17-yr.=old son Of Judge 'and J. G. e.;!tanbury, formerly of Exeter,' was awarded the Lions' Club schel- arship of $100 in a public oratory contest open to Ridley College .and all the Colleges of Lincoln County Sev- en eveen candidates, selected after elimin- ation contests nin the various schools competed. ' •4-4 VICTORY LOAN ORGANIZATION On Wednesday night of -rat week a large meeting of the tnenibers com- prising the Organization of the Co- unty of Huron Loan had .a meeting in the Town Hall, Clinton. Theis/lay- ors, Reeves, Clergy, and various Chairmen were all present and the meeting was a great success. Mr, McMurray, Mayor of Clinton, was chairman of the meeting and Rev. Beeeroft opened with a stirring spe- ech. The County of ;Huron has been divided into quarters by the Execut- ive Committee. it was revealed that accounts in the County of 'Huron are many time,; the quota of $1,- 107,000, in fact many times double the quota. On Thursday May 29, a Canvassers' Convention will be held in Goderich. STEPHEN COUNCIL The .Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall Cre- diton, on Monday, the 6th day of May at 1 p.in. All members were pre- sent, The minute; of the previous regular meeting held on the 7th .. of April and the special meeting on Ap- ril 4.2th were react and adopted. The following motions: That whe- reas the Council of he Twp. of Ste- phen has been notified that the Oen, trails Drain is out of repair and since it is the duty of the Conneh to keep the same in repair . pur.,u f4y :ec by-law, be it therefore resilved that G. A. McCubbin, Esq., O.L.S.; 1 ivp. Engineer,_ be requested to examine the said drain and report an the same. That the Assessment Roll of the Twp. of Stephen for .the year 1941 be accepted as filed by the Assessor and that he be paid his salary and- unting to $110. and that the Court of Revision to hear and determine appeals be held in the Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday, the 26th day, of May 1941 at 1 pm. That 'thd following be paid: Vor.cher sheet No. 5 $692.42; Can Bank of Commerce, cashing el:crclues 2.60; Municipa World 'supe .e, 6.13; Treas. Co. Huron, hospitilalization, Anderson and McPherson 10.'.0; Qu- een Alexandra, Sanitoriuni, act. re Lochner $12; A. V. Tiernan, relief - Jeckson 3.25; Cora Gaiser, do 7.20! Restemeyer & Miller do $12: Geo. H. Paul do re Appleton $20; J. '.s. Ros- ser Co. do 5.98; F. C l, 're Verner $16; Anne Gill, rem, .iackson $ii; A. G. Web"), relief -Dm ° • :l,lo; A. Lath: S.S. No. 12 Bal. 1 r :) levy 12.96; Garfield Steeper, reenv•yance re McPhe:so•1 $3i H. C. '' a's- sessor's remuneration $11 i I,ucflli Lochner, hoard and lods,•'ine, :' wks. $12; Treas. Co. Huron, ho=l,:i!1Nation re Baird 25.35; Prov. Tre•a.-. hall lice ease $2. The Council adjournel lei meet a- gain in :the Town Hall, Grethen, on Monday, May 20th at 1 p.m. I3. K. Eilber, Twp. Clerk. Lakeview atflww GRAND BEND :SINCERE THANKS! 11/1 AY 24th WAS THE i;IGGE.ST OPENING EVER! , WILLIS TIPPING And His Cascade Rhythm Orchestra WERE SUPERB! DANCE TO HIS GRAND MUSIC EVERY SATURDAY 'sum' SHOP AND IIAT11IIOTJSE (OPEN -"CAT A:L,INA" showing of new SWT'Vl SUIT'S 11 VEgy"I'IIN& AT GRAND /IQ;i"a IS LOOKING SWELL ,. d Rates, a, 95 in Canada, in advance $1.50 in U.S.A., in advanosi CHI S11 It L. SMITH, Publisher;' — p ictory onds t �f '41t" ...._., .. ee- _..,see Mr. and Mrs. Ferdinand Haberer motored to London on Friday. 31r and Mrs. Julius Thiel were re- cent visitors over the 24th May at Kincardine. Mr. and Mrs. Edmund. Swartzen- ti.uber and baby of Blake were Tu- esday visitors at London. Mr. Daniel Smith of -Clinton, was a visitor with his two sons and other friends here the ,past week. Mrs. Carolina ,Price of Waterloo, is vieiting with her daughter, Mrs. F. Kockems. M,Is. Amelia Fuss of town is visit- ing at the home of her daughter•,Mrs J. J. Swartz, Detroit, for a few week,. Mr. William Dumart, Mr. John Beam and 1'Iiss Alice Schiedei of Kit- chener were holiday visitors at the home of 'Air. and Mrs. Hy. Yung- blu'tt. •The Roseville, Illinois, High School Male Quartette will pre4,.:, st ^ cert in the Even ;elical Church on Thursday May 12th, under the aus- pices of the A1br'ght Brotherhood, Mr. Lloyd Hope of Streetsville was a holiday guest a the home of M. and :cirri.. Thos. i': yers. Mies aerie Meyers, who had I ion staying at her pavents' home for a few weeks, re- turning with Mr. Pope. The Forty Hours' Devotion opened in St. Boniface Church; Zurich, on Sunday morning and closed on Tues- day evening; The devotions were: conducted by the Reverend Fr. L. t`itzgerald of the Redeinptorist Cona- nzunity' of London. Is Building Central! Office Hay .Council has purchased a par- cel 'of land adjoining the KeIIerman block in Dashwood and arrangements have been made to have an office erected thereon to be occupied as a central office for the Hay Municipal Telephone System in that Village. For over 20 years the central office quarters were arranged for by the manager •at Dashwood, but owing to the fact that the Kellerman property was recently sold to Mr. E. -R. Guen- ther for use as a post office, it was found necessary to obtain a new lo- cation for the central. The new office wil be centrally Iocated and it is ex- pected to be completed by July Ist next, W. M. S. MEET 'Phe May meeting of St. IPeter'e reit1ieran Women's Missionary ' Soe ,ty was held Thursday evening, May 15th in the basement of the church, eth 'a good attendance. The topic, -4 resh Furrows." was given under the leadership- of the chairlady, 1Its. L. Prang. Clippings which brought out ttl?e impottan,ee of the rural cliurch, as we'lI as the city and suburban church were read by Mrs. Clarence Datars, Mrs. L Kalbfleiech, Mrs, H. Krueger, Mrs, H. Mous eau, Mrs. E. Klopp and Mrs. E. Turkheim. The usual monthly business was conduct - Eel by the president, Mrs. E. Deters, Jr., An offering, for the sttppoit of a kindergarten pupil in Japan, was received. The mooting was closed with the doxology and the Lord's Prayer. Auto Accidents When Everett liaist, Dashwood, was returning to his home on Fri- day afternoon with his daughter, Eunice, 16, who is attending Exeter High .School, his motor came in col- r; lision with that of Ed. Broderick„ Exeter, Eunice and a young brother received painful injuries and were taken to the office of Dr. Fletcher, Exeter, both can were badly damag- ed. 'rhe mishap, takng place on High- way 88, west at the 2nd concession intersection. To add to the confusion :abag of beaters was burst, the beans .showering fn front of the surprised drivers. The other evening while :tli•. George: Deichert of Zurich wa returning from ileusall, near the 2nd concession of Hay, lits light ds i.vcry truck glomes in contact with n passenger car in the hands e:sf i)on '.leKinnnn, who was on 'ale v ay 'Ioroe to Hens=all, the can suffered. c'oneiderahle damage. See Them at HESS, THE JEWELER 4 R • • • m • • • • • A • 9 9 9 9 9 9 4 v e Q 9 • • • • 4 y • 4 9 9 4 i • • • • • m0 For positive identification o the World's finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale AIberta. Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquet& The Roe Farms Milling Cak, �x� Feeds. V i' . R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fug .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Henson Aida 4••••••••09.40040•440 et Sous 4-40 Of 00404 40044000060 CPr axe' g41) ounci THE PARTNERSHIP OF FUNERAL DIRECTORS AND EMBALMERS OF W. H. HOFFMAN AND KEITH WESTLAKE, KNOWN AS: Hoffman & Westlake For the Benefit of those, whenever in need, W. H. Hoffman's Home in Zurich is open to the Public to be used as a Funeral Horne, where the best of Care and Courtesy will be given. Funeral Directors and Ambulance Service ��`'� a ire ' ,�: .1,0, �; Phones 86 and 93., A9+�•••••AAG- ^,crw•e 04,004,000040400 0004404-00 HELP WIN THE. WAR BY BUYING VICTORY BONDS. ANSIEMENW FFIFEE intr geenalgti A beautiful CAPRICE teaspoon, value 25c, will be given FREE, in addition to coupons, to the first fifty Customers making purchases of $2.00 or more. GET YOUR'S. ACT NOW1 See our list of Free e autiful Valuable quality Gifts for Everyone Watch for Premium Catalogue Pioneer and National Chick Starter and Feeds. Also National Fertilizers. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND Td� T. e E Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone: 11 .97.