Zurich Herald, 1941-05-15, Page 4ZUMCH HERALD `TI'iis is Canada's call to YOU! '_kcal, are now 'scanted to man the guns, tacks, armoured units; all the implements of modern warfare which the factories are producing in mounting volume. It is a dijrercuti war this time. "When We licked the Run before, men were recruited here to train in England, to fight in France. Now you are recruited and •trained here; then go Overseas to join the stalwarts hold- ing battle positions on the shores of Old England, or wherever the can demands. The Canadian Active Army requires men for Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Armoured • Cars, Tanks, Infantry, Transport and Supply, Medical, Ordnance and other branches of the Service. The Army is prepared to teach many trades, and to train you to efficiently handle Canada's weapons of war. Go toyour nearest District Recruiting Office. Find out about these Units; how they work, what they do. See just where you'It fit in. See -where any particular skill you possess tau best . be utilized. Then join up for ACTION RATES OF PAY IN THE RANKS $1.30 per Day with Board, Lodging, Clothing, Medical and Dental care provided. EXTRA: (1) Rates varying from 25c to 750 per day for sidiled tradesmen while employed. (2) Dependent Allowances in Cash. Apply to Nearest District Recruiting 1.4 Office or any Local Armoury. D PA Till ENT OF NATIONAL i9EFE C CANADA HILLSGREEN Ttr, and -Mrs, Walker tCarlis'Ie of Leisall visited recently with Mr. and Mrs. Otto Stephan. .111r. thigh Love made a business exit; to Elmira one day last oweek. Mr, Wm. Reichert is still in Clin- ton Hospital. but ifs .4teadily it ,prov- Mr. J. Barclay of Stratford , has ereUrrned to hit home after spendIr g ii,,r9Ok with Mr ami AV, Wm. Dae-. idtson. Mies bla.rgarc.t Reichert is assisting at the 'some of 'M'r. and Mrs. ,l, Coth-. vine, ,,St. .Joseph and 'Beaver Tow Mr. and Mrs, Dennis .Char'reltc of the Blue Water, south, were Sunday si')or? to M1, PIA 1013. H. ,T.apeet:• Mrs. Wm. Wedsing is spen ng few days le London visiting relatives Mr. and Mrs. Walter Jeffrey, of Detroit spent fi5raday h this vicin- ity. s IIIc. and Mrs. klovatni tta# 1Vindsor, were visitors with relatives fin Bea- vertoiwn. ,Mies Cecilia Mise: of the Blue Water, eouth, left on i laiadaay last to spend a few weeks M C2taiton wtitir her sister, Mrs. Percy' ,Ige;da -d, Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert' Jeffrey were Sunday visitors with Mr,. etal :Mrs. Tosc'ph Bedard of St. Jor'eph 'north. M•r. Frank Geoffrey who hays been eii'eeding part 'of the. winter months, in Windsor, returned to his h:'axne on Sunday last, w1.`', r.;• Contin of Detroit was s Sunday visitor in St. Joseph. Mr, and Mrs. Leonard 5411,"aras nl:utorA to Clinton on Monday last. a d DASHWOOD `TkaaaTsuf 14 stay 15th, 1941 ,:-+. f i -t .11. y.,rl..H- 4-H.+114 J.÷.j.÷J..4. C,i'.t.+ r.÷. 4-1- 1.'1,»i *...: .•. i. . .,r•.8.4,4- ': *`We Recor end - FEED -- nd .SELL the Bengt" I .G 4. PTJRINA • ;_wOVVB .• . .1.r 4.* We carry a full Line of Purina Products, such as Startena, Chec-R-Tabs; Hog Chows, Etc., Etc, Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made t. at reasonable distance a- , ....+++++++++++++++++++++d.+++: ELA W. SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r2O 4. > ..,, :•-, .1.,.6, yr,}..•,-:,..i,or✓,•9-•i•-1-•l--1 ,•+d. P .•-i'..:•.6 t1.:',•.: 1, : 4.44.1.+4.+4, ,,.i,,,,✓,..tib • .:w (9 00 0e09099909090-0fm:®uI 0841.1 e000 it91.1 904te 0 0 0 0 () 9 9 0 G.9 7 (Ynzlrf—lillestirrghouse, Regular Q 6rT.iu+ail a094,50, Bargain. Price... $ 41000099000909902 !D 1 oft 13 131 116 0 9 13 13 ..t° y311 er ,rains k3 2 'Only—Cofeld (Sunlite) Regular 52.50. Bargain. Price- . 6.. $5.00 1® A 1 Only—Beatty (Whitecap) washer ® Reconditioned, like new;, Sale Price $22•00 3 1!1 11 13 I s • i• '' ki 1 0 m slightly used; like new sly, $S-00 02.00 el 1 my—Hand. Washer $ 0 SEE. THESE BARGAINS AT 0 0 Only—Beatty (White e:.p) Reconditioned $20.(x3 Only --easy Action Hand washer, HESS: -- RADIO �- ELECTRIC 13 1,9 13 en • 6 tib • 0 6 1D 11� 11D • 1i e` 0 dtell000000030 416006treat005611M35o061160S cileDVSQVP . facing at 3.2.45ets per gallon. deliw- truz.=els, cutting box, 2 step ladders, eyed in .Hensel], on 48 hours notice:. Onion crates, 5 20 -foot laduers, qu- Motion, that we order 6 barrels oft' nxatity of scantlings, some remlaek, patching material. al'sc cherry; pine planks, onion eeed•- Moti.on, that -we present all hese sae garden seuffder, hand sleigh with from this municipality with a stoney box, 2 bedsteads, garden roller, de- . belt who enlist for active service. livery wagon, cedar barrel, chop That ie gather the garb.age. on boxes, flour stands, 40 cedar posts, effect. 2 cross -cut saws, a r...reller of scg- That .we hold Court Qf' Revision. ilia• blades, onion ser.., e broad axes on the assessment of 1941 on May buck. imus, 3 axes, 4 rip saws, doz- 26th at 8 -p.m. en hammer izandlee ;,eme axe han-, Correspondence read. Bicnle• S:c- -dies, tobacco 'cutter, trailer roti,. pot- graei Ltd, County Clerk; Dept. of ato fork, '4 hoes, shovels, 5 dozen piee Welfare, Proy. Treasurer; Or.. T'tsii - es 'wood for hammer handles, clam- chelt, County Treasurer;: same filed. . outfit, 3 cedar chests, mortise Bins and accounts — Canadian boxes,. turning lathe, 3 squares,, Legion, refund hall rent $12.; Tienri planes, full set of carpenter tools as. sail] Hydr-o, 6.61; G. M. Casey ieaaxm-( good' as :naw, cow chains, bureau,. ing streets 2.80; H. Tom:, labor 1.70; lagging chain, 3 bunches of lath, R. Todd, do 1.20; T. Kyle, labor ,'ch• k4n wire, tops for 'fence posts, S'55; -0. Twitchell, hall, fen dept_ .-, iron pulley, 2 4 -gal. cans, 4 single 10; Sickle Seagram supplies FC 1).,',ateals, 2 storm doors, boring machine $7; E. C. Nickle, tuning pl'aro $3; cross .bar for cutter, bushel plaster - Co. of Huron Hospitalization T.05;011.g; hair, window frames,. window Treas. of Ontario, license hair and'screetzs, :gambling sticks, eozen core park $.G. iVfotion that' bills be paid and that we adjourn. James Paterson, Gler e ends here. A number from Here .attended the eneral conference in Tavistock on iunday. Wt, understand Rev. H. E. Rappel r ill be stationed at St. Jacobs and Rev. C. Becker of Listowel here. Miss' Evelyn French was suddenly eiel:en with apendicitis last Sunday evening and was immediately taken to London where she underwent an operation. We understand Evelyn is getting along nicely. Arboati seventy five relatives and •'riends gathered at the Commercial Hotel, on Wednesday evening for a reception hi honor of Mr, and' Mrs. Hubert Restemeyer of London who were recently married. The evening', was spent in games and dancing;sf ter which a dainty luneh was served. Those who attended from a dist- ance were Mr. and Mrs. John Neeb of Wellesley and Miss Stebbins anti l fns. Patao of London. Mr, Alvin. Kel.lerrnan purchased sed the property of Mr. Charles Bannm- ;ar�ten on Saturday. E lensall Council Minutes fife regular meeting of the vitla;ge ('council held on eve. of May 6th at 3 p.m. in the ,Council Chamber will all inerethers present: The minutes of the previotrs meeting were read and adopter. F,' G. I3onthron appeitred re the Legion asking for a rebate of IRO rent. Motion that we refund $P.12 to the Legion from hall for Bingo's. ?. J. Pateeson, tax collector, re- ported re dog ;taxes, Constable in. to acted Jo collect the balance as per. bylaw, Reeve Shaddiek fepor-tcd re terres• rondence from the County Clerk r The wastrel iSh.ew .sebleh was to 1 be held on Ws+ln.esclav has ,been post- . ,oned for a few weeks .owing to the epidemic of measles iti this vicinity. .Mr. Henry rfad1tas and Gordon 01 Sarnia called onfriends here on Thursday. Me. Sarna Gottschalk of Hensel] visited with friends here on Satur- day and is spending a fl::w days with! Mr. and Mrs. WM. Stade. i . Harry .B ofrnan attended a tele- phone meeting in Inngersoll fast Ifni day. Mr. Leonard Birk of Guelph we -- e buelneas visitor in town on Sat- urday. Miss Ella. Martipson of Woodstock M(MCrs. G. Appelton, R. ,Atkinson of spent the week -end With friends here the reperiai Oil Ltd., (appeared re ilev. 7•'. Luft is atl,riding ft eon, road oil. ference in Wellesley this week. M.otio>ix, that we purehuse 620C Mr, and M.rs, krank Morenz td gallons of imperial Oil for street sur Detroit mow; the w(:rk-:ltd with fl"'' -Roy, 14, L5 and +hclv(rt:is(: to th` AUCTION SALE OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS IN ZURICH,. Qtr THURSDAY, MAY 22nd. At 1.30 o'clock, the following: 3 beds and springs, .mattress,. bed- ding, 8 diningroon chairs, 2 rocking chairs,. extension table, kitchen table, cupboard, chest of drawers, centre t7 _.' tablet, dresser, 2 dresser stands, pan for Iamp, violin, flower vases, 2 toolO, chests, full set of •carpenter tool,, hammock, kitchen clock, coal heater. clothes basket, phonograph and re cords; 1941 model Marconi 1/,1 volt type used two months; radio table oil heater, 4 trunks, kitchen stove and pipes, 2 parlor chairs, sink, 4 - gal. crock, 2 gallon coal ail can, Mir- ror, ;Kitchen grindstone, couch, Dis- hes, pots, crocks, pans, etc., 50 sea- lers of fruit, quantity empty 'sealers, vinegar barrel, cider barrel, cellar. table, fruit stand, wooden vise, tab, 3: 'tiag hard' coal, cross cut saw, cord slab wood, ditching spade awe show el, ditching• scoop, pails, quantity of lard, onion seed, axe, scythe, gander rake, 'bucksaw, sickle, scoop sheereta crow bars, hoe, onion. weeder; 2 egg crates,. iirum, lumber. strips; sacks, 2 forks, 10 sacks onion seedy G 'onion crates, lumber; 4 rolls. carpet strips. 17 -ft. ladder, 14 -ft. ladder, dawn mower and numerous articles. TERMS --CASH Arthur Weber:, Auctioneer. Len- Sararas, Clerk. Mrs. Adeline Sararas, Exec. Ed. Mil- ler Estate. nisi tops, locks, hinges, nails, 2 large; rails of cord, 2 trowels, oil canse grindstone, picture frames, new, .cedae tub, work bench, table, grain-- iing outfit, iron kettle, 4 dozen sea- ;lent, pails, 2 wooden pails, writing rdesk, flour chest, wooden rakes, beds 'springs, dozen crocks: Alt. the lume ber is practically like new, scalding." trough new, 16 -ft. hay raiik new,: and numerous other articles;. 'TERMS --CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. At. F, Stade, Clerk. Mrs. Henry Weleloh, Proprietress. AUCTION SALE Of Household 1 (then, At ZURICH, SATURDAY, MAY 17th, 19:4 At 1.00 ocock, pure rimer Aitaaads,phi hchair,, dozer llual Day 10. Night, 4:)7; , WANTED We wish to advise the public that eve care in a position to handle PIGS ready for Market. Give as a call for further particulars and prices. — General Trucking at Reasonable Rates. Phone Day or Night: THIEL TRANSPORT 8-ltf. E. Thiel, Phone 155. C. -Thiel Ph..1.67' WANT,.ED•: CASH for Dead Animals ;and Fox :Ernes. Phone 471.15, 'Reverse ail aiarget. Jack Williams, Dashwood], Zurioh Garat --.e ;ot a and purchase your Aut: - ':niotive Requirements frorre 'rwrich's oldest Established garage and Service Station,, 'aie can :supply all your needs: :.pert Automobile repairing vith the latest testing instrum- nts, Acytelene Welding Tires: 3atiteries, Oils, Greases and tepairs- B-A Gasoline in three Grades. Give Us a Call! yMOUES EAU