Zurich Herald, 1941-05-08, Page 4St,
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Are you as proud of your farm buildings as you. are of
your .well -conditioned fields, crops and live stock?
It pays in more efficient operation as well as in personal
satisfaction to have your farmhouse, barns and other build-
ings in good repair and well equipped.
If you need money for improvements, you are invited to
call upon us. We shall be glad to give you full information.
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAG.G, Manager
MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING 'SERVICE ... the Outcome of 123 Yearr' Successfil Operation
Last Wednesday .evening tae fri-
ends and neighbors gathered at the
benne of Mr. Wexi, Pecker and sine
prised his daughter, Rath, bride e1.
ect, with a Miecellaneoaa 'shower„
Part of the eveninte 'ries spent iii
games. The e,delreee was read by•
Alclene Eagleson. The gifts were
drawn in on a wagen, under a •dee-
°rated umbrella, drawn by Donna
Low Eagleson and Stanley Heist.
After opening the gifts, Ruth thank,
ed the •friends with. a few well chos-
en words, afterwhich every one
joined in singing TOT she's a Jelly
Goad Fellow." Lunch • was then ser-
ved, the remainder of the evening
being spent in singing.
Aftee•long years of agitation God-
erich may Shol.tly institute a 'etude -
:pal -garbage -collection system. The
. council proposal received prompt
support front many. It was Anted the
system would _cost about $2,500 an -
lewdly of about a mill on the Tax rate
• of $1 per person per annum, where-
as some families now pay $3 to $4
per year for private collection of
garbage. The public works coimmitte
.was instructed to make a repoit on
the proposal.
SABOTAGE! Sinister Challenge to
Scientific Crime Detection
How -plots of foreign agents ,ag-
ainst our defense industries have hi-
tenSified the alertness of our invest-
igators and how science's newest &-
Vices help checkmate alien ,criminals.
is revealed by the Federal Bureau of
InveSitgation in The American We-
ekly -with the May 11 issueof The
• Detroit Sunday Tines. Be sure to
get your copy of The Detroit ,Sunday
Times this week and every week..
•aameaa••••••••••a00seaome ea•covseceoesyseeesevogaws 0
• •
• •
• 1 Only---Westinghonse, Regular
Electric Washer
Bargains •
94.50. Bargain Price ....$69.00
• 2 Only--Coffield (Sunlite) Regular
82.50. Bariain Price .....
1 Only—Beatty (Whitecap) washer
Reconditioned, like neer,
Sale Price $22.01
• 1 Only—Beatty (White cap)
• Reconditioned 520.00
• • 1 Only—Easy Action Band washer,
• slightly used, like new only $8.00
1 Only—Hand Washer $2.00
• • HESS
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
Mr. and rMs. Radolph Corriveau
the Goshen Line„ .south, were Sunthty
visitors with 141. and Mrs. Maurice
'Masse of the Blue Water, south.
Mr. Maxims Jeffrey anolored 'to
'.London on Tuesday on a business
Mre. Joseph Cantin of Montreal, is
back to her summer home in 13eavere
town, where she will remain for the
49.mme,r months.
• Mr .and Mrs. Filbert Denomme of
it. Joseph who have spent a week in
, • OkieboYgain. Mich,. at the bedgidef
ra. Denommes father, who was
e • returned to their home here on Thu-
Mr Clayton 0. Smith who is hav-
ng the exterior of his residence re-
e modelled, which will add greatly to
%he appearance, jt e well as warmth in
;Whe breezy wheeer
Mader Lee Jennieon of the Blue
'cc/later, email, wag rushed to tho
vital an Thursday last Wieser° lie was
operated on for appendieitb.1 and the
81 rePorta are he 40 Illippving,
Miss Catharine Finkbe.iner who
has been with her sister, Mrs. Hum-
ble in Sarnia for some time. ales .ree
Mr. Van Dyke of 'Tavistoek, is
:visiting with his daughter, Mrs.
Mensal] Minstrels will present their
;show at Das/mood in Rader's,arage
OD Wednesday evening, May 146,
sponeored by the Dashwood Red
(.,eoss. Proceeds to go for Red
Mr. and Mre. E. Nadiger attendedl
tho weeb3ing of a nephew in Galt on'
Mr. Sam Witzel of Toronto event'
the week -end with his mother, 'Mrs.
Arbor Day veas observed in the
public school on Friday and bi the
afternoon the pre& were taken to
Grand Pend where they had a ball
Mies Myrta Taylor of London.,
emelt the week -wed wNrre her tmother
Dr, and Mr. IL II. Ter toe
Mr. Ira Tiernan of Peterborough
is Visiting With hie rnotherl
Found Dead in Bed
• Mrs. Amelia Gratton, a resider -teal! 1.
Grand Bend for the past 35 years, r
was found dead in her bed by her
sister., Mrs. Mary earls°. Mrs. Grat-
• tan was in her 88th year. She came
• to the Township of 'Stephen when a
girl of three, from Quebec. She
survived by three sisters,- Mrs. Mary
Pearise, Mrs. Wni. Stebbins, and Mrs
Melvin narrow, all of Grand Bend.
• Funeral service took place on
nesday last with interment in Grand
Bend cernetery.
Thursday; Iltax 3$tle, 3.941
4.4.4,444.4.4.4.+++++++++++4,1•4,4 -4.+4.•4.4.++4.+4.+4-,,,..,+++4„,
"We Recomend FEED - And SELL the Best" ; •
4.4 -
We carry a full line of Purina Products, such as
Startena, Chec-R-Tabs, Hog Chows, Etc., Etc. T.
Fresh Shipment Every Monday. Deliveries made
• at reasonable distance
4- • • ,
ELAIVI W., SHANTZ - Phone, Zurich 91 r20
Mr. and Mrs. G. 'Chesna and fain-
ily of Birmingham, Mich., pent the
week -end here with her mother, Mrs
Mrs. .Allemane.band family of Kit-
chener were Sunday visitors with
with her daughter Mr. and Mrs.
Edgar Restemeyer.
Mr. Manewell •connecting comp-
any inspector of the Bell Telephone
of Toronto, spent Tuesday xi), town
on business.
The property on main street of the
late Mr. George Kellerman was "sold
to Mr. E. Ri Guenther last Saturday.
Mr. and Mrs. George Maier and
family of Detroit ,spent the week -end
with relatives here. •
Mr. ,anw Mrs. Sain Elsie of Detroit
are spending a few weeks at their
home here. . •
Addison Tiernan and Milfred Mer-
ner made a business trip to Toronto
on Monday.
Measles has broke out among the
school ,children here, quite a number
are quarantined.
The Henreich Memoritl Band held
their annual meeting and election of
officers on Monday evening. Miss
Helen Nadiger, the secretary report-
ed a balance on hand of $200.30.
The newly elected officers are: Pres.
Addison Tiernan, ecy-Treas., Myrtle
Gaiser, Leader Harry Hoffman.
• Refrigerator Plant Opens
The Dashwood Refrigerator .Plant
under the management of the prop-
rietor, Mr. Martin C. Laub, is now
open to the public,
as the lockers and
interior are aboutcompleted. The
public are cordially invited to come
and look this plant over, and furth-
ermore; Mr. Laub will appreciate the
•considerate patronage of the people
in the Dashwood area.
Mr. CI Watts is visiting in Wind-
sor for a few days.
Mrs. Wm. Musser underwent an
operation in Dr. Taylor's Hospital
k recently,
• Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoffman aml
'Harry visited friends n Tavistock
Sunday last.
The .annual Business meeting of
the Dashwood Evangelical Church
was held recently with , fairly good
attendance in spite of the busy spring
season, Itireized reports were heard
from. every department of the con-
gregation. The reports all indicated
wholtsale activity in ,overy phase of
church work ,during the pat year.
At the last minute the dnancial re-
ports were brought up to a very gra
tifying conclusion. A point of special'
interest is the feet Met two then'
and one hundred ' and twentereniee
copper' cents plus 8i34.no in bilis ani
totai af $i7.iW wwe bro-
ught.in as an Easter offering,
gleeollateeus Shower
Had Interesting Meeting -
Home and School Association of
Grand Bend and B Line sponsored a
community- health meeting at which
H. K. Eilber acted as chairman. Dr.
R. H. Taylor, 111.0.11. in a brief ad-
dress, pointed out that while 92 p.c.
of parents had signed up in favor of
inoculation against diptheria and
scarlet fever, 99 p.c. of pupils in St-
ephen twp. were receiving the pre-
ventive treatment. The gaest speak-
er, Hon. G. Hoadley, National Coin-
mittee Mental Hygene, Toronto, cle-
arly pointed out the value of preven-
tative measures in any scheme of
health for home and municipality. In-
fant mortality is the most sensitive
index of the progress of a nation. In
1937 Canada's infant mortality rate
was 76 per 1,000 live births, while
the rate for New Zealand was 30.
Sir George Newman has pointed out
that 'No Nation is great which neg-
lects its children."
Mr. and Mrs. Elmore scepnenson
and. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce McClinchey
accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Thos.
Robinson of Egniondville attended
the graduation of the latter's dangle
ter, Miss IsabeleRobinson at Varsity
Arena, Toronto on Thursday last.
The April meeting of Goshen W.
M. S. was held on Thursday after-
noon of Easter week, with stately
lilies and bowls of daffodils decorat-
ing the front of the church. The Mis-
sion Band contributed several de-
lightful numbers to the program,
under the leadership of Mrs. E. Hay-
ter and Mrs. E. Stephenson. After
the opening devotional exercises with
the group leader presiding, the presi-
dent, Mrs. Erratt, took charge of the
business. Mrs. Elmore ..eree,--e and
Mrs. Jean McKinley were appointed
as delegates to attend the Huron
Presbyterial at Thames Road, United
Church. Mrs. Erratt extended an in-
vitation to meet at her home for he
May meeting, where a hospital quilt
will be made t he same afternoon:
the members have made two quilts
earlier in the year. The invitation
was graeiously accepted. The treas-
urer's quarterly report was very en-
couraging, showing $51.37 having
been raised this year. "Trust" is the
text word •chnsen for the May meet-
ing. A beautiful Easter Bible reading
was given on Following the Way of
Love to Victory," after which Mrs.
McKinley offered prayer. Mrs. E.
Keys who presided at the organ for
the great praise for the effort and sue -
did vts'tee7ahYsloTOIL'Ilneater To on-
eess of the program. The missionary
vary," The Mission Band 'then pre- topic was given by Mrs. It M. Peck
as leader, assisted by Mrs. E. Keys,
Mrs, Wrvi, Haytery Mrs, J. Armstrong
44 .4 4 4 4444 4.
To Our. Bus
Effective May 15th, the Bus Stop and Depot will
Phone Hensa,11 33.
Busses Wilt Not Operate Down Town- as
kft ' tritAIV
7,1715 142,111il
• J.
• •
e -
A A ANY users say
IVI that their Duro
Water Supply Sys-
tem is their .best in-
vestment because. iC
furnishes constant
running water; has
reduced the drudgery
of housework and
permitted the instal-
lation of necessary
sanitary conveni-
ences so essential to
the health and com-
fort of a family.
Are you doing without these daily requirements of
.family contentment? If so, a small expenditure for a
Duro Water Supply System
will remedy the condition.
The Duro System can be bought with confidence., Al --
though the design has ttot been drastically changed, the
quality has been constantly improved. Thousands of owners.
have had years of s atisfactory service from their Duro Pumps.
The Snow-white 20" x 42" Enamelled Smuk, illus- ,
trated above, including faucet ready :for instal-
lation, costs. ,
Sink and Cabinet with faucet
(Trap, iron pipe and fittings extra)
The Duro Special Puinp has a 'rapacity of 250
gals. per hour; is supplied with a 25 gal tank and
25 or 60 cycle motor. It costs only— ,,,, $ 86.00
Running water throughout your borne makes it possible
to have modern Emco Bathroom and Kitchen equipment.
Emco products are quality built in nil juice ranges.
The Duro Finance Plan enables you to spread the cost
over a period of three years,
zuRicH — ONT.
• 341
Hamilton Toronto Sudbury;
Winnipeg Vancouver
rented their members, which includ-
ed a naritemine by five little tots..
"The Springtime Awakening of the and Hrs. Richard Robinson, wing
11 'TA 111m" "The Three Kings". the poster on Dr. Oliver Jackson
and "The Mnpty. Tomb," which were was loaned as a young man to the
,.r" beautiful and toughing: The service a Chest- devoting bin/teal
fieNren and thek readers deserve unstintingly: to, the work of the
church n Newfoundland, and then '
laid down Ilds life in the path of
duty. The offering was than receivet1
the loose change going to the Mis-
,sion 3and. Mre, Erratt then express-
nd 'thanks to the mission .bane and'
leaders and closed the mentinte with
"lead on King Eterhal," and prase,
er. Homemade candy wal then sexy.,
lad ta% op -Deka treat to the ehildrer‘