HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-04-17, Page 8PAGE EIGRT mum••••••••••••malnaina-lumwol. ist ur salad ny rien s 7We take this medium to' announze the addition of . a New Line to 07.1111 large stack of General Goods, Namely: krzr,s' and BOYS' READY -T -WEAR SUITS and OVERCOATS. We are featuring Rexmode. Clothes, made by a ,reliable Toronto firm, and our stock is 'complete in. Bo. Ys, Students, Young 'Men's and. Men's Models. Suits with two pair Trousers, finely tailoret; and in order to introduce this line we are offering at exceptional low prices for high grade Goods. GROCERY SPECIALS Oxydol, large at .Cookies, peach sandwich at lb Sodas salted, 2 Ibs. for Pork and Beans, 20 -oz. 2 for Corn Starch, bulk, 3 lbs. for Peanut Butter per lb A Supply of Tea, still at Salada, at per lb Crown Tea, at per lb. 23c 15c 25c 19c 25c 15c old prices. 75c 65c PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 ""Of Met ;Sal, '044 INS measszmanfinimunosnallol OE EXCEPT LIFE FhPe, Auto, Casualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich Local Representative Zurich eeeete...eeeeeteee,. e., etase.e.; •! .eeleeeea deataaaag40*dAeliel14516e141104SISSOCIA100E---*Z4ValteetiVae HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Our Farmer Oustomer6 You are going Through This World Only Once. So- Why Do.. Without These • Labor Savers?' scarce and costly. You'll need lietime dividends. Gives you saving stable equipment. Ic'ays pay hired help, in Beatty lat..or- . Invest part of the money you'd Experienced farm help is moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. more time to enjoy life. En- hances vskte'Of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our SsAitary Steel Cow Stalls—ExcePtional Values at Lower Prices.',. F3TADE ZURICH QUALITY — PRICE meuEs were', served and the rereain Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering rfaiia la, Manure Carrier Labour Saving 47/e03 Li/Wry': EIDO ONT. SERVICE a a 8 ZuRicH HERALD q111 0111114,1 Wa111111 1111 1111111110 M11111111111111111 II II111111111 M1111111 1111111111111111111J111111M 1.1 Pill 11 111111111 1,1111111$11 0111110 zuRie roc 93 St re Chocolate •mallow, cookies per lb. 15c Soap Flakes, 5 lb box ...35c Mixed Tea, half lb . . 33c Blue Bell coffee, per ib 35c Marshmellows, per b 15c WoodburyWoodbury Facial soap, 4 cakes 25c Sodas, 2 lbs. -for 25c Infants Strained soups, 3 cans for 25c e no :esch DUCE WANTED. - • Zurich Phone 165 111 111111 1111 1 1111111 111111111MM' 111 111111111111111111111 111111 11111114 M TEf1S 01' L.DAL 1NTERIST Miss Dora Standing of the local teaching staff is .spending the Easter vacation at her home •in Paisley. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rau are at present spending a week or mare with relatives and friends at Detroit Mies Clara Weber of London, was a holiday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mra. Louis Weber. Miss Ruby Church spent Goad Friday at the home of her friend, Miss Ellen Fremlin at Clinton. Miss Erma Weber of Rensall 3pending the holiday- week with her grandparents, Mr. and Mr -s. Louis Weber. Mrs. H. K. Eilber of Credit= is spending a few days at the honeof 'aer daughter, Mx. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen and family of Exeter were Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and . Mrs. G. Fritz. Mr. and. Mrs. Arthur Truemner and family of Toronto, were Easter Quests at the home ,of Mr. and Mrs. Zwm. S. Johnston and other relatives. Miss Patricia O'Dwyer of Loretta College; Stratford, spent the holidays at the home of her .parents e Dr. and Mrs. P. J. O'Dwyer. . . Mr. A. E. Hamilton, , Miss. Doris,, and Mrs. Morris of London, were, Sunday guests at the home or. ?dr; and Mrs. John Galster. M. and Mrs.. Charles Hagen and daughter Mary of Seaforth, are sp. ending a few days at the home of Mrs. Wendel S6eith. Miss Melverna Geiger of Niagara Falls is spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr.• and Mrs. Josiah Geiger.. Mrs. Wm. F. INelebeiner and dau- ghter Miss Hazel, of Stratford were week -end aueste at the home of the former's sister, Mr. and Mrs. Wm.H. Hoffman. M.r. Archie 1VIasKinnon, who is at- tending Veteniary College at Guelph has written his final exams. last week and is at present at home with his mothe'r, Mrs. Matilda MacKinnon for the summer. Mrs. Charles Weber arid daughter 'Trs. Flossie Brown, Miss Ethel Hess Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith motored to London last Thursday, and were ac- companied home by Mae Smith who Jpent the week -end at the home of her parents and returning to the city on Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Gingerich, 'lave moved from their farm on the Bronson line, Stanley Township to the home in Blake wliich they pur- chased from the P. Brennerman est- ate. His son, Reuben and wife hay- iing taken over the homested moving up from New Hamburg, ( To Sow Flax • F. C. Kalbfleisch & Son, local man- ufacturers, are making arrangements to sow 300 acres of flax this season Th fleax business is showing signs of improvement again owing to the de mend for this product for war pur- poses. It will mean much to the laboring people to have this extra employment that always go with the flax industry. • a 1 1 JIMEMiriMIMMIIJIII III 9 1111 M 111111I LOCAL MARKETS (rerrected every Wednesday) Eggs dozen 18, 16, 14, 12 Butter, Dairy 35 Butter creamery .. . . , 40 Dressed chickens 12-20 Chickens live .... ..... 10-14 Wheat, bushel 80 Oats, bush. 35 Barley, bush. ...... ...,42 Buckwheat, bush 40c Flour, cwt. . 2.50-3.15 Pastry fiour at mill, 25 -lbs. ....65c Potatoes, 75 -Ib bag 1 20 Live hogs cwt 8.50 At the morning services held in the Lutheran Church Sunday last, a class of over twenty young people was confirmed. Rev. E. Turkheim cond- ucted the services. Mr. Peter Eisenbach of Grand Bend his sold his 50 -acre farm on the 14th concession, Hay, to Mr. Eben Weigand, who has taken poss- essiOn. Honor Newly -W ecls A very enjoyable evening was sp- ent at the home of MT. and Mrs. Jas Ziler, .Stephen Township, recently when about sixty friends and neigh- beure met in honor of Mr, and Mrs. Edgar Wurni (nee Grace Willert) who were recently married Cards and contests were enioyed and after playing "Truth or Coneeeuenees " Pius Dieterich and Mr. Lloyd nehered the bride and groom to Wheirs beneath an arch. while IVErs. Wm. Stade nlaved and sang "I Love eu Trelv." YrrqWrn MeAriPnv4 +11 on eeaa the addrags during whicb ttin-Merlene T.'npert and Mlle wii. flreeeed as bride and vro ()yew n +l'r* nftg win i 031 womr• i n a wanton pret- usolcee pre'tilv deeoented in pink 'id white to the strains of "The Bri- dal r" en'." Mr. end Yr -0 Wrt rni +lumiting all .cov fi•u; man' beartifoi full Its r! NT sirt, Re fresh- . . . 1VIeSsrs. Wm. Decker and G. J. Thiel are to be congratulated on having won prizes with their wagon teams at the spring shows held at Clinton and Hensel'. Mr. .Samuel Baker, who, recently sold:his dwelling property on Ed- ward. Street, has moved his effects to the home of this sister; Mils. Hy. Wei- gand, 14th concession, Hay 'VIT. and Mrs. Jas. Grassie of Var- ela' have,;,moyed to Hay Township to reside ,witli their daughter and son- in-law, Mr.and Mrs. Wildfong. The best wishes of their many friends go with thein. Mn.. J. C. Vidt is making splendid progress in the work of encarging the Exeter Refrigerator Locker Ser- vice building. He is building- an ad- dition ' to the front of the present structure. The walls are now up and about ready for the eoor.—Exe- ter 'Times -Advocate. ' MANY PERCH CAUGHT Things have been looeking up with Bayfield ,fishermen a few days last week. After rather, a dull .spring•per- iod following upon the long winter months local fishermen who went out into Lake Huron en Thursday and Friday count up their catch of perch as seven tons for the two days. They say this is about the best they have done in so short a time in several years. QUEER ECHOS OF UNCLE SAM'S CALL TO ARMS Read of Indians who thought there was a war, and brought their toma- hawks; of the man who was "two people"; of .mysterious "Mike" and his post-cards—and other unique pro- blems of harassed draft registrars, as told in a feature article to appear in The American Weekly with the Ap- ril.20 issue of The Detroit Sunday Times. Be sure to get The Detroit Sunday Times this week and every week. • (Continued from first page) supplies 125:41 e'H. G. Hess, salary, _etc. 229.38; T. H. Hoffman 1 month salary 191.66; Workmen's Cornp. Bd. assin't $5; Stromberg-Cartson Co. supplies 83.82; Com. ptg. & Stat. Co receipts 18,50; A. F. Hess, quarterly salary $90; Hay Twp. portion audit $85. ' Relief—D. Geiger, rent Suplet $5; Thiel, transients 2.25; J. Suplet allowance $10. Generaa Account—Com. Ptg. Sta. Co. toe receipts 14.75; Aaron Wein, Wood' for hall $40; Sawing wood, pla- cing in basement $8; Zurich Hydro !ights for hall 8.06; Stade & Weido coal for hall 71.42; Expenses "(releg- ation road conference Kitchener $32; A. P. Hess quarterly salary $90 Gazebo & Son, acct. hall 2.20; Mun- icipal World forms 4.68; C. L, Smith printing acct. 90.60' Treas. Huron Heereitel act. re Tebbutt 20.10. • The Council adjourned to meet a - 'gain on Monday, May 12th at 1.30 o'elock in the afternoon. 'Monday. 4'41 41. 4, .44.* +4,4. ++4 +4+44 44.4144 02, 41, •?".; 11 F rnLI d& • YOUR - SEASONS REQUIREMENTS kf5 We Always Carry a Full Line • of the Best of 4, a both Shelf and Heavy State Hardware: Stoves, 6 Furnaces, and all Heating Equiprnents. Let Us 4 + i, Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. '2. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices 4. .. . ..E. FURNITURE a. . See OUr Studio Couches and ilk nnette Suites A Full Line of all the Home Requirement Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Room Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc., SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save t you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of 4 Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for .r; your Money. Drop in and look these over and get our Remarkable Low Prices Jo iaiiston & aibfieisch liarelw re Furniture. Phone 63 04,444,4444.444,44444.444,8,4),440 444,44+ 4,44,44,444.4:=4,4.4,4441.4 ninBiEnneffaX,B0. Dead ad Ulgabled 4 aals 4. 411 4,1 REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 233!, Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. 02120011.3iftgaZIET?=.011NrIZRECM- 1111111111111111441111111E11$11111111H121111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111i11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111l11111110111811111111111111111111111111111M1111111111111111111111111111111111N111111M111101111111A N W! IS THE TIME TO. ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot. Body WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! HESS, the Repair Man nomanommommilimounisminnimmumummummi.umm.ummagonsmommoudommum 1 1 1 a 1 1 • • 1• weeselteseteeorsomotootte******Stimemempoweeeeembe****00,1 :Ing time wav Artzt in singing, i A, 0.41ese, Clerk. toodokele.61.1040111011111111106104016.0410#~140"*0t."1","" Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A ft LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL •a! TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. a PHONE 60 KAN ;NIP FIEISC ZURICH +++•i..tr+1,4,44.1.4•441. 44+44++ ++ + fieGIO•0041060006111664101.1000,114 1000WOOlito150004011.0111111111).41, NOTICE We would urge all people in account with us to come i no nor before March 1st, and settle the same in order to have out books straightened out. POTATOES Very choice Certified Imported seed potatoes at per bag 130 Irish Cobbler or Green Mountain Other potatoes for dotnestic use at bag . .. 1.20 CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! WE THANK YOU! e b." fi 0 0.00 00 0