HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-04-17, Page 3Big British Battleship, King George V, Carries Amphibian Planes Along -;;. "• ` .being hoisted aboard Here is one of the planes carried by the British battleship, King George V, after a flight. It is a Walrus amphibian. Exploits of British fliers operating from naval unite in the Medi- terranean and off the European coast are becoming more frequent and more daring daily, and they take a proud place in the line-up against the Axis powers. i :ow Can i? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can. I clean painted walls without using soap? A. Use two ounces of hovels in two quarts of water and one tea- spoon of ammonia. Use about half this quantity to each bucket of water, and no soap will be re- quired. Q. How 'can I make use of dis- carded umbrella ribs? A. These ribs snake good and lasting supports for trailing flowers. If they are painted a soft green, they will hardly be noticed in the garden. 'Q. How can I make an econ- omical deodorizer for a sick room? A. An economical deodorizer can be made out of a pint of vinegar boiled with one quart of myrrh. Q. How can I bleach silk, wool, linen, or cotton? A. The best bleaching process for these materials is to use one teaspoon of peroxide of hydrogen to Ora tiib of cold 'water. Let the clothes soak in this ovenight; then rinse and wash as usual. This' does not injure the fabric and imparts a pure White. Q. How can I prepare a good wall paper cleaner? A. Mix two cups of flour and. one tablespoonfuls of kerosene with enough water to make a stiff dough; then knead thoroughly. Use like ordinary cleaner. Cameras Not Guns Shoot Air Target Ordinarily Trans -Canada Air Lines uses models of its aircraft for window display purposes. At least one of them has a new pur- pose in life as a target for anti- aircraft practise by, the military. An Essex County regiment has borrowed one to shoot at. For- tunately for the model, camera guns will be used and not the real thing. New Long Look Seen in Sweaters The longer fitted sweater is a rival now for the very short one. The new type has been slowly making headway in influencing the sweater trend until now the movement is. definitely to longer fitted types. Many of the brief sweaters that last year would have been waist- leilgth are now inching down to cover the hips. You will find them in daytime and evening sweaters, either sinoothly molded or with waistline nipped in by ribbing or finer stitches, and reinforced here by elastic threads to hold them in. Pullovers with such nipped -in waistlines or with draping at the hips and high necklines zipped at back as well as the long semi - folded skirt pullover are especi- ally new -looking. Many "Pigs In Pokes" Solei at Auction What Science Is Doing i • -AVE YOU CAD? °Look here," stormed. Brown to the real estate agent, "about *at riverside bungalow you sold mel' ttAuything wrong?" asked the agent. "Wrong! Wrong!" exclaimed . Brown, "The other morning we woke up .and found that the place bad floated two miles down the river." "H'in," said the agent blandly enough, "that's a good stroke of luck. The taxes are niiuch lower down there,,' Dixie is economical you cut it as you use it There's no waste. SUPER -GIANT STARS Dr. Ralph E. Wilson has work- ed out a new astronomical yard- -- stick by using rare super -giant "C" type stars. It will serve to determine dis- tances to these stars, among the largest in the sky, and to nearby star system's. .. Only about 400 of the stars have been found, the Mount Wil- son observatory astronomer said last week. He used 246 of thele in his studies. "They range in color front red, orange, yellow, whitish=yello3 and white to blue," said Dr. Wilson. "They 'are distinguished from other stars by the abnormal in- tensities of the hydrogen lines and by the sharpness of the oxy- gen,, nitrogen, iron and silicon , .lines in their spectra." NEW PRODUCTS HASTENED The speed, with which scientific research is translated into com- mercial products is demonstrated in a report made by Arnold E.- - •Pitcher, general manager of the planting department of the 'due Pont Company, in which he dis-. closes that three-quarters of all the plastics that the company ex- pects to produce during the pres- ent year have originated in the laboratory in the, last forty-eight months. POOR i11ET AND CANCER Evidence showing slow poor diet can become one of the causes of cancer was reported last week in science by five Memorial Hos- pital (N.Y.) physicians. The cancers were in animals, but were important because lately physicians have reported in hu- mans occasional cancers thatda seemed to be helped by t changes, such as high vitamins or high proteins, . The sale of unclaimed baggage and ar ieleaoundasner Canadan .I Pacific property provided an interesting lute at auction rooms, Montreal, recently. Articles of *is'When cee rtain period as Calgary to the wcdt and Halifax to lt e east, nthate aai be soldio has ,passed and it is still unclaimed, therequires ;,at auction, the worthless and the valuable. Buyers bid :for it blinddaand d pay quite high prices on the chance of finding soCanadi al really Photo. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross reveneee of the all- inclusive Canadian National Rail- ways System .for the period end- ing March 81st, 1041, were $7,- 933,004 as compared with $5,- 872,830 • for the Corresponding period of 1940, an increase of 0,060,728 or 85.15.. ._-. Suer Special Delivery Asked Super -special delivers- of air- mail was requested of Trans- Canada Air Lines a few days ago. A passenger malting her first flight asked the .stewardess if he would request the captain of her, trip to fly over her grand- son's home en route as she wanted to drop him a birthday card•--- airnlail. The stewardess advised less spectacular methods and pro - demi an airmail stamp. "Now perhaps you'll wants shave?" queried the barber who had just given five-year- old Bobbie his first profes- sional haircut. Bobbie (after feeling of his face): "I guess there wouldn't be enough shavings, would there?" A robbery had been committed !in the English village, and a de- tective had been sent to investi- gate. "Have you seen any mysterious Ystrangers about here lately?" asked the detective of the old vil- lager. "Yes, sir," replied the old man. "There was a man 'ere with the circus last week, an"'e took a pair o' rabbits out 0' my whiskers1" First Irishman: "Which would yez rather be in Pat— an explosion or a collision?" Second ditto: "In a collis- ion. Because in a. collision • there yez are, but h, an ex- plosion where are yez?" "I would like to meet you again," he murmured, as they glided through the waltz. "What about letting ane have your tele- phone number?" "It's in the book," she told him, "Good! What's your name?" "You'll find that in the book also," she said. dern Et ti et'le BY ROBERTA LEE 1. What is the correct expres- sion to use when thanking some- one for a courtesy? 2. How can a person disting- uish between genuine hospitality and that which is affected? 3. Is it correct for the bride and her attendants to arrive at the church about a half-hour be- fore the ceremony is to begin? 4. When a young man wishes to ask a girl for a date, is it all right for him to say: "ATe you going to be busy Wednesday eve- ning?" 5. Isn't it improper for a carts player to begin arranging his cards before the entire hand has been dealt? 6. When a dish is passed to one at the table by a servant, should one say "Thank you?" ...CLASSIFIED A AGENTS WANTED TIRES .. 12 MONTHS GUARA.NTEE. Direce small profit. r Ifto YU with If TIRES, it will pay you to write eafove tprices. Agents wanted Y for yourself, and make a few dollars selling your friends. All tires shipped, prepaid, subject to your inspection and approval. Mayans Tire Service, 8 Elm St., noronto. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. I:F YOU CAN create door to door market for guaranteed necessities (aver 200 of them) SUCciT7:0 WITH rANiI- business beassured. m$ssion. Repeat Co-operation. Complete detaile and free cat - al Clenirst,lett r: �,AMILEX, 570 S B.SJ3Y CHICKS 'RIGHT NOW IT WILL PAY YOU to be ' fussY". with your chick buying. Be sure you get fast ,grouters. Bray 'delivers the Chicles"—Bray Chicks "deliver the ,goods." Started, day olds, cocker- els, capons, pullets, Some Turkeys. Order now before you're 'on the t d" otty, 100 John n.Bray On QUALITY EMBRYO FED CHICKS from Purina Ped flocks, Barred Rocks and 'White Leghorns, bred for meat and eggs,.blood tested, our flocks are rigidly culled • .$10.00 per hundred, $10.00 for two weeks old. Kelly Chick Hatelery, 'Barrie, Ontario. A-1 BAB,'. C HIT C Ii S, BARRED Docks, White Rocks, White Leg - borne, Brown Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants, New Hampshire 4 Reds. Write for new low prices. Great Hunters A, H. Switzer Hateheri-, Granton, Ont. c+oir3g Farming The Blackfoot Indian, a notable success in hunting buffalo and raiding neighboring tribes in by- gone days sin the Canadian West. has become outstanding among his race in farming and coal alin- ing, the Indian Affairs Branch reports. :Blackfoot Indians are the most prosperous of Canadiiali • redskins. They have about $2, 500,000 in the bank in trust, the result of land sales and. accrued interest .ill past tears. A certain portion of the revenue front this capital is used year by year in • assisting the general welfare of the 880 members of the band. MOVING - SHIPPING PACKING - S'T'ORING Iteft need ';ate Jrurni(u,ri I'n01 ears—Winnipeg ;Alai West to (;oast. M. RAWLINSON, LIMITED Established 1385 610 YONGE ST. - TORONTO Nervous Restless. Girls! Cranky? Re st 1P as? Cant sleep? 'Tin) easily? Annoyed by fe- male function:I dia., ortieis and monthly distresse Thrn take Lydia E, i'inlcitare's Vegetable Com pdtind, famous for over 60 year'' in helping such ritndobvn, weak, nervous conditions. Made es.1)ccirt1ty for women,. WELT, WORTIf TRYINCrl BABY CHICKS, GOVERNMENT AP - proved White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, also sexed Pullets Or Cockerels. Breeding since 1905. Send^for price list: Wright Farm, Brockville, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS WITH EVERY 100 PULLETS or 100 mixed chicks ordered, we give 25 free chicks. Pullets 515.00 to 510.00 Per 410.000per 0; �100 dCockerels Chicks $8,0to 100 light breeds, 51.50; heavy broods, 54.00, Immediate delivery. Goddard Chick 1d a tic h e r y, Britannia Heights, Ont. BAN ORY EQUIPMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms -arranged. Correspondence invited, ,Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 103 Bathurst St.. Toronto. u'CSINI:SS Oi'POR'Ci1IT'i' GENERRAT, STO11.12 IN EXTRA GOO'? farming district. No opposition. clean stock, mutt be sold due 111 health. Otto Jolla nn, 0(von Soiled, Ontario. . CAltS, Neter AND USED; MOUNT . PLEASANT MOTORS LTD., Toronto's oldest Chrysler, .Plym- outh dealers; three locations, 032 Mt. Pleasant Road, 1040 Tonga St„ 1650 Danforth Avenue, Our Used Cara make us many friends. I:t1TAUST FANS EXHAUST PANS, NEW GENERAL :G,leetrles, way under wholesale, gT.0000noo ,Mercantile, 20 Melinda, , 1'1121) FOB SAIli WIZ'7 i lt): 1;1 ilt ar inc.iul g Chet' bba 1 c,,'e nings from bag � tnolt^d 5 puffed wheal and tire, Kavanagh Vends Limited, 309 orauren Av- u1ine, Toronto. • ,Answers 1. "Thank you." Avoid this expressions "Thanks" and "Much obliged." 2, A person with the least intuition can Imiekly dies tinguish this, As Washington. Irving said, "There is an emana- tion• from the heart in genuine hospitality which cannot be des• cribed, but is immediately felt, and puts the strange at once at his ease." 3, No, they should arrive promptly on the moment set for the ceremony. 4. It would be much better to ask her for the date, Itis her privilege to accept or say that she .has an engage. ment. 5. Yes; this is crude. player should wait until every- body has been dealt his entire hand. 6. It is not necessary. REAM Since March 13, we have paid 41c for No. 1 cream delivered to Toronto, DAILY PAY1VMENTS Write for Cans Toronto Creamery branch o United Farmers Co-operative Co., Ltd. Cor. Duke d; George Sts,, Toronto V E I T I E M E N T S c e r FOR. SALE a A PROFIT ABLE AND INTEREST- ing business. Make and sell Lawi= Ornaments from our full-size pat- terns. Color scheme and instruc- tions with each order. Dozens of ornaments from each pattern— Sutchprinkling Girit Ga irl, Duch den Girl, Com- ic Pig, Elephant, Comic Racdoon, Sailor Boy with keep off grass sign, etc. 15c each, 2 for 25c, 10 tor $1.60 postpaid. War Saving Stamps a.ccepted. Darling, 54 War- den St„ GOITRE HAVE YOU GOITRE? arO reduces. P01' particulars write J. A. Johnston Co.. 171 King E., Toronto. Price $5.00 per bottle. HERBS WANTED 555 WE BUY HUNDREDS DIFFIBR- ent Herbs, Roots, Barks. Write Main, Herb e 1. Distributors, 1425 i LEGAL J.i of l Theatre Bulag, St°Them Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. OFI1'ER TO INVE:iTORS AN OPFER TO EVERY INVENTOR infor- mation inventions free, full TheRamsaY Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 278 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. MEDICAL Dat, McL310D'S STOMACHIC. HEALS obstinate Stomach Trouble: Use states: "For years I suffered ter- rible gnawing pains -below breast- bone, few hours after eating, causing gas and bloating, MY mils relief was soda and that only for short time. Their I took Dr. 2 c- I.eod's Stomachic. After three bot- tles I was free from path. I kept on improving and have now been well for several years, enjoying meals without medicine. (food fon' all forms of indigestion. Drug Store or write 1)r. McLeod's Sto)n- achic Co„ 558 Bathurst, Toronto. 51.25 per bottle postpaid. GOOD RESULTS EVERY SUP- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should. try Dixon's Itent- edy Munro's Drug Store, 386 1,:tgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 51.00, NURSERY STOCK HADY HE IDEAL wai itimee tree tT oplant, S. ' d e to pre- sent ban on nut imports, and the uncertain fruit market. 'Write for free copy: "Nuts for .home and Tarlcet,' David Uslletly, Nut Tree Specialist Westbank. P.C. 1011 ROOTS .tst'.AllAill,(4 "MART Washington" or afro Strawberry Plants "Senator Dunlop" 51.011 Postpaid, two for $1,71 .Forward Gardena, Iroquois, Ontario. PAILS VOlt SALE CLISAN TWO TO 215 GALLON pairs, Suitable for San. 5. llttrber & Sons, 40'00 l)und;:ls St. W., To- ronto. PLANT FOR SALT' FOR SALE ,LC SACRIFICE, UP-TO- date capacity ice plant, Airs been operating only seven years. (!old storage equipment included. 'Must he removed at once. 19. 1'. while, , t of t Colborne, 0nifti'lo, PROPERTY P011 SAVE ,1( 14 HOME 51'0'1' 1'(11. 114 accts, wells 1 fruited, well Elver - greened, new brick e thin, eft', Stamp reply, Wheeler, Northwood, Ontario. r".t,rs Pon SAl17 S +)•LES1LAN WANTED SALESMAN WANTED WITH CAR to sell to stores, Ladies' House Dresses and Men's Working cloth es, on to corer costs of Cash bond Exclusive territory given. Stat. e cl ccs. VTritO PO. Boxexperience 143,Montrea ST. 1 1'111NA12b 111"PI1414. FETA AT,l4S 58,00, Males 311,10, W. .4. Ilehbel, i:aruraft, Ontario. sE'iV12 0 R PCHINES AND SINGER --SEE REVERSE STITCH prices and terms nRepairs { Singgu Sewing Machine Company, 2b Yonge St., Toronto. Ont. SEED FOR SALE NORTHERN GROWN NO. 2 ALSI 18 cents pound, No. 2 Minture 9f 24i balance timothy dutc clover, 16 cents pound. No. 3 Min. cloverA13i cents pound. balance 2 Min tura Alsike 50%, timothy 5096e 13 cents pound. No. 2 Timothy„ No. 1 Purity 9 cents pound, a primary noxious weeds, 35c, pay" trent with order. Win. A. Reid, Earlton, Ontario. smem es FIELD GRAINS VANGUARD OATS FROM REGI$+ tered fourth generation grade 2, due to color, otherwise grade one, Germination 04;5, 70 cents bush sacks free. Erban sante price. 0. White, Glanworth, Ontario. SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW Your films are carefully and scion• tifically, processed by Imperial, tot snake sure they last. 6 or 8 EXPOSURE FILMS 25e with beautiful enlargement free, 8 reprints with enlargement 25 Thousands of letters from satisfied customers testify to our superior, duality and service. IMPERIStaALon sun -vice o ;.WINE 1+0R SALE FOR SALE REGISTERED TAl& worth, 6 weeks old. Both seitel3 55.00 without papers, 57.00 wit* papers. 'Vin, B. Wood, Lombardi'', Ontario. tr TOBACCO ''OUR POUNDS BURLEY AND VIR- ginia Leaf for pipe 51.35, Five? pounds Fragrant Virginia Lout Cigarette Tobacco 52.50 postpaid. Natural Leat Tobacco Co., Loam• ington, Ontario. T.NGBIA1)1li1) EGGS WANTED �a� •wEI 'St PI'LY CASES AND PAI highest 'Market Prices. Furthest.; particulars appy Canadian Pro» vision A Supply Company, 106 Front Street East. Toronto. ._...._.- eveCa Ci'1l) TO PURCHASE FEATHERS WANTED N 111 ANT' 'USED GOOSE .421 . Duel:, also feather beds 1•Tigho* prices paid. Send particulars • Queen City Feather, 23 BaldwltY 7,ronu,, Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used - New `.i io'i',1 ii;lv(v I\' ItI11il.ITN MO. i' )1t;S, row slit T NITS, 1't2'tti anli!$ s Generators, w\'inAcbi,.twat rs, et r 5 st tart pawl. IL ors. ft IA etos, i'tnrbux'ctors, 1T,nttli:t>ts. ttry — 1•; .sitnng•r service, Glees -le snt.sfaetiont or refund, Levy Autb Parts, Tlc't:t. .1., Toronto. ISSUE 16--'41