HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-04-17, Page 1ZURIC1-1. THU -L. SDAY MORNING, APRIL 17, 1941, exp ,he ;la Are ;i You Suffering FrOar Headaches? If soeHave your Ekes Eiratraike.d with the Latest Methods and Yeealpment at A.J.COLEitOE OPTOMETRIST & OPefECIAN OODERIOR : ONT. Goad Glasses an Reasonable Prices THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Easter Specials V sit Our Parlor for • . :your gas ter Sbecials. MRS. FRED THIRILV, Proprietress COMFORTABLE CLASSES At REASOMBLE PRICES C. E. Zwebrigg, OPTOMETRIST Eut EXETER The Newest. Approved ,Method of nyesight Testing Used: Ogen every Week •bay Except Wednesday. THE DEW - DROP --INN QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT 1 1 THE LOWEST PRICES !Leen LE • Sales Prove Salesmen Commissions to pay. No Finance Charges to Pay 1937 Oldsraahile Special Sedan; spotlees thaterror, gas 'heater. 1940.1P.ontia.c Coach: like 'new, !heater :and defroster_ 1939 DODGE, Special Deleax, '.Coe. • . • 1936 ,Cliev. Standard4oacli, trank„ locally owned_ 1931 Ford Coaela, Trunk Meek, Newdy 21anted. 19 Chev. Coach, Dark Brue, :Sane 450:00 an 'this Car- `, 193 Chev.. Standard and ',(1 1:935 Chev.. Master Coach. Beth Cam k 0 wale a la Zurich. 1940 DODGE Coracle. Get the Paine and. ;Compare. 1922 Ford Coach $125.111.9 1.939 Fotd DeLux Coach. 1925 Chev. Coach $115.110. rt936 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coupe cssi-.,,sa. 1:939 Plymouth. Coach. 1927 Essex Sedan 825.06. 2936 1.41 ton truck 20,069 miles 1924'Yerei Coach $19.06 1989 Chev. Coupe, Iocally owned enINTs MAXI' 'OTHERS WARD • FRIT.Z. 1.1•••M•••••... , • athan War Bervices..Fund • r' Loavitt's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone135 . Friday aid Saturday, April T8-9 Sat. Matinee 2.30 p.m.. Down Argentine Way In Tecnicolor starring Don Ameche, Betty iGrable, etc. Submarine Zone One of the great action dramas of all times with Pat O'Brien. Mon.; Tues., only, April 21-22 Two Features Texas Rangers Ride Again Featuring John Howard Christmas In July Starring Dick Powell • Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. Sat. Matinee April 23-24-25-26 NORTH WEST MOUNTED POLICE In Tecnicolor, with 10 great Stars, 2 Glorious Love Stories, 1000 un- forgettable thrills. Be sure and see thie eme- HAY .COUNCIL The regular monthly"meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held at the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, April 14th, with all me- mbers present. The minutes of the March meeting were adopted as read After disposing of the ,cernmunicat- ions the following resolutions were passed: That by-law No. 5-1941: providing. for the increase of the estimated Township Road . expenditures for 1941- from $6500.00 as submittecil under by-law 1-1941 to the Depnet- ment of Highways to $7500.00 be read three times •and finany passed Rates $1.25 in Canada, in advanotil g1.50 in U.S.A., in advaneee CHEnneekt L. SMITH, Publishow re. • • Hay Council, met on Monday for the, April meeting. Mrs. J. J. Swartz of :Detroit, is,' visiting with her mother; Mrs, J Fuse for the week. spending the week holidays with MS parents here. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Steskopf of Kitchener, spent Easter at the home of the Misses Johnson. • Miss Helen Dietz of Dashwood, Spent Sunday at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Dietz. Mr. and :Airs. Milton hey and dau- ghter Marian of Royal Oak, Mich., were holiday visitors with the form- er's mother here. Mr. and Mrs. George Truss, of London, spent Easter Sunday at the hoMe of Mr. George J. Thiel. in tqivn- :Mr. and Mrs. John. Wilhelm and •fannily of near Baden were Good Friday visitors with reiatines on the Blue. Water Highway. On Thursday c :ening, April 17th in the Town Hall. Zurich, at 8 o'- clock, a meeting :s being called of the Zurich Gun Cub, to which all interested are urged to attend. Married at Zurich A happy matrimonial event was celebrated .at Zurich on Saturday, Aprii 12th when Rev. E. Tlerkheim rrinitted in holy Weddlock Ilifss: Fran- ces, Annie Noakes of Kitcheifer and Mi Le.atori Simeon, son of Mix and ifr k1 Siemon of Zurrcli. The helipir noting cauple will reside' at • Kitchener where we join their many friends in extending congratulthilbrrs See Them at HESS, THE JEWELER • • • • •• • Corning to Zurich The Hensall. Minstrel Show am - pithy with about fifty charactersnana coming. to the Town Hall, Zurich on and approval. be •obtained from the Department for same. 'Friday April 18th, under the auspiC That by-law No. 6-1941 providing n. en ertilie Zarich Branch of the WOme for borrowing the, necessary funds to meet the assessment on lands in the Township of Hay under the Stanley Big Drain scheme for •outlet be read third time and finally passed, said by-law having been approved by the Ontario Municipal Board. That grant of relief to John Supt • jet341.bei... discontinued as .at May 1st, 1 • WE SELL THE BEST FOR. LESS • ; :SPEC/ALS WAII.PAPER iWykhave some 5,peCizas W.zillpaper in Room iots, ,as low as, $1.50 for a :gond iized Room. Odd rols vezy cheap 'See nnr 'Sample Book for new spring • 1134erns at Xttft advance CM vice over last, year. New Fated C.U.Ti in Green, Rose, Gold and Blue in Ciss„ Cross, and Martha Washington Style- MSG mister yard in several widths and A Shipment, Itnerers Sibs at a very low price, for the 'quality. • -MEN'S ps REASONABLY • P. •Phoot 140 That accounts •coverinn pe,yments onTownship Roads, Hay Telephone Systeme Relief and general accounts be passed as per vauchers: Twp. Roadsn—Exeter Times adv. re snow plow $1.80; Huron Expasitor do re chushing- and trkg 3.68; G. L, Smith do re pIew- & chueher 5.40; W Brewer Mg. gravel 12.40; W. Yundf. Mg. gravel $IS; Hy. Steinbach rd. Supt. 3.15; Expenses re conference . Kitchener 12.25; •W. F. Jennison, snow roads and •gravelg 32.25; Glen McLean 20 yds., gravel $2; pay Mt, labour 25.36. Hay Telephone—Bell Telo. Coeds. Jan. to March 197.07; Nor. Eleen Co. (Continued on last page enSi Inatittete- This company nerds • emnintrocluction to the. Zurich people, , antt..?em say the least, they are always' t real "good" .and this years program.; • t hit romises to be better Minstrel Concert itENSALL MINSTREAS.will be IN • •TOWN HAW ZURICH • oR• g. FRIPAY, APRIL 18th. Under auspices. of Zuride broneh of Women!.s Institnte. • A. Splendid Prpgram featuring Chor- uses, gniirtettea; Solos, Tap Dancing • jekeS. and Skitse we are o p than. aver: Be sure and bey your tickets early:. Plan of hall at thee Zuritdi D'inig. Store. • • OBITUARY , 1+ • • 0 • 4.:4. 0 4. 0 4. 4.• • 0 'InifXs Parke Passes. Di3h.eumte with startling snider -1T ness'.0-.MrS.,.'john Parke, of and'. a- fiemeir resident for many ye= ars of the Goshen StarileY Twp. ow the, farm! new owned by 'eMr.' Clan • ence Parke. Mrs. Park was the daughter, of Hrs. John Johnston, and died' Pat WiMipesday afternoon at her home; Hensall. She had been attend-- et, beg- ite lime household duties when 1,7 44,44ennanneneenenesereneneanannoena the call' came:, She is •survived bylier ; Mother; who celebrated her 90th birthday en Monday last, and two sisters, MT.. A. T. Douglas, of Hyde Parkee.nenf Miss _Margaret Johnston and a iltenthee William Johnston, For poSitive identification of the World's Finest Anthracitw ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets„ The Roe Farms Milling Cetv Feeds. W. R. D.AVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid for .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - Hensel)! SPRING Sale Regular $430,,00 Suits Made -to -Measure for EMBALMMS Off:Ma& cgi"0 AND 4.34.obt *. FUNERAL DIRECTORS • (n. 000000***00000004000e0 • *I. Kenora, Sask., :also a son, Williameet7,4oneasengemangpeevaeuemenuesemesniste. near nensall,..and a step -son, 'Clew- encLeranke of near Blake:. Mr. Parke predeceased her four years aga. A publra funeral was•helte on Saturday eftertroon from her late home tee Enenere ceinetery. Late Mrs. Haver Bedard. There passed away on 'Mandan April 14th;' hen; residence, Zurieln ;Agnes Charette, •beloved wife of Mr: 1 !flerry Bedard a -ed 76 yearn, Ineontlei and five days • 'She was a daughter lot the late Min and Mrs. kneel- Char- I eente of 'near• St. Joseph, and wee • born in. Bad Axe, Mich.,, having been a resident et the 14th eon., n1/4.lay• for many yeare; before moving to Xt./riche 16 years eige. She was. a devout and faithful member of „St. Boniface R.C. church cif Zurich and a very inter- esting of.eld td Converse with. Per- eicionn anemia being the cause of her Besides her husband two ,langhtens, Mrs. Samuel Oeseh of the Clelben line, Stanley Township; Mrs l. 1iih of Donclon; and two sons,: ) e'er Bbedarci of Sarnia, -na 'Prank ---Ch• Ortis of 40. Vild Men-- -e. Children 1:!5o.. of Detroit Reenim high mass wee Admissinen Adult 25e, neen in St, Boniface Church. Zurich, Pe,4erve your seat lien lot anditnnna on Wednesday morning at 9.301 ann. at Zueith Drug store, ith Father L. W. Power oilitqating. l'ensPn St(rlAtTN‘ Pianist 111"'llT4P1:1,t, followed In the 1.. 41% Com- Bentio • - • -- .; Director etery. • • , 1 w LLPAPER Come in, and see Our Sample Book of Paterns They wilt Please You! • We Iiirte' �nhand at gai times:,.... $tatale Articles, such itS Overalli,-Pants,,Sinocks, Shit, Bots nnd Etc. Etc. Pioneer and, National 'Chick Starter and Feeds. Also National Fertilizers. FRESH GROCERIES. ALWAYS ON HAND THE BLA E Edmund Swaytzentruber, Pyop. Phone -PY1 n in., neneenee,