HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-04-03, Page 3• 4:0 cogyo Rosario G.:Santa Cruz FLORES Hone, best known city, has clipper base, powerful radio station; ie junction of trans-Atlantie cahles, refueling, port for ocean shipping. ..... 1200 Mi. FRICA • • GRACIOSA TERCEIRA. ST, GEORGE eleene, FAYAL • Mink; Hort* Atlantic Ocean •PICO Atlantic Ocean THE AZORES ISLANDS (Portuguese Possession) Population: 254,000, Total area: 922 sq. mi., smaller than Rhode Island. Axis plane base here would be within bomber range of America, U-boat base could command crosslanes of shipping, Angra, Ponta Delgada aro biggest citie; farmers PO tbe islands raise fruit, grapes, wheat, pineapples, potatoes, corn; fishermen catch tuna, whales, bonito; ST. MICHAELS ‘471.0 Ponta Doleoda Nina Fratioa J. SANTA 4 O' MARIA °PortaC4 Tiny, but looming large in strategic importance, are the nine little Azores, undefended group of Portia,- ' i guese islands in mid-Atlantic. Britain is reported contemplating their seizure to keep them out a axis. hands, for a base there would give Germany a strangle hold on British shipping lanes. ' .1141`4 I, - l ^0..9-11.4040 •••••. 4,0.4 • 4. 41••••, How Can 1, BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I make white- wash? A. Fill a bucket half -full of lime and cover it about two inches with water. Let stand foe 24 hours to slake, or until it is the consistency of paste. Dip out a portion of this slaked lime into another bucket and thin with water to the desired consistency. Add I teaspoonful of bluing to Ye -bucket of whitewash to whit- en it, and Yeennt of salt to make • it stick. Q. How can I avoid a lard taste in pastry? A. By adding a tablespoonful of vinegar for each half cup of water used. Q. How can I prevent chap- ped hands? A. Apply glycerine and rose- water or lemon juice, several times daily and at night before retiring. Q. How can I make a mahog- any stain? A. Mix 1 quart boiled linseed oil, I quart turpentine, 1 pint whiting, 1 tablespoon burnt - sienna, Ye tablespoon yellow ocher, and. YI tablespoon Bis- marck brownt Q. How can I renew black' silk gloves which have acquired a shabby appearance? A. Mix a little white of an egg with some black ink; put on the gloves and apply the mixture with a soft cloth. ( 131/2 Million U. S. Visitors In 1940 Prospects For A Greater Tourist Trade For This Year Are Reported Tourist traffic from the United States to Canada continues to flow freely across the interna- tional boundary, according to the Immigration Branch of the De- partment of Mines and Resources, which reports that 13,598,777 • visitors entered Canada from the United. States during 1940. Al- though Canada is at war, and her industries have been re -organized on a war basis, no restrictions have been placed on the entry of bona fide tourists from friendly or neutral •countries. MORE ENQUIRIES RECEIVED Out At Elbows? Do you find the elbows of your sweaters get pushed out of shape quickly? If so, try sew- ing a four -inch wide strip of silk inside as a lining. Cut the silk on the straight so that there is no "give' and tack it to the in- side of the sleeve just at the el- bow, using long stitches on the wrong side and very thin ones on the right, This band takes the atrain and prevents that ugly, pushed -out look at the elbow. The same idea can be used for dres- ses of thin wool liable to stretch, Modern Etiquette BY ROBERTA LEE Prospects for a much greater tourist trade in 1941 were envis- aged by D. Leo Dolan, chief of the Dominion Travel Bureau, in an address last month before the 111h annual dinner of the Traf- fic Club of Montreal. The speaker noted that since the beginning of . the present year, more than 22,000 inquiries for travel information had been received by the bureau at Ot- tawa. This was an increase of 31 per cent over the highest number ever received for a cor- responding period. Population. In Quebec Up 3,151,871 Persons Reside Province; 277,416 Gain in Years Quebec's population has grown steadily since the last Federal census in 1931 and now amounts to well over 3,000,000, accord- ing to figures tabled in the Que- What Science \ Is Doing In 10 HAVE YOU HEARD? The old sailor had retired froln the sea. Each morning a grubby youngster knocked at his door, went in and came out again. At - ter this had gone on for Seine weeks the curiosity of the villa- gers was aroused. "Tell me," said •one to the youngster, "why do you visit that old sailor every morning?" "Well, sir, he gives me a dime if I say to him, 'The captain wants you immediately.'" "And whet does he say to that?" "He says, 'Tell the captain to go to blazes.'" Be: "Last night I dreamed I was married to the most beautiful girl in the world." She: "Oh, George, Were we happy?" FOR SEVERE BURNS Discovery of a new treatment tor severe burns has beau announced by authorities at John Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. The treat- ment uses a combination. at aut. fadiazine in spray form. Iteports from the hospital show that It has produced remarkable results in its early test oases. —0-- HAIR GROWTH AFTER DEATH A California physician has, cited statement that hair grew to a con- siderable length after a 'body Was interred in two cases. The journal of the American Medical Associa- tion expresses doubt as to the' a ouracy of the reports, but Statee it is possible for a =all growth to take place after somatic death due to continuation of the molecular life processes until available oxy- gen has been used. Thele is also a deceiving appearance of growth a -hair on a dead. person due to the shrinking of the Skin., -which. ex - noses portions of the • hair shaft previously concealed. —0— APPLES PUT TO SLEEP Apples tram last year's crop, kept asleep by a heNS process so that they remain as fresh as when picked, are coming onthe :market One Japanese bragged to an- other that he made a fan last 20 years by opening only a fourth section, and using this for five years, then the next section, and so on. The other Japanese registered Scorn. "Wasteful!" he ejaculated. "1 was better taught. I make a; fan last a lifetime. I open it wide, and hold it under my nose quite motionless. Then 1 wave my head." Nation's Diet Is inadequate in May and June. They have beenstored since last summer by four storages in New 'York State, and at Cornell Uni- versity where this netv process has been under development for four years by Dr. R. M. Smock, assist- ant professor of pomology. The fruit was placed last fall in cool rooms, 40 degrees instead of the ordinary 32 degrees 'cold stor- age temperature. The rooms were h sealed and the oxygeu of D • uin 'Minister of Municipal their air reduced to two per cent. ' teed. of the normal 20 per cent, bee Legislature by Hon. Oscar Affairs, Trade and. Industry. 26 CITIES, 108 TOWNS The figures resultingfrom a ' close estimate on the .part of the Provincial Statistical Department show that there were 3,151,871 persons in Quebec in 1939. This figure shows an increase of 277,- 410 over the Federal census count made in this province .in. 1931, when 2,874,255 persons were registered as being in Que- bec. The report stated that there were 1,493 municipalities within the province. Within this num- ber are 26 cities and 108 towns, the remainder being rural muni- cipalities and parishes. 1. Isn't it permissible for a woman to take a matr's arm when walking along the street? 2. When a bachelor has been entertained by married friends, what is a good way for him to return the hospitality? 3. Should a child be permitted to leave the table before the rest of the family have finished eat- ing? 4. When a bride is 'to be mar- ried in a traveling suit, what Should the bridegroom wear? 5. What is the best way for a man to ask a girl for a dance? 6. May one 'ase a lead pencil for writing, a social or business letter? Answers I. Yes, under certain condi- tions it is all right. If the street is poorly lighted, or .ctherivise dangerous and uncertain, it is well to do so; and also when walking under an imbecile. 2. 'take them to a restaurant for dinner, or to the theatre. Pe No, A* 'should sit quietly until the 'others have finished. Of course, leo may be excused if the grown- ups linger over after-dinnev cof- fee and convevsation. 4, A busi- ness suit. 5. "May I have the next daece?" 6, Not 'unless one is ill and writing the Totter in ire& Ask Curb .Be Put On Sped of Boats Attorney -General Gordon D. C011814 declareil last week the federal government had been asked to pass legislation to con- trol the speed of motor boats as ' a result of an accident an the Winnipeg River in which a girl was badly injured. The mishap occurred when the girl was run down while bathing near 1Vlinaki in Northwestern Ontario last August. T. T. Bower, operator of- the • beat, charged with negligence, was acquitted when the court elat- ed thee° was no provision in the Criminal Code 'covering the oper- ating speed of motor boats. Machino tool production in Canada during 1940 was -valued at $10,821,949, eempared with $1,548,419 in 19:39, an increase of 800 per cent. VIIIMOS.,;.**117016.fiall2.614.kgrAMOMPIIIMIVIele-reLVIM. M. RAWLINSON, LIMITED Reduced RI; tc lin; e Pool MOVING SHIPPING PACKING - STORING coy,: ...winnipog and West Estaioished. 13N5 to Coast. 610 YONGE ST. - TORONTO Teacher: I said, Draw a horse and cart. You've only drawn a horse. Freddy: Yes, the. horse will draw the cart. Toronto Doctor Advises That lore Attention to Nutrition is Essential to War Effort There is too much buying of vitamin concentrates and not enough attention paid to build- ing up an adequate diet of na- tural foods,Dr. D. le Thomson, professor obiochemistry 1110- Gill 'University, last week told the Canadian Association of Me- dical Students and Internes. Dr. Thomson's comments oe the national diet followed an ad- dress by Dr. E. W. McHenry, as- sociate professor of physiologi- cal hygiene of the University of Toroll$0. Dr. McHenry spoke of the value of dietary surveys and referred particularly to studies which had been made of 100 low- income families in Toronto. In these families, the men, he stated, were the best fed, the children next and the mothers worst. Only three of the 100 families received adequate am- ounts of food. The lack of "pro - B vitarains, was most evident. "If you get up earlier in the morning than your neighbor," said the town philosopher, "and work harder and scheme more and stick to your job more closely and stay up later planning how to make more money than your neighbour and burn the midnight oil planning how to get ahead of him while he is snoozing, not only will you leave more money when you die than he will, but you'll leave it a darn sight sooner." There was a young girl in the choir Whose voice went up hoir and heir Till one Sunday night It went out of sight And they found it day in the spoir. At the salve time the carbon diox- ide was raised to five per cent, this gas coining from the fruit. This atmosphere has been Main- tained. steadily ever since, The tWo pee cent, oxygen is just enougbto keep the apples alive. The earbon. dioxide and low oxygen puts them into deep sleep, like an anaesthetic. The effect is to literally slovr dowil their rate of living, or of aging and dying, so.that they last for many Months without detect- able Charge, even in. flavor. If you use an electeic vacuum - cleaner, empty the dust -bag fre- quently and regularly. Failure to do this is bad for the mechanism. Funds for the rebuilding of London after the disastrous fire of 1666 were obtained from a tax on coal and wheat landed at the Port of Loncicn. next MALNUTRITION WIDEgPREAD Both speakers emphasized that In time of war it was imperative, if Canada is to put forth her best war effort, to pay more atten- tion to nutrition. They emphas- ized that this attention must be based on knowledge, not popular fancies. While there may be little actual hunger in Canada, there was malnutrition, Dr. Thomson pointed out, particular- ly as lack of the essential rainer- als and vitamins did not create hunger in the sense that lack of calories did. Round up Ogden's for a Real Smoke Walking Galleries Tattoo experts say that more customers are thronging their saloons than ever before, and that their clients do not come mainly from the armed forces. To -day Service men do not want mato and ladders, and hearts with "Mabel" in the middle, inscribed on their chests, but British civili- \ ans are being tattooed with iden- tification merles. Many tattooists do nothing but remove former de- signs from the skins of their cus- tomers, for taste changes with the passing of the years. Some time ago in the U.S. tattooists had a tremendous rush of busi- ness, for the I.Tnited States Navy barred entry into the service to any man with the nude figure of a woman inscribed on his akin. Thousands rushed to have clothes added to these designs. Take a tip from old timers who have been rolling their own for twenty years or more.Their brand is Ogden's and they wouldn't think of smoking anything else. They like it because it has a taste you can't match—a taste which comes front its distinctive blend of choice, ripe tobaccos. Try it. You'll find it's not just another tobacco—it's Ogden's. Only the best cigarette papers -- "Vogue" or "Ohantoolor" are good enough for Ogden's OGDEN'S FINE CUT CIGARETTE TOBACCO Pipe Smokers! Ask for Ogden's Cut Plug itroms.~....rawasamerprimimromosamtaawsuumsnagmansataw Do You Live In The Past? Professor Claims It's a Una Sign of Middle Age When you start living in the past instead of adjusting yourself to changes in environment, you've reached middle -age, according te Dr. William A. O'Brien, Univer- sity of Minnesota professor. "When men start living in the past, senility is near at hand," he said. In.some people this may come early in life, while witit other it may be up to 60 or be- yond. 'UNDERSTAND THAT LIFE CHANGES "For many years the individue al is confronted with the paradon of an aging body, an alert min social and business techniques ot a high order of development. Hal tries to prolong his physical actie vities by a strenuous program ot keeping fit. The result is often dangerous. "It is impossible to fight the changes. We should understana them and make the necessary ad, justments." ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS, AGENTS WANTED tIRES .. 12 MONTHS GUARANTEE. Direct RaCtOTY to YOU with one small profit. If needing. TIRES, it will pay you to write for prices. Agents wanted . . . save money for yourself, and make a few dollars selling Your friends. All tires shipped, prepaid, subject to your inspection and approva. Mayalls Tire Service, 8 Elm St., Toronto. BABY CLUCK'S "OXFORD" CHICKS rRom ON- tario Breeding Station Flocks, six- teenth year culled and blood - tested by the Poultry DcPart- ment, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. Barred Rock Cock- erels 5c each, White Leghorn Cockerels 2c each. Write for Cir- cular. The Oxford Farmers' Co - Operative Produce Company, Lim- ited, Woodstock, Ontario. RAISE GOOD MIMICS WITH :MEN - son's bred to lay barred plymouth rocks and S.C.W. leghorns Barron Strain. 16 years breeding, culling hatching* and blood testing. Price for March and April Rocks and Leghorns as hatched 10 cents. Rock Pullets 17 cents, Leghorn Pullets 20 cents. Circular with other prices on rectues1. 3. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. BUSINESS OrrowruNITY HURON TOWN GROCERY' STORE attached dwelling. 'Rent 625. Clear stock. fixtures. about fifteen hun- dred. Wm, Pearce, Exeter. CARS, NEW AND rstet) MOUNT PLESSANT MOTORS Toronto's oldest Chrysler. BlYm- outh dealers: three locations, 682 Mt. Pleasant Read, 2040 rouge St., 1050 Danforth .A.vcnile. Our 'Used Cars make us many friends, MIDDLEAGE" WOMEN HIEED i HIS APVICE11 Thousands of waren gosmilIngthretrying tittles" with Lydia Ti. Pink/leas Vegetable c ompound--faMous for over 60 years in re- oving f exhale Pane. tonal troubles, Try Hi FOR SALE GOATS, NANNY AND BILLY 312.00. Geese $5.00. Runner Ducks $1.25. Guinea pi gs wanted. Harold Norris, Alma, Ontario. GOITRE 11.A.VE YOU GOITRE? "ABS reduces. For particulars write J. Johnston Co., 171 Xing E., :Toronto. HERBS WANTED 333 WE BUY HUNDREDS DIFFER ent 'Herbs, Roots, Barks. Write Dominion Herb Distributors, 1426 Main, Montreal. HOUSE FOR S.A.:LE pn-Rcarottas ST.A.LLION, t YEARS. a real horse cheap. Information, Picture write J. Aylward, Queens - 'vine, Ont. CHICKS, PULLETS BOOKLET rnOncuerse Boois UN - der Ten Cents per dozen for Feed Cost mailed free on request. Order chicks and pullets nov,-, Manor FELTITI, Clarkson, Ontario. 25 FREE CHICKS WITLT EVERY 100 PULLETS or 100 mixed chicks ordered, we giv.e 25 free chicks. :Pullets $15.00 to $19,00 per 100; Mixed Chicks $8.00 to 1,0.00 per 100; Cockerels per 100 light breeds, $1,50; heavy breeds, $4.00. Immediate delivery Goddard Chick IT a tIch e r y, Britannia 7To1g'bt, Ont, 11A I ISIt V V.O.HIPMENT BAKERS' OVENS AND MACHIN - cry, also rebuilt equipment al- ways 001 hand, Terms arranged. Correspondence invited. Hubbard :Portable Oven Co.. 1(18 Batburst Toren to. VNITAT ST VANS PINE AIIST PANS, 'N (.41.1N itAl] El ('mil ,ss, y wholesale. Toronto V.,t.t :til'. 20 Melinda, Torento. ISSUE 14—'41 LEGAL J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP- itol Theatre BUilding, St. Thomas, Ontario. Special Department for farmers collections. POULTRY A-1 BAI3Y C S, BARRED Rocks, White Rocks, White Leg - horns, Brown Leghorns, Jersey Black Giants, New Hampshire Reds. Write for new low prices. A. 11. Switzer Hatchery, Granton, Ont. BABY CHICHS, GOVERNMENT AP - proved White Leghorns and Barred Rocks, also sexed Pullets or Cockerels. Breeding since 1802, Send for price list: Wright FaTht) Brockville, Ontario. RELIGIOES COMING BECHRIS wonderful book sent free. Mega ELIJAH FORE Mission, H., Rochester, New Yorl sEICING SI.A.CITINES AND neereens eneoBle—sEB REVERSE ST1TC before buying. Send. for catalogued prices and terms. ROI:Min. Singer Sewing machine Company, 254 'rouge St., Toronto, Ont. SEED FOR SALE NORTHERN GROWN NO. 2 ALSI101 18 cents pound, No. 2 alintare 90% .Alsike balance timothy dutch clover, 16 cents pound. No. 3 Mine ture Alsike 907e balance dutch clover 13 cents pound. No. 2 Mine , ture Alsike 60To, timothy 505 la cents pound. No. 2 Timothl+e No. 1 Purity 9 cents pound, no primary noxious weeds, 2,5e, Pay* rent with order. Wm. A. Reid, Earlton. Ontario. SNAPSHOTS TO -DAY TREASURES TO -MORROW Your finns are carefully- and scion., tifically processed by Imperial, to make sure they last. 0 or s ns:no:sync FILMS 250 with beautiful enlargement free. 8 reprints with enlargement 26a Thousands of letters from satisfiet customers testify to our euperio quality and service. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J, Toronto. STOMACH SUFFETtEITS1 BRAY DELIVERS THE CHICKS. Order with confidence of quick delivery most breeds, cross breds, roniets, cockerels, capons. Started chicks. Write for list Daily Spec- ials showing breeds, with dates, available. Some spectate now im- mediate aelivery are Leghorn% Barred Rooks, NTIxL S. Brar Hatchery, 130 John N.. Hamilton, Ont. (limited number Turkeys). °Innen T•eiven‘!T1)!s AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, DUPREE PILLS $1.50 DOUBLE STRENG'VE $8.00. Ladies— quick, reliable relief for delayed, overdue, or painful periods. Wil- liam Crosby, Dept. WL, 204 On- tario Building, SALZMAN WANTED WITH. CAR to eell to stores, Ladies' House DreSSOSI ATKI Werkihrt cloth- es, on commission basis. Cash bread required to cover cost of samples. Exclusive territory given. State age, experienve references. Write P.O. Box. 113, 1.1ontreal. LET DR. McLEOD'S STOMACHIC brine; you happiness this year, G. Townsend, G'orrie, Ontar00 states: "Suffered for years with terrible gnawing pains few hours after eating. Also had vomiting attacks and hemorrhage. Nothing; seemed to help much but soda, and it only for short time, then. I learned of Dr. MeIkod'S Stern. italic. After taking three bottles I was free from pain. Kept on improving and have now beet& well for nine years, enioying meals without medicine." Stome achle is good for all forms ot digestion. Tnug Store or write Dr. McLeod's stomachic Co., 558 Baths urst. Toronto. $1.26 per bottlf postpaid. TOBACCO FOUR. nereenDelrunteoe AND VIlts ginia Leat ter pipe $1.85. Fill cigarette Tobacco 32.50 postpaid, Natural Leaf Tobacco Co., Leave.. ington Onterif Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New SPECIALIYANG VN 0(1111L' la MO. eovc - 1 S1,0'8. Uidreelit 001,11$1, %remelt.% oeneentom Sterters. alogneos, Carburetors. lanai:114mo — Pixel:a:1Se Serviese Giese Satisraetion or rerun& Levy auto Voris. °eat. .1.. Toronto. . 1