HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-04-03, Page 1Forty -First Yew ZURICH, THURSDAY ,M O H IN 0, APRIL 3, ( 9 41 a the Canadian War Services Fund .Are You Suffering From Headaches? Pf sp.; Have your Eyes Examined with 'the Latest Method's and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R.O. OPTOMETRIST & OPTICIAN GODE.RIOE' — ONT. Good Glasses at Reaaoule Prices • rHIEL'S HAIRDRESSING Easter Specials V sit Our Parlor for your Ea.s ter SLeciats. MRS. FRED THIELE,, Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER The Newest. Approved Method of, Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. THE DEW - DROP - INN QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES Hot Dogs, Hamburger., Soft Drinks, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT ALWAYS THE LOWEST PRICES POSSIBLE Sales rove It. ---No Salesmen Commissions to pay No Finance :Charges to Pay 1937 Oldsmobile Sped ,Seliaala.,s skless interior, ; gas hoer. 194ii ,Pontiac Coad 'lire :naw, Theater and defroster. 19'39 DODGE,, Spesiul1 De ata, Canape. • 1.936 £hev. Stan sed Coach, trunk, • totally owned. 19:31 Ford Coach, Trunk !Rack, Newly Painted. 1.9,39 Chev. Coach, Dark 1P3rue, .Sav(e .$50.00 on this Car - 1:9.35 Cheat Standard :and :(1) T935 Chev. Master Coach:- Beth oach_Beth (Cars Owned in. Zurich. 1:940 DODGE Goad_ (Get !the i)Eirire :and Compare. :tan Ford. Coach $1215'00 1939 Ford DeLux Coach 1925 Chev. Coach Ta.. , (1936 Ford Coach 1:929 Ford Coupe $3 liDa 1939 Plymouth Coach 1927 Essex. Sedan $26.00. 1936 1111,. ton truck 20,000 miles 1924 Ford Coach: *19,003 1939 Chev. Coupe, locally owned .D iFteai('1Ry 3;r;lliIER.S WARD FRITZ Leaviff's Theatre Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Friday, Saturday Saturday Matinee 2.30 TWO FEATURES HE STAYED FOR. BREAK- FAST Starring Melvyn Douglas and'Loretta Young BULLETS FOR RUSTLERS With Charles Starrett and Sons of the Pioneers Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday YOU'LL FIND OUT Special Mystery Comedy Feature, with Kay Kayser, Bella Legosi and Boris Karloff. WE SELL THE 'BEST FOR LESS ' SPECIALS IN WALLPAPER We have some Specials in Wallpaper in Room lots, ai low as. USD f ►r t:good ;sized Room. Odd rolls very cheap- : Set our Sample Book for new spring Patterns at no. advance in price over Last year. New Frilled Cnrlrakis in Green, Rose, Goki and Blue in Criss, Crossand Martha Washington Style Also, mets;, lite yard in several widths and Prices.. A Shipment of Men's Suits at a very low price, for the quality. MEN'S FELT FIATS REASONABLY PRICED Patriotic Rally! AUSPICES OF HURON COUNTY' WAR SERVICES FUND Seaforth Sunday APRIL 6th Parade: BEGINS AT 2.15 From Town Hall, and will. include Band s Units from C.A.S.F. in the County, R.A.F. and R.C.A.F. The Rally will be held in first Presbyterian Church AT 3 P.M. -when prominentspeakers will address the gathering NER EVERYBODY WELCOME Plan, Now to Attend ARM Tuesday was April first, and all Fool's Day, and this is now the month of spring and early growth. Mr. and Mrs. Orville Ehnes, of Detroit were Sunday visitors at the Williams home. Mr. and Mrs. William F. Braun and family of Forest were Sunday visitors in town. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hoffman and Bobbie of Galt, were Sunday visitors with their parents here. Owing to the continued dry wea- ther, a number of cisterns in town have dried up, and people have had water hauled in the town tank. Sorry to report that Mr. Edward Miller of town is confined to bed with illness at the home of his sis- ter, Mr. and Mas. Josiah Sararas of the Blue Water Highway. Mr, Ross Johnston, of Blake, Hur- on County's Corn Borer Inspector, is already on the job, and asks all people to co-operate and fight this evil to the corn crops. Mrs. Mary Tr emner has moved her household effects into her home .in Zurich which she recently purch- ased front Mr. Ivan Kalbfleisch. This ie dormerly known as the Axt 'vtx..Hienry°' Becker, 3i , has pur- ha,ed from Mr..Olive.( Turnbull the 143 acres of land on concession 16, Hay Township, and gets immediate possession. Mr. Becker has had the land leased for some years. Sacred Drama A Sacred Drama based on the Biblical Story of the Rich Young Ruler will be presented in the Evan- gelical Church on Friday evening, April 11th, at 8 p.m. An offering will be received at the door. Another Trial To -day, Wednesday, the Beatty Co of Fergus, have their pump expert, Mr. James Leighbourn here in town to install the double action pump that was put in last sunnier and which was a source of trouble until the old pump was put back in again. The new two way pump has had some improvements made thereto, and will be given another trial before it will be given up for good. PATRIOTIC RALLY IN SEAFORTH A. monster patriotic rally under the auspices of the Huron County War Services Fund will mark the begin- ning of the final few days of the drive -in Huron County, according to plans arranged by the Huron Bbard at a meeting in Clinton on Saturday. The rally which is being held in Sea - forth commences. with a parade at 2.75 p.m. on Sunday April (ith. In the parade. will be Huron County branches of the Canadian Legion, county, bands, detachments from ac- tive service units in the county and many others. The public are invited to attend this big rally. HURON WAR SERVICES CAMPIAIGN With .organization work completed in all four zones the Huron County War Services campaign is well under way. On Saturday ry evening an or- ganization meeting was held in the local town"•hall, Zurich when a com- mittee was organized and the trustee boards of the various section, were appointed to look after their section The produce or cash plan, ausignated primarily for. rural nmunicipalities, is i'unctioning .smoothly, according to J. C. Shearer, agricultural convenor and has received wide comment. Thr- ough this plan person, unable give -cash may donate produce or some other article, The Huron quota Set by provincial headquarters at 20,000 has been broken down - to municipal .quotas, ail :those affeeting. community are as follows Hay $1,2110 Stanley $$75; Stephen 81,- .,O; Tuckersmith $800; • 1leaforth, $90; LX0ter. $1,O(O; l anstill $350, Eye Lenses Why send your broken Spec- tacles, Lens or Lenses to the larger centres. We can duplicate them accur- ately and save you money; 48 hour Service. Let us make up a new pair of Glasses from your next pre- scription. A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. Rates; $1.`),G, in Canada, in advanoli $1.50 in U.S.A., in advarte•, CHESTER L. SMITH, Publish* PHONE YOUR 0 For positive identification oI the World's Finest Anthracittt ak for - BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets. The Roe Farms Milling Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fart .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone 10 - HensalI • • • • • Mld-Winter • •• 7 , i Sale • • ♦ • • • 2 Regular $30,00 Suits ♦ • Made -to -Measure for s • • $24.95 1 W. • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS e. • •. • •••••#•••••♦♦•e•••••4,.•00.04,.4,♦4,4,♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4,.•4,♦•♦•• WALLPAPER. Come in and see Our Sample Book of Patterns! They will Please You! We have on hand at al:.l times »•.... Staple Articles,, such as Overalls, Pants, Smocks, Shirts, Boots and Shoes, Etc. Etc. Pioneer and National Chick Starter and Feeds. Also National Fertilizers. tr 'FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND rru BLAKE STORE, Edmund Swartaentruber, Prop. Phone: 11-97