HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-03-27, Page 8Cxl;t'A' ''IIIIIb11I1111111INI11111111111111111 ZURK 11,11!LHMI 111111-11111111 any 4 e toers 4aT s We take this medium to announce the addition of a New o 1r l rge stock of ..cn.r l Goods, Namely: V i^mely : WENS' and BOYS' READY-TO-WEI42 SUITS and OVERCOATS. We are featuring aexmode Clothes, made by a z;earbie Toronto firm, and our stock is complete in Boys, Si.udents, Young Men's and Men's Models. Suits with two pair Trousers, finely tailored., and ixn order to introduce this line we are offering at e,:heptional low prices for high grade Goods. We also have a large range of sample cloths for Made -to -Measure Suits. We 'welcome your in- spection. We have recently remodeled and modernized our .store and are showing a Iarge assortment of new Spring and Summer Goods, and our aim is to give you prompt and efficient service at all times. 47.' i ., Fj C PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 INS A.o �NCE EXCEPT LIFE ire, Auto, Oasualty Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F.• Hess, Local . Representative ._._- HARDWARE -- SEEDS':. Our rad FURNITURE arrner Oustorner Your are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help ' is scarce and Costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty la 1or- saving stable equipment. i ays Iietime aivitends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices. ,. Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering i' ta,al!!iittr14( 1#1:411tt(r 91111m 0140 • Manure Carrier Labour Saving Q 411 URJeq ,rocery t 111.01 !Ili lliigui(IIlIIioniI11llgia1a111 inlir 44.4•40,404.00 4.. w>•44+•4*** •a+' + ++4Maui ora Princess ,Soap Flakes (with dish) 25c Sodas salted, 2 lbs: .,,,, w 5 c Mired pickles, 7 -oz jar ....... ..... . , I Oc Strawberry jam 32 -oz size jar ... ., Pilchards 1-1b. can ,. r 5c Tea bags, 20 for "25c Heinz ketchup, 8 oz. bottle Pepper fine, half -1b. can ................15c c it enno e& h PRDUCE WANTED. 1111 N11111111 1lllllip IIUIMN111111 IIDIIIIIIII 1 IIII1NIIl 111 1111111111 Ll.a•bi. I;, i a 11; KK.; i .rich Phone DL5 111114 118flllllt11111IU1111111I 111 01111111111W II I111111IHIIII IiIill•Ii`I Mr. and Mrs. 3. W. Haberer were a few days in Toronto. Mr. Ward Fritz made a business trip to Toronto early in the week. Miss Herta. Goman of Milverton, a former teacher of Zurich school, vis- ited with friends here. jMr. Keith Westlake, Bronson line, Stanley, has been taken to a hospital suffering from an attack of append- icitis. ppend-is tis. To Become Organized At a meeting held in Hensall on Friday evening last, it was decided to organize the four Townships of South Huron for the coming Canad- ian War Services Fund Campaign, and on Saturday evening of this week,. a ;meeting will be held in The Town Hall, Zurich, to complete ar- rangements for this campaign. HOW NAZIS USE ":Homely Women" for Spies Pretty women spies nearly always got into trouble, so the Nazis • are giving undercover jobs to unattract- ive *omen. Read in The American Weekly with March 30 issue, of The Detroit Sunday Times—how a home- ly housewife's arrest by , the British revealed this radical departure in spyini. Be sure to get The 'Detroit Sunday Times this week and every weeki • W. M. S. MEET The monthly meeting of the Wo men's Missionary Society was held on Thursday evening, March 20, in the church ,basement. Mrs, Ciarenee Datars presided. The topic for the meeting was 'Beginning From Me."' Mrs.; Datars told the members that it stems that never before in the history of the c'_aarrch has the. need been so great for the individual' Chr- istian to do justly, to love mercy and to walk ut:.:':: ` :fare his God. Clip- pings in connection with othe ,topic were read .by Mrs.• George Deichert, Mrs: L. Prang, Mrs. E. Deters, Jr., . and Mrs. L Kalbfieisch. The ,Thank - Offering Thought was given by Mrs. ' L. Prang. A very interesting discus -d sion' under the leadership of the pastor, Rev. E. t'u •kheim, followed.1 The;usual monthly business was con- l `, . ducted by president Mrs. E. Deters, Jr. .Plans to support a Kindel gazten pupil, as formerly, are to be made 1 mord definite next month. The meet-' ing closed with the doxology and the 1 Lord's Prayer: in unison. Womens' Institute On Monday evening, March 23rd, the Zurich Women's Institute held( their April meeting in the town hall. f The meeting was opened by singing the Institute Ode and praying the • Lord's Prayer. The business was con- ducted first. It being the annual bus- :• iness meeting, The officers were el- .acted as follows; :Hon. President, * Mrs. T. Meyers; President, Mrs. yX, • Oesch; 1st Vice, Mrs. H. Rose; . 2nd ® vice, Mrs. Ed. Gascho; Secretary. • Miss Beatrice Manson; Asst. Mrs. W is Fritz; Treasurer, Mrs, A. Addison.; As Mrs. M. Stelck; pianist, Mrs. H Hess; Ass't Mrs. Bryce; Good Cheer Com., Mrs. IL Hess, Miss Ann Dat - ars, Mrs. D. Duch'arme; District Dir- ector, Mrs, J, Hey; Red 'Cross Com- mittee, Mrs. Len :Erb, Mrs. O'Dwyer Miss Beatrice Manson took the chair for the program, Miss Cora. Streets gave a paper on current events. She included in the paper a resume of the "Help Britain" speech of President Roosevelt. Two 'trios by N-rma Hey and Vera arid Lorrine Oesch were :•aucla enjoyed. Miss Pearl Wurtz in er usual capable manner gave a read for on Easter Messages. The topic for the meeting .being 'tHa...re :Econ- omics" Miss Standing was guest spe- aker, She is one of our local teeeh- ere and erolainld t;r u thr, traelriiM a a • O 1 8 1 I otn Iicorro,EEses i' as :• Miss Beatrice Manson delial,t,sS001.c.. tudience with n r e :+liner .a n„ .a • the national anthem was similar. r>nr- ing the business r9;rinn and Tree lsa 1)as ar Hayed a delie;htfail plane dti'.i. end7/Ilton els° r r'Ierre l '• , , uia :; o ,,lo, ',,a,�... hE t mss: t' dainty 1,rn.rh.....'Coamn.itteee'Mrs, AEI. Bison, Miss Wurt+r„ Mr8. Ilastg, ;{firs, ▪ Siesort and Beatrice Manson. ALITY — PRICE •— SERVICE ono* Ingenemiwayw, r LOCAL MARKETS (corrected every Wednesday) Eggsdozen .. . 18, 15; 12 Butter, Dairy . Butter creamery .�...... • 40 Dressed chickesrs .12-20 Chickens live. . _ 14 Wheat bushel 10 7a9 Oats; bush. . ' . . Barley, basila.: ~" . ... 352 Buckwheat b .... 0c Flour, cwt. bush •...:...... .... 40c ..... -i-'- •'• . 2.50-3.15 Pastry fiour at:r�rnl, 25 -lbs, ....65c Potatoes, T5' Ib bag Live hdgs. c .. , ... 8.50 mzazmuwa&&v...,„ Jl.eal! CIV. IR ODU CE The` boys rely on the folks adore home to do„ their bit through a contribution to the C.nadian Auxiliary Services. lo these lads, these Brave De- fenders of the Faith, we who ray behind are the folks back he +ie.; Your contribut'ons,targe a=zd small, will be direct gifts to our boys wherever they may he ..... a 4 Huron your, con- tribution may be either p: odrxce or cash. The canvasser . that will call o:s you will give you the details. Be ready for hii�>< ►• HURON. COUNTY WAR SERVICES CAMPAIGN J. D. THOMAS, General Chairman ZONE Conveners: W. L. Whyte Thomas Pryde AGRICULTURAL .CONVEN'R James C. Shearer LOCAL CHAIRMEN Hay axed Zurich—George Arm- strong: StanIe;r Tp.—Fred Watson. 9 ur;,'na s Quota $20,000 h• YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS At r We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavy Stank Hard Furnaces, and all Heating c mentre: Stoves, s. Let Offer You Good Suggesti a 5 along t this Line.Us Some Good Used Heaters at Very ReasonablePrices FURNITURE + See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites 4, • A Full Line of all the Home Requirements 1. Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest 4 in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, iered. Let us show quality Con.s dere you our Beds, Springs, !Mattress, Room Suites. Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc, SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the more conservative purchaser we can save 1; you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Usecl tFurniture that will give you your Money. Drop in and look th ser e ovandvgetlue for 4 Remarkable Low Prices - our 4 J1.hrLton clware ttt tur . jtpj'e hO H a 63 4'°F'g34+4 4.+43+++-4 +4.f+++.3**0+e++.l.k..F.e..;.. ++44+41444,0 eat :addled n Dumais REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD. +IIINn1IR onNlnNNnililnifn119nnlINNN111;UlUfl 'lil<SNI(I@NnIIIINhIINNInIINNniInININ iti nlllnNnNnIIINNNNn ni! lilnNnlnmannllUIININNiNnNil1111nNINNNNIINNIN p NOW! I5 THE TIME TO ORDER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot Body WOpd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! HESS, the Repair Man o � *it• : t YourFuel��� n HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors . 4. LET US QU'OT'E YOU! . Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building, Materials n111ni 1111INNn101111In1111111N11111111nn1N11111N111NNNIfll111NN1111N111innIMIPlIlei@ llRnnl I111111111N1111111n111Nl1M1milli111111111111111NIIIIInfnNlln111111lfl11111111 lINISIIINfIIUNUII t++. ; 4++'tea++++++g++'i.f.+4:..++-�• +4-1,++++++++i-i-1-+-1-1.4.+4+++•a�{ .t, ,REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. 'WE CARRY A t LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS • ON ' H 4ND. AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING Wd11K'4yFitL'E YoU 4i WAIT. 4. PHONE on .4.++++++++++++++++4.4.+++++++. ++•F4i. 4+ C. KAL FLE ZURICH esaasossa te4as'RSIsea1A9 aatbaaf) aaotsa099000*aataairamit - t Ipp o 1 OTIOE We would urge all people in account with us to come i no nor before March 1st, and settle the same in order to have out books straightened out. POTATOES.. Very choice Certified Imported seed potatoes • at per bag ....I.30 Irish Cobbler or Green Mountain Other potatoes for domestic use at bag .:........1.20 CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... Be sure and call! WE THANK YOU! • MR 1141 6+t G b0 d la tis 0N�AII