HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-03-27, Page 414i3).'ot, essisuateaeloossaireartralleselisPiantallooe Mc inley's c IICKS GOVERNMENT APPROVED, PULLORUM TESTED STOCK. 97 r 11, Hensall, for good Chicks for 1941 ,Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich. J. E. IVIcKINLEY, Zurich, Ontario 27Z2SneNt n MSTIMEDIZZERMeatka • FP'E-STET SERVICE ARATHION G A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed' Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and. Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Warmer Weather and Better Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz. & Son Used Car Lot in Connection 60666'a 60a6,666666666666666,66a6.666696,?seeesectessoel 1: Electric Washer 6 ID 1 0 in 2 Only-Coffiela (SunIite) :Regular 8 6 8 1P4to 1 9 ID 41) 1 Only -Beatty .(White cap) argains Only-'Wesfinglouse, 'Regular 94.50. Bargain Price . .$59.00 ID .6 ID 1 Only -Easy .Action Hand washer, slightly =sea, 'like new only $8.00 -8 • 1 Only-na:na 'Washer $2.00 •ie SEE THESE 'WMGAINS 41b • 6 8 • -10.110100104* 82.50. Bargain Price .... 165.00 Only -Beatty .rWiiitecafi) -washer Reconditioned, 'like new, Sale Price ,.. $22.00 Reconaitionea ............$20:0O HESS ZURICH HERALD AUCTION SALE Of FARM STOCK, IlVIPLEMENTS• and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On Lot 16, Con. 1, Usborne Twp, On THURSDAY, MARCH 27 at 12,30 pen, sharp One mile south of Hensall, on NO. 4 Highway HORSES -Clyde gelding rising 4 years; team of Clyde geldings ris- ing e years; aged gelding; Clyde mare, supposed to be in foa; Clyde gelding colt rising one year. CATTLE -Cow with calf at foot; cow due at time of sale; Holstein cow with calf at foot; Jersey cow due in July; cow due in June; Hol- stein cow due in June; xed Durham bull, 2 years old; purebred white cow due at time of sale; black cow eupposed to be in calf; blue due in May; black heifer, beed; Hol- stein, due in April; 2 red cows with calves at foot; 3 steers rising 3 yrs; old; 4 .steers rising 2 yrs old; 4 year- ling steers; purebred yearling heifer; purebred heifer rising 2 years; 8 heifers rising 2 years; 6 heifers ris- ing 1 year; 3 small calves. 3 ducks. IMPLEMENTS - Massey -Ranrls binder, 6 -ft. cut; 1VIcCormick-Deering. 'mower, nearly new, 6 -ft. cut; McCor- mick -Deering fertilizer hoe drill, near ly new; spring -tooth cultivator; bean scuffler, one-horse scuffler; side - delivery - rake ; manure spreader; 2 walking plows; 3 -section harrows, sleigh, wagon; hay rack; cutter; 2000 lbs. cap. scales; wheelarrow; 10 -ft. steel rake; 2 discs; brooder stove; team scraper; hand grass seeder; hand emery standard; '30 model. Chevrolet coach; large stone boat; row boat; quantity of grain bags; set of sling ropes; set single harness; •2 sets double harness; 4 horse collars; 600 -ib. separator; shovels; for16; log- ging chain; neck yokes; eveeers; ear - ley fork; set of blocks and pulleys; 4 wire coops, 2 chicken shelters'; root pulper; hoes; quantity of; tur- nips; quantity of wheat. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS --- Side- board; kitchen cabinet; electric rodio kitchen table; 2writing desks; "3 stands; 3 hall trees; .2 3-leurner co& oil stoves; half-dozen- kitchen chairs; half dozen dinhig room chairs; ..dav- enport set; 2 parlor suites; bedroom suit; 14 beds and mattresses; '2 chests of drawers; couch; folding bed; . mirrors; 3 rockers; Fridgidaire; diSh- es; pots; pans; washing machine.; pails; 2 bed pans; electric fan; book stand; pictures; rug; large , parlor rug; 3 parlor tables; large hedioom chair; clock; a quantity of bedding, and other articles too numerous' to mention. TERMS -CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer, ., RR. 1, Dashwood, Ont, Tel: 12-51 Dashwood William Johnston, Clerk. Bert Faber, James Weir. ,.- Executors of Estate of the -late Dr. Moir. RAMA ELECTRIC 6666666666se lelMOMEMEMEEfeni4litaiMMEMM ' Irie,"MIEg"SETIF97.16emegIL TICE A -make Aboting ',in the TOWN .ilALL, ZURICH On SATURDAY Evening, MARCH 29th. at 8 p.m. To Organize 'Huy Township for the Camdian War 5g.r1.s .Ca_tx!paign EVERYBODY WELCOME! 111110111.1111.111111/MMEMEILIMMICUTOM DASHWOO Mrs. J. Bruce of .Wiridsor lee- days with her parents, ever. *tad Robt. Hayter, Phillipa of Detroit „vent, the -ef"'k-end with friends here. Mrs, R. Baker is ;1/2.pending a ev,eeli: «with her daughter le Windsor. • Mr. -(iprrie has a view churn irk stalled in the creamer?. Mr, and 1VIr. Harry V,-ook of Win dsor were feundey visit eee with her parents, Mr. ,end MTS. D. 'Tiernan. Rev. H. E. Roppel atteekeen the funeral of the late Rev. Geetzinger in Kitchenee on 'Saturday. Mies Vera Pollen had the telefor- tune to fall from ttee verandah olf X. Guenther's fractetring a sone fin her shoulden which will lay leer oil 'duty for Iseree time. Herb Nese left for St, thither/nes last week where he has secured job. Howard Klumpp of Kitchener,. pent Sunday with his parents, Mr. /earl Mrs. Th(w. i:Imnp. Mr e Cre,hani Arthur of Exeter, fow days with her parentsci Mr. and Mrs. T. Hokroft. Mr. Wm, Nadiger is on the siede ilk. We awe for a speedy trecovem Ervin Guenther underwent as: operation for the rernoyal of his ton- eile and aelnoids on Saturday enorn- ing :n Dr Taylor's hospital. Mr. C. Den -toyed his flintily- and lboasehreld effee_ts to London Vaetr,eeek where be has secored employment in A gTe:Artatri. Surprise Held Ors as Monday :evening tee -ovens - Isere of Zion Lutheran 'Ladies' Aid surprised Mr. and M,T8.. Hy.' Rrueger on the oeeesion of their golden wed- ding aeniversttry. During the course of the evening Mrs. H. Vein read an address and Mrs. By. Neusehwe,nger resented the celebrants with a bea- .A-.1ful plate. 'Parlor 'games constitut- ed the entertaiinnent arid at t late hotly a dainty lunch was served by the soclal committee of the Aid. Mr, Tad :qr.:, Krueger 'expressed their pleastim in W("]l e110$011 words. A K Butchering and ei.ittirig wood are lin, order of the day in this vicinity+ 011111•MIlld LENTEN SERVICES -IN THE Evangelical Church A Preaching Mission will be -COM.- dnucted in the Evangelical Church beginning on Sunday March 30,, .and continuing until April 1.3th. Thera C. Robinson of Hillsgreen visite(' will be special music for each service in charge of the Choir Leader. Mr. A. Melick will lead the Song Service Rev. C. BeHeckendore. will preach on themes that are vary 'Vital for present day conditions. The follow - ing is the preaching schednle for the Inersday, Mareli 27th, 1941 8 THE ONLY NATIONAL APPEAL THS YEAR FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM -kl.m.c.A. \11ADIM4 LEGIc" CAVIAR SERV IC ,..S ov c.CP,INIMP44 IC mAtAN VIU1S x i'SNLV N11014 ARM -kincludes.kierne Service **fo; \:::nOnlY W For the things that are not given to a fighting man with his uniform .• things that are not part of his military equipment things of the spirit . . . Canada's fighting sons, wherever they may be, rely on you. • The Government provides them with uniforms, rifles, ammunition - but for comforts -recreations and wholesome opportunity to make their precious moments of leisure a genuine boon . - they rely on you. Of course you help to buy airplanes, guns, ships, tanks -BUT for the things that express to the soldier the affection and thoughtfulness of the folks back home . . . he relies on you. Six great national organizations labour unceasingly to provide him with those things. They can do it only -with your money. Your money started this worit-your money is needed to carry it on. The need is urgent. Be generous. Let the volunteer helper who calls on you carry back your pledge of fullest support for our fighting men. THE _ilitYS RELY ON THE FOEKS BACK HOME If you have not been canvassed -if you are not canvassed -send your contribution to your local committee or t‘o: National Headquarters -200 Say St., Toronto, Canada • 6D , r 44'.4 ,s•tv.,!t..4;;?, NV.,3144 411., 14. Chairman for,Ontario - Conn. Smythe, Esq., Toronto, Ont. P.arke and family. ' Ma x. nd Mrs. Robert McBride moved to Kippen "on Wednesday to reside. They will be greatly missed from this community. Mr. and Mrs. John C. .Cochrano and daughter Audrey of near Kippen Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Mel‘rlurtrie am. Mrs. Alex. McMurtrie and daughtei Carol of Kippen and Mr. Allan Coch name, Miss Edna Cochrane and Mr Saturday evening at the hoeme of na Mee. riarold Rev. Mr. Penrose of Exeter, con ducted a splendid address in th' Blake church on Sunday afterlibor St. Joseph and Beaver Town first week: Sunday, March 30th: Mr. Ed. Miller of Zurich is spend 10 a.m.-Spiritual Fitness. . ing sonic little time at the home ol :When you are diaeourag- Mr. and IVIrs. Josiah .Sararas of the 7.30 pen. -- Blue Water south, Mr. Miller is no ed and Lonely, try Monday, March 31st. 8 pan._023a just enjoying his best health at Pres Christ heal your Sickness? 1'1n. Lloyd Denomme of Windsoi ane boys is visiting in this vicinity. for a few days. Mr. ' August Bedard of Windsor: spent the week -end with his parents of the Blue Water north. Mr. Eugene Jeffrey of Windsor spending a few weeks in this 'neigh borhood renewing old acquaintances Mr. Clayton Smith and sons are busy in the sugar bush at present,ii is b.elieved that the season will be prc meting for the Tun of maple sap and for those who have a sweet tooth will be well for them to place theii, order at an early date. Wit and Mrs. Lawrence Marcntettc of Detroit spent :Sunday visiting re. latives et Point Aux I3ouleaux. • Mr. and Mrs. Paul Masse of the Bronson line south; 1VIe. .and. Mrs. Huber. Carey of Mount Carmel were Sunday visitors , with Mr and Mrs Hector Laporte. Messrs. Avila Ducharme, and Ito mond Denomme have taken a paint. ing contract in Bayfield which- will keep them busy for some time to "n ae r. M. Alphonse Jeffrey of St. Peter's Seminary, London spent Sunday with his parents in Beavertowtt. Miss Jeanne Bedard of St. Joseph Hospital, London, Was a guest to hei parents on Sunday last, Miss Reta Ducharme of Drysdale, engaged with Mrs. Joe,. Corrrveau for' et few weeks, (Last Week's Items) Tuesday. April let -Fear! What shell welo with it! Wednesday; April 2nd -The Cure tor '.h.ad Conscience. Thursday, eepril 3rd -Are you W.0X--; rted? Let Faith do its perfect work. • - Friday, Apr 1,1 4th -Faith is the Vic- tory! A cordial levitation is extended to; 7 -all who desire spiritual help. We need' 'Ai) be spuntualil fit for an emergency! „Sam Hey had le close call on Sat - =jay from lasinghis blacksmith ellen? as the roof gaeght on fire. Men sawing wood near by ran to help extipiguish • the flames and soon had it out. Map,y are ;suffering with the grippe Mr. „Jacob .0esch of the Goshen Line Is having an anceion sale this week.' alr. Walter lVfc,13.Attlie has leas- ed the ..10rm this year. Mr..."exel Mrs. Jacob Beeertzenteu- ,ber haw /moved to the b,oeue of their laughter, »r. and Mrs. Rey (Ginger - let. A age was held on the farm last week, Nit Wallace Gingstrich havhig pureleased their farm. (Last 'Week's Items) The Wornee'e Missionary So.cleW was held at the :home of Mrs. Civ- ello park on Wednesday aftereoon, with 16 laelies preeent. Mrs. Harold Finlay was in charge of the meeting Mrs. T. Dinsmore took the prayet and Miss lenina Dinsmore led thr scripture and Mrs. M, Elliott tool the topic. A dainty lunch was serveo at the close. Mrs, John Parke of Homan visite( her eon and wife, IWr, and Miis, C gr, nol..ert Duelm.rme o t.ePet- Seregnat'V, Londoe, epent the I e'eek-eed his parents of the Blue Vater Ifighwasi. ".. Miss, Lucille Jeffrey visited 'Friday at honi of Aft, anClvfrs. James Masse. Messrs. James Masse, Percy -Bed- ard and Morris Denorrune visited with Mr. and MTS. Anthony Masse of Drysdale north, on Wednesday last. Miss Verordque Duchaeme who has pent the winter in. London has now returned to her home on the Blue Water south. Miss Yvonne Masse left on Thins- -lay last to spend a few weeks in Vindsor. Mr. and Mrs. John Charrette were ltutday visitors at the heme of Mr. !'olson Masse of the 14th can. on ,unday last. Messrs. Joe and Adolph Masse, Mr • nd Mrs. Teter Masse and family, Mr ionard, Ducharme all of Windsor. on •latives in this vicinity an &Imlay last. On Monday evening the St. Pat- ick's parties which were to Le held in different centres met with much disappointment due to the extreme cord wed blizzard raging at the time. Dur sympathy goes to the iseeey mak rsand especially to the Irish com- munities, the lovers of the Irish Ed - Mi. Harold Sieman of St. Joseph forth is a patient in Clinton hospit- 11 after being operated on for ap-J ,endicitis. We wish Harold a speed' 'y recovery. Mr. Percy Bedard has rented a; !arm near -Clinton, and is now making arrangementsto move en their view farm.. We wish Mr. and Mrs. Bed - 'rd the best of luck and as many rood friends 'as they are learitig he - rind. • 1-111LLSGREEN (Last W'eek'is Items) IVfise. Elsie Drover of near Sea - the quilt they are donating' to the War Victim's Fund. The hostess ser- ving a buffet lunch which was very much enjoyed, the telet ie on disefay at the store of Gascho & Son, Zurich: after will& it will be on display in liensall. Quite a number of motorists bare been stranded,owing to the re- cent big storm -which struck the dis- trict early Sunday' evening; it being, impossible to see the road. • KIPPEN NEWS Mrs. (Rev.) 0. Littleford and SOD' Philip returned to their home in Alb- ert Lee, ,Minn., last week, after vis-. Rting the former's parents, Rev. and. Mrs. E. F. Chandler. Miss Irma Ferguson visited for a. few days last -week with eriss Mary Westlake in Exeter. ' Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Linden and: Verna of Den -field and Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Carter of Clandeboye spent. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Archie. Famous. Mr. and Mrs. S. Beattie ef Varna visited on Sunday with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. McBride.. Evangelical Church News Men's Meeting A meeting of the Albright Brother - heed of the Evangelical church was held on Monday night Main 24. A program was held in the Class Room and this was orowded • to capacity witkan attendance of 55, • Dr. w,p, Bryce acted as chairman. The Ptesile dent of the Brotherhood, Mr. Lloyd' , conducted the business ses- sion. The committee on Boy's Work.: reported, the recommendation. that: the hoys of the church be given ti week at Camp 'under the supervision of the Brotherhood was referred forth: spent the ,week -end with Mr. back to the Committee for further ' Leonard Erb, Parr Line. eterly. Musical numbers by the boya renale and family of Hemell and young ante of the Sunday School" visited for a few days with Mr. and were preened. A very able address Mn. Otto Stephan.. ; bv Mr. McKay of Hansen on 'World Mr. Ralph Turner is smaing these Citizenehip" was received with enth- days, a little giri haS come to stay usiasin iby the men and the boys. His at their home. Eoth mother and baby remarks relative to the retationship are well. of the ,adults to the boys were very On Wednesday evening' of last suggestive and helpful. A men's; week the Hillsgreen quilting circle octette sang a ,beautiful number., met at the home of Mrs. Gordon Love After the program a dramatic skit and enjoyed a very pleasant evening was staged in the basement by mem- pieting enilt on which they are hers of Newell Geiger's Class. Con - selling tickets for the war victims tests between the boys and the men Fund. After the business part was featured the remaining part of ihe discussed a very dainty lunch was evening's proceedings. After partak served by the hostess. ing of a lunch the boys gathered in a Mr. Cooper Forest is wearing a srroup tied the mon :formed a circle broad smile, a little giri has come to about them and sang "For They are their home to stay. Jolly Good Fellows". The boys of On Friday afternoon the Hillsgreen the eltureh were the speciel givon8 of quiltilig civil(' met at the home ( the Brotherhood and all e ij)yrd the Mi'sAlfrad, TtakhavV$ And qulitod Writ or friendliness and rallowship..