HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-03-20, Page 8PAGE EIGHT u t Fm r d. � r 'n,s We take this medium to announce the addition of a New Line to our large stock of General Goods, l s'.anaely: MENS' and BOYS' READY-TO-WEAR SUITS and OVERCOATS. We are featuring Rexsnode Clothes, made by a ae4� "ale Toronto firm, and our stock is complete in CoQ Stu.lents, Young Men's and Men's Models. Suns with two pair Trousers, finely tailored', and in ceder to introduce this line we are offering at exceptional low prices for high grade Goods. We also have a large range of sample cloths for .t,'iatle-to-Measure Suits. We welcome your in- spection. We have recently remodeled and modernized our store and are showing a large assortment of new Spring and Summer Goods, and our aim is to give you prompt and efficient service at all times. PRODUCE WANTED C)N PHONE 59 EN INStI A,�.J� y 'I' IIMIlli11110 ZURICH EMERALD ll11 Illi 11111 III III 11.111 ! 1_11111111 IIIIIIIIIIII1g11 Illlllili I illllllillllllllllllllllilllJlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIfiIINIIIIflilli;illlilllUUllllllll!' ZU'.JCwS rocery Store Princess Soap Flakes (with dish) Sodas salted, 2 lbs. Mixed pickles,. 7 -oz jar Strawberry jam 32 -oz size.',jar Pilchards 1-1b. can ... .......... Tea bergs, 20 for ,.... .............-... Heinz ketchup, fir' oz.. bat& .._ .. Pepper fine, 'half -1b: can r., ...,..: 25c 25c 1Oc 79c 15c 25c 10c 15c e no Oesch 0 Zurich PRDUCE WANTED'. •;a1111111111IMM , Phone 165 11114, HI I (111111111IIuhI1IIlIllilllI 1111111111 14111111 III I 1111111 11111 1 1111111111111 ITEMS OF UNAL till'EKLS/ Mrs. Dan Stan'. -is of London, was.' a week -end visitor with. hex mother;. Mrs. Christ. Hey. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. 'Brand o f London were recent ,Sunday visitors az: ,the home of Miss Anna Hess. • Mr. and Mrs. L. Millett motored tn' their parental home- last weer: 'at Strathroy and attended. the• fisneral saf a friend. Mr. Dennis Denor ma, who has been. at Windsor for some time, has returned to Zurich and is taking up his former work at. EckeI's Bakery:. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Fleischauer, I i who had .been living in part of the. home owned by Miss Jane Lamont, __.—_ 1 are this week moving their house- hold effects to the home of Mrs. Hy. '. Weseloh, where they will resikle in future. . How Hockey Fans Celebrate? Holly Acres, NI.P:P., would take the tables and chairs •out of the beverage rooms. If the beverages were taken out, too, the rooms could rn n" t^ ••m--^ o•ood use, says the Godrieh Signal -Star. CLOSING RAIL'vVAr Municipalities bordering Gn the right -of way from Clinton Junction to Wingham Junction of the Canad- ian National Railways were disap- pointed to hear that the Board of Transport Commissioners for Canada have given approval for the and onment of this section of the line, part of the old Huron and Bruce. TO USE FAST CARS Hon. Gordon Conant, attorney - general of Ontario, addressing the 34th annauI rr^^''`na• of.the Ontario Motor League said that "adequate rw, enforcement is a big factor in preventing :::7'---r<r accidents." The attoreny-general revealed t::at with- in a month, 4G motor cars, vanguard of 125 which will go into service in the next three years, will be patroll- ing the highways in place of motor- cycles. He hoped the presence or the cars which will be effectively marked as police cars, would have a benefic- ent effect in reducing higllr-dy acci- dents, NairsimitaszummilawatgantEnzme L EXCEPT LIFE Fite, Aute, Casual Fidelity, Etc, Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative y ® Zurich - Zurich HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE To Our . Farmer Custorners You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the money you'd pay hired help, in Beatty la�or- s;.wing stable equipment. ;Jays lietiine`dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En- hances value of farm. Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Seel Cow Stalls --Exceptional. Values at Lower Prices... Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering ZUR CH — QUALITY -- PRICE waktettetettrt0041.040‘00111,41.1014114Dall Manure Carrier Latour Saving ONT. . SERVICE ofteamosoneeimpeol A Real Storm A real old time ;blizzard visithd this section on Sunday evening about five o'clock, during the day the wea- ther was mild and in a few minutes a terriific storm was raging which continued on till Wednesday morn- ing, paralysing the highways • and railways in many sections especially to the north of us. It seemed one of the worst storms in many years with the extremely low temperature, a gentleman at Goderich who keeps a tab on the weather advises that it was the worst March storm and the coldest in 45 years. Monday night it was so stormy that trucks out did not venture home owing to the poor visibility. The No. 4 Highway north of Hensall was blocked but south it remained open. On Tuesday there was no mail owing to so many trains not being able to get through, the London-Wingham train was also can- celled. In County Court Goderich_-The only case to go to trial at last week's .assises ;of theSup- reme Court, that of Geo. Cameron, Goderich bus driver, in a damage action against Aircraftinan Thornton Eedy, RCAF and his father, Heber Hedy, Dungannon baker, was dis- missed with costs by Justizc Kelly. The jury hearing the case found that ":+melon had not suffered injuries by reason of the car in which he was a isasscnger being 'rammed from behind y a car driven by Thornton Hedy, owned by hi; father The jrvv claim ed that if ("moron h rd suffered bar^h injuries, as claimed, he hasp , : -dined then; in wishing cars out of ,now drifts a short time before the collis- ion. The ;rcident occurred in 'ran. 1940 during ono of the wor;:t storms ...v. Tvin+.,r on the co 'y rel 1 es at o -ring to the illnoss of Mrs three mile:: south of Dangann'r. A .,., ;ys. 1+,otlier, Mr, L. Simla]. the time Cameron and five friends Mr, R. traetz' is .attending the were returning to Goderich from a I+'`,• ,rance invention n Tor - wedding reception at Dungannon. onto ithisr�week in Tor - 11 IIIII IIII fIi111111I11Il� LOCAL MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) 1i1Sg,sdorzen 18, 15, 12 'B.utter-, Dairy 35 Butter creamery ....1........ 40 Dressed .chickens 12-20 Chickens live 10-14 'Wheat bushel 79 Oats; bush_ 35 Batey, bush. ....,......... 42' Buckwheat, bush . 40c Flour; cwt.. + 2.50-3.15 Pastry flour at, mill, 25 -lbs. 65c Potatoes; 75 -lb bag ..,...:....1.20 'Live hogs cwt • 8.50. FRANCE'S RAGGED REGI- MENT OF AVENGERS Read—in the American Weekl 7 with the March 23 issue of The De- troit 'Sunday Times—how, t,,xce gain, the miserable • mendicants of France's 'once gay capital have ban:a- dd together again in their twilight wor.Tld as did the ruffian league: ;c heroic followers of Francois Villon, years ago, and have pledged their lives in sabotaging German rule. Be sure to get Sunday's Detroit Times. TO BECOME WIRELESS SJ ROQL The ,Ontario Agricultural: Cocllege at Guelph is' to be closed aQ that the .4auiidmgs " may :,be used by the. Fed- eral Government as etwir~ejes: school under the British Empire Au. Train - mg plan. Premier .Mitchell Hepburn told the (Legislature aft' Tgrsato the other day. No provision_ as permanent lylunade for male students, but some provisions will likely be made else- where,,,,.but the .female stludents will ,ilcely go to other &oJleges: The Air 'Minister, C. G. Power, explained in a letter that No. 4 wireless .training school, RCAF., will occupy the build- ings to complete No. 1 Training Com- mand,. RCAF; Real estate advisers report the only group of buildings suitablefor ;this purpose are those at OAC and. ithey should be made avail- able for May 1, so that the wireless school fan open June 9 with a per- sonnel. of 1,500, I DASHWOOD Mr, Valentine Becker and Fergus Turnbull.: attended a convention in Hamilton last week, also enjoyed a trip through the National Harvester's plant. Mrs. P. Humble of Sarnia is spend ing a few_days with her sister, Mrs. R. Goetz. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Kellerman pent the week -end in Fergus, owing o the roads being blocked they were 04 able to return. Chester Geiser is on the sick list. We hope for a speedy recovery. Nancy Anne, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan unuder went•,an operation for the removal of er tonsils and adnoids in Dr. 't`ay or's hospital on Tuesday morning. Carl Wein has taken a position at denier's •butcher shop. Mr. .Sampson 'Colosky had .the mis- oxturle to all cracking a bone in is hip which will cause him to be aid up for some time. Mrs. Arnold Kuntz of the 1'4th con is suffering from an attar or pneu- monia. Mr. Thos. Hoperoft and son Russell spent tiire, week -end in Port Colborne. The St. Patrick's Tea which Was held on Monday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Dr. Taylor was very well attended considering the weather The proceeds will be in aid of the Red Cross.' Word, was received here last week by relatives of the death of Elsie, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles l'i ,e1ie in ' Ohio. Riobt, Hoperoft and babe of Po,1• Colborne are visiting with Mr. rn l Mrs. Theo, Hoperoft, :.r. and Mrs. Hy. Hoffman and Mr Mrd Mrs.' Mervyn Tiernan visited fri- "nds in London on Sunday. ''Mr. and Mrs. John Kuntz and 1VIr Clo,rrtorr Pfile were called to Detroit s n h 1 'h ta040641.4.44.4.+.40* 41.. w+ **** 4. 4 • 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4o Thursd r, M oh 2Otti, 1941 : 'i '." -+++�.++ n+aot++++4.44. YOUR Fir: of E re s nd YUR SEASON'S "'EQU1REMEWFS 44 We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of jboth Shelf and Heavy Staple Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us • Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. • Saorrne Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE . See Our Studio Couches and: Dlnnette Suites A Full Line of. all# the Home R egpiitemeni~s ;l Always keep a Good.:Stock of New and the very Latest ins Furniture at Very, Reasonabl. e Prices>.. quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, Dining Roonn Suites,, Occasional Chairs- Rockers, Etc, e SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE 4. For the more conservative purchaser we can save you many a dollar as we have a fine' assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that wilt give.you, big value for 0. yo.uer Moiney. Drop) in and look. these, order and get our t s Remarkable Low• Pikes- til Johnston & KathfleigJj 1 Hardware, ea Furnitu e. Phone 6g -' + +•+++.4 4.4.444$.++++++++++, . 4•++++rr++++•a•++4,44++ + s,4.4�a� t Dead and MOM Animals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth DARLING and CQ Of CANADA LTD. sailMENOTIMMOISIMMITaalitiairlinfiNIP '°111111(°I'i(Imllllllllllll��i flHlUlllllll'•s�lll'i�IIUbI+'�Illuilll�muuuumllluullluluilulllluilllllllllllllllllltlllitlnl�IlIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIllun6 �IIIIII(illllllll(IIII@;„-1111111;1111111111111111NIInIfIIIIIIIIIIL�IfI N 0 W! IS THE, TIME .. TO ORDER Your Stove Wood, Good 4 -foot Body WOW Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your Order! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in these Lines! HESS, the Repair Man Ilhiupllp11111111111111111111111111111110111111111111111111111111111V111111111111111111111111111@111111IIIIIN11111111111111111111111111111Ijjl! g11111111111111111111111111111111111111111iiiJ.1111IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIi111111111111 444_4 44.44•4444++++++++++++•:-+ .j a .g+;.r1..F .S € 6 r i i! o 1+ e i +t • 5 •L..� ,ft: + Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US QUOTE YOU! Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A +' LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL :- TIMES,.. AND WILL DO 44 .,., + 1` 1 ,AC • Co 4. PHONE 69 + 4.444++++444++++++++++++++4.44+4++++++44•444+++++++++44 YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. FLE(ISC - ZURICH J IF++ • 841084041011611110606606001100111800011066011110,0416604110.6*, NQTIOE IWe would urge all people in account with us to come i no nor before March 1st, and settle the same in order to have out books straightened out. i QPo 0 MMmMl sears �otitisoea POTATOES Very choice Certified Imported seed potatoes at per bag 1.30 Irish Cobbler or Green Mountain ,Other potatoes for domestic use at 'bag 1.20 CHICK STARTERS We invite you to come in and see our various kinds of Chick Starters, and get our prices which are the lowest anywhere... w;e sure and 'all! - WE THANK YOU! Schiiteh'T ���,. Son 1 0 0 RJP