HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-03-20, Page 4McKinley's CHICKS GOVERNMENT APPROVED, PIJLLORUM - TFSTED STOCK. Call 97 r 11, 1-lensall, for good Chicks for 1941 Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich. .l. E. McK'INLEY, Zurich, Ontario INF HE 51TP SE ` ` ICE MARATHON GAS A. Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas When .you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, 'using 7 kinds We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and See how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing 'SSe use the KIN(T AN :1I<l'SER to properly Tune Up your Motor. (LEAF.. GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS ANI) STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires Clean and Tidy Rest Rooms, Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Station, Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Warmer 'Weather and Better Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Sun tis d Car Lot in Connection At Klopp's of Grease. nJ3sse..oat1I•Wedas!3 t000loco v4i.$mElt,eo,•a•elysenocie,oseeeiofmattos, • 'so 44 • • 1 • :Two only - Full Size Can. Gen • Electric Hotpoint 1:.:, ,•- `. ie Ranges. R'ool- Coat-Ek.11` . I;'41 latest Stream 441) Line models. high hack shelf. Auto- etruatiee Pilot light oven e`.nraoi equip- ped with 4 heat sinrtner switches on atll tiookingt hers, -:its. High, medium, :low and si11ntcr., Non-tipprng oven : slrelwres fatuous (Hotpoint) Calrod *elements, .9:P% of Catered elements *sold .six years ago are- in use today, ipenost efficient,high speed elements on the market. These ranges were pur- echased at a • pirite befdre the tax, we pass it on. to yon. Act Quick! List:Price..tdday. $225.00 Our SALE Price. $169.00 Sae: ibis Range at: HESS -.RADIO and ELEC. • I HYDRO .COST: • Main .Cooking::Element in full for 1 Hour: —1;1-:6;e, • OVEN:in full for 1 hr. 2.2-5c • Average ,Cost..ef; choking by Hydro :in :Zurich for ,family $1.46 per enth. • ( Watch this adv, for other money -Saving Electrical Merchandise.)it • Iva '4?fa: OM f94.t AUCTION SALE Of Mum Stock; Imple*sten e, Eta, At W'a al' Lot 28, Concession 11, Tiny Township, 'Two miles north Of Zurich,- On Wild])N3;SDA\P, MARCIH 260,:1041 At 1. o'clock, 1),m. • U'OJZS1'1.S --2 aged mares, CA 1"11,141- -Roan . cow 7- yrs. olci due in May; White cow due on ipri,l; ;i steers rising 2 yrs; 2 heifers rise iiig iyr. old . d'1(i.S and LIENS -1. York sow, with litter at foot; 11:41 dozen 'White Leghorn hens, IMPLEMENTS .• - Unsay -Minis binder; Massey -Harris avower; Sat.p- er•ios disc drill; spring tooth cultiv-. nulr Peter Hamilton; rake; Wagon; gravid box, flat hay rack; Mtiesey- Ilnrris plow; 3 -section harrows, cuts Ler; fanning niill, a quantity of hay; sling ropes, grain bags, Ker c heavy harness, horse collars, and mutt er- ou,s ntiaer ;trtieler.. Everything will he sold as the proprietor has rented his farm. '.l'li,lt1'I S ---CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. it. F. Stade, Clerk. Jacob °tial, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of FARM STOCK, IMPLE11EN'i'S and HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS On Lot 1(3, Con. 1, Usborne Twp: On THURSDAY, MARCH 27 .at 12.30 p.m, sharp One anile south of Hensall, on To. 4 Highway • HORSES—Clyde gelding rising 4 year,; team of Clyde geldings ris- ing 8 'te ars; aged gelding; Clyde mare, supposed to be m foali. Clyde gelding cote rising one year. CATTLE—Cow with calf at foot; cow due at time of sane; Holstein cow with calf at foot; Jersey cow due in July; cow due in June; Hol- stain cow due in June; red Durham bull, 2 years old; purebred white cow due at time of sale; black cow supposed to be in calf; blue cow due in May; black heifer; bred; Hol- stein, due in April; 2 red cows with; calves at foot; 3 steers rising 3 yrs. j I old; 4 steers rising yrs old; 4 year -1 Iling steers; purebred yearling heifer � purebred heifer rising 2 years; 3i heifers rising 2 years; (i heiiers ris-; ing 1 year; 3 small calves. 3 ducks.i IMPLEMENTS — Massey - Harris': Joinder, 6 -ft. cut; McCormick -Deering mower, nearly new, 6 -ft. cut; McCor- mick -Deering fertilizer hoe drill, near 1y „new.; spring -tooth cultivator; bean ..seuffler, one-norse scuffler;. side- delivery rake; manure spreader;` 2 >+-SALVA'11014 AVM .Y•M.C,•p`. R. N 1EGlO' wA CANAPI SERVICES C C^4AD1AS K' pZDtl RtAt 4g•1. . Includes KornP Provinces Service *Includes **for _ ... _ •., . Your !7 s'•using response Ko this united appeal win be the cheeriest word y©u c", .n seed him 1! Private John Smith is through with drill and duties for the day. He is tired, maybe a bit "fed up"" Me is far from home and lonely. 1'3e .longs for a dash of gaiety, a bit of cheer .. yearns, perhaps, for a Homey nook where he can read., play games, listen to the radio, write to the folks back home. It is the job of these six organizations to• see that discomfort; boredom, loneliness have no place in the precious leisure moments of our men in uniform. Wherever they go these services go too, come bomb - o'a' battle. in camp,.. on the march, on she ranges, these services bring them hot drinks and snacks, smokes and other comforts. Recreation :centres are set up sports and• entertainment organized .. , reading and writing materials supplied. Comfortable canteens provide extra food. There are educational facilities. Hostess houses enable the men to enjoy healthy social contacts. Understanding, Experience and Dollars !I Undersrandmng hearts, ergan.iration and experience backed by your elollars can do the job effectively. Let the volunteer helper who calls on you. carry back your pledge of fullest support for our fighting men - You never have failed them your will not now: . THE ONLY, NATIONAL APPEAL FOR OUR MEN IN UNIFORM National Headquarters, 200 Bay St.. Toronto an IP I Chairman. for Ontario - Corm.. Smythe, Es'q.,; Toronto, Ont- walking'plows; 3 -section. harrows, . tr,,e' sleigh, wagon; hay rack; critter; .2000 i i"i''v' x�aaxuly"The Lord Is MyShc:p;- Lbs, pap. scales; wheelbarrow; i0 -ft. •he;t�d,"The and the •Sands of lime„ were steel rake; 2 discs; brooder stove; the hymns sung and Mrs. J. W. Bon team .scraper; band grass seeder; £lra,U.ta ,sang a solo ,entitled, ."Good hand emery standard; ',c model Nnght Here and Good Morning Up There,";' .Chevrolet coach; large stone boat; row b.oat; quantity of grain bags; set of sling ropes; set single harness; 2 sets double harness; 4 horse collars; 600 -ib. separator; shovels; forks; log- ging chain; neck yokes; evea:ers; par- ley fork; set of blocks and pulleys; 4 wire coops, 2 chicken shelters; root pulper; 'hoes; quantity of tur- nips; quantity of wheat. of three`- -HO.USEHOLD EFFECTS — Side- board;:kitchen cabinet; electric recto kitchen table; 2 writing desks; '3 stands; 3 hall trees; 2 3 -burner coal Ail 'stoves; half-dozen kitchen chairs; half dozen dining room chairs; dav- enport „set; 2 parlor suites; bedroom. • suit; 14 beds and mattresses; 2 chest: • .A .meeting was held in the town' .0 ,drawers; couch; •folding bed; 3 hall .2dnnday .evening last in the in mirrors; 3 rockers; Fridgidaire; dish- terests ,of .the War Savings Campaign' es- pots • '---- wa h' g hi GRAD _FOND iEr. ;anti Mr Wm. Bee,,r, of Exe- ter, have moved..1 to. their new home for ,Fay.fleld .n;acl District. Mr. John in the village, .and they.,are being Pease eeas .elected chairman and Rev •�c-elctened by.the•eimmunit�. J. 'Graillttxrt, se=cretary. Mr. F. Ping - 4, Ir, and Mrs. Wm. Farrel, of land, .i' r .11'[iller;,and.11r. Malay of 1Dry: dale visited ,will Mr., a,w1 Mrs Clinton ware present .to organrze the Jog, Desjordine. drive.. 'ilTer following have been ask - Mr. and ,:Mrs. Ricj,ard 'WeT,h have ed to ;Nike ,cllarg.. p'f . the . canvas: A. tuoved into Peter , Easenbach's house E.Erwia, high 17:e,Jay, Malcolm .Monday last, Toms, ,. !r. Westlake for 'Hayfield; Mrs. Jean Allen has been vleiting Myron TW'uillsr ;for alai::i3ayfttiel Line; 'smith Mr, and ,Mrs Norman Turnbull Harvey Almander •. Or the ;seventh for a few day has legit ,to , visither Concession;; Aare a Sitirl .ng ,'f r the It. daughter at Parkhill. Sixth .Concesa'aioxi; flon Mc ,enzie for e----- Mr, and "Vire , Wm, , Jennison hatye the :First anti flout*: : t(;".oneessioes of aeturned to their home after an as-; Goderich Township; Robert ;.(;neer pence of several lr,:ronths, 1 rrs. Jennie and Carl Hotsstora :1 ter 'the . Salable mon has been ilaid ,up with a broken Line; Wm. Scntsineser a ,1ttl'Fre'd •W;at- ceased haa.4I ibeen , down in the e l a e bp but is rm hill}5lspuerl ,d is abler son for the Brunson Lille; 'Leslie E`<1- of Hena ll dm ' dnesday after Don, , go s._ound at her work. 'tsott for the Varna, heat l -Ten Stanley apparently tin Mr. Harold Webb a p y .ht, usual health and ,}tad. an unusual Ttawnshi After, the men ;�v e com� after rettir<ita;i.�ag _lrxl);tie was taken ��r- ,experience where .a .wheel ctxme all pitted the canvas the �reuasr are tor iously it mid was ;:iter removed to .ilia car and ran Ow gee _regd. ,Noth- be viven to Rev. J. Graham •seho will London hospilta;l, tie .•re g happrieq,, .e.09re .txha,n acompletedto an operation. an serious tura the lista in ±t,o• fir. F. was performed , Tittle excitement, Fingleand, p rtrr i folw. ing which Ma. Mess ci em Latta a t1TpICerizie paned awa,• on Thursday Ss i Tach on aftter•noon. The deemed lived for tospital fere an operatle;)ii •fpr app I STANLEY TOWNSHIP the past number. ede tom,; on his farm *ileitis, J ill Stanley townshiip,• �a.4piing to Hen- sail vslith his wife .and t,ta tubers "of -' --^�-- —•-- The 'Va;rmip. Red Cross report for vhe fatrnriily in November;: 1 "('obtuse h�t'urvt, Kens BA.YFIEL D ry: shoots, 3, iIr ssieag his wife .six sons,Philip, #tebrt, Ken- gown.,, 12 doz, small dressing pads,; neth and Donald of Her)sall, :William 10 dozen compresses, 18th ,gozen, on the homestead in Staulrielleed An - The Finance Committee of t]ae mouth wipes, 'i lei dozen large dress-' dr•• 'w, diviaifl student .,'ayfrold Red Cross ,Society held ra ing pads, 31 pair: array socks 11 and at Tinge, tars, . ucht•r and dance in the Town Hall prim of ;seamen's sot'ks, 2 pair mitts lege, Toward two daof ecaars, on Friday evening, March 14th, Thr I s carves, 1 sweater, The Red Ctrs ons. i'Iowar, Currie (Jean) e. e eo- Tipperary Trio suplied the music. ,;meshy ton, ice) Mrs, Urban Ducltarma ( lir- Mrs. Charles loans: mot the with a , , •r re grateful for the many :;uel•ite) of Forest, and one brother ril.t donations. They would bn 'ine Peter r lOTIuri-, Painful .arc!ele•nt last ':i"atr.�::day mor~}-� 1'36. 1 ete.r McKenzie of Ki l le +”' to1C T hovel- ,.un�• vr: mo. rt knitters, ta; ltectallr oral. service was held from Came.; �1 ing when ,he fell do }'n the cellar .1,.,:• ,..'@e, will volnr ...heaps while Cat yil ,• volunteer to knit mitt. err,, c•-1) e ' 1 r, tg glu.ss ,jar,. Fl, 1 std ;;!eves, t a tan Cllurrll, Hensel], . n s •:.tem was badly cut and she also re- which the deceased VMS a valued me ' ,,reiarr•ivc'ri' tett, on la,e face be: ie..:;, lacrit.':w; .F:,r,ner Resident passes tuber on Saturdayafternoon, I vedr and r. 4, , ,, The 817(1(1011 pes,ie .Y , ,. q0 . Cie dt1' 1 a,n.l lr<t„a:xi up from tae= .all. g s 1 1 h.trc,d�, ted .by T"ev. Weil. 'die v-'' e, fail., last of :William McKenzie cameas : r at,.•.iy I b 1 Commit:01 Apdointep shock 3^v J, N. Biller, of Warily itoa� i to hl.. Many friends, The di to mac ne; pestis'; '2 •bed pans; electric fan; hook stand;; }liictures; rug; large .parlor rug;13 parlor tables; large bedroom chair; -clock; a quantity of bedding and -sifhet' .articles too numerous to naem,'tion. 'TERMS—CASH Arltl ear 'Weber Auctioneer, -:.R R, 1; Dashwood, Ont, Tel;, „12-i; i 1t)ashwood William Ululation, Clerk. - 13ert. 1 Labe.;, lfames Weir. •' Exe,cala;trors roof Estate of 'the late Dr. 1Me ur. , • fjiaptist Aura; Lenthm, .a friend I ASHWOOL (Last Week Items) 1Is Louis Morenz, who has been he Westminister Hospital, London, has arrived home. lir, .A.• 0. Becker, who is attend- ing Kitchener and Waterloo Colleg- iate,, spent the Week -end with his parents, Mr .and Mrs. Hy. ;;ticker. Mr. Ezra Bender spent Tuesday in Goderich. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Oestricher, were recent visitors with friends in Aylen i r Joyce, the little daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Elgin Merner, is quite ill w,,;h pneumonia. Mr. Lorne Genttner is all smiles on the arrival of a son on Sunday, iYi• et'i, :at London Hospital. Mervyn Tiernan was accidently; st; . the axI to on ..tlonday night while playing hockey in Exeter, which will lay him up oil duty for some time. The monthly meeting of tate ake Huron UFWO was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Don Hendrick. The meeting opened with the song, "Men s of the Soil." The creed eras then re- peated in unison. A couple , of, chap- ters of the ,blueprint_ on Confederat- ion of Agriculture was read and die' succed. The roll call was answered with "What I Would Like to Accom- plish This Summer." Mrs. Fera gave an interesting talk on refrigeration. The seed catalogues were distributed and orders are to be in by March 15 The meeting closed with the National Anthem. Lunch was then served. The April . meeting will .be held' at the Ileeme of Mr. and Mrs. W IIl Love. HENSALL '"The Ladies' Aid of Carmel Presby- terian church held a .St. Patrick's tea and sale of home made baking in the schottel )& 1 of the church on March 15thh, Mr's, Ted Taman of Listowel spent a few days a-4'siting with her mother Mrs. Chas. McDonnell, Mr, and 1Vlrs, 32trbt. Higgins of t'Ex- n .. E.1wcle vabItr, for avet withtl If.r. and Mrs. Ed. 'McQueen and fzv- {: ~fE in the village. 1Ca George Douglas awed Miss :true! Douglas of London visited with re- latives gzl,;l friends in the Irillage. Rev, �nr, Weir of Carmel u, Tlur.chjt1 wri st spealter at the young,` po °'l FARMERS OF Huron County If you are interested in the formation of a noir polical Farmer's Organizattaon so that Agriculture may speak with unified voice in solving agricultur- al problems, attend your Township meeting- Your wife and family are also invited to ,attend. Meetings commence at 8 p -m. Stephen Twp. -March 24th- Twp. Hall,Crediton Lisborne Twp. -March 25th- Tp. Hall, Elimville Hay Twp.-Marcfi 26th- Towns Hall, Zurich Tuckersmith TP. --March 27. Walker's Hall, Brucefield Stanley Twp ---March 28th. Tp. Hall, Varna Goderich Twp. March 31st. Tp. Hall, Holmesville Colborne Twp. --April 1st- Tp. Hall, Carlow Ashfield Twp. --April 2nd. S.S. 9 -9th con• Ashfield VU. Wawanosh Twp. April 3rd. Community Hall St, Helen's E. Wawarrosh Twp. :April 4th Forester's Hall, Bereave Tulle. Twp. --April 7th- Community Hall, Londesboroa McKillop Twp: --April' 8th. Hall, Winthrop' Morris Twp. --April 9th. Tp. Hall, 5th con. Morris: Grey Twp. --April 1'Oth• Tp. Hall, Ethel Turnberry Twp. --April 11 dr Council Chambers, Wingham Howick Twp: -April t4ttt. Tp. -fall, Gorrie • Above meetings sponsored by the Anricti tural Committee of the Huron County 'Council. Chairman -J, W. Gamble. Committee --Percy- Passmore, Sam Whitmore;. Fred. watson, Alex McDonald. Warden -James Leiper plc's anniversary services in the Ev- angelical church Zurich on Sunday y C eveningand Rev. C. B. He ckendarn of Zurich occupied the pulpitin the Carmel church. lVfri Olive Hudson TI1x son mteeed to Lon don where her some Max ,land, ;,aaird haft : u d�, �o+.f. ar`t tans'. Mrs. A. Bell has moved' to London' where r her :S , on Harold has secured cur.e.d f a. good position. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur 1iusbie recently moved into the dwel- ling vacated by Mrs. Bc,1t. Mr. and Mrs. Fulton (nee ,l•'ean. &anc,) and children, of I,oncIot), vis nAteydl, With Yrs. 'Felton's f...:.e•.,