HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-03-20, Page 3'Germain Sea Mena e Extends South Existing or Possible Gorman Sub Attack Lane pritish Convoy Routes • 5OViET • RUSSIA t�i��.�w'0►T B.ITA Gorman planes, s2bs / based on Narv,cgien, French coasts, •Mien ' 0 b j/ wry raids an s)�i,ping : s ego "%" GERMANY 1.AGf.:g'r r) RUMANIA German subs, brought by rail; reported ready to strike' in Meditorronean from Rumanian, Vulgarian bases U-boats based in Italy could cover middle Mediterranean Turk sub nets here Hitler would like French bases here for Planes, subs ALGERIA anean Sea LIBYA ....r... - Y '. British aid route to Greece Menace of Gelman submarines rind planes to British shipping grows as Ilitler's threatened "unprecedented sea warfare" hits in the Atlantic and other waters. t -boat attacks last week were expected toextendto the Mediterranean, where Get sn bombershave already been raiding British ol - HAVE IOII HEARD? During a lull in the conversa- tion at a dinner -party the hostess was unfortunate enough to emit a loudL rasping hiccup. A French- man, sitting by her, immediately apologized profusely, as if he had' committed the faux pas. When the ladies had left the dining - room, an American asked the Frenchman why he had acted. in this manner. "As monsieur knows, we are a chivalrous people," was the re- ply. "I saw that madame was em- barrassed, so I tried to throw .the' blame on myself." Presently the men joined the ladies upstairs. After a little while the American found him- self in conversation .with his hostess in the middle of a group of guests. Suddenly the alarming incident was repeated - the hostess hic- cuped again. The American turned quickly to 'the assembled guests, and an- nounced with an engaging smile, "(Folks, this one is on me'," "1'm sorry, anadam," said the attendant at the movie, "but you can't take that dog into the theatre." "How absurd," protested the woman. "What harm can pictures do a little dog like this?" Pat had bought a v'atch guar- anteed for twelve months. At the end of nine months, how- ever, he reappeared at the shop and complained that the watch had stopped six months earlier when it had fallen into the pigs' trough. "But why didn't you bring it back at once?" inquired the jew- eller. "How could I?" replied Pat, "We only killed the pig yester- day." "Gwen said if any man kissed her without warning she would scream for her father." "What did you do?" "1 warned her." An Albanian was imprisoned by the Italians. Ile annoyed his captors intensely beause he kept saying: "Anyway, the Greeks gave you a •bashing, at •1 oritza." One day the officer in charge of the prison camp took him aside and said: "Look here, if you'll shut your mouth I'll make you pan officer in the Italian army." "O.K." said the Albanian. Next day Mussolini visited them, shook hands with the Al- banian, and remarked: "So you are now an officer in the great Italian army?" 'That's right," can the ans- wer. "But, oh, boy, what .a 'hath• ieg those Greeks gave. us at Koritza !" Canadian National Railways ;S Revenues The gross revenues of the all- inclusive Canadian National. Rail, ways System for the period ending March 7, 19.1. were :,.,.,$5,0.94,144 ail compared with. 4,095,413e Shade Trees Add Value to House _ Builders of new homes will find it advisable to set aside a small sum of money for a sizable shade tree, land planting experts ,say. It was suggested that the home owner go to a reputable nursery- man and select a tree of a hardy, long-lived variety which will adtl permanent value to the property. The owner should avoid one that will grow so rapidly as to be seriously injured by the first wind or ice storm, or one whose roots will come to the surface and injure lawns or will clog sewer lines. Some hardy trees are naturally low -branched or east dense shade and if used, should be placed where. they will not interfere with lawns, driveways and walks. beer the corrrsponclieg pee- lotl ox 1940, an inereasc oC 9Oil,206 or 24,4ei , He's Off to See the Wizards Foreign Minister Matsu.rlta of Japan, above, last week was travelling across vast Siberia to- ward a meeting with Hitler - and possibly Stalin - that the axis is touting as world-shaking. Baffin Island Query Baffling Ottawa Chamber of Commerce gets some baffling queries, but this one has officials talking to themselves. A woman writing from Providence, R.I., wants to know "all about" Baffin Island -its climate, hotels. and tourist traffic. Baffin Island's 207,000 square allies are located in Canada's frozen north. Most of the inhabi- tants are ,Eskimos, . . Aircraft of the Trans -Canada Air Lines flew more' than 5.000,- ' 000 miles in 1040; and carried nearly 10,00,000 pounds of mail, 100,000 pounds of express. and 55,000 passengers, M. RAWLINSON, LIMITED to t. 1SS5. 010 YONGE ST. - TORONTO MOVING SHIPPING PACKING - STORING 1'ttlueeci 11atp I'Ur'iriltily I'i Crirs---‘11rinipeg at(d \\ t $t l tri t t ,i. 1, warascuramerermeara Tom.. -- Mentholatam helps check pith - eying of mucus... relieves stuffed, rholced nostrils, Jars and tithes, 90c. 1 r R ee Et: I3y ROSEH IA LEE 1, When one finds himself in a predicament, whore a "white lie" will extricate him, isn't the lie justified 2. Is it necessary to repeat a newcomer's name to every per- son when introducing hila' to a group? 3. is it good form fore the bride to go with the bridegroom when he buys the wedding ring? 4, isn't it a father's duty to reprimand his young son for any breah of courtesy? 5. Isn't it the proper thing, for a hostess to insist upon pay -1 ing for the long distance phone calls of a guest? 6. What should one say when telephoning and fails to under- stand some remark? Answers 1. No. It is better to tell the truth and face the consequences. The only justification for a "white lie" would be to protect another from injury, or give happiness to the person who., lay burdened. 2. No, if we think that the persons towards the end of the group did not catch' the name, it may be repeated, but usually once is sufficient. 3. Yes, the bride has the privilege of ex- pressing her preference as to width and size and her choice of gold, white gold or platinum. 4. Yes, but not in a scolding man- ner. And above all, the father should set the example and not reprimand his ` son for what he fails to do himself. 5. No. The guest . should pay this expense. 6. "T am sorry. I didn't under- stand what you said." Increased" Value Tobacco Output No New Roads 'Of Cheap Kind Ontario'e Minister of High- ways McQuesten Reveals Policy to Safety League - Traffic Accident Toil is Greater Than War in Libya Iron, T. 13 McQuesten; Ontario's highway ininls.ta.r, in a brief ad- dress at tho annual "safe drivers" banquet of the Ontario Safety Lea- gue, said "we are not going to build any more law standard roads, even if we build I10 ro•ati at all.', Sufficient hazards existed, he said, without poor roads; Louis B. Duff: of 'Welland, Out.. said the tale of the highways is one of tite "very darkest in the history of the province." He cora- pared the number killed on the higthwaya of Ontario last year with the British, losses in the conquest of Libya. highway deaths last year were 725 and the British conquest cost 525 znen. WASTE OF HUMAN LIVES A, G. Partridge, president of the league, paid a tribute to the com- merBial car "safe drivers.'' They had driven 162,735,000 accident - free miles. He said gross economic loss in. Ontario traffic accidents reaches $20,000,000 to $25,000,000, 000 yearly. The war will tax human and ma- terial resources to the limit, Mr. Partridge said, and to survive all waste must be eliminated. "I think you will agree," he said, "that traf- fic accidents constitute a form of economic waste that we might well do without." In Canada for 1939 the. in- dustry Produced Goods Worth Six Per Cent More Than The Previous Year -• Cigarettes .Main Item According to the latest Census. of Industry statistics of the tobac- co industries in Canada ,tor 1989, the output for the year, including, excise duties, was valued at $90,- 590,244, which represents an in- crease of $5,501,944, or over six per cent above that of the previoui' year. Cigarettes formed the main' Item .of production with an output' of 7,163,433,000 valued at $57,277,-. 062.: Smoking tobacco was next ani; importance with an output of 24,- - • 709,819 pounds valued at 3g4,498,- 111. Cigars came next with a pro- ' duction of 135,825,000 valued at $5,411,054, followed by chewing tobacco, 2,577,890 pounds, valued at $2,184,537, and snuff, 830,955 pounces, valued at $1,149,262. 4 PLANTS MADE SNUFF ' The number oC establishments reporting totalled 80, located by provinces as follows: Prince Ed- ward Island, 2; Quebec, 51; On- tario, 20; Manitoba, 1, and British Columbia, 6. These plants repre- sented a capital investment of 660,- 135,642 60;185,642 in fixed and current assets. ' They furnished employment to 8,- 158 persons who were paid 87,- 733,023 in salaries and wages. The Plants also spent $23,001,316 for materials and containers, and pro- duced goods with a net selling value at the factory of $47,054,707. Of the establishments reporting, 45 made cigars only; 17 made tobac- co only; S made tobacco and cigar- ettes; 4 macre tobacco and cigars; 1 made snuff only; 2 made tobacco and snuff; 2 made tobacco, cigars and cigarettes, and 1 made tobac- eo, cigars, and snuff, Synthetic gasoline made from coal is said to be quite suitable for use in aeroplane engines. It takes seven tons of coal to pro- duce one ton of petrol. for common ordinary sore throat 3 r ,p Nervous RestlesS Girls! Cranky? 1'testle.s? Can L• sloop, Tine. easily? Annoyed byfee Male functional die- orders and monthly disteeSS? Then take Lydia E. Pinkhara's Vegetable 001.11 - Pound, a11101.1S for OVCr GG years' in. lrell>tng Stich rundown, weal , nervous conditions, Made capeccslly. fur t%o zen.' U. fLI WORTH TRYING 1 1.350E 1' -- -.sarin r -.-F9-4 0-11.-1,0-0-e-.+.4.-1, Whatrrf-0-e-.+ -.-n What Science Is Doing cur E4CH S moKE mesh' mom THE PLUG IWO SAVE MONEY WITH DIXIE STAR'S ATMOSPHERES BOIL The director of Mouut Wilson Observatory, Pasadena, Calif., says he has found evidence that trio atmospheres of the largest stars are boiling at a terrific pace. A temperature of 5,000 degrees Fah- renheit is quite usual. -0-- SOME GERMS DIE FASTER Resistance of bacteria to agen- cies that would destroy ' them var- ies over a wide range; young bac- teria are strongly resistant, and the older ones have reduced pow- ers of survival by a 3 -to -1 ratio, the medical section of the Ameri- can Association for the Advance- ment of Science is informed. Fur- ther differences are due to inheri- tance, some strains being particu- larly hard to kill. The combined differences .,due to age aud`inheri tante• give a ratio of 10 to 1' be- tween the most and least resistant 'individuals. S/ow Burning CIGARETTE PAPERS NONE FINER MADE v w v_y a•e-r-m Haw C L BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I prepare a simple furniture polish? A. A furniture polish that can be used on the finest woods can be made of one part vinegar, with equal parts of linseed oil and turpentine. Q, How can I prevent mus- tard plasters from blistering? A. They will not blister, and the result will be better, if the paste is mixed with the white of an egg, or with waren camphorat- ed oil instead of hot water. Q. How can I remove white spots on the dining room table caused by heat? A. Apply, in the order nam- ed, kerosene, alcohol, and linseed or sweet oil. A different cloth should be used for each of these applications. Rub in the linseed oil until the spot disappears. Q. How can I make a whip- ped cream substitute? A. Grate one apple, add two or three tablespoons of sugar and one egg white, then beat until light. This makes an excellent substitute for whipped cream. Q. How can I scale fish more easily? A. Take five or six bottle caps, nail them on a convenient stick, allowing for a handle, and this will make an excellent im- plement for scaling the fish. Weather and Famine Biblical and secular history are full of instances of famines, and these were no doubt caused by droughts. There are many re- cords of crops suffering from in- sufficient rains and of the in't- portatio., of grain to the famine stricken coutries. Not only Pal- estine but other countries of the Mediterranean Sea were and are subject to droughts. Italy less than Greece, however, but it also suffers from low water supply. In these countries it was neces- sary to send away foe grain, generally to Egypt. One of Nature's sources of supply of iodine is in the skins of certain fruits, inriuding ap- ples and plums. • ID The Metter quality of Cora ring' Mineral assures faster live atock gains, healthier anima/a and more grata. Yet Corn &log actually casts no more than common mineral mixtures. Ite TWSNTY valuable in.." valuelof grain produce feeding bone structure, sound meat, (builds resistance to disease Try ,t Mk your local repre- sentadve or write Selby Distributors. Ltd. Selby, Ontsrie. HOW Y TO RELIEVE PILE TORTURE QUICKLY & EASILY It you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness, do not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any itching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool is nature's warning that proper treatment should be secured. at once. For this purpose get a. package of I3em-Roil from your druggist and use as directed. This Hem -Reid formula which is used internally In the form of a small, easy to 'tarso tablet, will quickly relieve the itch- ing and soreness and aicl in healing the sore tender spots. Hem-Roid is pleasant to use, is highly recom- mended and It seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may bo had at so reasonable a cost. I1 you try Hem-Roid and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return Your money. ®..CLASSIFIED A VERTISE ELECTRIC MOTORS 6012 SALE ELECTRIC MOTORS, NEW AND reconditioned. Jones Si Moore El- ectric Company, 296 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. BABY CRICKS QUA.LIT7 CHICKS, BARRED noaxi and white leghorn. Blood -tested by Government approved labor- atory. Rigidly culled. Kelly Chick Hatcheries, Barrie. -OXFORD" CHICI%s rBoM ON- tario Breeding Station Flocks, six- teenth year culled and blood - tested by the Poultry Depart- ment, Ontario Agricultural Col- lege, Guelph. Barred Rock Cock- erels 6c each, White Leghorn Cockerels 2c each. Write for Cir- . pular. The Oxford Farmers' Co- ,Lim- ited, Produce Company, Woodstock, Ontario, RAISE GOOD CHICKS WITH JOIiS- son's bred to lay barred plymouth rocks and S.C.W. logborns Barron Strain. 16 years breeding, culling hatching and blood testing. Price for March and April Rocks and Leghorns as hatched 1O cents. Rock Pullets 17 cents, Leghorn Pullets 20 • cents. Circular with other prices on request. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Dat, FULL STEAM A H 1 A 17 WITH chick bu3•ing; No time to leen to catch high fall egg prices. Bray Leghorn and NL{ x LS. litlllets; heavy breed cockerels and capons. Inunediate :delivery. S t• a r t e d chicks.• Order chides hundreds Bran customer's choose year after year, • Deny Hatchery, 190 John, Hamilton. .1 FREE CRICKS \V1TII f Vil;itl 100. 1'Ur I E'.t'S OR 100 mixed chicks ordered, we give 25 free Welts, Pullets 315.00 to 310.00 per 100; Mixed Chicks 98.00 to 310,00 per 1011;' Cockerels 91.50 to S 7 5 50 per 100, Our price list e Will 5surprisei you. Send for cony. p. Goddard Chick Ilitlehety, Britan- nia Heights, Ont. • - i. i..l, T r 1 1 I s I1tI< .1. BOOKLET PRODUCING 1 (aerie ENL dor 'fen Cents per don: ti fc,r Feed Cost mailed free 011 request, Order chicks and pullets now. Manor .1'it101 Clarkson, Onierie. BAH Pun PAIVIt M1•tN'r i'.\K1 l to (IV LIN: AND Pct.;\CI1ItV- r r,y,' also rebuilt equipment al- \eaoa an .hied, '.Cerins arranged. Corritle1o,r0Hubbard riOe1 C. 18. Iatu L„ Toronto. DEALERS WANTED SELL 200 ARTICLES FROM D0011 to door: toilet, medicine, essenc- es, spices, farm products, cleaners, etc. Guaranteed quality, world- wide reputation. Every family a customer. Energetic workers as- sured of success. NO RISK. Cat- alogue, conditions, on request. Familex Products, 570 St. Clement, ylouttreal. FARMS FOR SALE FARMS OF EVERY TYPE IN Bruce and Grey Counties from $1300 to 38000. Otto Johann, Owen. Sound. FAitet FOR SALE • EXCELLENTLY SITUATED FIFTY highway acres, clay loam, small house, basement barn, electricity; town schools close. Wm. Pearce, Exeter. I'AitRm nouIPMEN'.0 FANNING MILL (Kline) BEST Seed Grader, Wild Oat Separator. Kline Manufacturing, 420 Willard Avenue, Toronto. FINANCIAL MORTGAGES OR AGREEMENTS of sale purchased for cash, prompt attention. North Shore Realty Co., Oshawa, Ontario. GOITRE.' HAVE YOU GOITRE? "AESORBO" reduces. For particulars write 1. A. Johnston Co„ 171 King E., Toronto. ... ___. _.... lrIIGDICAI. DR. i+'LcT 1501`,'S STOMACHIC, HEALS obst'inale Stomach Trouble: User states: "0'or .cars T suffered ter- rible- gnawing palns below breast- bone few hours otter eating, musing gas .and bloating.M My only v relief was soda athat short time. TThennil took Dr. Mei- Leod's Stomachic, After three bot- tles 1 kept a fl co .from pain. 1ce1 was n improving rind have clow bees well for several :Fears, enloyin(; meals without medicine. Good for all forms of indigestion. Drug Store ar 'tvrite Pr. Mcl,eod's Stom- achic Co„ lis 8 Bathurst, Toronto. $1.25 per bottle postpaid. SATISFY 'YOirRSF:L -•-E RY sufferer of Ilheunl•Liir. Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Sold only at. Muuro's Drug Stole, 625 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid 81,00. LEGAL J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP, itol Theatre Building St Thomas, Ontario. Special Dt.partmet.t for farmers collections. _ HIEN WAN -TED LOCAL MAN - GOOD PAY WEEK - Full ly Full or spare time. Book or- ders for Canada's finest trees, plants. Experience unreccssars. Sales outfit free. E. D. Smith's Nurseries, Winona, Ont. arg PHOTO FINISHING TRY IMPERIAL FOR FINE QUAL- ity Photo Finishing. Any 6 en 8 Exposure film developed and printed, with enlargement, 25c. Careful processing by experts who know how, assures satisfaction. Imperial Photo Service, Dept. A., Station J., Toronto. OFFER TO INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay 273 Banks Street Patent Attorneys, tCanada. PERSONAL DUPREE PILLS $1.50 DOUBLE STRENGTH $5.00. Ladies-- quiclt, reliable relief for delayed, overdue, or painful periods. Wit.. ilam.Crosby, Dept. WL, 204 On- tario Building, Toronto. RABBITS RAISE RABBITS. NOT A GET. rich -quick scheme but a sound. Frnch rf oIs Literature ee. Brunton armWinnett, 'rvront0. 11 ATI Sill.'1 LBUIOUS ERY 1`to ic,ft(R heumat c4i'ains or I Neeur- T rmedy. 7 tx Dixon's sitoulc it v Sold on.l) at Munro q 1)t•Lt€, Store 1135 lhilt, Ottawa. lr,ttiO(111 $1.0 T.. Guaranteed eed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used- New �1'i,C1,11,17,1NG 1\ REBUILT ggo- TOI;S. roW1:»It-UNITS. 1iylIrniatic let o i s t r, Winches, Generators, Starters, Magee tos, t%arliuretore, ItndifNorro - Exchange service, Mase -- Satisfaction or refund, Lev Auto farts, Dept. J. Toronto.