Zurich Herald, 1941-02-20, Page 4110j POtrit ACTON SALE Of 8TOisa, IMPLEMENTS, and EOULEHOLD EFFECTS liOn. Lot 12, Concession 11, Stephen On WEDNESDAY, MARCH 12, 1941 Cones, cows, hens, implements, and lousehold effects. .No reserve as the proprietor has sold tis farm, TE13,IVIS—CASH 'Thos. Mawhinney, Proprietor. Taylor, Actioneer. lee4110.11....n DASHWOOD Mr. and Mee[Sperry of Mt. Carmel 'ere Sunday visitorwith the Kraft 7Sisters. • Milford Mason and friend of Pal- amerston, spent the week-enn with his inoother, -Mrs. Edith Mason. Ulnie Haugh, eldeat son of Mr, and Mrs. Milton Haugh was operated for appendicitis in St, Joseph's Hos- pital, last Wednesday, We under - stead Lorne is getting along nicely. The progressive euchre party given by the Dashwood Red Cross tinit last Friday evening was a decided success The winners of the ladies prizes were Mrs, Russell Webb, Mrs. E. :elatdiner and MrS. P. Fassold and the gents were LOVIIS Kteinstiver, Mr, Robt. Rayter and Mr, E. Gardine. The lucky winner •for the fancy eomforter was won by Mrs. Jos, Willert and, fancy quilt by ' Miss Dorothy Wein, The evening closed with a very pleas- ant time. The dance held in the Commercial hotel last Thursday night was well attended another will be held this week on Thursday night when good music will be provided. Mrs. L. Mcisaac and Mrs. Klein- stiver •and family motored to Stret- ford on Sunday owing to the death of the late Miss Delphinia Noll who vas accidently killed in a motor acci- BUY — SAVE LEND The following poem was written by a war -worker in Edinburgh, SScotland and is here given to show something of their spirit in the Old Land. . ''1 F" "If you can join the Group whilst fellow -workers Are hanging back and leaving it to you; If you can pay your sub and show the shirkers You're out to beat old "Nasty" and his crew; if you can urge them to the resolution To sign the form and undertake their share; If You can raise your weekly contribution Another sixpence here, a sixpence there; If you can watch your savings ever growing, With more certificates at fifteen bob, And watching them, can feel a. pride in knowing. They go to help old England do her job. If you can keep your book and all that's in it. Nor seek repayment till the fight is won— Peace should be yours, for you will help to win it, And what is more, I know you can, my son." IT IS THE DUTY OF EVERY REAL CANADIAN TO BUY WAR SAVINGS CERTIFICATES TO THE LIMIT OF HIS OR HER FINANCIAL ABILITY. You and I believe, you and I know that we shall win the fight. But let us remember that to gain victory SVC must be worthy of it, and tobeworthy, we as civilians must tread the path of self-denial and self-discipline. Zurich Branch, War Savings Committee. McKinley's CHICKS GOVERNMENT APPROVED, PULLORUM - TESTED STOCK. Call 97 r 11, Hensall, for good Chicks for 1941 Hatchery is located 4 miles north of Zurich. J. E. McKINLEY, Zurich, Ontario Me best protecti AGAINST D' ]TAT r, ROPE, / PLANT Canadian Certified Seed Potatoes in clean land— on part of the farm where potatoes have not been grown before. Produce bigger yields of potatoes . . that are more uniforrn in size, smoother, Cleaner, of better quality than —those grown from ordinary seed stock and avoid many of the losses that result from disease. Grow potaaeaes that will grade Canada No. 1. Ge4dseed potatoes cannot be selected by appearance alone --,17,11e best assurance of getting good seed it to buy Cana- dianCertified Seed Potatoes. Ask the Distriot,Government Insectar, Plant Protection Divisions .for full Minn -nation anctasfe ;of nearest distributors. INSPECZOR F R eels:melee meet Impnators 6:.0q1 Pprao Certitiolion, c/o Tiotticultutati)og1mery4 Ontario Agri, cultural College:, Out. 114arketiog Servige DOMINION DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA How/noble James Gordrinep, At/ulster. Look for thin cortificatind ens an tin 'xlikr, or containct --the...only way of ;Aving sore or geeing fid iteeaues. Feerhe cecoltellY. ZURICH HERALD dent on Saturday, Theremains of the late MT. Ben 1MeKenzie of St, Louis was brought here and laid to rest in Grand Bend Cemetery .on Friday. The family ac- companied the remains here, Mrs, Fred Genttnex is visiting with her daughter in London this week. The following is the list of artic- les made by the Dashwood unit of, the Red Cross during the past month: 44 prs. socks; 8 sweaters, 2 turtle neck sweaters, 3 prs. sea boots, 2 prs. seaman's socks, 1 pr. mitts, 5 prs, two-way mitts, 1 pr. children's mitts, 1 pr. wristlets, 5 dressing gowns, 5 shirts, 8 large quilts, 2 small quilts, house dress, knitted afghan, The ladies have been doing a splen- did work but to those of the •district who have not been attenaing the meetings—there is plenty of room for you, Come out and help our boys as well •as our ibombed friends across the sea. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Miss Anna Scetchmer of the !Bron- son line, spent a few days with her sister, Mrs. Black, near Seaforth. Miss Evelyn Elliott of Mitchell is visiting her istet, Mr. : Bert Dunn Jr. of the Bronson line. Mr. Perce Johnston, .Nelson Heard, Elgin Porter and Harold -Female, No 3 Stanley School Board, motored to London, on .business for the section, one day recently. Mrs. A. Rouatt of Bayfield is sp- ending the winter with her sister, Mrs Mrs. Jas Dewar, Miss Irene Scotchmer of the Bron- son line has taken a position in Tor- onto. The members of the Cheeelo Club of Varna are pleased to announce that they have the sum of $25 to send to the British War Victims' Fund. The Club wishes to thank all who helped in the cause. The funeral of the late ! George !Connell was held on Monday last and was largely attended, it taking place from his home on the Parr line to the United 'Church, Varna with Rev Mr Penrose, a former pastor, and Rev. Mr. Peters in charge of the services. Former Stanley Girl Promoted (Hamilton Spectator) Miss Roxie Palmer, who has assist- ed blind citizens here for six years, has been appointed to the head- quarters staff of the Canadian National Institute for the Blind •at Toronto Approval was voiced in many circles. Miss Palmer leas been the social service worker here since 4934 for the Hamilton Wentworth! beard of the institute. At a meeting of the Unity. Club, tributes were paid Miss Palmer by representative blind per- sons for the syrnpethetic and 'friendly services she had rendered them- (hir- ing her six-year term here. Similar sentiments were expressed at' the meeting of the Hamilton Wentworth Board. A unique feature of this me- eting was the reading of a presentat-: ion address c.ompo.sed by one of the blind members of the Utility Club. HENSALL Pay Taxes in Advance The Village Treasurer, J. A. Pet- ersen reports that he has received $1045.00 in prepayments of taxes for the month of January and will re- ceive tax payments at any time and allow a discount of t per cent. per amium. So would -advise the ratepay- ers to take advantage of this plan, and help the Village by helping theme selves. Mrs. Mary Lindsay ie visiting in London with her sister, Mrs. Murray. Mr. and Mrs. Cline Flynn of Lon- don were recent visitors with the lat- ter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Par- kins. T. C. Joynt spent a few days in Toronto, with his son, Dr. Geo. Joynt Mr. Alvin Kerslake and Mrs. D. Walks were in Toronto for a few days recently. Mrs. Annie Saundercock was a visitor with friends at Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. JaneA. Paterson visited with friends and relatives et Toronto, Miss Helen Moir spent the weekend in Exeter Visiting her brother-in-law and sister, Mr. and MrsLawrenee Bayrtham. VE RADIAN FAMILY of? e $loct4,147. iv • .• "TH15 TIME we are ALL in the front line." -11.111. THE KING. For Each $4.00 You Gei. Buck $5.0a $ 5.00 for $ 4.00 $10.00 for $ 0.00 -$25.00 for $20.00 $50.00 for $40.00 $100.00 for $80.00 War Savings Certificates are a direct obliga- tion of the Dominion of Canada, repayable in 71A years. At the end of that time your invest- ment will have increased twenty-five per cent., which represents interest at 3,Yei compounded half -yearly. They may be redeemed at option of regis- tered owner, after six months from date of issue at an established scale of values. The following table represents an average basis of saving. These figures are only. Illus- trative, as the amount of saving which IS pos- sible will vary according to each individuate family and other economic circumstances. Maturity Values Earnings Savings of Per Week Per Week Annual Purchases Up to 520 25� to 51.00 $ 75 to $ 65 520 to 530 $1.25 to 52.00 5 80 to 5130 $30 to $40 52.25 to $3.50 $145 to $225 Over $40 . 53.75 to $9.25 $245 to 5600 FALL wt. The linels forraing. Close the ranks. 'Answer His Majesty's call. Every man, woman and child in Canada has a duty to perform.. Some will fight. You, too, have a job to do. It may demand sacrifice. You are called on to help • furnish the munitions needed to win the war guns and tanks for the army .. . planes for the air force .... ships for the navy and merchant marine. Guns and tanks and planes and ships cost money. You are not asked to give—you are only asked tod,END your money. This is some- - thing you can do . . something you must do.,. There is only one place to get the money Canada needs. to win this war—frotu the people of Canada. A large - part will come from business finns and people with. largeincomes.-They will pay high taxes and buy heavily - of War Loan Bonds. Etxt more money is needed . . . a great deal more. $1.0,(10%,000 a month is expected from-. men, women and, children -who .invest in War Savings. Certificates. Work hard. Earn more. Save ail you can and lend your • savings to Canada. BUY WAR SAVINGS (7•71TIr. FICATES. Budget to buy them regularly. Puy theniy every week. every month... as long as the v ar lasts.. You will be forming a good habit ... . the saving habit: . .. a habit that will benefit you when victory is won.. You will be doing a veal job in helping, to win the war.. Published by The War Savings Committee,, Ottawa 14.1 ; AR SA 65CE LH( TES Mrs. James Morris and family of Kippen have rented the dwelling on Richmond st. owned by Mrs. F. Hess and have moved into same. Douglas—Cox • Catharine Ermine Cox, daughter of Dr and Mrs. J. R. Cox of Windsor, and Allen Jolinston Douglas, B.A., son of Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas, of •Hyde Park, were united in mar- riage in quietceremony at the home of the bride's parents on Feb. 8, by Rev. Elson of Mt. Bridges. John G. Troyer Dies John George Troyer, a former well known Hensell resident, passed a- way at his home in Binscarth, Man. Surviving are his widow, the former Miss A]lie Smith, one son, Emery of Binscarth, and a daghter, Amy, of Canon., Sack. Attends Funeral Lewis Clark Sr. was in St. Clair, Mich., attending the funeral of his brother, the late James Clarke rv,ho passed away at the ageo of 85 years. The deceased was born in Scotland Mr. Raye 'Patereon of Torontoais-! and carne to Canada when a young Rit,ds.wpitahtetisoniparents, Mr, and kirsi boy. Surviving are two gone and a . , datighter; three brothers, John of Mrs. Mary Lieedsay is a house guest! EdMonton, Lewis of Hensall, Mathew With her sisters, the Mise Margaret of Crediton, and a sister, Mrs. Peter and !Georgina Murray of London. ' -MoirThames Road. Mr. Lewis Clark 1VIT,,Max. Iludoet who has a splendid' Miss'!Ethel 'Clark, Mrs. Gordon Wren : position in Loud* spent the week -1 and Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Wurin at - end with his mothet, ,Mrs. Olive Rude; tended the funeral monday last. son. For War Stamps Sales zulifrToehrwei:0gsa en dition of Miss Jean Murray Hensall's war effort has assumea danitted to London Hospital another phase in the organization of from a fracteired hip caused a war savings committee and the Lwloelaldnotherefeeelnitiii.;,iadoweitown store in drafting of plans for a canvass of -$ reneeted as sat. the citizens of Hensel' and Kippen liosioretderyro. ,17and is as well as can be 'for the purchase of stamps and certi- ,. ficates during the drive to take place • edMiro. ,.arrioldgoiMitros.. A. G. &Ali!: return- this month, An enthusiastic meeting The pondition of Mrs. Robeet Bon- was held under the chairmanship of' g. L. Mickle, Dr, A. R. Carneiell met- thron, who ha3 been confined to omI lined the bank pledge plan anti Elgin h• e suf?ering wiill flu, is much. fin i Rowe:hire gave a summary of the proved, although she la still confiner! i 'honor Pledge. All canvassers reee/v- 14o her room. . ' 4.d instanet'eete and the levet results It is' rep:rote:I that Mr Alex. Du- are expected. Representative for channn had the m;sfoxtune to fel' iand fracture his ariltl ' I-Iensall wore: Mr..Mickle, Die Camp,. bons whois pmikat of.the .wo..r. • 1 KINN ONE-STEP SENCE 1 MARA!' 5 A Gas known to every motorist. Why take chances in inferior Gas when you can buy Good Gas at Regular Prices. Engineered Lubrication At Klopp's you get Guaranteed Indian Lubrication, using 7 kinds of Grease. We invite you to watch us Lubricate your Car and see how Trained Attendants Grease Cars Expert Repairing We use the KING AN ALYSER to properly Tune Up your Motor. CLEAR GAS FOR YOUR LAMPS AND STOVES at 25c. Gallon Batteries, Accessories, Goodyear Tires and Tidy Rest Rooms. Zurich's Finest and Most Up-to-date Garage and Service Statio-n. Drive in and let us service and "Pep Up" your Car for the Colder Weather and Heavy Roads HOWARD KLOPP, LESSEE C. Fritz & Son 'Wed Car Lot in Connection ,a"! Clean Mr/./1104116111.1311MOMMIIP vice temmittee; 'R. H. Middleton, for Kippen, Emerson. Kyle and Rtnr., E., P. Chandler. COUNTY NEWS A. A. Graham, one of the auditors for the Twp. of HOwick, has herdthe Positioa for 46 years consecutively and in addition has been auditor for the Howick Fire Insurance Co.. for 3,3 years. Bob Keys, son of Mr. and Mrs, Albert Keys, has, accepted a position as junior et the Canadian Bade of Commerce, Exeter. Were Entertained fe‘eleteert ;members el the Exeter Bather4kon, Club iditM Fereet, the other everting. !Following the garaele they were entertained to luncheon at, 1.the BeresezeberrY Hotel by the Forest: players,' The club have an invitation to go to London Car 'Stolen A car owned by Roy Elliott, Bay- field Road, was stolen the other !night It had been parked in the gateway to Ilia farm libelee. Police Were notified and after a few hours' search, the ear was found abandoned in a ditch near Is 111 ,Mrs. M. R. Rennie and Ronnie of Seafterth, have Teft for Sundridge, owing to the illness of he clainehter- m-law, Met, !Gordon Rennie, who is, nt preset in Orillia hosp:tal, •