HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-02-20, Page 3Johnny Canuok Calls for More Certificates How Can I? BV ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I treat rougl hands? .A. Rub plenty of almond cream into the skin just before retiring, and then slip on a pair of old loose gloves. If this is 11ot effective, try using camphor ice instead of the cream. • Q. How can I treat scratched an;,ilogany furniture? A. Before polishing mahog-' any furniture that has been soh etched rather deeply, fill in the scratches with tincture of iodine. Then apply the wax or poli h and the scratches will be paaetically invisible. t4. How cat: I clean out a dis- co!':ed vase or cruet? A. Pour a little household aminenia in the container and allow to stand for a while, Shake thcraughly until: all the sediment is loosened, alai then rinse with - wz,rIu water. Q. How ruts I most easily wads the bear: pot, or badly tailed casserole? A. The bei` method is to .put a handful of borax into it, fill with hot, water an,, allow to stand in the oven for a while. The brown-. ed parts will then wash out very ea, iiy. Q. How can I put the cover on my ironing board more smoothly? A. Before putting on the cover, damper: it. Then when the cover dries it `shrinks a little and will consequently fit smoothly. Survived Under Ice Pulled teenier river ice after falling iron' a darn, Truman Wood, 66, of Napanee, Ont., tra- welled many feet through the icy water then bobbed up through a Syrian hole hardly large enough to permit his escape. He was pulled out by fellow-workets and after •recover;ng his breath walk- ed home evithout any apparent ill-effects. Silent Mountain Guide Objects Tc "Argument" {Iranby Que., Kiwania ns laugh- ed at this one when told by A, A, Gardiner, Assistant General Passenger. 'T' affic Manager, of the Canadian National Railways, during a talk •on Canadian Hu- mor, guide Mountain Rocky 11101 a Io 1nOr, : A y at the outset of a three (lay out- ing warned his companion that he did not like discussions. The first day was silent, On the sec- ond day, - the guide remarked "Spring's coming; them's geese," 'Not ducks?" enquired the visi- tor, Next day the guide placed his charge in care of another guide saying "There's been too much argument," Zebras Are Cheap , There is no market so unstable as that for wild creatures. When a writer last visited the headquar- ters of a London, (Eng.) dealer he was told he could have a fine dromedary for $300, but would have to pay $2,500 for a giraffe. A Chapman's zebra was priced at $700 and a South African hunting dog at $200. Claw -footed frogs were 5 dolars apiece; starred lizards $10. Texas rattle -snakes — the "side winders" of Wild West stories — were $20 apiece, and a deadly Cerastes viper could be had, at the same price. A Mog- ador hunting falcon, a splendid - looking bird, cost $25" but a black - headed manakin — a brightly coloured tropical bird—was pric- ed at only $1.25. HAVE tit "' II it l } D A new clerk was always late, and always had a different excuse. Arriving an hour late one morn- ing, he was greeted by the boss with: "Well, Brown, what's your story this time?" "Well sir," was the reply. "someone turned the mirror on the mantlepiece - round to the wall. When I came downstairs this morning I couldn't see my- self in the looking -glass, and, na- turally, I thought I'd gone to work !" "You win!" gasped the man- ager. , —o— The after dinner speaker, touching on the advantages of co-operation, said: "Now take freckles. Think what a nice shade of tan they'd make if they would only get together." —o— A man entered a barber's shop for a haircut. The barber men- tioned that his client's hair was getting thin on top. "Why not try a little of my wonderful hair restorer?" he urged. "It's only a quarter." The customer bought a bottle. A week later he returned to the shop. - "Well," asked the barber, "how did you find the hair restorer?" "I left the bottle on the kit- chen table, and my wife, think- ing it was a new ekind of furni- ture polish, started to use it," he said. "How much do you charge to shave a sideboard?" —0— While Mrs, MacPherson wan bending over .the washtub, rub- bing and scrubbing, there came a timid knock at the back door. Angry at the interruption, Mrs. M. flung open the door and stood with steaming hands on hips, eyeing a sad little pedlar. "Did you want to see me?" she demanded. The little man took a quick step backwards. "Well, if I . did," he replied meekly,• "I've got my wish, thank you," "Pm afraid 1 .can't afford' a new hat." "No?" "No, 1 guess 1'11 have to talk through the olcl one for another season." Easy Way to Relieve RHEUMATIC 'Aches and Pains Hero is a simple, easy way to get relief from the agony of swollen, rheumatic joints and muscular aches and pains. Go to your druggist and get a bottle of Ru -Ma, Xi Yon. are not pleased With the help 1t give hu --go get your money back, T :l�j lar a generous offer you can dotlX tord tO inure. Swiss Ski School Opening at Jasper "Sid fans of Canada will be interested in the feet that a Swiss ski school will be opened at Maligne Lake on March 6th, this year, and Peter Vajda, the fa- mous Swiss ski instructor, will be in charge, Ile will be assisted by Gertie Wepsala, former Can- adian Women's Champion.' ac- cording to Major Fred Brewster, noted mountain guide and out- fitter of Jasper, who was in Winnipeg last week for a few days. Major Brewster " stated that .snow conditions in the Mal- igne area were perfect and many fine ski experts already had been in this winter. „. Appeasing Demons Some of the most picturesque' New Year ceremonies in the world are to be seen in Bali, Dutch East Indies, where time seems to stand still. The people are quite simple and unspoilt and their- belief hi demons and gods remains unchanged. On New - Year's morning the temples are decorated by the girls of the vil- lage, and women, 4neeling three times, throw the sacred hibiscus - blossom, which Is held between their palms, to invisible gods. Then the pick of the year's co. conut and banana crops is brought to the temples for the use of the priests. Later, demons and evil spirits are appeased, and each village has a procession in which masks and effigies are car- ried. It is supposed that the evil spirits, faced by their grim coun- terparts, will vanish in fear dur- ing the New Year. "Auld Lang Syne," the most famous New Year song in the world, was composed by Robert Burne in 1789 as an example of an old Scottish song. The words were set to the present familiar tune about ten years later, O-0-0.-.0--1/-9--1/ <1.41-9--10 Modern Etiquette BY ROBER'CA LEE 1. Should children be taught what some people call "company manners" ? 2. When a hostess knows that a guest is dieting, isn't it incon- siderate for her to insist that the guest eat more than she de- sires? 3. Is it permissable to ask a friend to introduce you to other people? 4. Isn't it proper, when shak- ing hands, to hold the hand at about chin level? 5. Should every guest at a wedding reception congratulate the bride and bridegroom? 6. Isn't it nice and thoughtful fora husband to send his wife a valentine? Answers 1. No. They should be taught that good manners are for daily use in the home, office, and on the street, as well as when in the presence of company. 2. Yes. Whether the guest is dieting or not, a hostess should never urge that she eat more than she de- sires. 3. Never, unless you are sure the meeting would be a mu- tual pleasure. 4. No; this is af- fection. The hand should be slightly above the waist level. 5. The bridegroom should be congratulated, but not the bride. One should extend best wishes for happiness to the bride. 6. Yes. He may send one of the pictured kind or it may be candy or flowers. Canada's best customer in 1940 was the United Kingdom, which purchaser) Canadian commodities valued al $508,055,000 as com- pared with $328,099.000 in 1939. SOLDIERS,. RUB OUT MED ACHE$ "iUMsi 6f 7!t �, Xrt Nervous Restless Giris! Cranky? .Restless? Can't sleep? 'Tire easily? Annoyed by fe- male functional dis- orders and monthly distress? Then mite Lydia E. Plnkhar's Vegetable Com- pound, Famous for over GO years in helping Snell rundown, weak, nervous conditious. Made especially for women, INEZ WORTS !i'RXI17G4 .o -w-.^ * 4-.9-.11.4,, CO 0.11.-tl-1.0-0.-iF 9.101, 4 W •• P • el 1 hut ppy_y e e i hxoing 4 ATMOSPHERIC SUN TIDES K, G. Meldahl has published in Copenhagen a book in which he presents conclusions from studies of tides in the etmcs- phere of the sun, which he as- cribes to gravitational disturban- ees produced by the planets. The planets studied were Mercury, Venus, the Earth, Jupiter and Saturn. The first three are small planets, but relatively close to the sun, while the latter two are very large, but at consider- able distances. The half periods of the planets and the combina- tion of their effects were studied' with reference to positions on the sun's surface and not to space co-ordinates. Allowance was made for the rotation of the sun and the manner in which dis- turbances move on its surface. He reports that the tidal effects give a curve which corresponds to the curve of the sun -spot cycle. The cycle has a length of about 11.25 years which cor- responds to the sun -spot cycle. 'M7-PO�tr?4+p-09-irb47-! TOPICS Early .Symptoms Of Tuberculosis In an article written for "Health", official organ of the Health League of Canada, short- ly before his death last month, the late Dr. J. W. S. McCullough defines the early symptoms of tuberculosis as: Being too easily tired, Loss of weight, Indigestion, and A cough that hangs on. Pleurisy may be one of the first signs of tuberculosis in ad- ults, as may be a spitting of blood, however slight. Nervous- ness, disturbed sleep and a run- down condition are all symptoms to be suspected. The tubercle bacillus is passed from person to person in various ways, Dr. McCullough points out. The consumptive who coughs with uncovered mouth sprays the air around hint with the bacilli. If he spits on the floor or side- walk the germs are likely to be mixed with dust and blown about for others to breathe. Bacilli may be deposited on a spoon, drink- ing cup, pipe or other article held in the mouth of a victim. If these are used without a thor- ough cleansing by a healthy per- son, he may contract the disease as a result. BY WAY OF PREVENTION Unpasteurized milk, if taken from a tuberculous cow, is like - ]y to infect the drinker. A tu- berculous mother who kisses her "It DOES taste good in p piper' BANDY SEAL*TIGHT POUCH—i5t "LOK.TOP" TIN -6R eho parked in Pocket Tins bbay on the mouth is almost sure to pass the (dense on to the child. By way of prevention, Dr. Mc- Cullough urged that children of school or pre-school age, students in secondary schools and workers be examined periodically by a T.B. expert. There is no serum, vaccine or medicine that will cure tubercul- osis, and patent medicines are likely only to make matters worse, Dr. McCullough declares; but tuberculosis may be cured if taken in time, and the one rem- edy whieh has stood the test of time is complete rest in bed. He urges the sanatorium as the best place for the treatment of the tuberculous patient, not only because he will receive expert and unceasing care, but because he will be no longer a danger to his family and associates. Seed, Nursery Book Better Than Ever We have received a copy of their 1941 Seed and Nursery Book from the Dominion Seecl House of Georgetown, Ont., which is a credit to this popular Canadian firm, It is one of the most com- prehensive of its kind we have even seen and full of use and in- structive information. It contains over a hundred pages, profusely illustrated, including many beau- tiful reproductions in full colors and meets every demand for flow- er and vegetable seeds and other gardening requirements. This out- standing example of Canadian print -craft will be a boon to both professional and amateur garden- ers. A copy will be sent prompt- ly by the Company to anybody on request. A pig sixteen weeks old will yield about 80 lb, of pork. If kept for another ten weeks it will provide up to 200 lbs. of ba- con. ;)r C gU1c tlRELIEVED SPttyCH C1poS 1O�NODCCDIGH SELLING REMEDY V15 Ontario City Bans Midways for Duration The Sault Ste. Marie city so - Hearer has drafted an amend- ment to the city's by-law cover- ing shows and circuses to outlaw midways from the city for the duration of the war. Instructions were given the so- licitor at the city council meet- ing when it was said that ad- jacent municipalities would co- operate with the Sault Ste. Marie council in keeping midways out of the district during wartime." Make Sure it's in bis Kit A gift that's small incostbut valuable in use. Menthola- tum will stand by him in dozens of minor ailments... it brings quick relief in nasal catarrh and head colds... chapping,braisee,sprainsand cuts...burns and scalds... tired and aching feet and other con- ditions. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE AGONY QUICKLY RELIEVED Ii you are troubled with itching piles or rectal soreness do not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any' itching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool is nature's warning that proper treatment should be seemed at once. For this purpose get a package of Flem-Roid from your druggist and use as directed. This Hem -Road formula which is used internally in the form of a small, easy to take tablet, ¶iii quickly relieve the itch- ing and soreness and aid in heal- ing the sore tender spots. Hem -Reid is pleasant to use, is highly recom- mended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at so reasonable a cost. If you try Hem -Role and are not entirely pleased with the results. your druggist will gladly return your money ...CL SSIFI ERTI M T mos ELECTRIC MOTORS S'Olt SALE 1SLECTEIC: MOTORS, NEW AND reconditioned. Jones & Moose El- ectric Company,, 206 Adelaide St. West. Toronto, _ BART CHICKS WE C.LN SUPPLY Yor WITH good chicks barred Plymouth Rocks and S,C.W Leghorn Barron Straiu. Bred to Lay Pullets ono day old and older. 1:i years breed- ing testing and hatching. Prices are reasonable. Do it now and write for circular with prices, J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. BUY URQUHART STRAIN BARRED Rock chicks direct.: nperb layers of large eggs. Winner of three egg -laying contests, Angus Urqu- hart, Greenfield, Ontario. YEAR 'AFTER YEAR TIIE SAME Bray customers order Bray Chicks. Ordered now, Bray Chicks catch the bettor markets. Looks like a good poultry year. Chicks, started chicks, 3-4 week capons. Order lefarcli chicks now, Start right— buy stray. Bray hatchery. 130 John North, Hamilton. Ont. II;AKEitY E(PCIP tt' '.i' BAKERS' OVENS AND MACIIIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence invited, Hubbard Portable Oven Co., lee Bathurst St., Toronto. CHEESE 3 SE MAIii''It CHEESE MAKER li'O1t tAtJN 1941, with certificate for t.!uobee. For full particulars—writ?. H. H. Last, Hollands _ Mills, Quebec. '»I raemee 't i-sn BECOME A DETECTIVE OR SEC - ret -Service Agent, \4rite at once. C. NI. Julien, I3ux 25, Station T, Montreal. leA1U . i 1.•'()lt SALE 116 ACRE FARM FOR. ;RALE, HTC1H- way 86, two mills i•.6st of West Montrose, quarter :nilo 10 school. Guelph and Ritcbener 12 miles. Large House,'Dank learn, Silo, . � Drive Shed, water in stable, gar afe and out buildings Hydro av- ailnbie. Fred Uberig, Meet \out- reee, P.0., (enteric,. FOOT ,U 6•'t,'1. ft1eii5 ENJO] FOOT ('oMil!'O1tl. QU.1CI5, resells, Tletno treatment (four products) $2.00 Postpaid. lRobin- /101i, $ South Garfield, HTalnilton. 1ib1iSES 'ee weltelL.S FUR SALE OR EX - e h a n g e, rercherons, Belgians, eelydesdalcs, French Canadlane, Coachers, Standardbreds, Hack- neys. C'anad't s largest Horse Breeding establishment offor-200 Pedigreed Stallions for sale or lease, 150 Pedigreed Mares, 360 Grade Horses. Write for illustrat- ed circular and List Stallion Bar- gains. Let us quote delivered price any kind of horse required. Arn- oldwuld Farms, Grenville, Que. KNITTING MAXI-IMNCS IKNITTING MACHINES FUR SALE for special offer prices, - with quantity of free wool. Start now earning money at home and mak- ing socks for soldiers, sailors and airmen. Trade in your old ma- chine on a new one—generous cash allowance made. Auto Knit- ters Limited, Dept. 144, 637 Dav- enport Road. Toronto._ MEDICAL NATURE'S TJ]SLP — DIXON'S REM- edy for Rhounhn.tie Pains, Neuritis Thousands praising it. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa, 51.00 Postpaid. _ OF1,'T;ii '1`() INVENTORS AN OFFEI. TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 373 13nnir Street. Ottawa, Canada. IDELP WANTED — FEMALE DOMINION -PROVINCIAL YOUTH Trnining offers free domestic ser- vice course to young women be- tween,,sixteen and thirty years of ago. For further information ap- ply in writing to Supervisor, Home Service Training; School Dept. et Labor, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto. MEDICAL LADIES --Ile DELA Y1SD, PAINFUL vyou worry irroi;ulatt o r periods take Vern -a -Tune, the prompt, effective relief, Relieve yourself of Worry, unnecessary suffering. Bottle $L, postpaid, Intornntionn] .istribn- tors, Box 102, Dept, 'V., Toronto. TRY IMPERIAL 11'OR F'INIO QUALITY 1'E1UTU hIN- ishing. Any 6 or 8 Exposure film developed and printed, with en- largcment, 25c. Careful processing by experts who know how. assures satisfaction. Imperial Photo Ser. vice, Dept. A., Station 3., Toronto. 'LELf3.1, J. N. LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE. CAP - Rol Theatre Building, St. Themes. Ontario, Special De.partmeei for _farmers collection?. FINAN C1AL JIURTUAGIi S UR AL 1t101:111dNTy OF sale purchased for cash, prompt a.ttuutiou. North Shore Realty CO. Oshawa, Ontario, IIHEUMATISIVI St FFEltElt4 GOOD RESOLUTION — EVERY ;ut't'erer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy. Munro's Drug Store, 335 311 - gin, Ottawa, 61.00 Postpaid. IIELIGIOUS ELIJAH CU&IIN0 BEFORE CTiRIST. wonderful book sent free. Megiddo Mission, H., Rochester, New York. SALESMAN WANTED SALESMAN AN 11'.A.NTKI) WITH CAR to sell to stores, Ladies' House Dresses and Men's Working cloth. es, on commission basis, Cash bond required to cover cost of samples. Exclusive territory given. State age experience. references, Write P.0, ^I,ox 143, Montreal. SALESDIE1 WANTED INCREASE YOUR INCOME SELL- ing 200 Familex products: toilet articles, medicines, essences. sple- es, eleeners, etc. Each home rep- resents a customer. Money refund- ed if products returned for failure. FA1iILEX, 570 St. Clement, Mon- treal. SEED POR SALE i ONT.ARlO HYBRID 1 lD SEEI'1 CORN' Wisconsin, Non 1255 and 645, $4.20 to 80.00 drliv,' ed: 1te ;istored 2nd generation Isba.n, Alaska, Valk- guard outs $1.25 and $1.00; new bags: treat d, Ian Maynard, Chat. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New :+i'rCIAi,IZINt. IN 1i1 6iL 11,'1' 55(0- Tolls, p4)`t;Wily-iui9Irls. liydrautte It els t .s winches, Generator*. Starters, Magnet es, Uasbnre(oris, mounters — I7xchange Servleie, Gloss Satisfactlen or rete* d. Levy :Auto PnrlR, Dent. 3. Toronto. ISSUE 8—'41