HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-02-13, Page 7Pledge for War Savings
INTO THE SUNSET By Jackson Gregory
Lucy citing to the horn of the
saddle and turned for a last look
lrctek. Mrs. Revert], one arm dang-
ling, had run outside and had re-
trieved the rifle which Laredo bad
Thrown into the yard.
Laredo, too, turned aud. Iooked
lacks •
"She's asltin' for it," he grunted
and jerked out his newly holstered
"Don't!" screamed Lucy, and
Wed to cone abreast of him to
Beautiful Pictures (mounted)
bit coiiiur of Britain's Fighting Planes
Don't miss this opportunity!
Just ta,lce n label from a tin or
MOWN SYRUP—write on the hack
your name and address and the title
of the picture you want... (1 label
?or each picture.) Mail the label to
MIA. J5,The t'aoada Starch
49 Wellington St.
last, Toronto.
The pieturn will
tie scent tnlmed-
satply, absolutely
eelthunt t'hurge.
strike .iris arm dawn. 'Tor God's
He only laughed at her as he
fired; this time he shot to kill.
There was the crack of the rifle;
Lucy heard the' angry hiss not a
yard from her own head; she heard
the explosion of the gun in Lar-
edo's hand and saw Mr's. Haveril
'chose last shots were heard from
afar, dully muffled sounds, by
Barry Haveril riding hard to -come
ep With Laredo,
Ominous Hush
He began shouting as he rode
into the yard. Ice went to his heart,
at the ominous hush which was his
only answer. He ran into the house,
still calling, only to grow momen-
tarily rigid, filled with horror. The
Judge was dead, ]'.lis sister Lucy
he thought dead, too; she lay on
the floor, still unconscious, her face
-covered with blood.
He dashed through the House,
seeking. ]Where was his mother?
'Where, was Lucy Hamilton?
The first moving thing he saw
was his mother, weakly trying to
rise from where she lay out in the
"I'm all right, Baron," she whis-
pered. Then he saw her broken
bloody arm and saw too that she
had been shot through the shoul-
der. As he drew her into his arms
he heard her, still whispering, say
as steadily as she could: "He --
ire's taken your Lucy away with
him, Baron."
"Laredo? Schen? Where, Moth-
She tried to point but could only
nod feebly io' indicate the dir-
"Only a minute ago. Go, Baron.
This Coupon Worth $4.11
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.men of affairs naturally stop at
the Windsor because of its repu-
tation for dignified comfort and
unobtrusive, courteous service,
its convenient location—and be-
cause the Windsor is recognized
as the proper place for business
and social meetings.
1. Ardcrlc Raymond
Kill him, Baron. lit.—lie is not i3
man --.just a murder machine, Loci
wants you,ta ]till hint, I think, MY
son --to put trim out of his Mis-
Barry put her down gently where,
she was.
"I'll be right back, Mama," be
said softly, "with 'Lucy. Just a
minute, Mama,"
His horse was fresher than the
two with which Laredo was trying
to escepe, and Barry overhauled
them. before they had gone a mile.
Laredo heard and saw who f01-‘.
lowed; n
'e cat -quick he was down
of the saddle, dragging Lucy along
with him. As his cousin Tom Xlav-
eril had done in like circumstance, •
so now did the Laredo Kid do,
holding the half fainting Lucy be-
fore hila with one arm, his other
hand on his gun,
"I see yuh're bt'ingirl' me hack
• my of red gun, Cousin Barry," he
nloekecl, but Lucy saw that for all
his jeering there was a look of fear
on his face.
Barry carne forward, walking
slowly, the old red run in his
hand. Laredo shouted, "That's close.
enough, Su idown! One more step.:
an'—" •
"I'm going to kill you, Laredo,"
said Barry and came on.
Laredo yelled back at him, "Yuh
fool, yuh'Il kill !ler!"
"Barry!" screamed Lucy. "BarrY,
save me! I don't care if I am kill-
ed! I'd rather be dead—"
it wanted something next door
to a miracle to speed that bullet
Shoes Step Out
in Radiant Hues
Smart Designs Also Are Seen
For Spring Wear—Pumps
Win Popularity Poll
Proudly stepping along in the
vanguard of spring fashions are
shoes, introducing to the now sea-
son a legion oil colorf.nl, smart,
and wearable styles. The keynoto
to feminine footwear styling, as
set at Chicago's recent National
'Shoe Fair, is alighly paradoxical.;
more dressy details for tailored
shoes and stronger tailored trends
for dress -up types, Your preference
for pumps, as evidenced during the
yoa.r past, has been heeded by de-
signers, and onee more this type
will be winning the popularity pelt.
Again in the news are pumps with
low-cut and rounded insteps,. and
an amazing a.ssortm.ent of bow -like
Many of thce shoe styles stens
from America's own exciting pion-
eer period, and highlight Western
designs and themes from Indian
footwear. Others are bowl from to-
day's stirring times, and -portray a
strong liking for patriotic motifs
and colors, including many clever
derivations of sailor designs.
Shoe .authorities declare that
modified heels for the first time
in years will stand on a 50-50 foot-
ing with heels of the "spike" class.
They ideal crocheted rug is made from cast-off silk hosiery or
men's socks, and two shades of caipet Warp. These rug's may be used
in any room and may be either round or oval. Pattern No. X360 con-
tains list of materials needed, illustration of stitches and complete
instructions for making both 'the round and oval rug.
To order pattern: Write, or send above picture, with 15 cents
in coin or stamps to Carol Aimes, Room 421, 73 West Adelaide St.,
by the girl without harming her
and to bury it in Lareclo's body...
The miracle was not forthcoming.
Barry's bullet hit Lucy. But it hit
Laredo too. It struck her in the tip
of the shoulder and went clean
through and drilled through Lare-
do's shoulder an inch or so lower
than Lucy's.
Laredo lifted himself a fraction
of a second first, but his arm was
heavy and.as he threw his gun for-
ward Barry was already firing
again. A long red furrow sprang
into his face as he fell backward.
Yet, dropping back, he loosed an-
other bullet with that almost un-
canny certainty ot his.
The Supreme Effort
Barry, twice hard hit, lay for a
moment unable to stir, his brain
swimming dizzily, his hand going
lax on his gull,
He shook his heat!; his teeth set
hard; with a supreme effort he sat
up. He sate Laredo sitting up as
• awkwardly as himself. The gun in
Barry's weakening fingers was
heavy, and his hand, grown nlinlb
and weak, was about to fail him al-
together. Only with. the greatest
Let's not wait longer
for Modern Light
Light is
Pays for Itself -Burns 94% Air, 6% Oil
V'ou'11 love the abundant white light of Aladdin.
Unsurpassed by electricity for steadiness and tutelar.
null out bow easily and cheaply Aladdins can be
converted to electro use. Don't pat ott having
modern white light. Eves es are too precious to ,,tutu
by reading studying Sewing with dim yellow tight.
Too often this leads to impaired yule i e:penslvc
treatments, glasses. etc. Aladdin is economical
too. Burns 00 hours on a single gadimn of ke:' .:e.
Uses only 6',a oil and 94% air.
Visit yota• dealer, and see the beau-
tiful new Aladdins and the colorful
shades. 1f you don't know 111n1,
write and we'll send his name, our
newest folder of Aladdin lamps ;, 3
and shades and FRIIE TRIAL.
Mantto Lamp Company tri'
4e5 Logen Ave., TeroetCl&)otlt-
She Invents A Husband
As "Job Insurance" . . •
But then her troubles are
only beginning when Margot
Sherwood, successful young
fashion editor, runs into real
romance.. How does she get
rid of her phantom mar-
This Exciting New Serial
difficulty, exerting his will to the
uttermost, slid he lift his gun.
He heard Laredo speak as across
some tremendous, storm -filled dis-
"I'm done for," was what he was
saying, "but I'm takin' Lucy with
As the Kid spoke, he managed to
shove the muzzle of his gun against
her head, Barry fired without con-
scious aim. The bullet broke Lat'e-
do's gun arm before he could pull
the trigger,
Barry got to his feet, took two or
three uncertain steps toward Lucy
and pitched forward on his fat%
t\t'h.en he regained conscionsuess
he was -in bed, and there were
many anxious faces turned toward
him, his father's, Lute's, Ken
March's—yes, and here was Iris
sister Ltioy, alive, and there on an-
other cot lay his mother, white but
serene. And his own L1'cy, lone-
. Lucy, snuggling e!os&, un-
derstood and nodded.
The End
Stunt Dives at 60
Miss Lucile Anderson, aged
60, of Jersey City, has returned
to her old profession of high div-
ing after losing a job as stenog-
rapher she had helot for 35 years..
Her turn (twice daily) includes
a dive of 100 ft. into 5 :ft.. of
water in a tank only 13':1 ft. in
ISSUE 7—'41
If you have suffered from constipa-
tion, you probably know from ex-
periencethat harshpurgative..give,
at best, only temporary relief.
That's why doctors will tell you
to get at the cause, If your consti-
pation is the common type due to
lack of the right kind of "bulk,"
truly .delicious. cereal that cart
help to keep you regular by sup-
plying the "bulk" you peed.
Eat ALL -BRAN every morning
, , drink plenty of water . , and
see if you don't notice a big differ-
ence in the way you look and feel!
Available at allgrocers' in two con-
venient sizes. Made by Kellogg's
in London, Canada:
I am not giving you any par-
ticular menu in the column this
week but first we'll have a gen-
eral'discussion and then some re-
cipes. Your entertaining might
take the form of a buffet sup-
per and for that we right away
visualize a ]acey tablecoth de-
corated with hearts according to
your own taste and maybe a nose-
gay bouquet in the centre, (which
might be flowers or could be
made out of guns drop candies on
a paper doily). The whole should
convey the impression of an old
fashioned valentine. Pretty white
porcelain candlesticks hearing red
candles would add much to the
efect. On your table, whether:
a party buffet supper or family
supper, your color scheme
throughout should have red pre-
dominating as 7nuch as possible
so with that in mind, we would
suggest your table have the fol-
lowing goodies:
Tomato juice is incomparable
for the above purpose, especially
if placed in tall clear glasses.
Then again it,. might be tomato
soup peeping out, which is very
appealing after a skating of ski-
ing party. Did you ever try add-
ing chopped browned almonds to
your soup — it really gives it
quite a zest. Potato rolls, (which
recipe has been given several
tines) always make a splend
accompaniment to any meat dish
for this type of supper. Then
again potato chips are always ap-
petizing. That meat dish might
be cold sliced ham or a chicken
or tuna jelly. Then did you ever
make tomato tarts? Make same
tart shells — and fill with a to-
mato jelly made thus: -
1 package of strawberry jelly
powder and pour over it tomato
juice (strained) and boiling, of
course; when luke warm add 1
tablespoon of horseradish. When
the mixture reaches a honey -like
consistency, pour 'into the tart
shells — then chill. These tarts
are an excellent accompaniment
to any pleat dish. For your dessert
you are probably having jellies
or ice cream and if you wish a
new cake recipe, try this onek -
Almond Layer Cake
2 cups sifted flour (cake)
2a/e teaspoons baking powder
teaspoon salt
cup butter
1 cup granulated sugar (very
2 eggs
ei cup milk
teaspoon pure vanilla
teaspoon almond extract
Measure flour and sift twice
with baking powder and salt.
Cream the $
butter and gradually
blend in sugar. Beat the egg
yolks well and add. Sift in the
dry ingredients alternately with
the milk combining after each. ad-
dition, and adding the flavorings
with the last measure of milk.
Lastly fold in the egg whites well-
beaten. Turn into two greased
pans (9 inch). Hot oven for 30
minutes. When cold put to-
gether with a butter icing —
tinted red, Sprinkle with nuts.
bliss Chambers eveleomes personal
letters from interested renders. She
is pleased to receive suggestions
on tellies for her column and is
even ready to listen tb your 'pet
peeves." Requests for recipes or
special menus are In order. Address
your letters to ":Fuss Sadie 11. Cham-
bers, 73 West Adelaide Street, To-
ronto." Send stamped, self-addressed
envelope if you wish a reply.
Meals a la. Carte
There aro 190,000,000 people
in the world who still take their
meals in primitive fashion, while
25 per cent object to the eating
of pork.
• Calumet is one of the world's
largest -selling bakingpowders
because it gives such lue results,
due to its double action.
It leavens during mixing — con-
tinues to leaven in the oven. Easy -
opening, won't -spill container, with
handy pleasuring device under the
r,N. l•
8E1i lea II 7
I, "Jim Barton would drink cof-
ifee any tine you'd make it. So
I soon welcomed him to my
nighttime stay -awakes! Caffeine
nerves wouldn't let him sleep a
1 mink... that is, until he heard
1 about Postum. Curses! He kick-
' ed me out in no time when he
1 switched to Postum instead of
coffee and tea "
or our woo,a,
Many people can safely drink
coffee and tea, T,lany others
—and all children — should
never drink them. If you are
one of these, drink delicious,
economical Postum. See how
:tnuch better you feel!