HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-02-13, Page 11 arty -First Yea* ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY 13, 19411; Rates: $1.25 in Canada, in advance $1 5.9 in U.S.A., in advaracet CHES'J iR L. SMITH, Publishet elp the Empire by buying War Savings Certificates regularly Are You Suffeth g Frac Heada.ch:` If so; Have your Eyes EXaneined with the Latest Method's and. Equipment at A. L. COIF ..Od OPTOMETLJST & OPTEClAN GODERICH -- ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices /BIEL'S HAIRDRESSING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and -, give us a call MRS. FRED TI IELE7 Proprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONAB1.'� PRICES C. E. Zw+hr2�gg, R.O. OPTOMETRIST at EXETER Ilse Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day .Except Wednesday. THE DEW - DROP - INN QUICK AND LIGHT LUNCHES Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Soft Drinks, Tobaccos, Cigarettes, Cigars, Etc. LICENSED POOL ROOM HAROLD OVERHOLT THE f LOWEST PRICES LE Sales Prove lit. ---No Sal smen Comrniss ons to pay. Ne Finance Charges to Pay 1937 Oldsmobile. S17ecial Sedan, spotless interior, gas heater. 1940 ,Pontiac. Coach like new, heater and defroster_ 1.939, DODGE, Spec a1 Delux. Coupe. 1936 .Chen:, Standard Coach, trunk, locally owned. 1931 Ford Coach, Trunk Rack, Newly Painted. 1939 Chev. Coach., Dark 13rue, Save $50.00 on this Car. 1935 Chew Standard and (1) 1935 Chev. Master Coach. Both Cars Owned in Zurich.. 1940 DODGE Coach_ Get 1939 Ford Coach $125.00 1925 Chev. Coach $35.O0_ 1929 Ford Coupe 1'5.00. 1927 Essex Sedan $25_00. 1924 Ford Coach $10.00 the Price :and .Compare.. 1939 Ford DeLux Coach 11936 Ford Coach 1939 Plymouth Coach 1936 1',z ton truck 20,000 miles 1939 Chev. Coupe, locally owned AND MANY OTHERS FRITZ frnatialet WE vSELL it kq:c. BEST FOR LESS Spec:Ws, >a Tharsday, Friday and Saturday Chocolate lnarshmellow cookies, 2 lbs. ...-..... ...... 25c .Aylmer pork and beans 15 -oz., 3 tins ..... 5c Aylmer tomato catsup, 2 bottles 25c Aylmer pie cherries, . 2 tins .._., 27 c Kelloggs all bran Targe pkg. 21.c Good mecl weight ;bnontins Dueo handle 79c Lima beans„ 2 s. c Sweet meaty prunew, 2 lbs... ............... : 9c Blue Boy- caffee I -lb: ,:bag • ......37c • �19c Peas and corn„ 2 tiro ,;.., . Penmans' men's fleeced lined Combinations at 1.19 Penman,'s fleeced lined shirts and drawers, ;firer garment .................`69c onl cashmere and silk wool hose.. 49c, adies' SIT adie$ newpment . house dresses at $1,000 FOR WAR NEEDS The annual meeting of the Usborne & Hibbert Mutual Fire Insurance Co. was held at Farquhar on Feb. 3rd. The Company had carried on at the. ten cent rate and went •bach $1,5760. The losses being about *7,00 less than in 1930. The surplus is about 54 cents for every hundrtd dollars of insurance carried, A strong appeal was made to do their utmost to sup- ply money and material :to the gover- nment to carry on the war to .a vic- torious end. Responding to the ap- peal the meeting passed a motion that $1,000 should be sent the .gover- rrment to buy the most needed fight- ing material... With one exception ev- ery member in the hall stood to show their favour. In Magistrate's Court Goderich—White gloves were in or- der last Friday for Mag. 1V1akins, it being unecessary for him to take his usual place on the bench, there not being .a single case on the week- ly court, a rare occasion. Either Hur- on County is on its good behavior or the police have been taking a brea- ther, or both. Eight more citizens of Goderich have paid fines of $5.50 eachc for failure to take out radio licenses. This brings the total offend- ers to 16. The fines were paid out of court. One man who heard that an inspector was in town, rushed to the post office and returned with his permit, the ink still wet, only to find, the inspector waiting for hon. He paid $5.50, the same .as the rest. 4•—• HAY COUNCIL ale regular monthly meeting of the .Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Township HaII, Zur- ich, .on Monday Feb. 10th, with aall members present. Minutes of Jan. 13 meeting were adopted as read. After communications were dispas- ad of the following resolutions. were passed. "lomat 131 -laws Numbers 2-3-4 pro-. viding for appointment of officials and fixing salaries and remunerations for 1941 be read three times and finally passed. That Auditors' Report for' 1940 as prepared by Monteith & Monteith chartered accountants, he aceentpd by the 'Council and that 75 copies be nri-a ? for distribution aacong the ratepayers. That following grants be made to Agricultural 'Societies and School fairs for 19 1r1: Zurich Agricultural society $50.00; Hensall Seed and Spring Fair $25.00; Exeter Fall Fair $10.00; School Fairs $5.00. hat rate of j.ev for labour per- formed on Tuwnship Roads for 1941 be fixed as follows: Patrolman 25cts. ,r : man only 25c. pe h:•: :r and team 5,0c per hr; m.an and three 'horses 50c per hr; man, team and mower ,70c per hr. 'That clerk advertise for tenders for four double cords of hardwood for use in hall, beech and moot.. mixel, delivered at Township hall. Tenders to state price for 16 incl: and four foot wood separately. Ten- ders to be opened at meeting of Co- uncil to be held .March 10th nett. That vouchers vocering payments on Twp. Roads, Hay Telephone Sy- stem, Relief and general accounts be passed as follows: Township Roads—Alf. Clark art. re crusher 5.35; Bonthron & Drys- dale do 8,24); W. F. . e•iiison exp enses, Toronto $20; Contract Record advertising 4.40; 1VI. G. Deitz, gas an 41.d13. labor 10.61; Pay troll No. Hay Telephone System—l-%. G. Hess 1 month salary 175.00; T. H. Hoff- maan do 196.66; J. Gascho & Son, linoleum 41.97- •Stramberl;-Carison, material 3.90; Nat. Revenue, tax on tolls 55.99; Nor. Elec. Co. material 58.30; Postage notices meeting, 6.75 Relief—D. Geiger, rent; J. Supblat allowance $10; General Accounts— IVItinicipal World, stationery 8.84; do 9 cuihse,r- intions $9; Queen Alexander San. re- fills $1155; Monteith & oMnte'th and" S;150; do postage $5.25; Stade & Welds), coal for hall 38.24; Whiffler and Co. rolls, ec. 28.61; Cont. Stat, and Ptgs. Co.. act. 6.25; H. Miller burying horse $3; U. Pfile do $2. The Council adionrned to meet a- gain on Monday, Mareh 1,0th, at 1,30 o'clock, p.mn. A. P. }less, Clerk. .-••,� ..-.,�.�..-,fit - Hay Council met on Monday for its monthly meeting, The Bingo held in the town hall by the focal red cross was well attended • Very little ice is found on the roads which semi like summer at present. The property belonging to the late Christopher Dietrich has been sold to his daughter Miss Monica. To Hold Baking Sale The Ladies' Aid and WMS of the Evangelical church are holding a bak- ing and .sandy sale in the Town Hal Zurich on the afternoon of February -22nd at 3 o'clock. Your patronage is solicited. An interesting meeting of the Ioca Red Cross was held in the Town Hall on Monday evening. The outside speaker was Major Ross of Toronto, who was very helpl'ul and well in -1 formed on the wnrk. A more corn- plete'report of the meeting will be in next week's is sue.. The annual me 'Ling of the subscr- ibers of Hay .",: nicipc:l Telephone System was held i.r the town hall, on Monday afternoon with a small at - tenth nee. The system has made sat- isfactory progress during 1940 and now has over 800 subscribers. The cash on hand at the end of the year amounted to $5,712 with total assets of nearly $60,000. ''Ratepayers' Meeting ' At the request of a Commission set ip iointly by the • Depa..rtnients of Labour, Agriculture, -and Education, school sections in Ontario are holding meetings of ratepayers for the pur- pose of planning ways and means to meet the expected labor shortage dur- ing the coming year. Ratepayers' of S.S. No. 7 who are interested in this tremendously important question, are "keel to meet in Zurich Public School Thursday, February 13, at 8 p.m. RED CROSS NEWS The Zurich and district branch of the Red Cross Society shipped to headquarters the past week this very fine list of articles: 11 quilts, 11 dressing gowns, 5 ladies' nightgowns, 12 Hampton pads, 43 children's dres- ses, 1 child'e skirt, 45 pillow c:'ses, 7 pyjamas, 5 sheets, 42 wipes, 96 com- presses, 12 medium pads, I helmet, 6 pr. two-way mitts, 1 pr. mitts, 1 pr ' .ves, 10 scarfs, 1.8 refuge sweater. F ur. seamens' socks. 32 pr. A. F. socks, 60 pr. plain socks. DIED IN DETROIT The death took place in Detroit or. ..� ,•.T Fr 7-",a3.17 3rd of Adalinrr Eckstein, beloved wife of ,Charles Gardiner in her 59th• year. Deceased was born and ,brought up in the Zur- ieb district being a daughter of the late 1Ir. and Mrs. Henry Eckstein and •rhe n a young lady went to the city: 'shout 40 years ago, she was ill for about a week. She is survived by her fel, ed, Wye. Eckstein of Port Hur- on, John of Zurick, Mrs. Albert Hen- ' i, k of the Dine Water Highway ane' Mr., Leroy of'New Haven, Miich. The rem:'ins'were lai•1 t -e rest in r11;' Nee Hawn, Mich., cemetery on Thursday ut' noon. Those v; 'o attmded from here were Mrs. A. Hendrick, Mr. and M Don Hendrick and MT. John Eckstein. HYMENEAL Witmer—Uttley A quiet but pretty wedding was solemnized at the St Boniface 11. C. parsonage, when Rev. L. W. Power united in Holy Weddlock Alma Ver- onica, daughter of the late Mr. and Mr; . William Uttley of Zurich •to Mr. William George Witmer, son of MVirs. Witmer of Grand Bend, and the leis. David Witmer. The bride worc A rli•ess of tripple sheen in for-ge'.- me-not blue with accessories to match '"ss h.,:•le was eti-.anile' ''v her 5ister Mrs. Clarence Wilds while the groom. . supported by Mr. Wilds. They left for Kitchener, Toronto and other points and on their return will re- sile in Zurich. The Herat: joins the ninny erten& In extending ?oast wlsiws NEW ASSORTMENT reeling IRTHDAY CONVALESCENT SYMPATHY Birth Announcement Birth Congratulations. Graduation. Anniversary, Etc., Etc. We also have: Day Books, ournals, Ledgers, Cash Books, Roll Books Ink in Pints, Quarts and Gallons A G. HESS Jeweler and Registered Optician. PHONE YOUR, ORM FO For positive identification ofi the World's Finest Anthracites' ak for BLUE COAL Also Rosedale Alberta, Semet-Solvay Coke Miller Creek. Glen Rodger's Briquets.. The Roe Farms Milling Com Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid f.. .Eggs on a graded basis. Pone' 10 - Hensall • ••••a••••••mer©•••aro♦aak.s•as•••••••ti•o•.+4.4to•a,a.o..••g♦ails,41i • • a9 `Di • • i • • • • • a • • • • • •• • 2 Mia -Winter • • Regular $30,00 Suits •• • • ade to -Measure for • • • • • • • • •7:7• • V �q i.�, • � `r`r I ,ti �cL91 • • • e • CaOe0004aDa E3&W�: cWxtRatmd?m4eo.s49Cs r,•.C9Me,iDCv•6••AaAas•aFtf.��i�v� EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS . ' i l^ a mss +., Vii; Bpeoial In order to clear out our heavy Winter Goods such as Wind'breakea's, Woolen Underwear, an exera Special in Heavy Wool Socks, also Winter Heavy Shirts,.Leather Mitts, Etc., at special Reduced prices Be sure and get your supply of these Groceries Groceries 3 boxes corn flakes, 1 square base' ti rnhler for 25c 19c 40c 17c Prices Pork and beans, 2 tins , 5 lb. pail Corn Syrup for Toasted Cookies, per lb. 4 bars of Comfort soar and 2 Sweediish style Tumblers for ?5c HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR EGGS T E !ILA K E ST 0 Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone,: l l °7 ,i