HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-02-06, Page 8i .. i•p.1.k�.:..:. :.BKS �h..FR.,ta. 11, i�lta'": �1 PAG EIGHT 1 i S LE 1 IN MANY LINES OF WINTER Heavy Wool Blankets, Reg. 10.50 for 72 -in. Flann. Sheeting, at yd 72 -in. Grey Cotton Sheeting, at Blac kFirigering Yarn, n, 14 -l1 at House Dresses, Reg. $1 for Men's Heavy Mackinaw Shirts Men's Wool Vests for each Men's Sweate s, a4 t'ach Men's Wool Windbreakers at each GOODS 8.-35 49c 39c 29c 79c for each 1.35 e3c" 1.15 915 yd G .iO•�.. is 3 W CAAL 5 Pork and Beans, 2 tins for Canned Pe...3, 2 this for Px :.:ne , 3 :Abr. for " for Cream of Wheat, 4 lbs. for 1 9c 19c 25e 18c 19c Ganges, 2 dozen for 35c 4 ]�1 t'var'._ y h A Fie3 Au Andrew F. Hess, Local Representative ILM1013EAMMZUZIMIMSE2=1E152ZENG Oasualty.. Etc1 Z., rig Zurich ZURICH ��iiu►> ►iiiGlti I11l1I1111 + ilii 1,1.1..411iii►1a1N11iul►luum►►!Illuum111SIMmiiluilIMIli iLll h IOliu►.lIiiiu ijfl111111 liu!i►il uiul� zuRIen's Grocery k•tw re Alphabet Macroni per lb.5c Pea Soup, 28 -oz can each 13c 25c 5c Grape fruit juice 50 -oz. carr each Camey soap, each .. Lima Beans, 2 lbs. .... 25c Minute Tapioca, 2 .pkgs with pyrex. dish 25c IOc 10c Ginger Snaps, per lb. Peas, sifted, sizes No. 3 per can LP,,nno each EGGS WANTED. n Phone 1165 italattaFillineTEL 4 Mr. Ed. Datars, Jr:, was in Tar - onto the pat week. • Mr. Percy We tan of Hayfield was in town on S'ttirday. Mrs. Roy 1 -toward of London, vis ite d at the home of her parents, M, and Mr. Hy. 'Weseloh of towl:• '.i,r. and Mrs. William F. Braun and family of Forest Were Sunda; visitors at the home of :+Iiss Jane La- mont. Mr and Mrs. Victor Dinnin; Mr and Mrs. Milne Rader and M.r. Wm :leder motd°red to London on Satur ,lay . Mr. Morris Weber and sister, Mi Floeeie Brown atte::ded the funera of thee aunt, the late Mfrs. Gi'ison a• Goderich on Monday. Mrs. C. Eilber, who is at peesesi' staying with relatives near Rippe. - called in the village one Gay week. Mrs. Chas. Fritz and Mrs.. H.. Magel have returned after spending somE time at the home of the former'. daughter, .Dr. and Mrs. H.. H.. Cowen and family of Exeter. Mrs. Wm. T Truenner of the 14t'., Con., has returned home after visit- ing isit ing at the home of Mr. and 1VIrs Albert Geiser, at Shipka. Mr. Louis - Wurin of near Hensall paid a friend'_y visit to his Zurich frl• ends on Tuesday. He spent a fey ► clays at the home of his daughter, M: and Mrs: Henry Sehilbe, 14th cons I A number of the former member: of Mr. E. M. Dagg's Sunday Schoo' vim made a surprise vito the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dagg recentl; and enjoyed a ,i,^ial evening, during which they presenl.ed !dr. Dagg with a gift in remembrance of taeir clear associat:one e --eine; the past five !years. • Mrs. Chas. Weber and Mrs. Flossie Brown; Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Thiel, motored to Goderich on. Saturday to 1 call at the home of the formers sis- ter, Mrs. Gibson who died last week. I ' Mr. and Mrs. Penfold of Grand Bend ave returned from California, recently after a. very short visit_ there tsameemegargeeemMayas Mr. Penfound Was taken quite II' and had to be brought hone.. I -le• is a little improved, , HARDWARE . SEE 1R! S lo Oar Farmer You are going Through This World Only Once. So Why Do.. Without These Labor Savers? Experienced farm help is scarce and costly. You'll need moderately priced stable equi- pment to do the work the quic- kest, easiest way. Invest part of the rnoney you'd pay hired help, in Beatty lai:or- s_..virng stable equipment. a-ays lietixae dividends. Gives you more time to enjoy life. En - 'fiances value of farm, Improv- es product. Inquire about our Sanitary Steel Cow Stalls --Exceptional Values at Lower Prices.. • and FURNITURE Ci'ill' t o m e L s Lower Priced Stalls Automatic Watering Manure Carrier Labour Savin STA" E'a, 4.'J E I DO ZURICH - ONT. QUALITY — PRICE -• SERVICE 0.41.040111411611106.41441.114.41**11~1***1111041101100.40000411.1.0411011.111 ee 9 a it0 5 0 • ra On Tuesday, Jan. 28th, Mr. W. J Tough, Rattenbury street, Clinton and a former well known resident 0 the Bronson line, Stanley Township was receiving congratulations bt radio, and friends calling on th seventy-seventh anniverrsaey or he birthday The many friends writ bs pleased to .know 'Ghat Mr. Tough L. retaining the health which he ha enjoyed. the last few months. VAN DITCHED Several members of the Royal Aii Force were injured the other day while riding in a petrel van from Pt Albert on the way to Goderich. The van skidded on the icy surface of the -oad, about four miles north of God- erich on the Blue Water highway. struck a post and turned over on its side into the ditch. ANNUAL MEETING LOra. eR 11([Wh(i111W IiIIMM11111 11 11{1111111M111 1111 11 NINNIIII 1111111111111111 I 1111111111111 yCorreeted t C < t. .?<' i;r4?e a?: ' epeciozen 18, 15, 12 tter, Dairy 35 utter, Creamery 83 ressed'. chickens 12-20 ickens live .... ..... .. 10-14 Beat, bushel 70 tee bush. . 34 :rley, bush. . 4:2 e:kwheat, bush 40e our, cwt. 2.35-3.25 astry Sour (at mill), 25-lbs....60c etatoes, 75 -Ib. bag ........ 1.10 i c' a hogs cwt. .......... 7:50 OFFERS BONUS Premier Mitchell Hepburn announ- .,d after a Cr Binet meeting that his o' ernment will pay a two -cent -a -Ib. subsidy to Ontario Cheddar cheese rtroducers provided the Federal Gov- ernment will remove the price peg ..i butter. He said the offer was con- tained in a telegram sent to Federal Agricultural Minister J. G. Gardiner. TRAINING ENGLAND'S DOGS OF WAR, An article explaining—in words end. pictures—how the Brirish War fzce... teaches airdales to rescue vic- nis Ftiried in bombed buildings, to arry.•lnessages under heavy machine entn fire, and help sentries' with their extra -keen eyes and ears; is one of nary intriguing features in The Am- riii Weekly- with the February .9 issue of The Detroit Sunday 'Tunes. Be sure to get The Detro. t Sunday rimee 'this week. MUCH ACTIVITY Ottawa—Movement overseas of a great arrny of airmen, infantry and armored units fn 1941 was promised on Sunday eve. by Prima, Minister Mackenzie King in a broadcast ad- dress supporting the February was savings campaign. "There are many indications that, within a very shalt, while, the enemy will make a tre,m- j endous effort to destroy the British ,lCommonwealth wealth by a series of mash- ! ing b1e•Ws of unprecedented. fury," I the prime minister said in his graphic recital of the Dominion's, war pro- gram. "Total war will be waged in 1all its fury." As part of Canada's effort to meet this fury of a ruthless eerily, Mr. K.irfg outlined a few of the following objectives roe• 1942: 'ovision of 25 new air squadrons, 'identified as Canadian," from grad - :etas of the British Commonwealth r Training- Plan, for service over - _a.. Present strength of 36,000 ;,,n in the; air training plan to be ,doubled; and home operations streng- `''ened, Increase of the .ttoyal Can-- dian Navy to 413 ships an.: 26,920 men by March 31, 1942, compared iih present strength of 175 ships, Wild 115.319 men, RED CROSS NEWS. Apioximately 28,000 Red Cross parcels of food for British including Canadian; prisoners of war in Germ- any have been shipped from the Tor- onto depoot, and 18,000 of these are )n their way overseas, The parcels are sent from New York on American !xport liner to Lisbon, where they ire taken over by International Red The Zurich Agricultural Society held its annual meeting in til • 'Zurich town hall, last Friday afternoon with a faiiirly well representation. The president, Mr. Wm. Decker, presided in the chase, and the past year's work was well gone over by Mr. E. F. lflopp, the secy-treas, who in his re- port gave a very encouraging ries- sage, as regardless the bad day, fair day being rained out, the treasury for the year's activity shows a good substantial balance onh hand. A small shakeup in the election of offi- cers reeulted as follows: President Wrn, Decker; 1st vice, Arthur Weber 2nd vice, Fred Haberer; Secy-Tieas, E. F. iklopp; Director's: H. Fuss, R Gaol., T. Steinbach, M. Rader, M, Smith, IL Truemner, J: Battler, 0 KKlow:p. T. Meyers. The Society will:.agttin take tin the Foal Club cont lietition this year, and muclt euthus iaem was rnrnifested for the ',.present year's:' air work. iJss representatives who guarantee Heir safe delivery to the prisoners. t`he parcels go "to Marseilles an a Red Cross ship which is permitted to -ass through. the British blockade, r hey are then put;abroad a Red Cross, rain bound for Geneva, and thei: :istribution to the prisoners is hand • d from this point. About 5,00( the food• parcels whicn Left Tor .iLo recently are aboard .a ship car- rying American Red Cross supplies o Europe, The parcels of ofod, eacl .)r which contains a sufficiently Bal iced •diet to last a prisoner a' ful lz, are being packed in Torontt t the present time. The original out out of the depot, which has been op n four weeks, was 5,000 parcels eek, but the machinery has bee: Peeled up to produce twice that umber. The Canadian Red Cross i; "rpiying the food at the direct re. :e'st of gee British Red Cross who ,r• work 'olong these lines in 1?iitain has been hampered by enemy air- ratirls. Thinvtay, uary Gth, 1941 4' 4.404, rft `im0 V i yMN.M+ or 4, 4.-,440444'1i•9Y' ► n.FYGT •b• •�pf• 4 4 4 4 4 4. 7. YOUR 0 YOUR SEASON'S REQUIREMENTS We Always Carry a Full Line of the Best of both Shelf and Heavv Stae�le Hardware: Stoves. Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line. Some Good Used Heaters at Very Reasonable Prices FURNITURE See Our Studio Couches and Dinnette Suites A Full Line of all the Home Requirements ements Always keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest "t,' in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress,. Dininc, Rooni Suites. Occasional Chairs- Rockers, Etc. SLID T LY USED FURNITURE. For the more conservative purchaser we can save you many a dollar as we have a fine assortment of Slightly Used tFurniture that will give you big value for your Money: Drop in and look these over and get our ' R.ernarkable Low Prices - •E 5 Johnston z I btlei.kieb i. e Y r'.3•°,e���:����r�..,aw3••E•i••id•hg�r��nul<.n4 1:=1:441i20.1=7,.- Dead S:=l Deed and Pilabled aolimals REMOVED PROMPTLY Phone: Collect: Exeter 235. Seaforth 15 DARLING and CO. Of CANADA LTD.. '1111lfllllfllli1!1111 ililli:?wal :fi ll1l111i;111!111!;I111NNI!Ili!il;! illillalilliiIII!lll{IMIIIIIllli11i;;1141iNCiibl;lilllil!it!fi!!IIIIIIIII?iill!!t;lll!fthi i,;ir Q11i!!11111111i11!II!lilliliaillf7 {! 1111IHI!15 m 1�. IS THE TIME TO OR •D'ER Your Stove Wood. Good 4 -foot •,ody WOOd Very Reasonably Priced. Let Us Have your:Order ! We also carry a Stock of New Brick and Tile Let Us Supply Your Wants in theue Lines! tal IIESS, the epair Man !Pa&Q;PtlI!!lllllllll!1!!!�!!!Iif.�illlllll1111111!�Ef{11111111111111!th,�i!r�illlllllllllllllllllllill8hl!1!II!!!!!!II!!li!!!1!!ll!I!111i!?i!!I!!i!1191i111!illllll IIffIOi!il!lii�!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIiII(IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!IIIIIiII!IIIII!llll 4. 4. 4 Cut YorF i•++.104.4 40+ El. .1. 4..1. .1-.4.4^.-E•+++÷•i•a•-h 1.t. sq• LF! illy 'Storm Windows and D.'.or LET US QUOTE YOU!' Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A iLARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT, I I I 4. PHONE 69 ZURICH 4. rerl SfeSIMMFILIBIGMASin i.4.4.4++++4.+++++444•44+++++++ 4÷÷++++++++44++++++++44++++ : a sago a a 1 1 I 65604«teseefiR®1tF,pQ$ ®Oddi®SINt$11MINSMIROWORMI au4'Scoatz iQAi As we are very anxious to close the 'books ot for- merly known as L. Schilbe and Son, we would request that all parties having accounts with the above rnenioned, to cone and have mese accounts settled at -once. WE THANK YOU! LSchiIbe & Son