HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-02-06, Page 3Canal Traffic Highest Ever For Dominion in 1940 .-- sig - test .Increase On Weiland Canal Traffic on the Welland Ship Cale a1 reached a record level of 12,• 909,597 tons iu the 1910 naviga- tion season, an increase of 280,54" tous over the previous record sea - eon of 1938, the Dominion Bureau of Statistics reports. An `appreciable tonnage increase also )vas noted over the Sault Ste. Marie Canal but St. Lawrence Canal traffic declined slightly, the bur- eau said. Substantial increases in the movement of soft coal, petroleum and other oils, corn, iron, coke, ore, sand, gravel and stone were held responsible for the record-breaking tonnage on the Welland Canal. The 1940 figure was 1,182,044 tons high- er than the 1939 tonnage, au in- crease of .9,5 per cent. This was accomplished despite sharp drops in the movement of wheat, flour, barley, oats, rye and other grains, the survey disclosed. Wheat alone was clown 878,693 tons. Tonnage over the Sault Ste, Marie Canal totaled 89,853,413 tons, higher than at any period since 1929 when 92,622,017 tons ware re- ported. Freight during the 1939 sea- son was 69,849,304 tons, Very light movements of grain, wood pulp and gasoline forced St. Lawrence canal freight down to 7,479,617 tons compared with 8,- 340,165 'in the 1939 season. This represented a decrease of 10 per cent the bureau said. Farmer New Member Of Ontario Cabinet Farquhar Oliver has been ap- pointed minister of public works in the Ontario cabinet to succeed Colin Campbell who is at present serving overseas. Mr. Campbell has been named minister without portfolio. Boys' Parliament Adopts Program Meeting in Hamilton, Eighty Young Representatives Agree to Launch Campaign For "Clean Speech, .Clean Sport, Clean LivIng" Convocation Hall. McMaster Uni- versity, Hamilton, became tempor- ary Legislative Chambers from Dec- ember 26 to 31, 1940 when nearly eighty youths, representing thous- ands of boys in six Protestant de- nominations and the '1t. M. C. A. from all parts of the province as- sembled there for the Twentieth Ontario Older Boys' Parliament. From the time of the speech from the throne given by Lieutenaut- governor E. A. Hardy, O.B.E., D.Paed, at the formal opening, un - e. til its progation these young men, In their leadership training groups, cabinet meetings, informal caucus- es, and formal sessions worked dili- gently to develop and train them- selves for work in their constitu- encies and to provide legislation that would_ give both impetus and direction to church boys' work throtghout the province. Alvin Corless of Million, the Premier, chose a strong cabinet consisting of .Sack .Dodds, Toronto; Mm I)al1yn, Brockville; Jack :Wet - ler, London; Hobert 1Vhitlee, Car. leton; Wm. Mot!, Norfolk.; Walter Ward, Soar'born; Frank Foley Belleville: John Eakins, Lindsay: Stewart 1U'ed, Poreupiee: Arthro' Martin, Northumberland; ft o s s Huffman, Hamilton and l8ldad Holts, Renfrow to introduce the Government's bills and resolutions; the Opposition being 'electively led ley Lloyd Perry of Windsor, Amongst the most important pieces of legislation passed by the parliament was a resolution to launch a Three Q's campaign tor 1041—Clean Speech, Clean Sport, Marl Living, Thio campaign WW esemrnence with the observance of s ears' Week to be held this year ] tweeu Febrtttalip t I to.4 Mr, Eden Inspects Canadian Motorcycle Units During a recent :visit to Aldershot, War Minister Anthony Eden showed a great deal of interest in Canadian motorcycle units. He •is shown here chatting with members of one of these hard-hitting units who are said to be among the fastest- mechanized forces of the British army. Their motoreycles are armed with Bren guns. How Can 1? BY ANNE ASHLEY Q. How can I prevent baby's high chair from rocking over? A. Attach a screen door hook to the back of the high chair and a screw -eye to the woodwork. The chair can be hooked securely and the baby can play without corn- ing to harm. Q. What is a good cough remedy? A. A remedy that is elcellent for relieving coughs is made by - mixing honey and lemon juice. To relieve a violent spasm of whooping cough allow a lump of butter to melt in a glass of warm milk and give it to the patient. Q. How can I prepare creole potatoes? A. Add minced green pepper, a little corn and a few lima beans, with strips of pimento, to boiled potato cubes, and cream in the double boiler. Q. How can I remove finger- marks ingermarks from mahogany furniture? A. Before trying to remove these marks by polishing go over the woodwork with a cloth damp- ened in hot solution of vinegar and water. Then follow immedi- ately with the polish and rub un- til dry. Q. How can I remove the kinks from yarn .when reknitting a sweater? A. Wind the yarn on a skein, tie together securely, wash in lukewarm water, and then fold in a towel and place in the sun to dry. The kinks will disappear. 40...91-1> YO -i -d4 -V P 0- -P-IP-0-9. HEALTH TOPICS T he Prevention Of Pneumonia The title does not indicate a new remedy for pneumonia. it has been adopted by the Toronto Star to point out that pneumonia in North' America is confined chiefly to two clear-cut areas which are called pneumonia belts. One of these belts is in the east, beginning with the Canadi- an province of Quebec and ex- tending to Prince Edward Is- land, Nova Scotia, and New Brunswick, and along the Atlan- tic coast. In this area all but four states have pneumonia deathrates above the average. The second pneumonia belt con- sists of four states in the moun- tain region, namely, Colorado, New Mexico and Nevada. Hits Canadians Annually Contrary to usual public opin- ion, neither latitude nor a cold climate conduce to the onset of pneumonia. Tlie provinces of Saskatchewan, Alberta and the state of South Dakota are safer from pirelnnonia than are South Carolina, Georgia and Arizona, which are warmer climates. It appears tbat a combination of FOR HANG -ON COUGHS ?ru0E COLDS ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS and other Respiratory Ailments Take the Old Reliable cold climates and low average humidity as is found in Saskat- chewan, Alberta and a number of the United States, operates in fa- vour of a low pneumonia inci- dence. ncldence. About 30,000 Canadians an- nually become 111 of pneumonia and until recently one out of every. four attacked, died of it. Now, thanks to the discovery of drugs of the sulphanilamide class the lives of nine out of ten via - Mins can be saved. Last year in hospital practice pneumonia deaths were reduced by two- thirds. But there remains the problem of prevention. The chief items in the prevention of pneu- monia are: 1. Clearing up of foci of in- fection. 2. The use of the protective foods: ,lneat, milk, eggs, fish, fresh vegetables and fruit. 3. Plenty of rest and tionaar 4. Immediate bed when a cold or an attack of flu' comes on. Canadians Do Most Phoning Place More Telephone Calls Per Person Than Any Other People in the World Canadians place an average of over seven million telephone calls each day, George L. Long, histor- ian of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada declares. 285 CALLS PER. YEAR. Canadians are the greatest tele- phone talkers in the world, accord- ing to Mr. Long. "In other words," he said, "we have placed more telephone calls per person than the people of any other country. The record for 1938 shows that if you are au average Canadian, you have placed 235 telephone calls. Compared with this, the average American placed 223." "I•t requires 18,000 telephone people to carry on the telephone business in Canada," Mr. Long said, "of which about 9,700 are em- ployed by the Bell Telephone Com- pany, the other 8,300 being em- ployes of over 3,000 other tele• phone systems in the Dominion." "Records .show," Mr. Long said, "that an individual telephone cus- tomer has had an average of only one trouble in 14 months during the past two years. Five years ago, there was one trouble per tele- phone in 10 months," RHEUMATIC SUFFERERS Accept This Generous Offer! Your druggist will return your money, it one bottle of Itu-Ma dons not give you relief from rheumatic aches and pains, sore, swollen and painful joints. No matter how long you have suffered, you must get re- lief or "no pay", 'rry .tin -Ma and be convinced. Accept this generous of- fer now, Mentholatunt quickly soothes injury end pro- motes healing. Tubes and jars, 30e. tilt MENI HCDLATUM 164 Wt. CANICORYArtr(Y:; "MIDDLE -AGE' iA�L WOMEN HEED '61HS .ADVICE! l Thousands of women go spilling thru"trying times" with Lydia E. Piukhain's Vegetable Compound --famous for over 00 years in re- lieving troubles, Modern Eliquette BV ROBERTA LEE 1. What should a girl do with her wedding gifts, when an en- gagement has been broken a few days before the wedding? 2. When answering a busi- ness telephone, should one merely say "Hello"? 3, When ice cream is served on pie, should the ice cream be eaten with a spoon? 4. Shoaldn't a saleswoman, to be efficient, advise a customer what she should choose? 5. When a young man takes a girl to the theatre, should she stand beside him in line while he gets the tickets? 6. Is it permissible to ask the porter on a train to call pne at a certain hour in the morning? Answers 1. Mail each gfit back to the donor, with a brief note saying that the wedding is not to take . place; it is not necessary to state the reason. But don't fail to ex- press sincere appreciation for the gift, just as though nothing had happened. 2. It saves time to say, "R. J. Allen Company." Or, if an individual, or professional inan, "Dr. Brown speaking." a. No; the fork should be used. 4. Not if the customer seems capable of making her own de- cision. When the customer seems timid, doubtful, or uncertain, a pleasant suggestion now and then is all right. 5. No. She should stand aside and wait for him. 6. Yes; that is the correct thing to do. HAVE Y :' `` HEARD? At church parade the padre had spoken about the wages of sin and had freely quoted the Ten Commandments. Corning out of the churchyard the black -sheep of the regiment thought deeply for a few minutes, then turned to his pal. "Ah, well," he said. "I've never made a graven image, anyway." —0— Wife (discontented): "John, do you think 1'nt going to wear this old squirrel coat all my life?" -.'ushand: "Squirrels do, darling l" —0— ,. After twerity minutes in a gloomy public air raid shelter, the young man and his pretty companion came back into the daylight. Slow Burning' CIGARETTE PAPERS NONE FINER MADE 4204 TASTE*FLAVOIlN- FNESHNESS o ECONOMY DIXIE PLUG HAS EVERYTHING "Do you know, darling," he whispered, tenderly, "if I'd known we were going to be so long down there in the dark, I'd have kissed, you." The maiden raised her blush- ing face to his. "Wasn't it you?" she asked in surprise. —0— "Are your eggs fresh?" "Madam, the hen doesn't realize I've phot then yet." . —0 -- "See here," said the missionary to the African chief, "it is wrong to have more than one wife. Tell all your wives except one that they can no longer look upon you as their husband." After a moment's reflection, the chief replied, "You tell them!" —o— "Your friend Joe seemed to be the life off the party." "Yes, he afar the only one who could talk louder than the radio." bla—0— Into the Editor's room stalked a very big man. "You the Editor of this rag?" he snapped. "1 am, but—" "Well, my name is Knowles E. Blimps. Yesterday your paper called me a thief, a robber and a ckleg." "We did," agreed the Editor; "and I—" "I've called to tell you that my middle initial is 'E' and not 'M,' as you printed it. If you can't spell my name correctly, just you leave it alone'." Moving Train Target For Truck Driver "I did not see it," explained the driver of a truck who failed to stop at a highway crossing and struck the twenty-third car in a Canadian National Railways freight train. The road was ley and sleet was falling at the time of impact. ITC STOPPED Or a/a!!r+' •or Meitey Badly go: quick relief from itching of°csema, pimples, ath- Iste's foot, scales, scabies, rashes and other externally caused akin troubles, use haat-acting, cooling, natl. septic, liquid D. D. D. Prescription. Greaseless, essinle's. Soothes irritation and quickly stops intone. Itching. 35e trial bottle proves it, or money back. Asir Your druggist today for D.D.D. rRESCRIirfIOM. Fashion Adopts Snow In Laurentian Hills When experts of the Bureau of Fashion Trends desired to il- lustrate photographically what the well-dressed skier would wear in smart woollen Jutdoor togs in 1941, they selected St. Sauveur, gayest of Laurentian Mountain winter resorts on the Canadian National Railways, as possessing jut the right background and at- mosphere tmosphere for the camera men. They also brought their cameras to the Gatineau Hills and shot scenes at the Ottawa Ski Club. As final choice background for swim things and formals, the pool and social rooms of the Chateau Laurier provided the proper sett- ings. ettings. RECTAL SORENESS AND PILE AGONY QUICKLY RELIEVED If you are troubled with itching pilus or rectal soreness do not delay treatment and run the risk of letting this condition become chronic. Any Itching or soreness or painful pass- age of stool is nature's warning that proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose get a package of Hem -Road from your druggist and use as directed. This Hem -Road formula which is used internally in the form of a small, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve the itch- ing and soreness and aid in heal- ing the sore tender spots. Hem -Road is pleasant to use, is highly recom- mended and it seems the height of folly for any one to risk a painful. and chronic pile condition when such a fine remedy may be had at so reasonable a cost. If you try Hem -Road and are not entirely pleased with the results, your druggist will gladly return your money. ...CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS. ELECTRIC !ROTORS FOR SALE ELEETRIC MOTORS, NEW AND reconditioned. Jones 8c Moore El- ectric Company, 296 Adelaide St. West, Toronto. BABY CHICKS M.>a.IUE ITA BRAY CHICIC YF , Jt, like thousands other poultry - keepers. "Getting more this spring" says Mrs. Abe Miller. Or- der now, delivery when you wish. Don't put off this important item in your 1941 budget. Bray Hatch- ery, 130 John, Hamilton, Ont. WE CAN SUPPLY YOU WITH good chicks barred Plymouth Rooks and S.C.W Leghorns Barron Strath. Bred to Lay Pullets ono day old and older. 16 years breed- ing testing and hatching. Prices sre reasonable. Do it now and write for circular with prices. J. D. Johnson, Fergus, Ont. BUY URQUHART STRAIN BARRED Rock chicks direct. Superb layers of large eggs. Winner of three egg -laying contests. Angus Urqu- hart, Greenfield, Ontario. BAKERY Equ'IPltENT 1rAICOFtS' OVENS AND MACHIN- ery, also rebuilt equipment al- -ways on hand. Terms arranged. Correspondence invited. Hubbard Portable Oven Co., 105 Bathurst St., Toronto. ani inxrIT sociwxY FOR LIMITED TIME ONLY --60 year old society offers $30,00 mouth Accident an d Sickness Benefit. All accidents and sick- nesses covered Tor $1.00 monthly, Write The Maccabees, Rogers Bldg'., Vancouver. IrOOT SUFFERERS ENJOY FOOT COMFORT, QUICK UIC.K results, Rome treatment (four products) $2,00 postpaid. .Robin- son, 8 South Garfield, Hamilton. 1?4X'l'TINC 1IAC1IIivE5 KNITTING MACIIINE,S FOR S ALLI 'for special offer prices, with quantity of free wool, Start now earning money at hone and mak- ing seeks for soldiers, sailors and airmen, 'Pro do iii ,-our old na- rlline on tt 09 W one _Onerous cash ullownItrn nuade. Auto ICtrit- ters Limitoci, Dept. 144, 537 lrav- etipei;t Road, Toronto. INTERESTING CHICK BOOK YOURS FOR THE WRITING. WE specialize in pedigree -bred Leg - horns, Rocks and Rhode Island Rede. Mixed and sexed chicks. Grand Valley Breeders, Central Terminal, Galt, Ontario. OFFER To INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of inventions and full infor- mation sent free. The Ramsay Co., Registered, Patent Attorneys, 271 Bank Street, Ottawa, Canada. HELP WANTED FEMALE DOMINION -PROVINCIAL YOUTH Training offers free domestic ser- vice course to young women be- tween sixteen and thirty years of age. For further information ap- ply !n writing to Supervisor, Home Service Training School, Dept. of Labor, Parliament Buildings, To- ronto. MEDICAL LADIES—IF DELAYED, PAINFUL., irregular periods worry you take Fem-a-Toile, the prompt, effective relief. Relieve yourself of worry, unnecessary suffering, Bottle $2, PosttorspBox 102A,Toronto. nI)Istribu- Goon RESULTS -- EVERY SUF- ferer from Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Rem- edy -- $1.00 -Postpaid. Munro's Drug Store, 335 Elgin, Ottawa. HAVE YOU GOITRE? "AI3SOIIBO" reduces. .jhnston particulars ,7inwriteE. Toronto. _ BIEN WANTED LOCAL MAN — GOOD PAY R'VElGlli- ly. U'ull or spare time. Book orders for Canada's finest trees, planta. Eixperienee unnecessary. Saler outfit'Proc. E. D. SMITH'S NURS- ERIES, Winona, Ont. TRY IMPEERIAL FOR FINE QUALITY PHOTO FIN- ishing. Any ti or 8 Exposure fibre developed and printed, with eta- largement, 25c. Careful processing by experts who know how, assures satisfaction. Imperial Photo Ser- vice, Dept, :1., Station J., Toronto. ISSUE 6—'41 LEGAL J. N, LINDSAY, LAW OFFICE, CAP. itol Theatre Building, St. Thomas, Ontario, Special Department for farmers collections. FINANCIAL MORTGAGES OR AGREEMENTS 0S' sale purchased for cash, prompt attention. North Shore Realty Ce. PARTNER WANTED WANTED — TO COMMUNICATE with prospective partner, with some capital, to buy part interest in fully equipped Dairy Farm and Breeding establishment — Goin concern — Good outlet for Milk and Pure Bred Cattle — Good Stable — Fully equipped — Farms in excellent state of cultivation. Owner's health will not permit his taking full charge. Excellent op- portunity for Farmer with songs of Itis own. Address Box 50, 78 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, RIHEUMATIC, SUFFERERS TRY ITI EVERY SUFFERER Olt Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. Mun- ro's Drug -Store, 335 Elgin, Ot- taw a. $1.00 Postpaid. s'I'ORE EQUIPMENT MERCHANTS - . BAKERS SAVE ON EQUIPMENT DREAD WRAPPING MACHINE, and fans, Meat Grinders, Coffee Mills, Ceiling Pans, Combination Fish Counter and Sink, Toledo ten pound scales, l4leeerlaneoua other equipment. Write or phone A St: P Tea Co., 185 taugition Ave.,.. Toronto LYndhurst 1151. __,- CI' MCC -t'$ BRONZE TOMSSHOW l'Oi.QIR„ market type, Government 'andel, A-1, $12.00. Cleulonely 1''arm, ore, Ont. Guaranteed CAR AND TRUCK PARTS Used — New SPECIALIZING 11\ tam tL'V MO- TORS, 1'OWVIt-nasus. Ilydrnulir H o l a i s Winches. f;enernlolrbs, Starters, Mugnetes, Carburetors, Raclin{ Ora — Pixelsange Seri/INN Gins* Satiwfnction or refptuil. LeYZ ,&,ilt:o 1'tlrts, Pert, J.. Toronto,