HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-02-06, Page 1Forty -First Yeat . • • ZURICH. THURSDAY 'VI ORNIN G, FEBRUARY 6, ( Q4 1 Patronize you Local Are You. Suffering From Headaches? If so; .,Have your Eyes Examined with • the Latest Methods and Equipment at A. L. COLE, R. a OPTOMETRIST & OPTI,CIAlt GODERICIE — ONT. Good Glasses at Reasonable Prices eatatzlarallita=eal6canassamazavaMICualtem=min=m77.Tlx=1=an.e THIEL'S HAIRDR7SING NOTICE We have recently installed a new Shelton Waving Machine and can serve the public now better than ever. Be sure and give us a call. MRS. FRED THIELE. Praprietress COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PPaCES C. E. Zurbrigi, R.O. OPTOMETRIST sat EXETER Me Newest. Approved Method of Eyesight Testing Used. Open every Week Day Except Wednesday. CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the late Christopher Dieterich wish to greatly thank the neighbors, friends and relatives for the kindness and sym- pathy .extended during tne recent departure of their father.' Also for the spiritual bouquets. THE LOWEST PRICES Sales Prove Salesmen Commissions to pay.. No Finance Charges to Pay SPECIAL -Only one left at the .old Price, New I 941 Dodge.. Purchased before tax raise 1939 Chev.. Coacix,like new $685 1940 Dodge mach, choice 785 1939 Dodge De Lux coach . . : $695 1940 Pontiac Coach, like New 1931 Ford Coate newly painted $190 1929 Ford Coach, repainted $125 1929 Ford Coupe $85. 1932 Chev. Sedan WARD FRITZ ere. ant for your 1941 havit 's There Exeter, Ont. Phone 135 Thurs., Friday, Saturday Saturday Matinee THREE SHOW UNIT . Christmas Under Fire .. The gross Theatre rentals through out Canada .and the U. S. will go to the British War Relief authorities This theatre is donating 50% of gross receiptof the entire perform ance to the British War Relief auth- orities. Blondie Plays Cupid Starring Blondie and Dogwood • Toilers of the Range Starring Chas. Starrett and Sons of the Pioneers. GENERAL ADMISSION Evening 3• 5c Special Saturday Motinee; Children 15c., Adults 25c. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday M. Smith Goes:to Washing.. ton Stareieg James Stewart and Jene Arthur. An all star cast. COMING—Let George do it, starring (iso. Foundy ; Northwest 14.10 anted. Police. South Huron • Agricultural Society Meets There was an unusually large at- tendance and interest ..shown at. the • annual meeting- of .the.South Haien Agricultural Society, held at the I Commercial Hotel, Heiman, Saturday i afternoon last. The Society holds an annual seed fair on February of each year at Hensall, as well as a spring stock show in Aped, and in spite of the fact that it charges na admission feeat either show, it has always :maintained a high financial standing, and always paid its prize money in full, regardless of the weather. The financial statement this year showed a substantial bank balance and the Board of Directors unanimously de- cided to carry on both fairs again , this year, at least, and as much long - or es conditions will permit. Dr. A. R. Comp'eell, of Hensall, was re-elected President, a position he has filled for several years, and to whose interest and iniative is due much of the suc- ____ane.„.„4 eess of the Society. Other °facers ana,eneeeneeagt ing, M.P.; Jas Ballantyne, MLA; lst were: Hon. Presidents,- W. H. Gold - v; .:e-pres., Alex. Buchanan; 2nd 0. Geiger; directors, Geo. Armstrong, W. R. Dougall, W. Consitt, H. Wright T. Sherritt, W Decker, R. M -Peck, L Chapman, 1V D Saunders, A 13 Bell, S Dougall, J Scott, E Shaddick, Syd. McArthur, F. Watson; Secy-Trens. M McLean; auditors, i' Hontheon and R. J Paterson. The date of the seed fair to be held in tho Town Hensall, was set for Friday. Feb. 28th at which it is expected Prof. Mason, of the Ontario Agric- ltral College, Guelph, will act as judge, and will ale deliver an nd- dress. The spring stock show will be held on the Saturday following the .spring fairs of -Clinton and Seaforth. ametttmegammEmmme•ammosuessawaolua.masoortoomtsom...."..c......ra.ceve...remeo WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Speciak for Thrsday, Friday and Saturday Van Camp's tomato choice quality large tin,. 2 fins . . 23c Hillcrest Shortening, 2 14b. prints .... .. . . . .....23c Life Buoy Soap, 4 cakes. Ready cut macroni, 4 lbs. Rinso, large . .. . Snow cap toiletpaper, 4 rolls Hawes floor -wax, 14b. fin . Cowan's Cocoa, 14b. tin . 27c Royal ork tea, mixed, half -lb. pkg. 37c Quick Quaker oats, plcs..r, ,..23c Grape fruit juice 50 -oz. tin -.... ... . ..... 'Brooms, F'tra special for Saturday 29c Ladies' House Dresses ,newest spring styles —.1.25 Print Aprons, extra special at ...... . 25c New spring prints at,per yd. I 9c 23c .25c 49c 25c Broad cloths, special at yd 18c Art Sateen& (for Saturday only) per yd -35c Pyjama, Cloth, reg. 35c. ya. Special at IN TOWN HALL - ZURICH ON 'T.HURDAY EVE., FEBRUARY 6th. At 8 pan. : :Proceeds for Local Red Cross Society GOOD PRIZES ..k(linlaision----26c. for 10 games. Extra mes 10C. Door Prize EVERYBODY WELCOME Public Dance ON WED, EVE., FEBRUARY 12th MURDOCK ORCHESTRA Adinimion 25o, Refreshment Booth You aro Invitc'd Rates: -'1.P5 in Canada, in advaneet $1.50 in U.S.A., in advanew CHESTER L. SMITH, Pii.briabee, rchases assuasgusurmawn...,..,...raramunostmospapmemmumozosadapo................ • NEW ASSORTMENT — ••••••• 01X..2.41921M.V,...0114.7[14.3,•44.1.1S.P.Onwann.1.04.2......•••••••••••suanno. Mr. :Jacob Beichert of the Blind Linewas taken to Clinton Hospital and opera on for appendicitis: Master Charles -Cowen of Exeter, Was a week -end visitor 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz. Mr. Archie MacKinnon who is at- tendingVeterinary College at Guelph spent a few days at his home here last week. There was the annual Veterinary convention and the Col- lege closed a nee days. Ehner Mage), ,Mrs. Earl Smith, Mrs. Jacob Smith, accompanied by friends all o; Detroit, were in town on Saturday morning. They were on their way to Toronto, where Mrs. Smith is visiting with friends. A Field Seeretary of the reed Cross Society will be present and address a public meeting in the Town Hall, Zurich, next Mon,Lev eneninge A full attendance of inteee...ted and donators are anticipated. Be sure and attend if you are interested in thieaU importe; ; work. Pad SodaMeeting On Tuesday, February 4th, the Ladies'. 'Aid Socie.y of St. Peter's Lutheran Church acceptea a very kind bealtation of Mrs. P. Haberer, to hold their monthly meeting, combined With a :social evening, at her home. The lensiness part of the meeting was folloWeet-% Progressive-. aeroplane bunco. The prize going to Mrs. John Fuss. A dainty lunch was served by the hostess. Mr. Clarence Schade of the Blue Water Highway, - south of St. Joseph who recently sold his 90 -acre farm to Mr. Waiper of near the Bend, ha purchased the fine 118 -acre farm on the 14th. concession from the Estate of his 'late untie, the Wni. T. True- mner Estate. . Possession will be giv- en March lst. This farm on the 14th cou. which Mr.. .Schade purchased is the old Truentier homestead, and the from where. his -mother, Mrs. Wm. Schade was raised. We will welcome the Schade famirY closer to Zurich. Womens- Institute On Monday evening, Fez...eatery 3, the Zurich Women's Institute met in the Town Hall, Zurich for the regu- lar monthly meeting which opened by the Institute - Ode followed by the Lord's. Prayer. Mrs, Mervin Stelek gene current events in which she ex- plained the Saving Stamps and Cer- t'ficetee. Doreen Schilbe, Dolores Klapp, Jean Krueger and Avis /lab- eler sang and acted "When it's lamp Lighting time in the Valley". A read- ing by Kathleen Hay. Mrs. John Turk helm gave a talk on songs and com- posers felloWed by a duet by Mrs. Bryce and Mrs. W. Fritz. Mr. NV. H. Edigholfer gave a talk on Historical Research on the Township of Hay, which proved to be very interesting. Mrs. Mervin Stelek gave a reading on "There'll Always be an England" after which the Institute sang it. The roll call was answered by favorite hvmns and composers. The president, Mrs, Meyers took charge of eusmess, after whicb the committee servetl lunch. The committee in charge were Mrs. Erwin Schilbe, Mrs. W. Fritz, Mrs. ellivin .Stelck, Mrs Ed Haberer, Mrs. McAdams, Kathleen Hay HYMENEAL NeveTurkheim The marriage of Ruth Louise, dau- ghter of Rev. and Mrs. E. Turkhefin of Zurich, to Arthur Fleming Neve. son of Pr. J. L. • .Nove, Spritagfteidn Obio, took plane quietly at Trinity Lutheran Church in London, on Fri. - day, January bist. The father of the bride officiating., The bride wore a light rose wool ensemble suit, 0. large pale blue hat and tt corsage of orchids. Gertrude Turldieim of Tor- onto was the. larides only attendant, she was dressed hi hyacinth blue with rose accessories and a corsage of carnations. Egbert William ?sloidig of Detroit actea as boKt Man. Aftee the young couple return from, their honeymoon to Ohio and 'Chicago, they will take up their riaidenco at Royal Wridhigam fi 0 BIRTHDAY CONVALESCENT SYMPATHY Birth Announcement Birth Congratulations. Graduation. Anniversary, Etc., Etc. ra) We also have: Day Books, ournals, Ledgers, Cash Books, Roll Books link in Pints, Quarts and Gallons AG ;•' jeweler and Registered Optician. For positive identification oi the World's Finest Anthracite ak for BLUE COAL, Also Rosedale Albefla„ Semet-Solvay Coke. Miller Creek. - Glen Rodger's Briquet& The Roe Farrns Milling G Feeds. W. R. DAVIDSON Highest Cash Prices paid fee .Eggs on a graded basis.. Pone 10 - Henna • ,O.•••4•• 4'4 a> toee c,4,eseee 4-3-4 eit•o.t.,4.-4..1,4-17, ,t2S • ek 4 a& .0 e ''''Ck".' .; et • .11 • 4 Ali Ce•• .1) ..*Ifl • 1. ,•••• ..•'. 'b.. , ,t 1 (8 e l'•> 0 : 4zi el 4 i • • • • 0 0 0 0 • 4 0 0 Regular $3000 Suits Made -to -Measure for ,, 0. • /Vat a gai A 0:222,1ala OF::',,3-; t EMEALIVIERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0, 9 0: 9 e • <0; 444,0:41,000400000,100.004.0-Z,04,044*4.4e000,a00,00,-004^.0,%reee400 4 412205ErgelSatel4IZZONEEMEMESIWIZEREZ=MEMCW-17. " •••• .• ,Vh er t Y Ur Service We are Happy to be Doing Business at the Same Old Stand During this Cold Winter Weather you will need good warm Underwear, Overalls, Smocks, Wind-, breakers, Mitts, Socks, Heavy Rubbers, Etc., Etc. Let Us Supply You With these Essentials! FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND HIGHEST MARKET PRICES PAID FOR EGOS TILE BLAKE STORE Edmund Swartzentruber, Prop. Phone; 11.97 •