HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1941-01-30, Page 4­ .... 7­..­.-1­""""FqFFRW" ..... 1;,­­""""!F"RPW1 "." -­­M""RRF"".1­ .... � i . . . . '­­%M*qRFFW , , 'm . � . . I I . . . 1. 1", � ­ . . . ;.. . . ,1 I ,: �! , � � . , . , 1 , :j)!!, , I � , I � - I. I I , � il. ,,,� 1. � � I I., � 1: I ,�­� � ,� I ", - �,I, . ; ,,­­",;;A�:�. - �­ I - � .t i:.�: � . ... .11 ­ � ,­ ­ . '.. I ­ ... ''. � I . " wg, 1 4 . I . , � - 1111 I 1� ,�a I C 1.,,,., it 111" ,"�, F - I "' - I I I - `1 ,�,.' . 0 I 11-L ­ , ,. . � .�, 1,�Ii - I 9.-". � - I .. " I" , I AD,. , 1; - - E , I V, . k; � '. 16i.. � 7 "11-1 F L'o''. 11 � � IT, 1. .11 'W'', .�M i 11 , I I I THI E .PE I I -­ I I � � I . I . . & wwwft� 4) G 0 .07 or ttl, e DominionmProvincial . 0 0 . I I I Conference on tho '5072rolsl R, G*Port . � . I , IT IS AtRTICULARLY DIPORTANT at this critical phase of our national life that the- people of the Provhwce, I ,, . of Ontario should be given the facts and allowed to base their considerations and judgment on thenz. . . I There is very little doubt that in many instances .opinions have been based on speculation, propaganda I . � I �. I ­'."­ . and rizinor. � . � . , I . I . The statements given .herewith are taken from the� Official Reports of the Conference as published by- the . . . . I Dominion Governmeia. . -� I I . . . I I I lKaN. MITCHELL F. HEPBURN, PRIME MINISTER -Already a Fuel Controller has been. appointed and as its credit closely approaches -that of ilia dominion, A RON. J. D. McNAIR, K.C., PRIME '61INUT.M? DF I : AND PROVINCIAL TREASURER OF ONT41UO,: -lit, has the power to regailate the distribution of gaso- feature of the arrangement notgnierally realized is NEW BRUNSWICK, (Vol. 1, page 13) - - I . . - '(Vol. 1, Pages 14 to 20): . line. As it war measure ' lie could olopriVe It$ eNtiralY that in the case of Alberta the do . .I, would Assume "At the outset, I must stry I!lat we do -not wtocirr, 'Mr. Prime Xinister and gentlemen, darinot this time of revenues from tile licensed vehichis and gasoline.- not only ilia provincial debt, but tile defaulted interest im. the flndillgS of Ron commission us .set Out !a cha.plerst 1 ,6 ;tc,N y should then have to go to tile dominion authorities on the same. This had reached $8,40,00() by 3.987 and V It Id Vy oi. section P of Volume 11, where oertalla f .stress alid strain and ruililetis ivarfare, 1. YZave ,cr IN! -Ill.,' 'either contribute staladq now at a much higher figure. Ontario's federal l I publicly criticized the Sicilia report or its recommend- '11"It"n tin cup Ili our hands saN special claims Advanced �y tile government or XeV7 ;ations. I did make a statement ubout the timing of ilot to ilia extent of our loss of �evenooe or pity for tile taxpayers provide nearly half the dominion revenue Brunswick are discussed. . . publication of tile report because I believed then, and, social services of 'Ontarlo'-alid, believe me, tbey are out of which this gift to tile bondholdars 'ovould be . , . � , per- many And varied in this age of growing paternalism. provided.' . -still believe and ala joined in this belief hT ma -in ;sons, that I did a public service !a calling aftliatien to When tile Prime Minister addressed to me on goveirt- That shows the changing opinion of flint groat pub- HON. JOHN BRAcKEN, rRimE mmisrER ,a -F I � the act of throWin; into the arnin of discilSillion a IiIelily bar 2ild, 1940, a letter with reference to this proposed lication. Why! -Because flint and other nOwspapers, MANITOBA, (Vol. 1,.pnge 30): . . :contentious document at a time whan people ivlio love conference, he said in part: sqllsirog public opinion, are r0eeting the.1ro'eling ims. :the Empire Lind all it stands for are tcow-prued -With "While empliIrtanant relief has been , picion Of the a,wakening public mind. a 0, political "Manitoba does not think it unreasonable, JE it tile cost of "" d I wanted to barrow money oil Ilia credit of tile dominion. -, And one thins, alone--flie sm"es"'ful 111`080' reduced, the War has c I, A I, observer I any that Ultra is it fast developing body of one thin, - as, a burdens oil govern- . - cution of a vivtorious war in whieli OnT =11011.11 Recur. mlents I taxpavers tilike. It hits inevitably increased Opinion, not; -ivithout cause, now promoting tile iden that it should be expected firtit to Obtain the approvul . . ity is at stake. For if our effort fails, Hitler, and mot tile ' till( *beoveei govertinient% to secure rev- that behind thia untimely move, ostensibly as a -war of such National Phianco Commission. Mra fee.1 54;t7tseeci !ompotition I the delegates preiient At this amainion-provinviul -can- villies, and ]ill$ aggrav'ited the overlapping, cumber- measavra�, is a well-cookod, refurious deal to make good that we shall huvo no difficulty ]it obt-thling the uPprovail � ference, will settlo our domestic problems. the losses in depreciation at certain bonds held largol of SuCh. a body , "cation Merits some and discriminatory character of much of our tax in till cases where our alipli In this gard the policy of the government of structure.' . by Ilualicial. houses, to collect unpaid interest oil Alluirty such approval. If a case comes up in which such ap- 1 17" bonds And to CAUSO a sharp appreciation in bonds al proval is withheld, that will not, prevent its K 'ove Ontario lilt. not eliantred in any particular. Thost-of as I srtnia provinces, which bonds were, because of cir. think ilia object iss, *%vorl.by one from 1,orrowing open 'who represent the contral province have been rou-, Ontario !�o-operal.CS on Income Tax - "' , ' - our own credit: It hwq been suggelittid that snick . � sistent in our attitude. cumstit ces beyond.the control of a respe"'va 'ire borrowing upon provincial credit Alone will he iru- .11 I I ; 11 I take this Opportunity Of referring to I -lie actions ef vincialli-reasilrers, actually sold at ntiu A . . %Some while ago a. former associate of mine �in the -evince a( Ontario with respect although the cortlion rate Ivas almerm, " ill'- P IT" ,�udations ra,o . ilia goverument of ilia pi 'It high. Ria possible if the commission's revotmu. limits, ra. -h-nd tile AliliNter of is met .vcri sot�. -ovince wh".0ti House of Com v good it ,,, the income Tax Act of Ontario. Porliaps, I should possible huge capital. appreciation ,.at made effective. We do not agrole. Any Ili I Finance, journeyed to Toronto. lit whiell time he ill.-,- e.xplain that the Income Tn.*,: Avt of Ontario diff-ers to federal income tax. I clin borrow now could still borrow if tit,? comonfs,lull's . I 11 I c"sed With Mr. Nixon. Ar. 2ilt-Questen, Mr. IN'tolters from the Acts at most of the olhor provinces in this I solenonly -warn those who are obviously prLasing recommendations were in force, Tile 6rievesis of sucYl and in, -,elf the advisability of ituphinitinfinic tile recom- respect-tbat,wo allow its It deduction from the income for suchactian that they may aggravate that suspicion borrowing in either case depends upon the creilil of . lnendti�itqis of the 8imiq'rvpo�t. Along with my col- of the Ontario taxpayer the amount of tax paid to tile anti destroy completely public confidence in govern- the provinco Which is attempting to borrow- ifox M- . . . leagues present, I urged-ve.,, itlmo%t begged him to 11'a dominion government under the Income 'War Tax, A -a intints. amplo, vilith their resources we do no! tNnk Wmt either . � . his influtuiee to prevLot this bet-onoing a nation -al k'uL' before we barposo our, own tax. . ,ut I . Ontario or QuLbec,%vill have ,lay difficuln, in horravii .- � . A. during war time. I ant sootisfivil lie conveved Inv mos- Is that ititerf(ring or competing -With the dominion, Canada Must Be United it this report is imphimmited; soiiie other pro-inevs, Aa ge to tile Prime Minf�7tvr. I wa,, tlwrtifo�e, sonivulint ostighilly as it has been admitted byr former Minister-. Now I come to n, subjvLt Of evoill greater I might have; but is there n6t A. quil8tion Its to AelicAber 1 . " perplexed When, a ft, -.r days Into% I r"eived it letter at nance of Canada that for flit- 6minion. to levy an _uat mportanco lhose latter could barrow satisfil lorily evon if itim. Canada is liev could not, then roil govern- ax at all is to invade provincial fields 'Of behind ilia prosecullon of tile war.'Ive are it unitot they are certainly no worse off nfe6 inirlemi-niatinn I . from the Prime Minister of Canada ao]14,in- that a con- - came t, �onnl unity. We have it to-olay, Ali report is not implonnentedl If t " ference would be cal7i,d Anil diat tile f"'ll-' till t.0131111011 foe id I Meat was, in effect, IT?Olarl!101111113�g faVOILril b lu uxation I . people. We need be. We have it in ill because then they Ana borrow in proper eabw upon I . i consider- - 0 1 1 ., I ation of the commission fludin,­, Attain, in order to To ninke such an allowance as I have set out is not dictilors. I happen to knom, sonitilhing about Tali ' , I I maintain our consitirenvy, I replied As follows; Corliveting vrith the dominion; it is taking a secondary 9'Ous the credit of Canada. "' ... �, � and racial i8sues. I van speak feolin&ly oil this subject. , position to the dominion. Furthermore, let, me state '"'a tried. Its a go-,ornment, to reniedy a simple ob- Tile fact is, and ilia report makes it o!.emr, that in I 'I linve vour letter -of Xovember 2nd, regafaing the that the province of Ontario was the. first llrovince in viour linjustice and inequality -ivith regard to school lilt-. inatter of future boTrowhi-,,, the provinces arii to . air . � F ois cominission report, Canada to arrange with the dominion to ,ave the cost tll-.,- rpvpI­,u.­;. We failed, nud ilia very ones� we tried to be left in exactly the saine position ill -%vbich tli,e,Y lio"r . 01, 'I 'was Lopeful that it discusqion of this problem of collection of the income tax and the eeonan�ic waste help ivore its anNious Its anyone else to have us retrace are. Indeed, they Ann contimit, to bot-ra,v upon lhe�lr- . . � . . . I - could lit, dolaved until after the -War so that ilve're could of time of taxpuyers; Ontario airraliged ,wif), tile our teps. Is not a similar situation, oil a larger settle own credit. In. addition, they nre givoll a ,new and be 110 possiUity of any controver4hil ismto arising dominion goiernment that (be Onvotri* itax should ba do,- a;rping todayli vitlitable right, e%clroijsnbl,� wholk, at thi,ir own (op0on. .11 I I I vhl,�[L )night, ilillinir mational �unity and the effective collected by the liante dominion Officers and at tile same AL'Iready therZ, ',Ire rumblings that Quebec is getting of borrowing npou tile credit ei Canada." � . prc..�eeution of the W=, time as the dominion tit,, is collected. preferred treatment. I know that, to some ewtent, there . I � 'However, in view -of -the filot that -,I conference is to That is not competition. Thnt is -cooperation, -ad- are imtenunting circumstances. But the fact remains IION. T. D. PATULLO, PRIME MINIST'Ex O,F '� I be called it is the intomitiou of this governmonit to make mittud by nil, and due credit Itteing given by till ta--t thvt (luebee is being To,litivLd of some of ber municipal BRITZEr-Z COLUMBIA, (Vol. 1, pages 44 aud -,S) t . Ry3ilable its Tepretwintntives quy time that ma�, be ,re- puyvis affected. . debts. whilo Other provinces are not. Quebec is to "'�� �1, I I'L 1� I quired after the middle of January. as,suggeo*id by Further, tile dominion government on September 'ce,ve all eight million dollar yearly irreducible sub- "Money., of course, is at the root of V,,;% v,?w1c, ques- �i. , .� t. Vnulo Monetary measures .should be based upan . .�� ,, 11 I you., 1301, 19119, ridded q surtax of 20 Tier cent. Applicable, to i#�-. wbila others including Ontario, are not to receive tier li � I I .1 � I . Later still, on December 2% a0AU, the Prime --Xin- income of 1909 and subsequent periods. Ti I mount a - Vellt. Again thCTP are e%tCX1IIlItiug eil-aillustances. -the liroducti-To capacity of our people, the larciduelixe ". . . 1�?, ,,�, I , ister in a letter rtuteiltin palrt�. I lealior amount of income left in tile hand als! the tax- 461�,' ox,planations do not always ex�lllin such cases capacity of ou-t- people call be amplified by -Wise nwnL- � 1. I Tits %Ary measurcia and other consid, ,ations. I I . payers to be subject to the Ontario tax. � ,10wovizias ,,at with ctimlain. sections of society. - I I I -;�­­- - 'In view of requests from seytiral of -t the pro"naes, a Ontario agreed to absorb this loss T --a 1,6viomile. I . We are now toldthat it is nccc�sary imnmeie-,�trffy to ­. � � proposed agenda irhich we twill reconimenvol 4-o the The Toronto XeZegroin is a poworlul newspaper and - . I i� �. .11.- I I �iwflects 'the Opinions of many citizens of Ontario -tvbo implement ilia recommendations (4 tho coll:1311114:11(fla. Sur_ I , . 1, . conference has been ,workea a it -and is ouffludol'bliloW.' Ontario Suffers Revenue Loss ha.vea great respect for its considered opinions. Tito cossfully .Ili order to prosecute tire War. Th- 1,�,Ovion I- 9, .. � , ­ . '\'at � I' ­ I . having been ;asked for, not- hiving,made any 7'. ­ ­ - . recommendations, I --therefare Am -free. to 'suggest tha . t On August 7th, 1040, the 20 -per cent. surtioc and Toronto Tolearant, has dealt 'with this aspect of the, mictit r;f Dritish Colunthin. llisnarves with this vi ­,v. I ­ further consideratioulle, given to the followinit sentence all the old rates itudt'r the Dominion Income Tax Act report With great effe". I shall not quota from its am snrry that tho wintring (it Ott, war ha,� I omj ime.0 IIA, . !, were repealed and lit their places newer tOid higher P at is mot iialcest�avy. All .I call say is not tin nirguntent to fasten 1) �rivan,�nt;y ulion. Chi, 1.rov:i- , �n . . I in the letter in question: ditorials�tlu I' rutes were enacted, and tit the same thlie, excuiptions to underestimate the pov% er of the press in this regard ' and the Dot.,"nion. of canada .,I ohang,� lit do-airt., � . , ��" - 'I should like to zinplutsize the view tit flit, govern- wer� cut. Miese changes i applicable to the ineornez This new issile being dvvLqored prvilents a challenge provincial relations -w1fleh I firmly 1.01mt� will Nvc-rk � I �. , 1 I , -we" , I ment that the apenlaz niil,inn .should bii-ecinflited to (if 11)30. Besides thv�o changes in rates, the new to those Off us -who beli,wt? Ili national unity. To blind to the hitury and not to flip bone.fil of t1w, dominion I k-* L general statements line not to debate on points of. detail �Xatiotial Defence Tax -was anacted applicable to incomes ourse I '. I,- I ­ . Ivest,to the obvious is not fair to Calincla, not fair and the provinces of which it is campoisvd. . - I ­ . ­ or special circumstmoves.' . earned from July .14t, 1940. The efrect of these added to our Aoighbonring province of Quebec, espe.,,*all-y . 1, � I I '1111posts '%vita to serious!), redu,* the xevanues ,Of the villoetilby this deal, -according to the best constitutional If there had been no cmmniK,;ion. wv,r rotpa�u-ez I .�, � �� � 1I;�, . Public &,ould -Se Informed. , -a T C,111 get -Qnelive, and the rest of us will have would still proceed; And ri;ht now v,,ithuut any changiu I . province of Ontario, and it is estimated that fer the qdiviL I . I I - 'I' kw.l"Il r The folloNving parmp-raph of tit(- lotter Inform., its that fiscal year which beg -ins on April J., 1941, the provinvii a rt. -roc, to it surrender to a central autlioritN- of rights Ili our constitution the daniftilau (,;.Ti talzi, att. . of Ontario Will sufi-tx a loss of revenue of upwardo; (A and privileges granted by ilia British North Am;�ico% deented necessary to tbo vviniting of the v.-ar; anti, tN- t, I 'V � the conference will ,%lion xi,t,olvc Itself into -,working t% 0 1 people are .solidly bi-libid th#i gow-rivini-tit, lhiilf ­v.-!�e* �� , v 11 mion dollar-.;. Act. Elany -fhat so long as my colleagues And I have . coutillittees, whivit vulll sItIn voincia. . 'We lin,ce turned over the E40n Hospital -n. �svvtm ally -any lit ,diTec.ting llublic. p6licy for Oritnrio and so resource which we po-;Fkr,l .011111 be hroll'i , N 41 at-o"in : P . The Ontnrio dehipalm flesire that wo state :Our case million olonort long its flure is a British North Anierica Act in its tit the earliest possiYu inway.nt for uio- purp,3st. vit -rur- . . . hist! tution-and artmair other ,firo�vinciai thering our war effort. 9,�. publicly and brivIIN, uial nt .nil time'l)v a p3rty to a ,properties, without payalent or leward and will. can- tit folvill, which I-n-anot lick Amended at -WIII by a � . licholle w1liell,withh-I)ILls from1he press- niAl the public tiling to do so, = -government that may lit future take office Let us face this question fairly RTICI squarely just . ... vital informat on to w3ji,Ih.tht!y arr� iusily,eivitled. We have enrtnilLd our carqtal expenditures amd as if there ware no war, us -wall tha conditio t lic- I F"- in-OtTteinvIan.4ve iffiall, -as a sister 'provin ce, starl%olidly A n u it 'We '%rare not infliviiied nor tmnsullt,fl with regned to have delayed necessnry ,.vorks--m,arks ill at ,would .have beiiide Quebec ,if tit any time her miuority rights are time -Of tile cippOintunitut (If t1ol commisfInn; and Ttoil . A 'Us sound foundation of nation il unity Plac those who believe that ilia, propi,sa�% art., oot!t Tx . tile ternis of roferi-ne.,, vvitmint-a-iii th,- or&- ill, cotiiivll bteen Profitable And 'would lurva ',vlolded additGitll thr atentill. on t "A �. . ( passed 11y tho dorniMtn, eali . met which gavo life to the TeVullue, . We stand -as fIrm. and resolute as ilia Ravk of Gibraltar harmful chaTticter undtir the intlic-tiumit that Ute.17 jxre K commission itself. Then, too, in an effort'to encisurage the becoming of "taoill. 'To lay hands on the life 'work of Sir Wilfrid hindering ilia war effort of this dominion. � ��, - , tilincrican tourists who will bring .1%qth them mlach Lauxler. tond'.81tr .Johm. A. 2-Tavolonald is nothing short 'When Ontario's proomit�; -ior --was madowe taiked, for needed American dollars, No neces.obry -to eliable t1tv ofmationul,voindalism. . � nothing. When the kudini!+ W -ire agreed aution by thill . . Would Retard V'ar Effort � � � P1. -rin -lind -r.o repre,ce, Mr. . dominion to save excliange and prosecute ilia W11T, the � , commissiontirs, Quin: intive,* 2 province of Ontario has undertaken to expund On pub- Do We Fiddle W-hile London Burns? The commission: further statia; . 1� , - I Rowell havimr ]onz h4ure it ,!rir -d 4,,V.IAIu­ (4 ill health. lipity nud advertising for touriste this volar the soul ',A But later oil we were jiiLtoutiwd vith .I ,o,ti:y live hun- o . 'In ithA iltulit,.,ovar period Ira may have it) open. our 'Tito immediate eftvrt of Plan I oil dominton, finamicas I dved thousand dollar otlior!-the.product .k'tho minds f three hundred thousand dbilays That, �itvvordiai4 to gati, - million, ,'aropenu homLless would be Adverse,, sinco, in somot degree provincial fill- , fficials of the dominion gover;;I�e .lo,to,thousalid.�, ve, s. of B . I t . 11 of three professors a..'a it """1111tipeg DeJVt,I,t",I.r lovill o ut, is ce)011ellati(ill. and ,ileaLituto, If t -his eventuntes, ilia British North ances -wouid have improved ,it tile mperiso of 1hase iof �� . . mone of whian had mioy �!t��-��t-iinieni.al--i�di;li;ii.,*tr�itive �uot competition. Altaxion, Act,may serve it visoftil purpose until the pro- the dominion.' ." . I I C ,�Ad in respect to the Corporations Tax, It ivill be cess,oliussicallation is ,completed. Inasmuch as the finances of ilia domi,nion, z"amit- . . exper Lu a, and wholso. -iopiuiumt,aT<si.m.q ou,,nuot share., `. I I I � � . wit fln the memory at the representatives of,tbe various; I In view of the fact ,ihat In t;,, report -itself, it is 1,rovincas here that the nuthorWes tof the domiation Is �this the time to send a. co'uTier to bonab-torn ing to the Commission, are not immediately to lie ima- 4 ., I . stated flint Mr. Rowell!luid aiMbing:10 do%.N,,Itli it, his govestiment have Appointed a bo=id,lo he presided aver London 'vvitfli an, document all his hand alid have hint. proved but tile rovarac, it doem not stieti logical to iiagr- , I I name, which ]ills bven -tol.ga,til .,-a iir---.Ixurl,o4eA Of PrOPI`- by -the Hon. Charles P. MeTtigue, ,Justive of Rup Su- stel"Inle.the Zill of NA,usiminater and ask the nritish at that ilia implament'n1ion, of this recommendoliciii � o . ganda, can very wall Fbi-ankhoi,d hl�furre. prinue' *Court of Ontario, which boorrol'itas hocu toeirn,o, parlioniont to, pause lit its conRitlera(lon of que,stions g; . . ilia commission is esseatial io our war effort. .Rallicir ., Those of its Who bel1i--.v,, Ili -d-nno­racynabhor Ilia Very tonihitexinine flip amount of obsolescence aind diiiirecia- deternilding,11he wtiry Ilia Of the British Empire in order does it suggest that' darir.g till, period of the wur the i I . to aabate Jais question of a now constitution for Implementation of- the, plan Will be it burden An tim � . I , word ITrolinganda he ...... uso tit%! v!Voilalion of ready. lion flint may be allowed taxpayersas a -wi,Itt­-orf agatlu.t , doutinion's war effort,. iiot alone throuizh the wtstump- ; , . made Opinion., by Uov 04attrelIV-17 .OIIH,l poover is the profits which -Will be subject Its -war tuxallon. The ' , , � most dann,irmis Polemy tifton'flizt(il"11"n. .1'rom this per. goveimment of the province of Olultnrio has till nonne-d while London is ,burning. In the heart of the Lonpire the time and efrort which rinst necessarily be oillentle-d .1 — , To mo -it is aluthilikable that we should be fiddling lion of additional fliarricial V)ligationg bu.t flircm--Ili .. . siicelive Noe N, -n flit,. �ivil nvnrldiu, dfnituich a vicious thaGit."'All accept without questian Ithelindings oxithis . systi'm in 1,111,0110, lezkv�bxg In its ,wiike ibigery amil dothimian-created board. Ilia ,citizen* -men, )volneik, bQys and girls -,with their Ili ilia setting up of tha nmv or.innimition, ats proposed 1. � suffering whieb slinketi. oitk�-*�.;,,'faitli'iai:�3,1.1,ni-.%.iity itself. . bar � lutuds clive bvit-rhig,out tile flames spread by T%tth- by tile COMMiSSIOn. It would thereforp seem tile part 1� I . I _ . Ontario Not Competing less vandals upon the housetults and tile roofs of their (if -ivisdom. to get (ill- -wilil the war a -Lid povzTmue 'an - 4. bomes. Aritolls, on tbe libores of the .sell And in the far-ratiothing and contentious a. problem until ,01ter -- I . i C in Provinces and. Donfinion'lBoth Win? %itneadops not permit n, lengthy illooltal �olf,othar tacts ,"treats cal Alidir cities, wrIll resist ilia invader foot by the ,%var." . . Let as guard careflr`YT Tir 'fear:a,ijutilar Irnlikon- Of coliveratiall 01, tile vart (If lilt, goveramo-at atf the fact -With 0air ,very Urn, as their great. leader said . - - stein does not appear iti mill-tinifli,t. 1ji,ibir,first flush provinee,of Ontario, bill I challenge atuvollem) stlacess� they -%vaalcl. Instantly concerned with their strugg'Zo � . I . at public reaction tit(- 1)111104�4=11111 matldu�, made it fullyt-uliarge ilia government of 'Ontarit at:, ;Yet, that to survive Ilaudoto save us throughout this Eniiiira and RON. WILLIAM ,dBRRH�4RT, PRIA-1-E 4J1Tr4JS7,ER I I I I . anwitir that to implvnu�lia ;,L!.i ilocittlaeat %xiQuill inake -alter, i.4lay othoir province, Avilh ,competition for With nail-ing ,else, they are wtiging a 'winning fight OF ALBERTA, ('Vol.' It-poige 63).- � ' . Ile !Irorltlices richer and, ;it! Alle same tilut.. .make tile revenue ir�fioldlt that do act exaInsth,ely :beloolLc to the lo-tIny, tho rom6mbrance of which will nevor die ,while "Out fi�tiople will ask, "NN'by lire I] . . � )) I dominion rieller by the sititilh..'Irrovess 4f;transferring proviloaep,-ior with tiny lack of coopellitt' n whoolstlayer. livy No anxitilsis to . 'a freadcm-ftwis, 'Thqj lut-ve no other concern. TMi8O till ISSUO MCC this 'Whan We a] have Our f4trifia . I I . . debts and revenues to thlo., oultintral,goverilloottlout. On th000ilter side of the pictum vvmi -ultba,igh the To -day, ;while tli�se brorva paciple are shielding their full Nvith the job ,"f ',lie ir.ar?' And ilia �Wlflsp,--r 34" .. ­�. 1. .. '. - , - Inasmapil As theve are 1=1�,��i�-,,o.l)ftTtio.s,..i�o-itlic d gunivatolein.-of Iteliollrees Coninflavil, ilia i t,uttajd .aift6,r ]Lomas AVtth their ,b6divs and Ili, Ili. the 1,ursting gone around, 'It is the-nionay-powevs.` I I � I - , 'Surely Due nevol oul�- to li-.�,e;tvii,i:l�tWvnt;tv,�ll,i)�, wl OR at' V tolballets, do we wond � ­ i� ed�lo', the oneAholtifunctioned so offeittivelytill �)oitibs und.,(hc,;hu,iI,a- lan chino � 11 I v � 1, till, lust -AN"mr, � I �. � of ectmuiz�%,Vs it) npprociat� :ght, ifa,rl ,that ,bigh cannot was seb,zvj*�v out- Olitnrio l,egis141,Ua,e--1I�nR iby :lilt. lint ilia Loltil' Ma.v.or of London has paused in his I am going to �pcak frattlely, I lialiove t7loat tile : Win, Unbli,ls% there nro tra�,74.ti,,�-.i?ll,,witli.t,llf,.i(IOI)tg suffi. nrohnous.,-voso-the nucleus, wi eftatts to wivo ithe ,latilion JAnd has called :I nieeting of 'Perilous situation which it facli�g our million and tho . � . .� , tit powtir 1to avild,monsiat. . � cleat eximla,g provillvial 1w,twuno" liv. Jorn"'Ill4i'll -will Ing of 31-I, :(lonour Lbluttillant-Oovi-I'llor Itattholvs, flit, aldermen Io nonsider a readjiLinintent ov a revision empire demands sincerity at speech And boldness ,4 '�, -� 'have to in -n -Lase I ases or 60n iiiii. oorobabb-bW.. This Colonel Drioi-pond nryself-and even ailtaimiab �%% ill aver of the borengli -aystem ,at the great metropolis which action.. I maintain 11rat. it.-wolt1d be mott tolifortumalo .1 .1 11 ; � � .11� I dovs, hmvi�ij,r. offor tin wqoitoull LY to i1xPkir4-. every it Year n&u%ove 3onrlwyod to Ottair.-i find ppi-liolially is now -,I bellQagnmed lartrassi if the iden, gains popithir toredeuco that there is a reilia- ... I . I)oss.bi*,il3-,ci4,t,citiL,iiii- till j;,nAr,IIul,-iil:ol1 oot,t- i,*6V4.nndA phnIged, oatibithalf of tlic, Organization. ,till,, Jvallh,st iiiaii,- I lislan to JiVtr. f0burchill, to Mn Ploosevell, the two carted and deliberate attempt being illade by lbe Money � !a is Ilropti-IX-cl Io ropperate to sure of onopell,,flon in ovory l)0,;s!I-0.V te'vir 'erfort !tile I a easo cmitraliv.ed!.contrul of citir ultwtional . : I , I , .and to thit,vaad. Otitur great doni6exatisilleado,rs ,who stand not as beacon liglita powers to in r . . I . , - the limit zit * t right time. "R.ut!is -at dowestfe: joiroblent. mL,cretitilyvofiti�,,,,E)i-gaitiznti()ii 7lo%t, aari;,teg;luv� � . � . 1, �� idiori, innf, in this b6vorifAmtOol �:ovulrld to -day. X believe in their zin- life while our attention is fully. occupied -With this- . , pvt it ... n devote timi, iunitl,4itIli�ri,.t.,;,,it,;ii,,,,,e..ivar it single 3fti(lol10RT,,0r ('0131MUnlealion, h..q... Aulne vnilci,all carity, Only iii'll �du,aat off'ort �N,ifl r'nve civilization and -I, effort; and flint tITLrOby Uiere .� � 't , to which , prosecution d our iv�a I � I . ., :, problem. nofilmuch better W * ,ssi tur). beeptlupR the from the X-rdtillitit!gavernmeni. Christianity. f9oitr totimftol.l goverlionelit now, undoir the is developing tin andetwour to obtain lilt unfair Ad - I financial pipoU6-ns of to -day =%-.r;lIo,(.A­.'e,Ty liqlvji�ola. Any just.ti,tiljoir,rot flint, moov be ]or War Afensu'rem.A.'at,Ims ce,treme, Avon diciatorin], poNver. jv�lemltftge ever tile peoplo by means of irnposing nron I I . '0 aw If there is allyChil I a - atmicture under -which they itvill . � \ - ,to of a year vaiawo governmenit;4liq,lititrio for its*ccusid AN d -Alitiat dtho s'pacilde that flit, dominion govern - 4 ,.tionship witai ,44k Ig g crushing debt � , in, comIr (.TPA judgmenot tau . . I I .Iimuli that tile ectlepruls4lopo-jr.a ,.Well gr,9.111- this issue Way ,,0011�A;i`ael; liod I accol't tiiiiclrotrl totan. 'Ment warits to help iiin Till Ivaro effort. sin, so, And :[ An, be further enslaved. T mm suru that every Man in tills . +illely sincere, iitti" athm's also, %aintinillwaillf".11,0 plaint, B,ui.l,tf(IJI01,1)2!')Iltlgllll(li.gis . 0 �a eloment: gathering must ])a trivarol that onnsidernble suspidam . izo.12t,ey believe X T , �Auru every pro-rhIL4 Ivill amotist, by palosing imnin'dintely . � - 0, � I � :sfated thilt Ivy ,aefitietli lig the cost aTtonipi4l..%,91�l",Q,ll..T��li2f flint, bacatiold, ,tIfooAVI, attitullp, -%va will ,cf �tbe nonessary cutbUliling legislation. rMli, ,,,, be aceou�- ]ilia been Aroused fit flie mi'mis of maliv bventure of the, I . . 4 rvndir a rin-litolti,alihnee rlt,DCA.0 'um,tl4q . linatial silent , and without upapiting oar intensity of the propagai -. gze -1 . . � . 1. 1,1110 dominion lit,tiq I on while ills, ps otvct broadcast doliberAteliv ltor ,the 1plisboa vvithont,ecialtitoversy An, iulnlpaig�- und' tbx ut . _ I : . tairovinces and Clot muniriplllitlm� Altott amlyelle ,iNVtJX) . treasonably woll,iorgalkiiizad zykem of government. cxPenditilre of money ord tim T.tantiol tvn(i unwarri�ntte& ... . . purpose at 1"Ittilbigulls as. illipatriotio, Illolm@4111ollirl� it,,, , I I . I I ;Q�ys so to -day, Afl,,�,Pnversnnt with illbe axa*i, if -a c%tfi, f'* ivith Dur sittltl sPrQvj',jiPii,s, or guilty of tioiag �Ila, sto that has been 'nriT . a . . I I ;, - Atilty of unadultoAr&. pli,ing edi in. 00TITIM-Ohn wRII 111113, t; � - I . - 1, ,d 'hillilbag-1, to block cateadia, ijill,aphioving our ma-dTorum -,yqar'(uff,ort.: Ontario Slutli -Con.'snue to Help Adolition. of tile RONVOII-Siraie woommondtldons. ; I . . � I . I I ., I ..;'i�', N tile" I say to!hlifitto,"Wet all*)] defend 0111 olve,.* hulmithrut I erfoet Aritiolf Oziiiirio believe we have been, Make no mistake abonb 5, Not; only . . � . , ­ U'nC1np10yA%4cs lWajor At itya �fil " " . file eirarts, to, I I �� -1 . . 'i � 0148 1, hind of attack 110�.,,-W"Iltitgoor of tile legittlolibraig, zmd. it4i'll",�.,,,,,��,t,,,,,,,,*IiitlI eiltutitaille to be go, even to the lant zrain ilia adoption of iliese rei-ollinieudlitiouIN bint thi" � . : �. . , : *- .. ; . , � I ,an the publiep.Int4;ii�1 , I 1 .of .1 inot ,joining in the �c%mivur to tinlond oyer"two barraitte of obviously inspired prollagaudit to .1vin soup. i � I . � ..;.;, I 11,�Pto. Xr, 1-rovi-O ,sitir ";07P whila glob 6411. "An" Alid � . � . . , Te'llii�.1 was writtes, al't'it, 111:111 holf ,.,v� ,entij�,�,Iyai�aoi 1, ITere I aviiiiii M lig,,of; j�:l,,A oillinrtullijy of ,,,,,ftII�l1,.9 i 'billioni. dollars of debts of other public bodies on the Perb for tile "union now" proposo s havo boomn VaIlAtAT . . . . I . ,� " havt. .st,eurf,ol jobs opil, i,iji t ill., other .k.mil' iwoli,igi e �tIig I . I . ; 1) � foe purely floultinglIxI ,Ip-'d400l,a,og . . plisatiI,s ,I Allot. , (honitnion treasury is %var lione. The proceii,; of transfer growing uneasiness in tile Ininfln of inatly..'Wrico,flicrr it � ,;�, rs that llt,,I, Jta,,c i I . . I . p1d fit induAteir 4;, ­;Ig fhh� yinly. T 1104cit. %--r yell tllc�v 11ttAgO.4 I�y ;n1lemliting 141 el,oqll-L mll�js . itsulT �Vauld be havolved find upsetting to our whole is ,eommon knowledge or not, wa, in Albe in ,am -fnl?"' - :. . I . : . . . � . .:. . .1 , I . . : I o4 1.1ovivit. -lit fact" if wo 'oo." "ciia", fAl ott� i *,, ­tw �. O, 'I'll (71,11, - I ­ , - Rn 111liq - I with the 00'rInIttlits Of1iia,'riothorn and undt,r (tbol,l Auanctiol tivstono. A fraurfer of till ta\ c Icefiall netiv. i uf4jrmea on tile actioll wIl-fell. Was taken 'in AwArtioil. I .. . . itilliata .. . . ­,� . I 1� � '. . Offorf-itt. Is a 3-0fleefloil oi, jil. �,00�ornmenol 1la;?t lit) pti t; - cies of wnr j1%Altk.1,ida; lrl.41,�trable damage loo bogh � ws indi -eportlo flit, central regard in �r propaganda. In t1mv- ulrttwx . . . . , ,�; 't-li 10111t, itios,cif itll� class I tatted in fba i I ,:, I I I � ­ - -'ill adult *Wfles,01;Q11� ,7�jolk,onal unity And (q(11444%ec . I . to worh il'plinediftlely flit, jlj��,icjjo, country Ftl this I . �;t­ - .. .. I . 11to,01009,1 could Only tia made after complicated and lay seem to have lilt It mora d(Niet indhoft . 11 ... � . i I ., .. I I Calloolift. ;'lilt tile ewl of s�-:)In�,Ajiloi reliolg ii)oinfihions 'I .deq . . I far z2king legit4litittin 00111d be onaeled, Tile time than ,,%va have to deal -Willi titil"i .: . I 1, � I 1.11 I -, "', does uot lok,r any ini-nits $(I' ' , .ire IO (Jolot,a ,olte nil 0�orit;.v no; a case In pollili, illo untAtirs,.We noto lizolit 4 , i * � "At �PbA 1"Y"", Tbh-iTW;i$ 1101, T,fAl. I*Xoronto Sill", a ARIlilyrol"oyl ilia prosent f#Av,qtnV, ""Xid,of (),ill, at ilia ledortil parliament would bo devoted intit-'a of allowing ffia, n -c cl zad1w fuctilitim far it--% � I . . . I ;.- . . I&I [lie Irlioy, of xinpnij)lo�..,i,t.!,',,,,',.r,ill) I �Vxy mal$*.l��31)61 gqv�yvmcnt in its 64A,jilif* �Crf 'VA4(,Ambcr 20011 3,9", � -�vas done Irtirel. tiloy t t - .. , , I . . . I I I ,;i- . I . ilathlg 41iiiwxtior whon everY Oullea of, effort is requirM �Jilaaant noilog, ns rote, na this, . . . I vast bul'deh�,Ilf relief and giiiiftkl�;y s"Paking. '04il cqlllv� 'An, nlo�inn V, . :� . �, . I . I .. 11 I I yif: !ill vie anoteessfill proseculsoll of The will,. .And while Propaganda fts bahrip: livIrversi've. to Illn . i- �. I . . ", � 111111t, to do M.. � I vog Millis (owigated . �� . I 1. .1� , '. tit ,, I .: - Under prtio,"Ilt Arrangerm.'Alt" 'fit"I d0mililon ,,"Alitd- 1�q q . YoUlitelit'(18 10 hPlit this war with British empire And raised suv'h a; FAwIm. of.pratinittlyd . .. I � . I � , � . ..�.;* , 4c-.. tar believes tVio, Mile qI)OI-Plitfle.n. a i � . �. . ,:­. 1 '1! '� 1%i, - ill(' TOPOld, 14W Joist4lotos, of pr Inter's ililc find t'o tile In.4f; Pago Of iniblic addresses on ilia subject: NA! to. 11w alkandhmO4. . . . ' 4 ,110 Wit M1114 [AII13 �ibrm Should be y,r,d0,40oN%e1; 60kfusion,- Ill ior confusion, would I raylvil I'll I ,. , " It 4.49 , . :. 5�;,,, 0110, t el . ;nil)% �, I i . i�i Allies forty Ptl cent. tnAvar(bl;iA1w,4Jv0t lit". ad, clagotim I . " � 1. . . , (I shelter. 14q;1)Is roporl is edoultIll;1 .ntiTot)-, vttba ej�le,q lie x collector nnit, in,s 4;.Al offsti'L48sume certain AIR AD,V,c��AWOIINJ (is existing tax Machine p i4i auh- . . . � r I .. . ­ � iron t I �, ,in . . I Sitroly A must be evident to zivy�,Ibyal; Itrib ... I I . I . , .�. jolo,,ninfoil -,vill #&.,I1rilnI,� j.;j�11ing,ailil �Is 11cruio,r itkiite ftlovllti;�lq; respolisibilitiog,' dow'", , I � Fy bogged jeot that'lo sit calmly and iniTifferentAy, by -vo-Aila Nve I . I ' * .. 1 I � : ,;, � . . . --. . V4, have to be f,4,rII(, by Out provinims All ol, ill unicfl)A--! 9110t ,,&t-'�ti tile then frwl.tAlitr o to%o being boodwinkad and intiefgled, ffito- RhanclAl :: . � � "".�, otia'Aflor revenwit. out Ili *10 KVar say x1loty , We, Al A*.,oirio, 1 ,rinilliAsize, have fou"'OuRly oul- dictatorship or a fascist state, .31, 0) Vine -011'ery we arre I I . I :�� r fbaf.paper, I 1 I - " %�-bif'h Ibc&o'tp,;(s were for� Viiw. 1, , d 1P. I 1; In i,f�� ,co itoria, .cs� Satltrda�,. op*rm-A ,%zi,�h ItAlcl donikinion governinont in i10 war I i i:�: . �.� t mierl-A. met, have b,. 'Nhdu N TA�,' ,11 , 0 04 I I .1 . - tile bolis - Jana uiv . �.11 � . � . . � , O'n Bill 1! 1:0 tliv fbot�llfon- I ARAI y . quota, ,1r111)r( qity'�A 4i�glll givit . t of our III anhood to� lilie, orufflire .- I . Put ,iivv" ilia neturti *-orking out- co", , . i,:!. -,.Nvo;!em i's quite 11.- ,rbj;��, has, naturally ,qAIA �?011tinl'tq to do an. But this is a sacrifTeNg our all to ovorcome that 11011ii filing whiell US . ol � ..: � - : - dif(eroit�t from tilil ., ng, ItOaAeUVA, do.aimiavat, and' VO bP1i(`V(1 11011014fly And 'w � --a I I I . . raised its bond in ilia world in mnn�ripd ui 1ohill- , , , indivitlIgAli; ,%vbo t � 1 4. , , . . , ,J��gh. strong batiM :"."r, I t ,;qI,flc,it)at(,d- Wti,,11 dg 4-,,,,,Nrt Nvas Orttoto fin Ap eyfl concerns and %,00,aflJl;l, sincerely thont the itime to 44,ocuss it, iio not now, ))tit -a!' vru(FvP.ginarp*XV9r*-- % i yrittap, ,on page 85, jp,ok 11, ii; j% c.lid 411ttt 1'.,( -j"o-'s ntre Po,60,4aro 0. 4t4tovilleirt) bonds gi',��pj4lq a projeq, Ji'littokI ( I � . . , 111,11all orolar of centrallyed corth .� ]Aft to tU: flrovincos ";Z. Moro, stitblo, In 0.iiltario,� vm I antly whan 1310 alleumvp to oill? Jainorvacy, Obvistlanit7 N -not only -ridiculous but obillizerously. arimihitL '13hot've � I � . . :..il - -w"oijd pffica �t ptorodib of tile (10))4J,tol'" hallind provill", I frAcdo ,.v tlle'\C�? , �o apology to make for spealillig thw%r . . bo blietoritli, I � %,, $I'll', hm'x left [he ,A r. ,'A 1§1 rellitl"N'Pa 7) 11711016 dofnat and I �'. . I . r . . pr/Aeo from I% r,iquotr.,(!on,V -aily do- OT011 Annih WWI OC 1,46 ri&v�sio I -� , . � :.� : I � � 1� -Board opp,yotionot,. vahltj� jjeenet�s X�lgd ­ 1 '40080 .warkot v4J.ue '�,ols gr( - A,47 I oo p6lverii.", . .1 1 . .. I I , I W11pro, is ilia stabililyl floll of tile r,q,J0,1;t,T0 #d 4% ulliloll 41$ ,�12!1`000 06t,% ^r, PRINTO MinvTER OF ,rJON. J. L. ILSL4'Y, DOMINION MIN=TU �OF � I I ,.�,� I ,golsolint) 6N. feriortited, ,A ,rptogo bi,oker has ealJ;,V.4I.,V.(J flint ACU)p. A tION . 4, 8 . 9deRILL . . . 0 . � I ,�. . W"Kinto pralliblflon, vis; 4 doraffilorr wAsure, lina I $1,10.000,000 ,7,Aill ,J;(A�Abt A ` � I flip. b,nlvils ,1VOYA' SCOrl,4, (Vol. PJ,NANCE, (Vol. 2, page 80)* . . � 2r I 1V06.(,()0 t,,l, thfivahlahl ,ill page 2.1,) I . ­ !. I Alrea(ly bco'll 1-1,411011"d nhoL lif :it%, rm.t, , �( I I .� I . I . I .. - .1 I . tile `N1iy&"cr of 18'1�r Sf-I'vi'. , ,vVival answer � . I , i . I . I Por"Petily """ , � . Arittlifobs, f1;A-qlc4AvkI.;,vAII and Albt�rflli, ro,"Joeth-On 1t we ivere ak�otl in giy( 'atioll Illat Vo 1121ve Wt Ift 'I It enbc "I appracNato ilia toopel ::,,�. N ,,Il"�,;,""I" "'ITS 111plo gift 10 1114,J)n1latiOp" .-V.0111d be mort ewri(ly !n filvolint)g 'or oplitiAll)g the report Ilf4 I& wholo, flint roceived from ilia provinces and I want to inentiolon in . .1 c,1111. l.o; It , . I P0tIY 40, fbitt ilia fodo,r,,11 iove, . ni.4`10 �111111 Any 11thor prowillen, Ontmfq'll o�ml L.-)nd.q ,Omoinflng X11yott Sectli$ as .W�X, (10, would particular, ilia cooperatiovi from flip lwavirlep oat .. r, . � ; . ",. � powar to ellillct Pull A Measure, , I 01 Tigiver, ,Topi I ' i , I� �.� ,�.. Ivould 4iOt Tict 511(,N4,1311 III �Vot 1; vq a )jcy If . britarlo", I .1 I I I I � ,100 tu ,AD)? Dltirko)d 4exrell, in i b6 1 , . � " . I �1' . . , �., I 11 1. I I I . I . . . � , . � .. . . ". . I � . I I . . Ir I \ I . . , . .. . ,.. , I :�� : . I . I I -%:�� , 7,;, , PUOUSwED BY TH9 AVIr"ORITY OF THE GOVERNMENT OF ir"a 'I -,P' l. -.. I ROVINCE OF ONTARW 1�1 . I! I � .;:. ­ . . -.1. ,, . I � � . I I \ f � I ,�.r: , """' !0 *1- ­­ ''I'll."-.. - I I I . I L � �:,:`:i �:--,;�l���.,."��:il�.--."�-,—. i0i is IN 00*00­ -I-,----- . §*"""!`%-W -V4" 1 �0,0'-, r-joi�,rtl�oiii@i!li�i,,,,,,,,,,,, . I I j�a" 11.0voloft"41 I -01!4'001�1'10'01 0' I i 11 "I'll, "....O.WCiiii . 1-1-1 ... I ... ,� ": . .. ­ I ­.� , .", ... I . � 7 ... ... --, -.' � I .. . I ", , ., . I . . I . . � , . .1 I . . . . 1. . . ,�. ; . . I I . . . . . I I I ,�. � I . . I %, . I I . � . . I I ..�,.�.;:i.- " I I . . . I . 11 W; 1. � , . � 11 . . ��,�`L,,.,� . ., .: , .1 I I . � . . I � . I � I I I r . I . I . I � � . I I I I 1. . . . I . . � I , . . I . �4� 1 11 : ­ I I 1. , . I . � .1 I . � :!� I � I i, � , � , . . � � .� � 1 . . . I I I I I I 11 � . . � . . I � . . .. 'L,.,�. I I 1. . . I i � I : . . I I . I I . .1. r I �, "I � , I I . . I I I . . . s . I , r I I ''I " I , , , I ­ I I I �, . 1-1'1�111*1,-. . I I � �­ , ... � , . .. � ., . . . . .. , . I . I 11 I . I I I . . 1� . . . . I . I I I I � �: : � , , ,, I . I . I . . . : � 11 � z 1;. 1, I L r I I ", . ,� . ,�, I , I , . ; , , . I . . � . I T� I � ... ­,�, ­.- " I � I . . � , . . I ,. � I " ' L% � � � , ,� ­­.; I.. ­­ . ., A ,, ­ " ­­ ,1- I ­;, . .� , ­ � , '�Ilf I ,,, , .. ,.�, , 1 , I r ,,,,, ,, r " I . I 1. . . ­ I I . t . . 1. I ; , '"'. "" , I .. ", : ��, .�,All&h % , j I . . I I I .. .. ....- ..", ... ...-....-1 .... � .... ...... . .. ­ -.-----1.....-1 I ­­- I ­­ -11-1 ­­1,111.11­1�­�. " I �. . . " ­­­­­­ .... � - . .... .. .. ... .... � .... ­­­­ .1111, -1 ­­­­ ... ­­. -.1-1-1- .... I - ­ I .. - I 1. . -r' , ­­ I- 1�.11­